(0.22) | Eze 20:20 | Treat my Sabbaths as holy 1 and they will be a reminder of our relationship, 2 and then you will know that I am the Lord your God.” |
(0.22) | Eze 31:13 | On its ruins all the birds of the sky will live, and all the wild animals 1 will walk 2 on its branches. |
(0.22) | Eze 34:19 | As for my sheep, they must eat what you trampled with your feet, and drink what you have muddied with your feet! |
(0.22) | Hos 11:11 | They will return in fear and trembling 1 like birds from Egypt, like doves from Assyria, and I will settle them in their homes,” declares the Lord. |
(0.22) | Zec 8:11 | But I will be different now to this remnant of my people from the way I was in those days,’ says the Lord who rules over all, |
(0.22) | Mat 10:13 | And if the house is worthy, let your peace come on it, but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. 1 |
(0.22) | Mat 20:7 | They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You go and work in the vineyard too.’ |
(0.22) | Mat 20:13 | And the landowner 1 replied to one of them, 2 ‘Friend, I am not treating you unfairly. Didn’t you agree with me to work for the standard wage? 3 |
(0.22) | Mar 1:38 | He replied, 1 “Let us go elsewhere, into the surrounding villages, so that I can preach there too. For that is what I came out here to do.” 2 |
(0.22) | Mar 14:7 | For you will always have the poor with you, and you can do good for them whenever you want. But you will not always have me! 1 |
(0.22) | Mar 15:31 | In the same way even the chief priests – together with the experts in the law 1 – were mocking him among themselves: 2 “He saved others, but he cannot save himself! |
(0.22) | Luk 12:19 | And I will say to myself, 1 “You have plenty of goods stored up for many years; relax, eat, drink, celebrate!”’ |
(0.22) | Luk 18:9 | Jesus 1 also told this parable to some who were confident that they were righteous and looked down 2 on everyone else. |
(0.22) | Luk 21:37 | So 1 every day Jesus 2 was teaching in the temple courts, 3 but at night he went and stayed 4 on the Mount of Olives. 5 |
(0.22) | Luk 23:55 | The 1 women who had accompanied Jesus 2 from Galilee followed, and they saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. |
(0.22) | Joh 4:6 | Jacob’s well was there, so Jesus, since he was tired from the journey, sat right down beside 1 the well. It was about noon. 2 |
(0.22) | Joh 11:16 | So Thomas (called Didymus 1 ) 2 said to his fellow disciples, “Let us go too, so that we may die with him.” 3 |
(0.22) | Joh 19:40 | Then they took Jesus’ body and wrapped it, with the aromatic spices, 1 in strips of linen cloth 2 according to Jewish burial customs. 3 |
(0.22) | Act 7:16 | and their bones 1 were later moved to Shechem and placed in the tomb that Abraham had bought for a certain sum of money 2 from the sons of Hamor in Shechem. |
(0.22) | Act 7:60 | Then he fell 1 to his knees and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” 2 When 3 he had said this, he died. 4 |