(0.01) | Heb 12:13 | and make straight paths for your feet, 1 so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but be healed. |
(0.01) | Heb 12:16 | And see to it that no one becomes 1 an immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. 2 |
(0.01) | Jam 2:25 | And similarly, was not Rahab the prostitute also justified by works when she welcomed the messengers and sent them out by another way? |
(0.01) | 1Pe 2:5 | you yourselves, as living stones, are built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood and to offer 1 spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. |
(0.01) | 1Pe 2:23 | When he was maligned, he 1 did not answer back; when he suffered, he threatened 2 no retaliation, 3 but committed himself to God 4 who judges justly. |
(0.01) | 2Pe 2:4 | For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, 1 but threw them into hell 2 and locked them up 3 in chains 4 in utter darkness, 5 to be kept until the judgment, |
(0.01) | 2Pe 3:17 | Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, 1 be on your guard that you do not get led astray by the error of these unprincipled men 2 and fall from your firm grasp on the truth. 3 |
(0.01) | Rev 1:6 | and has appointed 1 us as a kingdom, 2 as priests 3 serving his God and Father – to him be the glory and the power for ever and ever! 4 Amen. |
(0.01) | Rev 9:14 | saying to the sixth angel, the one holding 1 the trumpet, “Set free 2 the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates!” |
(0.01) | Rev 14:12 | This requires 1 the steadfast endurance 2 of the saints – those who obey 3 God’s commandments and hold to 4 their faith in Jesus. 5 |
(0.01) | Rev 16:8 | Then 1 the fourth angel 2 poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was permitted to scorch people 3 with fire. |
(0.01) | Rev 21:10 | So 1 he took me away in the Spirit 2 to a huge, majestic mountain 3 and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. |
(0.01) | Rev 22:10 | Then 1 he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy contained in this book, because the time is near. |
(0.01) | Gen 1:31 | God saw all that he had made – and it was very good! 1 There was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day. |
(0.01) | Gen 6:21 | And you must take 1 for yourself every kind of food 2 that is eaten, 3 and gather it together. 4 It will be food for you and for them. |
(0.01) | Gen 8:19 | Every living creature, every creeping thing, every bird, and everything that moves on the earth went out of the ark in their groups. |
(0.01) | Gen 31:54 | Then Jacob offered a sacrifice 1 on the mountain and invited his relatives to eat the meal. 2 They ate the meal and spent the night on the mountain. |
(0.01) | Gen 35:5 | and they started on their journey. 1 The surrounding cities were afraid of God, 2 and they did not pursue the sons of Jacob. |
(0.01) | Exo 16:9 | Then Moses said to Aaron, “Tell the whole community 1 of the Israelites, ‘Come 2 before the Lord, because he has heard your murmurings.’” |
(0.01) | Exo 16:13 | In the evening the quail 1 came up and covered the camp, and in the morning a layer of dew was all around the camp. |