(0.26) | 2Co 13:13 | The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship 1 of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 |
(0.26) | Gal 5:17 | For the flesh has desires that are opposed to the Spirit, and the Spirit has desires 1 that are opposed to the flesh, for these are in opposition to 2 each other, so that you cannot do what you want. |
(0.26) | Gal 6:5 | For each one will carry 1 his own load. |
(0.26) | Phi 3:9 | and be found in him, not because I have my own righteousness derived from the law, but because I have the righteousness that comes by way of Christ’s faithfulness 1 – a righteousness from God that is in fact 2 based on Christ’s 3 faithfulness. 4 |
(0.26) | Phi 4:18 | For I have received everything, and I have plenty. I have all I need because I received from Epaphroditus what you sent – a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, very pleasing to God. |
(0.26) | 1Th 5:3 | Now when 1 they are saying, “There is peace and security,” 2 then sudden destruction comes on them, like labor pains 3 on a pregnant woman, and they will surely not escape. |
(0.26) | 1Ti 5:3 |
(0.26) | 2Ti 4:17 | But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message 1 would be fully proclaimed 2 for all the Gentiles to hear. And so I was delivered from the lion’s mouth! |
(0.26) | Tit 1:9 | He must hold firmly to the faithful message as it has been taught, 1 so that he will be able to give exhortation in such healthy teaching 2 and correct those who speak against it. |
(0.26) | Heb 6:3 | And this is what we intend to do, 1 if God permits. |
(0.26) | Heb 9:28 | so also, after Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many, 1 to those who eagerly await him he will appear a second time, not to bear sin 2 but to bring salvation. 3 |
(0.26) | 1Pe 1:17 | And if you address as Father the one who impartially judges according to each one’s work, live out the time of your temporary residence here 1 in reverence. |
(0.26) | 1Pe 5:12 | Through Silvanus, 1 whom I know to be a faithful brother, 2 I have written to you briefly, in order to encourage you and testify 3 that this is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it. 4 |
(0.26) | 2Jo 1:9 | Everyone 1 who goes on ahead and does not remain 2 in the teaching of Christ 3 does not have God. 4 The one who remains in this teaching has both the Father and the Son. |
(0.26) | Jud 1:22 | And have mercy on those who waver; |
(0.26) | Rev 2:23 | Furthermore, I will strike her followers 1 with a deadly disease, 2 and then all the churches will know that I am the one who searches minds and hearts. I will repay 3 each one of you 4 what your deeds deserve. 5 |
(0.26) | Rev 4:4 | In 1 a circle around the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on those thrones were twenty-four elders. They were 2 dressed in white clothing and had golden crowns 3 on their heads. |
(0.26) | Rev 4:7 | The 1 first living creature was like a lion, the 2 second creature like an ox, the third creature had a face like a man’s, and the fourth creature looked like an eagle flying. |
(0.26) | Rev 14:14 | Then 1 I looked, and a white cloud appeared, 2 and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man! 3 He had 4 a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. |
(0.26) | Rev 16:9 | Thus 1 people 2 were scorched by the terrible heat, 3 yet 4 they blasphemed the name of God, who has ruling authority 5 over these plagues, and they would not repent and give him glory. |