(0.58) | Rev 21:25 | Its gates will never be closed during the day 1 (and 2 there will be no night there). 3 |
(0.50) | Mat 5:24 | leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother and then come and present your gift. |
(0.50) | Mat 8:12 | but the sons of the kingdom will be thrown out into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” 1 |
(0.50) | Mat 14:23 | And after he sent the crowds away, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone. |
(0.50) | Mat 15:29 | When he left there, Jesus went along the Sea of Galilee. Then he went up a mountain, where he sat down. |
(0.50) | Mat 24:51 | and will cut him in two, 1 and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. |
(0.50) | Mat 25:30 | And throw that worthless slave into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ |
(0.50) | Mat 26:36 | Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to the disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” |
(0.50) | Mat 26:71 | When 1 he went out to the gateway, another slave girl 2 saw him and said to the people there, “This man was with Jesus the Nazarene.” |
(0.50) | Mat 27:55 | Many 1 women who had followed Jesus from Galilee and given him support 2 were also there, watching from a distance. |
(0.50) | Mar 6:33 | But many saw them leaving and recognized them, and they hurried on foot 1 from all the towns 2 and arrived there ahead of them. 3 |
(0.50) | Mar 16:7 | But go, tell his disciples, even Peter, that he is going ahead of you into Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you.” |
(0.50) | Luk 8:32 | Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, 1 and the demonic spirits 2 begged Jesus 3 to let them go into them. He gave them permission. 4 |
(0.50) | Luk 10:6 | And if a peace-loving person 1 is there, your peace will remain on him, but if not, it will return to you. 2 |
(0.50) | Luk 12:18 | Then 1 he said, ‘I 2 will do this: I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. |
(0.50) | Luk 15:13 | After 1 a few days, 2 the younger son gathered together all he had and left on a journey to a distant country, and there he squandered 3 his wealth 4 with a wild lifestyle. |
(0.50) | Luk 17:37 | Then 1 the disciples 2 said 3 to him, “Where, 4 Lord?” He replied to them, “Where the dead body 5 is, there the vultures 6 will gather.” 7 |
(0.50) | Luk 23:33 | So 1 when they came to the place that is called “The Skull,” 2 they crucified 3 him there, along with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left. |
(0.50) | Joh 2:1 | Now on the third day there was a wedding at Cana 1 in Galilee. 2 Jesus’ mother 3 was there, |
(0.50) | Joh 2:6 | Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washing, 1 each holding twenty or thirty gallons. 2 |