(0.20) | Jer 15:9 | The mother who had seven children 1 will grow faint. All the breath will go out of her. 2 Her pride and joy will be taken from her in the prime of their life. It will seem as if the sun had set while it was still day. 3 She will suffer shame and humiliation. 4 I will cause any of them who are still left alive to be killed in war by the onslaughts of their enemies,” 5 says the Lord. |
(0.20) | Eze 37:9 | He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, 1 – prophesy, son of man – and say to the breath: ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these corpses so that they may live.’” |
(0.20) | Rev 9:17 | Now 1 this is what the horses and their riders 2 looked like in my 3 vision: The riders had breastplates that were fiery red, 4 dark blue, 5 and sulfurous 6 yellow in color. 7 The 8 heads of the horses looked like lions’ heads, and fire, smoke, and sulfur 9 came out of their mouths. |