(0.22) | Eze 11:13 | Now, while I was prophesying, Pelatiah son of Benaiah died. Then I threw myself face down and cried out with a loud voice, “Alas, sovereign Lord! You are completely wiping out the remnant of Israel!” 1 |
(0.22) | Eze 20:1 | In the seventh year, in the fifth month, on the tenth of the month, 1 some of the elders 2 of Israel came to seek 3 the Lord, and they sat down in front of me. |
(0.22) | Eze 33:21 | In the twelfth year of our exile, in the tenth month, on the fifth of the month, 1 a refugee came to me from Jerusalem 2 saying, “The city has been defeated!” 3 |
(0.22) | Eze 47:4 | Again he measured 1,750 feet and led me through the water, which was now knee deep. Once more he measured 1,750 feet and led me through the water, which was waist deep. |
(0.22) | Dan 11:20 | There will arise after him 1 one 2 who will send out an exactor 3 of tribute to enhance the splendor of the kingdom, but after a few days he will be destroyed, 4 though not in anger or battle. |
(0.22) | Joe 1:13 | Get dressed 1 and lament, you priests! Wail, you who minister at the altar! Come, spend the night in sackcloth, you servants of my God, because no one brings grain offerings or drink offerings to the temple of your God anymore. 2 |
(0.22) | Amo 8:9 | In that day,” says the sovereign Lord, “I will make the sun set at noon, and make the earth dark in the middle of the day. 1 |
(0.22) | Nah 3:7 | Everyone who sees you will turn away from you in disgust; they will say, ‘Nineveh has been devastated! Who will lament for her?’ There will be no one to comfort you!” 1 |
(0.22) | Zec 3:4 | The angel 1 spoke up to those standing all around, “Remove his filthy clothes.” Then he said to Joshua, “I have freely forgiven your iniquity and will dress you 2 in fine clothing.” |
(0.22) | Zec 7:1 | In King Darius’ fourth year, on the fourth day of Kislev, the ninth month, 1 the word of the Lord came to Zechariah. |
(0.22) | Zec 13:8 | It will happen in all the land, says the Lord, that two-thirds of the people 1 in it will be cut off and die, but one-third will be left in it. 2 |
(0.22) | Zec 14:13 | On that day there will be great confusion from the Lord among them; they will seize each other and attack one another violently. |
(0.22) | Zec 14:16 | Then all who survive from all the nations that came to attack Jerusalem will go up annually to worship the King, the Lord who rules over all, and to observe the Feast of Tabernacles. 1 |
(0.22) | Luk 11:1 | Now 1 Jesus 2 was praying in a certain place. When 3 he stopped, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John 4 taught 5 his disciples.” |
(0.22) | Luk 11:42 | “But woe to you Pharisees! 1 You give a tenth 2 of your mint, 3 rue, 4 and every herb, yet you neglect justice 5 and love for God! But you should have done these things without neglecting the others. 6 |
(0.22) | Luk 21:36 | But stay alert at all times, 1 praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that must 2 happen, and to stand before the Son of Man.” |
(0.22) | Act 21:1 | After 1 we 2 tore ourselves away 3 from them, we put out to sea, 4 and sailing a straight course, 5 we came to Cos, 6 on the next day to Rhodes, 7 and from there to Patara. 8 |
(0.22) | Act 26:22 | I have experienced 1 help from God to this day, and so I stand testifying to both small and great, saying nothing except 2 what the prophets and Moses said 3 was going to happen: |
(0.22) | Rom 2:1 | 1 Therefore 2 you are without excuse, 3 whoever you are, 4 when you judge someone else. 5 For on whatever grounds 6 you judge another, you condemn yourself, because you who judge practice the same things. |
(0.22) | Rev 1:1 | The revelation of Jesus Christ, 1 which God gave him to show his servants 2 what must happen very soon. 3 He made it clear 4 by sending his angel to his servant 5 John, |