(0.20) | Job 42:5 | I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye has seen you. 1 |
(0.20) | Psa 5:4 | Certainly 1 you are not a God who approves of evil; 2 evil people 3 cannot dwell with you. 4 |
(0.20) | Psa 6:5 | For no one remembers you in the realm of death, 1 In Sheol who gives you thanks? 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 7:11 | God is a just judge; he is angry throughout the day. 1 |
(0.20) | Psa 7:16 | He becomes the victim of his own destructive plans 1 and the violence he intended for others falls on his own head. 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 9:4 | For you defended my just cause; 1 from your throne you pronounced a just decision. 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 9:18 | for the needy are not permanently ignored, 1 the hopes of the oppressed are not forever dashed. 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 10:11 | He says to himself, 1 “God overlooks it; he does not pay attention; he never notices.” 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 10:13 | Why does the wicked man reject God? 1 He says to himself, 2 “You 3 will not hold me accountable.” 4 |
(0.20) | Psa 11:5 | The Lord approves of 1 the godly, 2 but he 3 hates 4 the wicked and those who love to do violence. 5 |
(0.20) | Psa 13:4 | Then 1 my enemy will say, “I have defeated him!” Then 2 my foes will rejoice because I am upended. |
(0.20) | Psa 14:5 | They are absolutely terrified, 1 for God defends the godly. 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 18:13 | The Lord thundered 1 in 2 the sky; the sovereign One 3 shouted. 4 |
(0.20) | Psa 18:33 | He gives me the agility of a deer; 1 he enables me to negotiate the rugged terrain. 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 18:41 | They cry out, but there is no one to help them; 1 they cry out to the Lord, 2 but he does not answer them. |
(0.20) | Psa 19:11 | Yes, your servant finds moral guidance there; 1 those who obey them receive a rich reward. 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 21:7 | For the king trusts 1 in the Lord, and because of the sovereign Lord’s 2 faithfulness he is not upended. 3 |
(0.20) | Psa 22:11 | Do not remain far away from me, for trouble is near and I have no one to help me. 1 |
(0.20) | Psa 22:31 | They will come and tell about his saving deeds; 1 they will tell a future generation what he has accomplished. 2 |
(0.20) | Psa 24:8 | Who is this majestic king? 1 The Lord who is strong and mighty! The Lord who is mighty in battle! |