(0.41) | 2Ti 2:6 | The farmer who works hard ought to have the first share of the crops. |
(0.41) | 2Ti 2:7 | Think about what I am saying and 1 the Lord will give you understanding of all this. 2 |
(0.41) | 2Ti 2:12 | If we endure, we will also reign with him. 1 If we deny 2 him, 3 he will also deny us. |
(0.41) | 2Ti 2:16 | But avoid profane chatter, 1 because those occupied with it will stray further and further into ungodliness, 2 |
(0.41) | 2Ti 2:23 | But reject foolish and ignorant 1 controversies, because you know they breed infighting. 2 |
(0.41) | 2Ti 2:24 | And the Lord’s slave 1 must not engage in heated disputes 2 but be kind toward all, an apt teacher, patient, |
(0.41) | 2Ti 3:1 | But understand this, that in the last days difficult 1 times will come. |
(0.41) | 2Ti 3:12 | Now in fact all who want to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. |
(0.41) | 2Ti 3:13 | But evil people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, 1 deceiving others and being deceived themselves. 2 |
(0.41) | 2Ti 3:17 | that the person dedicated to God 1 may be capable 2 and equipped for every good work. |
(0.41) | 2Ti 4:6 | For I am already being poured out as an offering, and the time for me to depart 1 is at hand. |
(0.41) | 2Ti 4:15 | You be on guard against him 1 too, because he vehemently opposed our words. |
(0.41) | 2Ti 4:20 | Erastus stayed in Corinth. 1 Trophimus I left ill in Miletus. |
(0.41) | Tit 1:2 | in hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the ages began. 1 |
(0.41) | Tit 1:10 | For there are many 1 rebellious people, idle talkers, and deceivers, especially those with Jewish connections, 2 |
(0.41) | Tit 2:1 | But as for you, communicate the behavior that goes with 1 sound teaching. |
(0.41) | Tit 2:11 | For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. 1 |
(0.41) | Tit 3:4 | 1 But “when the kindness of God our Savior and his love for mankind appeared, |
(0.41) | Tit 3:6 | whom he poured out on us in full measure 1 through Jesus Christ our Savior. |
(0.41) | Tit 3:13 | Make every effort to help 1 Zenas the lawyer 2 and Apollos on their way; make sure they have what they need. 3 |