(0.41) | Eph 5:26 | to sanctify her by cleansing her 1 with the washing of the water by the word, |
(0.41) | Eph 6:1 | Children, 1 obey your parents in the Lord 2 for this is right. |
(0.41) | Eph 6:3 | “that it may go 1 well with you and that you will live 2 a long time on the earth.” 3 |
(0.41) | Phi 1:15 | Some, to be sure, are preaching Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from goodwill. |
(0.41) | Phi 2:3 | Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition 1 or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself. |
(0.41) | Phi 2:4 | Each of you should be concerned 1 not only 2 about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well. 3 |
(0.41) | Phi 2:6 | 1 who though he existed in the form of God 2 did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, |
(0.41) | Phi 2:10 | so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow – in heaven and on earth and under the earth – |
(0.41) | Phi 2:11 | and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. |
(0.41) | Phi 2:20 | For there is no one here like him who will readily demonstrate his deep concern for you. 1 |
(0.41) | Phi 3:7 | But these assets I have come to regard as liabilities because of Christ. |
(0.41) | Phi 4:5 | Let everyone see your gentleness. 1 The Lord is near! |
(0.41) | Phi 4:21 | Give greetings to all the saints in Christ Jesus. The brothers 1 with me here send greetings. |
(0.41) | Phi 4:22 | All the saints greet you, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household. |
(0.41) | Col 1:15 | 1 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn 2 over all creation, 3 |
(0.41) | Col 2:3 | in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. |
(0.41) | Col 2:4 | I say this so that no one will deceive you through arguments 1 that sound reasonable. 2 |
(0.41) | Col 2:9 | For in him all the fullness of deity lives 1 in bodily form, |
(0.41) | Col 2:17 | these are only 1 the shadow of the things to come, but the reality 2 is Christ! 3 |
(0.41) | Col 3:3 | for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. |