(0.43) | Gen 3:16 | To the woman he said, “I will greatly increase 1 your labor pains; 2 with pain you will give birth to children. You will want to control your husband, 3 but he will dominate 4 you.” |
(0.43) | Mic 4:9 | Jerusalem, why are you 1 now shouting so loudly? 2 Has your king disappeared? 3 Has your wise leader 4 been destroyed? Is this why 5 pain grips 6 you as if you were a woman in labor? |
(0.43) | Gal 4:27 | For it is written: “Rejoice, O barren woman who does not bear children; 1 break forth and shout, you who have no birth pains, because the children of the desolate woman are more numerous than those of the woman who has a husband.” 2 |
(0.42) | Isa 53:4 | But he lifted up our illnesses, he carried our pain; 1 even though we thought he was being punished, attacked by God, and afflicted for something he had done. 2 |
(0.42) | Jer 48:41 | Her towns 1 will be captured. Her fortresses will be taken. At that time the soldiers of Moab will be frightened like a woman in labor. 2 |
(0.40) | 1Ch 22:14 | Now, look, I have made every effort to supply what is needed to build the Lord’s temple. 1 I have stored up 100,000 talents 2 of gold, 1,000,000 3 talents of silver, and so much bronze and iron it cannot be weighed, as well as wood and stones. Feel free to add more! |
(0.40) | Job 14:22 | Only his flesh has pain for himself, 1 and he mourns for himself.” 2 |
(0.40) | Psa 48:6 | Look at them shake uncontrollably, 1 like a woman writhing in childbirth. 2 |
(0.40) | Psa 73:4 | For they suffer no pain; 1 their bodies 2 are strong and well-fed. 3 |
(0.40) | Psa 147:3 | He heals 1 the brokenhearted, and bandages their wounds. |
(0.40) | Dan 10:16 | Then 1 one who appeared to be a human being 2 was touching my lips. I opened my mouth and started to speak, saying to the one who was standing before me, “Sir, 3 due to the vision, anxiety has gripped me and I have no strength. |
(0.40) | Mat 8:6 | “Lord, 1 my servant 2 is lying at home paralyzed, in terrible anguish.” |
(0.40) | 1Co 15:55 | “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 |
(0.35) | Gen 35:16 | They traveled on from Bethel, and when Ephrath was still some distance away, 1 Rachel went into labor 2 – and her labor was hard. |
(0.35) | Isa 13:8 | They panic – cramps and pain seize hold of them like those of a woman who is straining to give birth. They look at one another in astonishment; their faces are flushed red. 1 |
(0.35) | Isa 26:17 | As when a pregnant woman gets ready to deliver and strains and cries out because of her labor pains, so were we because of you, O Lord. |
(0.35) | Jer 22:23 | You may feel as secure as a bird nesting in the cedars of Lebanon. But oh how you 1 will groan 2 when the pains of judgment come on you. They will be like those of a woman giving birth to a baby. 3 |
(0.35) | Jer 30:6 | Ask yourselves this and consider it carefully: 1 Have you ever seen a man give birth to a baby? Why then do I see all these strong men grabbing their stomachs in pain like 2 a woman giving birth? And why do their faces turn so deathly pale? |
(0.35) | Jer 49:22 | Look! Like an eagle with outspread wings, a nation will soar up and swoop down on Bozrah. At that time the soldiers of Edom will be as fearful as a woman in labor.” 1 |
(0.35) | 1Ti 6:10 | For the love of money is the root 1 of all evils. 2 Some people in reaching for it have strayed from the faith and stabbed themselves with many pains. |