(0.50) | Luk 13:2 | He 1 answered them, “Do you think these Galileans were worse sinners 2 than all the other Galileans, because they suffered these things? |
(0.50) | 1Co 12:26 | If one member suffers, everyone suffers with it. If a 1 member is honored, all rejoice with it. |
(0.50) | 2Th 1:5 | This is evidence of God’s righteous judgment, to make you worthy 1 of the kingdom of God, for which in fact you are suffering. |
(0.50) | Heb 9:26 | for then he would have had to suffer again and again since the foundation of the world. But now he has appeared once for all at the consummation of the ages to put away sin by his sacrifice. |
(0.50) | 1Pe 2:20 | For what credit is it if you sin and are mistreated and endure it? But if you do good and suffer and so endure, this finds favor with God. 1 |
(0.50) | 1Pe 2:21 | For to this you were called, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in his steps. |
(0.50) | 1Pe 5:10 | And, after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ 1 will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 2 |
(0.42) | Mat 16:21 | From that time on 1 Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem 2 and suffer 3 many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and experts in the law, 4 and be killed, and on the third day be raised. |
(0.42) | Mat 17:12 | And I tell you that Elijah has already come. Yet they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wanted. In 1 the same way, the Son of Man will suffer at their hands.” |
(0.42) | Mat 27:19 | As 1 he was sitting on the judgment seat, 2 his wife sent a message 3 to him: 4 “Have nothing to do with that innocent man; 5 I have suffered greatly as a result of a dream 6 about him today.” |
(0.42) | Mar 8:31 | Then 1 Jesus 2 began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer 3 many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and experts in the law, 4 and be killed, and after three days rise again. |
(0.42) | Mar 9:12 | He said to them, “Elijah does indeed come first, and restores all things. And why is it written that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be despised? |
(0.42) | Luk 9:22 | saying, “The Son of Man must suffer 1 many things and be rejected by the elders, 2 chief priests, and experts in the law, 3 and be killed, and on the third day be raised.” 4 |
(0.42) | Act 1:3 | To the same apostles 1 also, after his suffering, 2 he presented himself alive with many convincing proofs. He was seen by them over a forty-day period 3 and spoke about matters concerning the kingdom of God. |
(0.42) | Act 17:3 | explaining and demonstrating 1 that the Christ 2 had to suffer and to rise from the dead, 3 saying, 4 “This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Christ.” 5 |
(0.42) | 2Co 1:6 | But if we are afflicted, 1 it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort that you experience in your patient endurance of the same sufferings that we also suffer. |
(0.42) | 1Th 2:14 | For you became imitators, brothers and sisters, 1 of God’s churches in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, because you too suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they in fact did from the Jews, |
(0.42) | 2Ti 1:12 | Because of this, in fact, I suffer as I do. 1 But I am not ashamed, because I know the one in whom my faith is set 2 and I am convinced that he is able to protect what has been entrusted to me 3 until that day. 4 |
(0.33) | Rev 2:10 | Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. The devil is about to have some of you thrown 1 into prison so you may be tested, 2 and you will experience suffering 3 for ten days. Remain faithful even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown that is life itself. 4 |