(0.65) | Mar 11:12 | Now 1 the next day, as they went out from Bethany, he was hungry. |
(0.63) | Jos 21:3 | So the Israelites assigned these cities and their grazing areas to the Levites from their own holdings, as the Lord had instructed. |
(0.63) | Jos 21:9 | They assigned from the tribes of Judah and Simeon the cities listed below. |
(0.63) | 2Ki 18:6 | He was loyal to 1 the Lord and did not abandon him. 2 He obeyed the commandments which the Lord had given to 3 Moses. |
(0.63) | Psa 78:71 | He took him away from following the mother sheep, 1 and made him the shepherd of Jacob, his people, and of Israel, his chosen nation. 2 |
(0.63) | Isa 59:13 | We have rebelled and tried to deceive the Lord; we turned back from following our God. We stir up 1 oppression and rebellion; we tell lies we concocted in our minds. 2 |
(0.63) | Mat 26:58 | But Peter was following him from a distance, all the way to the high priest’s courtyard. After 1 going in, he sat with the guards 2 to see the outcome. |
(0.62) | Deu 7:4 | for they will turn your sons away from me to worship other gods. Then the anger of the Lord will erupt against you and he will quickly destroy you. |
(0.62) | Jos 22:23 | If we have built 1 an altar for ourselves to turn back from following the Lord by making 2 burnt sacrifices and grain offerings on it, or by offering 3 tokens of peace 4 on it, the Lord himself will punish us. 5 |
(0.62) | 2Sa 2:21 | Abner said to him, “Turn aside to your right or to your left. Capture one of the soldiers 1 and take his equipment for yourself!” But Asahel was not willing to turn aside from following him. |
(0.62) | 2Sa 2:22 | So Abner spoke again to Asahel, “Turn aside from following me! I do not want to strike you to the ground. 1 How then could I show 2 my face in the presence of Joab your brother?” |
(0.62) | Act 23:11 | The following night the Lord 1 stood near 2 Paul 3 and said, “Have courage, 4 for just as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, 5 so you must also testify in Rome.” 6 |
(0.58) | 1Sa 12:20 | Then Samuel said to the people, “Don’t be afraid. You have indeed sinned. 1 However, don’t turn aside from the Lord. Serve the Lord with all your heart. |
(0.58) | 1Sa 15:11 | “I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned away from me and has not done what I told him to do.” Samuel became angry and he cried out to the Lord all that night. |
(0.58) | 1Ki 9:6 | “But if you or your sons ever turn away from me, fail to obey the regulations and rules I instructed you to keep, 1 and decide to serve and worship other gods, 2 |
(0.58) | Rom 5:16 | And the gift is not like the one who sinned. 1 For judgment, resulting from the one transgression, 2 led to condemnation, but 3 the gracious gift from the many failures 4 led to justification. |
(0.58) | Eph 2:2 | in which 1 you formerly lived 2 according to this world’s present path, 3 according to the ruler of the kingdom 4 of the air, the ruler of 5 the spirit 6 that is now energizing 7 the sons of disobedience, 8 |
(0.57) | Act 16:11 | We put out to sea 1 from Troas 2 and sailed a straight course 3 to Samothrace, 4 the next day to Neapolis, 5 |
(0.57) | Phi 3:17 | Be imitators of me, 1 brothers and sisters, 2 and watch carefully those who are living this way, just as you have us as an example. |
(0.57) | 2Ch 35:4 | Prepare yourselves by your families according to your divisions, as instructed 1 by King David of Israel and his son Solomon. |