(0.57) | Eze 41:22 | The altar was of wood, 5¼ feet 1 high, with its length 3½ feet; 2 its corners, its length, 3 and its walls were of wood. He said to me, “This is the table that is before the Lord.” |
(0.57) | Eze 43:13 | “And these are the measurements of the altar: 1 Its base 2 is 1¾ feet 3 high, 4 and 1¾ feet 5 wide, and its border nine inches 6 on its edge. This is to be the height 7 of the altar. |
(0.56) | Exo 30:18 | “You are also to make a large bronze 1 basin with a bronze stand 2 for washing. You are to put it between the tent of meeting and the altar and put water in it, 3 |
(0.56) | 1Ki 7:35 | On top of each stand was a round opening three-quarters of a foot deep; 1 there were also supports and frames on top of the stands. |
(0.56) | Zec 5:11 | He replied, “To build a temple 1 for her in the land of Babylonia. 2 When it is finished, she will be placed there in her own residence.” |
(0.53) | Eze 43:14 | From the base of the ground to the lower edge is 3½ feet, 1 and the width 1¾ feet; 2 and from the smaller ledge to the larger edge, 7 feet, 3 and the width 1¾ feet; |
(0.52) | 1Co 1:28 | God chose 1 what is low and despised in the world, what is regarded as nothing, to set aside what is regarded as something, |
(0.50) | Exo 38:8 | He made the large basin of bronze and its pedestal of bronze from the mirrors of the women who served 1 at the entrance of the tent of meeting. |
(0.50) | Lev 8:11 | Next he sprinkled some of it on the altar seven times and so anointed the altar, all its vessels, and the wash basin and its stand to consecrate them. |
(0.50) | 1Ki 7:30 | Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles and four supports. Under the basin the supports were fashioned on each side with wreaths. 1 |
(0.50) | 1Ki 7:32 | The four wheels were under the frames and the crossbars of the axles were connected to the stand. Each wheel was two and one-quarter feet 1 high. |
(0.50) | Isa 3:5 | The people will treat each other harshly; men will oppose each other; neighbors will fight. 1 Youths will proudly defy the elderly and riffraff will challenge those who were once respected. 2 |
(0.49) | Eze 43:17 | The ledge is 24½ feet 1 long and 24½ feet wide on four sides; the border around it is 10½ inches, 2 and its surrounding base 1¾ feet. 3 Its steps face east.” |
(0.42) | Psa 101:3 | I will not even consider doing what is dishonest. 1 I hate doing evil; 2 I will have no part of it. 3 |
(0.42) | Sos 3:10 | Its posts were made 1 of silver; 2 its back 3 was made of gold. Its seat was upholstered with purple wool; 4 its interior was inlaid 5 with leather 6 by the maidens 7 of Jerusalem. |
(0.42) | Eze 17:14 | so it would be a lowly kingdom which could not rise on its own but must keep its treaty with him in order to stand. |
(0.42) | Eze 41:8 | I saw that the temple had a raised platform all around; the foundations of the side chambers were a full measuring stick 1 of 10½ feet 2 high. |
(0.42) | 1Ti 6:4 | he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in controversies and verbal disputes. This gives rise to envy, dissension, slanders, evil suspicions, |
(0.40) | 1Sa 2:12 | The sons of Eli were wicked men. 1 They did not recognize the Lord’s authority. 2 |
(0.40) | 1Ki 6:37 | In the month Ziv 1 of the fourth year of Solomon’s reign 2 the foundation was laid for the Lord’s temple. |