(0.47) | Pro 22:15 | Folly is bound up 1 in the heart of a child, 2 but the rod of discipline 3 will drive it far from him. |
(0.47) | Pro 23:34 | And you will be like one who lies down in the midst 1 of the sea, and like one who lies down on the top of the rigging. 2 |
(0.47) | Pro 25:2 | It is the glory of God 1 to conceal 2 a matter, and it is the glory of a king to search out a matter. |
(0.47) | Pro 25:19 | Like a bad tooth or a foot out of joint, 1 so is confidence 2 in an unfaithful person at the time of trouble. 3 |
(0.47) | Pro 26:9 | Like a thorn 1 that goes into the hand of a drunkard, so is a proverb in the mouth of a fool. 2 |
(0.47) | Pro 27:27 | And there will be enough goat’s milk for your food, 1 for the food of your household, and for the sustenance 2 of your servant girls. |
(0.47) | Ecc 3:16 | I saw something else on earth: 1 In the place of justice, there was wickedness, and in the place of fairness, 2 there was wickedness. |
(0.47) | Ecc 5:12 | The sleep of the laborer is pleasant – whether he eats little or much – but the wealth of the rich will not allow him to sleep. |
(0.47) | Ecc 7:1 | A good reputation 1 is better 2 than precious 3 perfume; 4 likewise, 5 the day of one’s 6 death 7 is better than the day of one’s birth. 8 |
(0.47) | Ecc 7:12 | For wisdom provides 1 protection, 2 just as 3 money provides protection. 4 But the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves the life 5 of its owner. |
(0.47) | Ecc 7:18 | It is best to take hold of one warning 1 without letting go of the other warning; 2 for the one who fears God will follow 3 both warnings. 4 |
(0.47) | Ecc 12:12 | Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. 1 There is no end to the making 2 of many books, and much study is exhausting to the body. 3 |
(0.47) | Sos 4:6 | Until the dawn arrives 1 and the shadows flee, I will go up to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense. |
(0.47) | Sos 4:9 | You have stolen my heart, 1 my sister, 2 my bride! You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, 3 with one jewel of your necklace. |
(0.47) | Sos 4:11 | Your lips drip sweetness like the honeycomb, my bride, honey and milk are under your tongue. The fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon. |
(0.47) | Sos 5:13 | His cheeks are like garden beds full of balsam trees 1 yielding 2 perfume. His lips are like lilies dripping with drops of myrrh. |
(0.47) | Sos 5:15 | His legs are like pillars of marble set on bases of pure gold. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as its cedars. |
(0.47) | Sos 6:6 | Your teeth are like a flock of sheep coming up from the washing; each has its twin; not one of them is missing. |
(0.47) | Sos 8:9 | If she is a wall, 1 we will build on her a battlement 2 of silver; but if she is a door, we will barricade 3 her with boards 4 of cedar. 5 |
(0.47) | Isa 1:10 | Listen to the Lord’s word, you leaders of Sodom! 1 Pay attention to our God’s rebuke, 2 people of Gomorrah! |