(0.59) | Eze 34:16 | I will seek the lost and bring back the strays; I will bandage the injured and strengthen the sick, but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them – with judgment! |
(0.59) | Eze 37:24 | “‘My servant David will be king over them; there will be one shepherd for all of them. They will follow 1 my regulations and carefully observe my statutes. 2 |
(0.59) | Eze 39:21 | “I will display my majesty 1 among the nations. All the nations will witness the judgment I have executed, and the power I have exhibited 2 among them. |
(0.59) | Eze 42:11 | with a passage in front of them. They looked like the chambers on the north. Of the same length and width, and all their exits according to their arrangements and entrances |
(0.59) | Eze 44:24 | “‘In a controversy they will act as judges; 1 they will judge according to my ordinances. They will keep my laws and my statutes regarding all my appointed festivals and will observe 2 my Sabbaths. |
(0.59) | Amo 5:15 | Hate what is wrong, love what is right! Promote 1 justice at the city gate! 2 Maybe the Lord, the God who commands armies, will have mercy on 3 those who are left from 4 Joseph. 5 |
(0.59) | Amo 6:12 | Can horses run on rocky cliffs? Can one plow the sea with oxen? 1 Yet you have turned justice into a poisonous plant, and the fruit of righteous actions into a bitter plant. 2 |
(0.59) | Mic 3:1 | I said, “Listen, you leaders 1 of Jacob, you rulers of the nation 2 of Israel! You ought to know what is just, 3 |
(0.59) | Mic 3:8 | But I 1 am full of the courage that the Lord’s Spirit gives, and have a strong commitment to justice. 2 This enables me to confront Jacob with its rebellion, and Israel with its sin. 3 |
(0.59) | Mic 3:9 | Listen to this, you leaders of the family 1 of Jacob, you rulers of the nation 2 of Israel! You 3 hate justice and pervert all that is right. |
(0.59) | Mic 7:9 | I must endure 1 the Lord’s anger, for I have sinned against him. But then 2 he will defend my cause, 3 and accomplish justice on my behalf. He will lead me out into the light; I will experience firsthand 4 his deliverance. 5 |
(0.59) | Hab 1:12 | Lord, you have been active from ancient times; 1 my sovereign God, 2 you are immortal. 3 Lord, you have made them 4 your instrument of judgment. 5 Protector, 6 you have appointed them as your instrument of punishment. 7 |
(0.59) | Zep 2:3 | Seek the Lord’s favor, 1 all you humble people 2 of the land who have obeyed his commands! 3 Strive to do what is right! 4 Strive to be humble! 5 Maybe you will be protected 6 on the day of the Lord’s angry judgment. |
(0.59) | Zep 3:5 | The just Lord resides 1 within her; he commits no unjust acts. 2 Every morning he reveals 3 his justice. At dawn he appears without fail. 4 Yet the unjust know no shame. |
(0.59) | Zep 3:15 | The Lord has removed the judgment against you; 1 he has turned back your enemy. Israel’s king, the Lord, is in your midst! You no longer need to fear disaster. |
(0.59) | Zec 7:9 | “The Lord who rules over all said, ‘Exercise true judgment and show brotherhood and compassion to each other. |
(0.59) | Zec 8:16 | These are the things you must do: Speak the truth, each of you, to one another. Practice true and righteous judgment in your courts. 1 |
(0.59) | Mal 4:4 | “Remember the law of my servant Moses, to whom at Horeb 1 I gave rules and regulations for all Israel to obey. 2 |
(0.47) | Gen 18:19 | I have chosen him 1 so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep 2 the way of the Lord by doing 3 what is right and just. Then the Lord will give 4 to Abraham what he promised 5 him.” |
(0.47) | Gen 18:25 | Far be it from you to do such a thing – to kill the godly with the wicked, treating the godly and the wicked alike! Far be it from you! Will not the judge 1 of the whole earth do what is right?” 2 |