(0.38) | Mat 14:32 | When they went up into the boat, the wind ceased. |
(0.38) | Mat 14:33 | Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” |
(0.38) | Mat 15:21 | After going out from there, Jesus went to the region of Tyre 1 and Sidon. 2 |
(0.38) | Mat 16:7 | So 1 they began to discuss this among themselves, saying, “It is because we brought no bread.” |
(0.38) | Mat 16:20 | Then he instructed his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ. 1 |
(0.38) | Mat 17:6 | When the disciples heard this, they were overwhelmed with fear and threw themselves down with their faces to the ground. 1 |
(0.38) | Mat 17:8 | When 1 they looked up, all they saw was Jesus alone. |
(0.38) | Mat 17:11 | He 1 answered, “Elijah does indeed come first and will restore all things. |
(0.38) | Mat 17:13 | Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them about John the Baptist. |
(0.38) | Mat 17:16 | I brought him to your disciples, but 1 they were not able to heal him.” |
(0.38) | Mat 18:22 | Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, I tell you, but seventy-seven times! 1 |
(0.38) | Mat 19:7 | They said to him, “Why then did Moses command us to give a certificate of dismissal and to divorce her?” 1 |
(0.38) | Mat 20:33 | They said to him, “Lord, let our eyes be opened.” |
(0.38) | Mat 21:4 | This 1 took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet: 2 |
(0.38) | Mat 21:20 | When the disciples saw it they were amazed, saying, “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?” |
(0.38) | Mat 21:40 | Now when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?” |
(0.38) | Mat 22:1 | Jesus spoke 1 to them again in parables, saying: |
(0.38) | Mat 22:15 | Then the Pharisees 1 went out and planned together to entrap him with his own words. 2 |
(0.38) | Mat 22:16 | They sent to him their disciples along with the Herodians, 1 saying, “Teacher, we know that you are truthful, and teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. 2 You do not court anyone’s favor because you show no partiality. 3 |
(0.38) | Mat 22:19 | Show me the coin used for the tax.” So 1 they brought him a denarius. 2 |