(0.00) | Eph 1:20 | This power 1 he exercised 2 in Christ when he raised him 3 from the dead and seated him 4 at his right hand in the heavenly realms 5 |
(0.00) | Eph 1:21 | far above every rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. |
(0.00) | Eph 5:14 | For everything made evident is light, and for this reason it says: 1 “Awake, 2 O sleeper! 3 Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you!” 4 |
(0.00) | Eph 6:22 | I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know our circumstances 1 and that he may encourage your hearts. |
(0.00) | Phi 4:1 | So then, my brothers and sisters, 1 dear friends whom I long to see, my joy and crown, stand in the Lord in this way, my dear friends! |
(0.00) | Phi 4:6 | Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. |
(0.00) | Col 2:7 | rooted 1 and built up in him and firm 2 in your 3 faith just as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. |
(0.00) | Col 4:6 | Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer everyone. |
(0.00) | Col 4:8 | I sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are doing 1 and that he may encourage your hearts. |
(0.00) | 1Th 3:10 | We pray earnestly night and day to see you in person 1 and make up what may be lacking in your faith. |
(0.00) | 1Th 3:12 | And may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we do for you, |
(0.00) | 1Th 4:8 | Consequently the one who rejects this is not rejecting human authority 1 but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you. |
(0.00) | 2Th 2:16 | Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, |
(0.00) | 2Th 3:12 | Now such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to work quietly and so provide their own food to eat. 1 |
(0.00) | 1Ti 1:12 | I am grateful to the one who has strengthened me, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he considered me faithful in putting me into ministry, |
(0.00) | 1Ti 2:9 | Likewise 1 the women are to dress 2 in suitable apparel, with modesty and self-control. 3 Their adornment must not be 4 with braided hair and gold or pearls or expensive clothing, |
(0.00) | 1Ti 3:13 | For those who have served well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves 1 and great boldness in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. 2 |
(0.00) | 1Ti 5:5 | But the widow who is truly in need, and completely on her own, 1 has set her hope on God and continues in her pleas and prayers night and day. |
(0.00) | 1Ti 5:11 | But do not accept younger widows on the list, 1 because their passions may lead them away from Christ 2 and they will desire to marry, |
(0.00) | 1Ti 6:9 | Those who long to be rich, however, stumble into temptation and a trap and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. |