(0.51) | 1Pe 1:10 | Concerning this salvation, 1 the prophets 2 who predicted the grace that would come to you 3 searched and investigated carefully. |
(0.51) | 1Pe 2:8 | and a stumbling-stone 1 and a rock to trip over. 2 They stumble 3 because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. 4 |
(0.51) | 1Pe 3:5 | For in the same way the holy women who hoped in God long ago adorned themselves by being subject to their husbands, |
(0.51) | 1Pe 4:10 | Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another 1 as good stewards of the varied grace of God. |
(0.51) | 1Pe 4:16 | But if you suffer as a Christian, 1 do not be ashamed, but glorify 2 God that you bear such a name. 3 |
(0.51) | 2Pe 1:21 | for no prophecy was ever borne of human impulse; rather, men 1 carried along by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. |
(0.51) | 2Pe 2:2 | And many will follow their debauched lifestyles. 1 Because of these false teachers, 2 the way of truth will be slandered. 3 |
(0.51) | 2Pe 2:5 | and if he did not spare the ancient world, but did protect Noah, a herald of righteousness, along with seven others, 1 when God 2 brought a flood on an ungodly world, 3 |
(0.51) | 2Pe 2:17 | These men 1 are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm, for whom the utter depths of darkness 2 have been reserved. |
(0.51) | 2Pe 2:19 | Although these false teachers promise 1 such people 2 freedom, they themselves are enslaved to 3 immorality. 4 For whatever a person succumbs to, to that he is enslaved. 5 |
(0.51) | 1Jo 1:8 | If we say we do not bear the guilt of sin, 1 we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. |
(0.51) | 1Jo 2:10 | The one who loves his fellow Christian 1 resides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. 2 |
(0.51) | 1Jo 2:25 | Now this 1 is the promise that he 2 himself made to 3 us: eternal life. 4 |
(0.51) | 1Jo 2:29 | If you know that he is righteous, you also know 1 that everyone who practices righteousness has been fathered 2 by him. |
(0.51) | 1Jo 3:4 | Everyone who practices sin 1 also practices lawlessness; 2 indeed, 3 sin is lawlessness. |
(0.51) | 1Jo 4:8 | The person who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 |
(0.51) | Jud 1:14 | Now Enoch, the seventh in descent beginning with Adam, 1 even prophesied of them, 2 saying, “Look! The Lord is coming 3 with thousands and thousands 4 of his holy ones, |
(0.51) | Rev 1:2 | who then 1 testified to everything that he saw concerning the word of God and the testimony about 2 Jesus Christ. |
(0.51) | Rev 1:19 | Therefore write what you saw, what is, and what will be after these things. 1 |
(0.51) | Rev 2:21 | I 1 have given her time to repent, but 2 she is not willing to repent of her sexual immorality. |