(0.00) | Eph 2:6 | and he raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, |
(0.00) | Eph 3:17 | that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, so that, because you have been rooted and grounded in love, |
(0.00) | Eph 4:21 | if indeed you heard about him and were taught in him, just as the truth is in Jesus. |
(0.00) | Eph 4:26 | Be angry and do not sin; 1 do not let the sun go down on the cause of your anger. 2 |
(0.00) | Eph 4:32 | Instead, 1 be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you. 2 |
(0.00) | Eph 5:13 | But all things being exposed by the light are made evident. |
(0.00) | Eph 5:24 | But as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. |
(0.00) | Eph 6:24 | Grace be 1 with all of those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. 2 |
(0.00) | Col 1:26 | that is, the mystery that has been kept hidden from ages and generations, but has now been revealed to his saints. |
(0.00) | Col 1:29 | Toward this goal 1 I also labor, struggling according to his power that powerfully 2 works in me. |
(0.00) | Col 3:9 | Do not lie to one another since you have put off the old man with its practices |
(0.00) | Col 4:13 | For I can testify that he has worked hard 1 for you and for those in Laodicea and Hierapolis. |
(0.00) | Col 4:17 | And tell Archippus, “See to it that you complete the ministry you received in the Lord.” |
(0.00) | 1Th 5:10 | He died 1 for us so that whether we are alert or asleep 2 we will come to life together with him. |
(0.00) | 2Th 3:4 | And we are confident about you in the Lord that you are both doing – and will do – what we are commanding. |
(0.00) | 2Th 3:7 | For you know yourselves how you must imitate us, because we did not behave without discipline 1 among you, |
(0.00) | 1Ti 2:6 | who gave himself as a ransom for all, revealing God’s purpose at his appointed time. 1 |
(0.00) | 1Ti 2:8 | So I want the men 1 to pray 2 in every place, lifting up holy hands 3 without anger or dispute. |
(0.00) | 1Ti 6:18 | Tell them to do good, 1 to be rich in good deeds, to be generous givers, sharing with others. 2 |
(0.00) | 2Ti 2:5 | Also, if anyone competes as an athlete, he will not be crowned as the winner 1 unless he competes according to the rules. 2 |