(0.62) | Heb 8:13 | When he speaks of a new covenant, 1 he makes the first obsolete. Now what is growing obsolete and aging is about to disappear. 2 |
(0.62) | Heb 9:2 | For a tent was prepared, the outer one, 1 which contained 2 the lampstand, the table, and the presentation of the loaves; this 3 is called the holy place. |
(0.62) | Heb 9:9 | This was a symbol for the time then present, when gifts and sacrifices were offered that could not perfect the conscience of the worshiper. |
(0.62) | Heb 9:10 | They served only for matters of food and drink 1 and various washings; they are external regulations 2 imposed until the new order came. 3 |
(0.62) | Heb 9:22 | Indeed according to the law almost everything was purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. |
(0.62) | Heb 9:23 | So it was necessary for the sketches 1 of the things in heaven to be purified with these sacrifices, 2 but the heavenly things themselves required 3 better sacrifices than these. |
(0.62) | Heb 10:2 | For otherwise would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers would have been purified once for all and so have 1 no further consciousness of sin? |
(0.62) | Heb 10:12 | But when this priest 1 had offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, he sat down at the right hand 2 of God, |
(0.62) | Heb 10:25 | not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day 1 drawing near. 2 |
(0.62) | Heb 10:26 | For if we deliberately keep on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins is left for us, 1 |
(0.62) | Heb 11:15 | In fact, if they had been thinking of the land that they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. |
(0.62) | Heb 11:26 | He regarded abuse suffered for Christ 1 to be greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for his eyes were fixed on 2 the reward. |
(0.62) | Heb 11:28 | By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, 1 so that the one who destroyed the firstborn would not touch them. |
(0.62) | Heb 11:34 | quenched raging fire, 1 escaped the edge of the sword, gained strength in weakness, 2 became mighty in battle, put foreign armies to flight, |
(0.62) | Heb 12:3 | Think of him who endured such opposition against himself by sinners, so that you may not grow weary in your souls and give up. |
(0.62) | Heb 12:11 | Now all discipline seems painful at the time, not joyful. 1 But later it produces the fruit of peace and righteousness 2 for those trained by it. |
(0.62) | Heb 12:13 | and make straight paths for your feet, 1 so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but be healed. |
(0.62) | Heb 12:19 | and the blast of a trumpet and a voice uttering words 1 such that those who heard begged to hear no more. 2 |
(0.62) | Heb 13:7 | Remember your leaders, who spoke God’s message to you; reflect on the outcome of their lives and imitate their faith. |
(0.62) | Heb 13:11 | For the bodies of those animals whose blood the high priest brings 1 into the sanctuary as an offering for sin are burned outside the camp. |