(0.02) | Rom 6:22 | But now, freed 1 from sin and enslaved to God, you have your benefit 2 leading to sanctification, and the end is eternal life. |
(0.02) | 2Co 5:5 | Now the one who prepared us for this very purpose 1 is God, who gave us the Spirit as a down payment. 2 |
(0.02) | 2Co 9:7 | Each one of you should give 1 just as he has decided in his heart, 2 not reluctantly 3 or under compulsion, 4 because God loves a cheerful giver. |
(0.02) | 2Co 12:3 | And I know that this man (whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows) |
(0.02) | 2Ti 2:25 | correcting 1 opponents with gentleness. Perhaps God will grant them repentance and then knowledge of the truth 2 |
(0.02) | 1Pe 2:10 | You 1 once were not a people, but now you are God’s people. You were shown no mercy, 2 but now you have received mercy. |
(0.02) | 2Pe 2:4 | For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, 1 but threw them into hell 2 and locked them up 3 in chains 4 in utter darkness, 5 to be kept until the judgment, |
(0.02) | Lev 23:40 | On the first day you must take for yourselves branches from majestic trees 1 – palm branches, branches of leafy trees, and willows of the brook – and you must rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days. |
(0.02) | Jos 22:33 | The Israelites were satisfied with their report and gave thanks to God. 1 They said nothing more about launching an attack to destroy the land in which the Reubenites and Gadites lived. 2 |
(0.02) | 1Sa 19:20 | So Saul sent messengers to capture David. When they saw a company of prophets prophesying with Samuel standing there as their leader, the spirit of God came upon Saul’s messengers, and they also prophesied. |
(0.02) | 2Ch 32:11 | Hezekiah says, “The Lord our God will rescue us from the power 1 of the king of Assyria.” But he is misleading you and you will die of hunger and thirst! 2 |
(0.02) | Isa 37:10 | “Tell King Hezekiah of Judah this: ‘Don’t let your God in whom you trust mislead you when he says, “Jerusalem will not be handed over to the king of Assyria.” |
(0.02) | Isa 55:5 | Look, you will summon nations 1 you did not previously know; nations 2 that did not previously know you will run to you, because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, 3 for he bestows honor on you. |
(0.02) | 1Co 12:28 | And God has placed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, gifts of healing, helps, gifts of leadership, different kinds of tongues. |
(0.02) | Eph 5:5 | For you can be confident of this one thing: 1 that no person who is immoral, impure, or greedy (such a person is an idolater) has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. |
(0.02) | Rev 6:9 | Now 1 when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been violently killed 2 because of the word of God and because of the testimony they had given. |
(0.02) | Rev 12:17 | So 1 the dragon became enraged at the woman and went away to make war on the rest of her children, 2 those who keep 3 God’s commandments and hold to 4 the testimony about Jesus. 5 (12:18) And the dragon 6 stood 7 on the sand 8 of the seashore. 9 |
(0.02) | Jos 13:14 | However, Moses 1 did not assign land as an inheritance 2 to the Levites; their inheritance 3 is the sacrificial offerings 4 made to the Lord God of Israel, as he instructed 5 them. |
(0.02) | Jos 18:3 | So Joshua said to the Israelites: “How long do you intend to put off occupying 1 the land the Lord God of your ancestors 2 has given you? |
(0.02) | 2Ch 1:3 | Solomon and the entire assembly went to the worship center 1 in Gibeon, for the tent where they met God 2 was located there, which Moses the Lord’s servant had made in the wilderness. |