(0.00) | Rom 4:4 | Now to the one who works, his pay is not credited due to grace but due to obligation. 1 |
(0.00) | Rom 6:9 | We know 1 that since Christ has been raised from the dead, he is never going to die 2 again; death no longer has mastery over him. |
(0.00) | Rom 7:21 | So, I find the law that when I want to do good, evil is present with me. |
(0.00) | Rom 12:9 | Love must be 1 without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. |
(0.00) | 1Co 8:12 | If you sin against your brothers or sisters 1 in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. |
(0.00) | 1Co 11:14 | Does not nature 1 itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace for him, |
(0.00) | 1Co 12:31 | But you should be eager for the greater gifts. And now I will show you a way that is beyond comparison. 1 |
(0.00) | 2Co 6:12 | Our affection for you is not restricted, 1 but you are restricted in your affections for us. |
(0.00) | Gal 2:1 | Then after fourteen years I went up to Jerusalem 1 again with Barnabas, taking Titus along too. |
(0.00) | Eph 5:19 | speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music 1 in 2 your hearts to the Lord, |
(0.00) | Eph 6:8 | because you know that each person, whether slave or free, if he does something good, this 1 will be rewarded by the Lord. |
(0.00) | Phi 1:30 | since you are encountering 1 the same conflict that you saw me face and now hear that I am facing. 2 |
(0.00) | Phi 4:11 | I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content in any circumstance. |
(0.00) | 1Th 5:4 | But you, brothers and sisters, 1 are not in the darkness for the day to overtake you like a thief would. |
(0.00) | 2Ti 1:4 | As I remember your tears, I long to see you, 1 so that I may be filled with joy. |
(0.00) | 2Ti 4:14 | Alexander the coppersmith did me a great deal of harm. 1 The Lord will repay him in keeping with his deeds. 2 |
(0.00) | Tit 2:15 | So communicate these things with the sort of exhortation or rebuke 1 that carries full authority. 2 Don’t let anyone look down 3 on you. |
(0.00) | Tit 3:13 | Make every effort to help 1 Zenas the lawyer 2 and Apollos on their way; make sure they have what they need. 3 |
(0.00) | Phm 1:10 | I am appealing 1 to you concerning my child, whose spiritual father I have become 2 during my imprisonment, 3 that is, Onesimus, |
(0.00) | Heb 6:8 | But if it produces thorns and thistles, it is useless and about to be cursed; 1 its fate is to be burned. |