(0.00) | Hos 13:16 | (14:1) 1 Samaria will be held guilty, 2 because she rebelled against her God. They will fall by the sword, their infants will be dashed to the ground – their 3 pregnant women will be ripped open. |
(0.00) | Joe 2:28 | (3:1) 1 After all of this 2 I will pour out my Spirit 3 on all kinds of people. 4 Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your elderly will have revelatory dreams; 5 your young men will see prophetic visions. |
(0.00) | Amo 8:5 | You say, “When will the new moon festival 1 be over, 2 so we can sell grain? When will the Sabbath end, 3 so we can open up the grain bins? 4 We’re eager 5 to sell less for a higher price, 6 and to cheat the buyer with rigged scales! 7 |
(0.00) | Jon 1:7 | The sailors said to one another, 1 “Come on, let’s cast lots 2 to find out 3 whose fault it is that this disaster has overtaken us. 4 ” So they cast lots, and Jonah was singled out. 5 |
(0.00) | Jon 4:11 | Should I 1 not be even more 2 concerned 3 about Nineveh, this enormous city? 4 There are more than one hundred twenty thousand people in it who do not know right from wrong, 5 as well as many animals!” 6 |
(0.00) | Mic 7:2 | Faithful men have disappeared 1 from the land; there are no godly men left. 2 They all wait in ambush so they can shed blood; 3 they hunt their own brother with a net. 4 |
(0.00) | Hab 2:19 | The one who says to wood, ‘Wake up!’ is as good as dead 1 – he who says 2 to speechless stone, ‘Awake!’ Can it give reliable guidance? 3 It is overlaid with gold and silver; it has no life’s breath inside it. |
(0.00) | Hag 2:3 | ‘Who among you survivors saw the former splendor of this temple? 1 How does it look to you now? Isn’t it nothing by comparison? |
(0.00) | Zec 3:4 | The angel 1 spoke up to those standing all around, “Remove his filthy clothes.” Then he said to Joshua, “I have freely forgiven your iniquity and will dress you 2 in fine clothing.” |
(0.00) | Zec 11:5 | Those who buy them 1 slaughter them and are not held guilty; those who sell them say, ‘Blessed be the Lord, for I am rich.’ Their own shepherds have no compassion for them. |
(0.00) | Zec 13:8 | It will happen in all the land, says the Lord, that two-thirds of the people 1 in it will be cut off and die, but one-third will be left in it. 2 |
(0.00) | Mat 6:24 | “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate 1 the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise 2 the other. You cannot serve God and money. 3 |
(0.00) | Mat 8:10 | When 1 Jesus heard this he was amazed and said to those who followed him, “I tell you the truth, 2 I have not found such faith in anyone in Israel! |
(0.00) | Mat 11:21 | “Woe to you, Chorazin! 1 Woe to you, Bethsaida! If 2 the miracles 3 done in you had been done in Tyre 4 and Sidon, 5 they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. |
(0.00) | Mat 21:33 | “Listen to another parable: There was a landowner 1 who planted a vineyard. 2 He put a fence around it, dug a pit for its winepress, and built a watchtower. Then 3 he leased it to tenant farmers 4 and went on a journey. |
(0.00) | Mat 21:41 | They said to him, “He will utterly destroy those evil men! Then he will lease the vineyard to other tenants who will give him his portion at the harvest.” |
(0.00) | Mat 23:37 | “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 1 you who kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! 2 How often I have longed 3 to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but 4 you would have none of it! 5 |
(0.00) | Mat 24:2 | And he said to them, 1 “Do you see all these things? I tell you the truth, 2 not one stone will be left on another. 3 All will be torn down!” 4 |
(0.00) | Mar 6:11 | If a place will not welcome you or listen to you, as you go out from there, shake the dust off 1 your feet as a testimony against them.” |
(0.00) | Mar 6:34 | As Jesus 1 came ashore 2 he saw the large crowd and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So 3 he taught them many things. |