(0.51) | Mar 10:5 | But Jesus said to them, “He wrote this commandment for you because of your hard hearts. 1 |
(0.51) | Mar 10:8 | and the two will become one flesh. 1 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. |
(0.51) | Mar 10:22 | But at this statement, the man 1 looked sad and went away sorrowful, for he was very rich. 2 |
(0.51) | Mar 10:40 | but to sit at my right or at my left is not mine to give. It is for those for whom it has been prepared.” 1 |
(0.51) | Mar 11:21 | Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered.” |
(0.51) | Mar 12:5 | He sent another, and that one they killed. This happened to many others, some of whom were beaten, others killed. |
(0.51) | Mar 12:10 | Have you not read this scripture: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 1 |
(0.51) | Mar 12:13 | Then 1 they sent some of the Pharisees 2 and Herodians 3 to trap him with his own words. 4 |
(0.51) | Mar 12:21 | The second married her and died without any children, and likewise the third. |
(0.51) | Mar 12:23 | In the resurrection, when they rise again, 1 whose wife will she be? For all seven had married her.” 2 |
(0.51) | Mar 13:4 | “Tell us, when will these things 1 happen? And what will be the sign that all these things are about to take place?” |
(0.51) | Mar 13:6 | Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ 1 and they will mislead many. |
(0.51) | Mar 13:15 | The one on the roof 1 must not come down or go inside to take anything out of his house. 2 |
(0.51) | Mar 13:22 | For false messiahs 1 and false prophets will appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, the elect. |
(0.51) | Mar 13:25 | the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. 1 |
(0.51) | Mar 13:30 | I tell you the truth, 1 this generation 2 will not pass away until all these things take place. |
(0.51) | Mar 14:5 | It 1 could have been sold for more than three hundred silver coins 2 and the money 3 given to the poor!” So 4 they spoke angrily to her. |
(0.51) | Mar 14:6 | But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why are you bothering her? She has done a good service for me. |
(0.51) | Mar 14:10 | Then 1 Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests to betray Jesus into their hands. 2 |
(0.51) | Mar 14:24 | He said to them, “This is my blood, the blood 1 of the covenant, 2 that is poured out for many. |