(0.51) | Mat 22:17 | Tell us then, what do you think? Is it right 1 to pay taxes 2 to Caesar 3 or not?” |
(0.51) | Mat 22:21 | They replied, 1 “Caesar’s.” He said to them, 2 “Then give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 3 |
(0.51) | Mat 22:23 | The same day Sadducees 1 (who say there is no resurrection) 2 came to him and asked him, 3 |
(0.51) | Mat 22:28 | In the resurrection, therefore, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had married her.” 1 |
(0.51) | Mat 22:46 | No one 1 was able to answer him a word, and from that day on no one dared to question him any longer. |
(0.51) | Mat 24:5 | For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ 1 and they will mislead many. |
(0.51) | Mat 24:7 | For nation will rise up in arms 1 against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines 2 and earthquakes 3 in various places. |
(0.51) | Mat 24:24 | For false messiahs 1 and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. |
(0.51) | Mat 24:34 | I tell you the truth, 1 this generation 2 will not pass away until all these things take place. |
(0.51) | Mat 24:35 | Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. 1 |
(0.51) | Mat 24:48 | But if 1 that evil slave should say to himself, 2 ‘My master is staying away a long time,’ |
(0.51) | Mat 25:14 | “For it is like a man going on a journey, who summoned his slaves 1 and entrusted his property to them. |
(0.51) | Mat 25:16 | The one who had received five talents went off right away and put his money to work 1 and gained five more. |
(0.51) | Mat 25:18 | But the one who had received one talent went out and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money in it. |
(0.51) | Mat 25:19 | After 1 a long time, the master of those slaves came and settled his accounts with them. |
(0.51) | Mat 26:7 | a woman came to him with an alabaster jar 1 of expensive perfumed oil, 2 and she poured it on his head as he was at the table. 3 |
(0.51) | Mat 26:21 | And while they were eating he said, “I tell you the truth, 1 one of you will betray me.” 2 |
(0.51) | Mat 26:33 | Peter 1 said to him, “If they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away!” |
(0.51) | Mat 26:38 | Then he said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with me.” |
(0.51) | Mat 26:43 | He came again and found them sleeping; they could not keep their eyes open. 1 |