(0.42) | (Act 13:31) | 1 tn Grk “who.” The relative pronoun (“who”) was replaced by the conjunction “and” and the pronoun “he” at this point to improve the English style. |
(0.42) | (Joh 21:2) | 7 sn The two other disciples who are not named may have been Andrew and Philip, who are mentioned together in John 6:7-8 and 12:22. |
(0.42) | (Luk 17:2) | 1 sn The punishment of drowning with a heavy weight attached is extremely gruesome and reflects Jesus’ views concerning those who cause others who believe in him to sin. |
(0.42) | (Luk 6:28) | 1 tn The substantival participle ἐπηρεαζόντων (epēreazontōn), sometimes translated “those who abuse” (NRSV), is better rendered “those who mistreat,” a more general term (see L&N 88.129). |
(0.42) | (Luk 3:7) | 4 sn The rebuke “Who warned you to flee…?” compares the crowd to snakes who flee their desert holes when the heat of a fire drives them out. |
(0.42) | (Mar 9:42) | 1 sn The punishment of drowning with a heavy weight attached is extremely gruesome and reflects Jesus’ views concerning those who cause others who believe in him to sin. |
(0.42) | (Mat 18:6) | 2 sn The punishment of drowning with a heavy weight attached is extremely gruesome and reflects Jesus’ views concerning those who cause others who believe in him to sin. |
(0.42) | (Jer 21:13) | 4 tn Heb “Who can swoop…Who can penetrate…?” The questions are rhetorical and expect a negative answer. They are rendered as negative affirmations for clarity. |
(0.42) | (Isa 66:3) | 2 tn Heb “one who sacrifices a lamb, one who breaks a dog’s neck.” Some understand a comparison, but see the previous note. |
(0.42) | (Isa 51:10) | 1 tn The Hebrew text reads literally, “Are you not the one who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep, who made…?” |
(0.42) | (Pro 30:22) | 2 tn Heb “filled with food” (so ASV); NASB “satisfied with food”; NAB, NRSV “glutted with food”; CEV “who eats too much”; NLT “who prospers.” |
(0.42) | (Pro 29:10) | 2 sn The Hebrew word describes the “blameless” or “innocent” who maintain integrity. The bloodthirsty despise people who insist on decency and integrity. |
(0.42) | (Pro 21:24) | 5 sn The portrait in this proverb is not merely of one who is self-sufficient, but one who is insolent, scornful, and arrogant. |
(0.42) | (Pro 17:25) | 2 tn Heb “to the one who bore him.” Because the participle is feminine singular in Hebrew, this has been translated as “the mother who bore him.” |
(0.42) | (Pro 17:21) | 4 sn Parents of fools, who had hoped for children who would be a credit to the family, find only bitter disappointment (cf. TEV “nothing but sadness and sorrow”). |
(0.42) | (Psa 99:6) | 2 tn Heb “those who.” The participle is in apposition to the phrase “those who called on his name” in the preceding line. |
(0.42) | (Psa 94:9) | 1 tn Heb “The one who plants an ear, does he not hear? The one who forms an eye, does he not see?” |
(0.42) | (Psa 69:32) | 1 sn You who seek God refers to those who seek to have a relationship with God by obeying and worshiping him (see Ps 53:2). |
(0.42) | (Psa 35:10) | 2 tn Heb “[the one who] rescues.” The substantival participle in the Hebrew text characterizes God as one who typically rescues the oppressed. |
(0.42) | (Psa 33:1) | 1 sn Psalm 33. In this hymn the psalmist praises the Lord as the sovereign creator and just ruler of the world who protects and vindicates those who fear him. |