Matthew 4:12--20:16
[Mat 4:17] O Lord Of Life, Thy Kingdom Is At Hand
O Lord of life, Thy kingdom is at hand,
Blest reign of love and liberty and light;
Time long foretold by seers of every land;
The cherished dream of watchers through the night.Lo! in our hearts shines forth the morning star,
Shedding its luster on our darkened way;
And we behold, as pilgrims from afar,
The holy dawning of Thy perfect day.Now gleams at last upon our waiting eyes
The glory of the kingdom that shall be;
When truth in conqu’ring grandeur shall arise,
And man shall rule the world with equity.Forward again we move at Thy coming!
The flaming pillar leading on anew;
One in the faith of all Thy prophet band,
Onward we press to make the vision true.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:17] Oh Realm Of Light
Oh realm of light! whose morning star
To Bethlehem’s manger led the way,
Not yet upon our longing eyes
Shines the full splendor of thy day:
Yet still across the centuries fall,
Both strong and sweet, our Lord’s command;
And still with steadfast faith we cry,
“Behold, the kingdom is at hand!”Oh realm of Heav’n! whose dawn began
With love’s divine, incarnate breath,
Our hearts were slow to understand
The lessons of that life and death:
Yet though with stammering tongues we tell
Redemption’s story, strange and sweet,
The world’s Redeemer, lifted up
Shall draw the nations to His feet.Oh realm of peace! whose music clear
Swept through Judea’s starlit skies,
Still the harsh sounds of human strife
Break on thy heavenly harmonies;
Yet shall thy song of triumph ring
In full accord, from land to land,
And men with angels learn to sing,
“Behold, the kingdom is at hand!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:19] Call Of The Christ, The
The call of the Christ rings out today,
Who will make reply?
For labor, or service, or battle fray,
Or seeking the lost who have gone astray,
O Master, I’m ready to go or stay—
Here am I!Refrain
Here am I for service, whatsoe’er it be;
I am waiting orders, Master, now from Thee;
I have heard Thy summons from dark Calvary,
And I gladly answer, “Master, here am I!”The call of the Christ rings sweet and clear,
Who will make reply?
Thy calling, O Master, today I hear,
And gladly will follow Thee, far or near;
With Thee as my Leader, no harm I fear,
Here am I!Refrain
The call of the Christ is now for you,
Will you make reply?
I’m waiting, O Master, Thy will to do;
Count me on the side of the brave and true,
I’ll follow Thee all of the battle thro’,
Here am I!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:19] Full Surrender
Savior, ’tis a full surrender,
All I leave to follow Thee;
Thou my Leader and Defender
From this hour shalt ever be.Refrain
I surrender all!
I surrender all!
All I have I bring to Jesus,
I surrender all.As I come in deep contrition,
At this consecrated hour,
Hear, O Christ, my heart’s petition,
Let me feel the Spirit’s pow’r!Refrain
No withholding—full confession;
Pleasures, riches, all must flee;
Holy Spirit, take possession!
I no more, but Thou in me.Refrain
Be this theme my song and story,
Now and until life is o’er;
This my rapture, this my glory,
Till I reach the shining shore.Refrain
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Oh, the peace of love divine!
Oh, the bliss of consecration!
I am His, and He is mine.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:19] Jesus Calls Us
Jesus calls us over the tumult
Of our life’s wild, restless, sea;
Day by day His sweet voice soundeth,
Saying, “Christian, follow Me!”As of old Saint Andrew heard it
By the Galilean lake,
Turned from home and toil and kindred,
Leaving all for Jesus’ sake.Jesus calls us from the worship
Of the vain world’s golden store,
From each idol that would keep us,
Saying, “Christian, love Me more!”In our joys and in our sorrows,
Days of toil and hours of ease,
Still He calls, in cares and pleasures,
“Christian, love Me more than these!”Jesus calls us! By Thy mercies,
Savior may we hear Thy call,
Give our hearts to Thine obedience,
Serve and love Thee best of all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:23] Galilee, Bright Galilee
Galilee, bright Galilee,
Hallowed thoughts we turn to thee!
Woven through thy history,
Gleams the charming mystery
Of the life of One Who came,
Bearing grief, reproach and shame,
Savior of the world to be;
“God with us” by Galilee.Once along that rugged shore
He, who all our sorrows bore,
Journeyed oft with weary feet,
Through the storm or burning heat;
Healing all who came in faith,
Calling back to life from death;
King of kings from heaven was He,
Though so poor by Galilee!Wild the night on Galilee;
Loudly roared the angry sea,
When upon the tossing wave
Jesus walked, His own to save:
Calmed the tumult by His will,
Only saying, “Peace, be still!”
Ruler of the storm was He,
On the raging Galilee!Still in loving tenderness
Doth the Master wait to bless;
Still His touch upon the soul
Bringeth balm and maketh whole;
Still He comforts mourning hearts,
Life, and joy, and peace imparts;
Still the Friend of all is He,
As of old by Galilee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:24] Thou To Whom The Sick And Dying
Thou to Whom the sick and dying
Ever came, nor came in vain,
Still with healing word replying,
To the wearied cry of pain,
Hear us, Jesu, as we meet
Suppliants at Thy mercy seat.Still the weary, sick, and dying
Need a brother’s, sister’s care,
On Thy higher help relying
May we now their burdens share,
Bringing all our offerings meet
Suppliants at Thy mercy seat.May each child of Thine be willing
Willing both in hand and heart,
All the law of love fulfilling,
Ever comfort to impart;
Ever bringing offerings meet,
Suppliant to Thy mercy seat.So may sickness, sin, and sadness
To Thy healing virtue yield,
Till the sick and sad, in gladness,
Rescued, ransomed, cleansèd, healed,
One in Thee together meet,
Pardoned at Thy judgment seat.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:3] Blest Are The Humble Souls That See
Blest are the humble souls that see
Their emptiness and poverty;
Treasures of grace to them are giv’n,
And crowns of joy laid up in Heav’n.Blest are the men of broken heart,
Who mourn for sin with inward smart;
The blood of Christ divinely flows,
A healing balm for all their woes.Blest are the meek, who stand afar
From rage and passion, noise and war;
God will secure their happy state,
And plead their cause against the great.Blest are the souls that thirst for grace
Hunger and long for righteousness;
They shall be well supplied, and fed
With living streams and living bread.Blest are the men whose bowels move
And melt with sympathy and love;
From Christ the Lord they shall obtain
Like sympathy and love again.Blest are the pure, whose hearts are clean
From the defiling powers of sin;
With endless pleasure they shall see
A God of spotless purity.Blest are the men of peaceful life,
Who quench the coals of growing strife;
They shall be called the heirs of bliss,
The sons of God, the God of peace.Blest are the suff’rers who partake
Of pain and shame for Jesus’ sake;
Their souls shall triumph in the Lord;
Glory and joy are their reward.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:3] Blest Are The Poor
Blest are the poor, whose spirits know their need;
God’s heav’nly kingdom will be theirs indeed.
Blest, those who mourn; God’s comfort will be known.
Blest are the meek; the world will be their own.Blest, those who seek God’s righteousness each day;
They will be filled and never turned away.
Blest are the kind, for mercy will be giv’n.
Blest are the pure in heart; they’ll see God in Heav’n.Blest, men of peace; they will God’s sons be named.
Blest, those who suffer slander and much shame.
Blest, faithful ones, enduring for your Lord.
Rejoice, be glad, for great is your reward.I see my need and humbly seek Your face.
Show me Your mercy; all my cares erase.
Keep my heart pure; I long for righteousness.
I know that as Your child I’m fully blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:3] Lord Of Life, All Praise Excelling
Lord of life, all praise excelling,
Thou, in glory unconfined,
Deignst to make Thy humble dwelling
With the poor of humble mind.And Thy love, through all creation,
Beams like Thy diffusive light;
So the high and humble station
Both are equal in Thy sight.Thus Thy care, for all providing,
Warmed Thy faithful prophet’s tongue;
Who, the lot of all deciding,
To Thy chosen Israel sung.When Thy harvest yields Thee pleasure,
Thou the golden sheaf shall bind;
To the poor belongs the treasure
Of the scattered ears behind.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:8] Blest Are The Pure In Heart
Blest are the pure in heart,
For they shall see our God;
The secret of the Lord is theirs;
Their soul is Christ’s abode.The Lord, who left the heavens
Our life and peace to bring,
To dwell in lowliness with men
Their Pattern and their King.Still to the lowly soul
He doth Himself impart;
And for His cradle and His throne
Chooseth the pure in heart.Lord, we Thy presence seek;
May ours this blessing be;
Give us a pure and lowly heart,
A temple meet for Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:8] Blest Are The Pure, Whose Hearts Are Clean
Blest are the pure, whose hearts are clean,
Who never tread the ways of sin;
With endless pleasures they shall see
A God of spotless purity.Blest are the men of peaceful life,
Who quench the coals of growing strife,
They shall be called the heirs of bliss,
The sons of God, the God of peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:8] Look For The Beautiful
Look for the beautiful, look for the true;
Look for the beautiful, life’s journey thro’.
Seeking true loveliness, joy you will know,
As to the home above onward you go.Refrain
Look for the beautiful, seek to find the true,
God and the beautiful will dwell with you;
Look for the beautiful, seek to find the true,
You shall be beautiful, beautiful within.Think of the beautiful, think of the pure;
Only the beautiful long can endure.
God to His lowly ones “giveth more grace”;
None but the pure in heart look on His face.Refrain
Speak of the beautiful, speak of the pure;
These to eternity fadeless endure.
Error shall vanish soon, evil decay;
God and the beautiful pass not away.Refrain
Look to the stars of light (not down to earth);
All that is beautiful there had its birth.
Upward and forward go, looking above;
There is the dwelling-place of perfect love.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:8] Purer In Heart, O God
Purer in heart, O God, help me to be;
May I devote my life wholly to Thee:
Watch Thou my wayward feet,
Guide me with counsel sweet;
Purer in heart, help me to be.Purer in heart, O God, help me to be;
Teach me to do Thy will most lovingly;
Be Thou my Friend and Guide,
Let me with Thee abide;
Purer in heart, help me to be.Purer in heart, O God, help me to be;
Until Thy holy face one day I see:
Keep me from secret sin,
Reign Thou my soul within;
Purer in heart, help me to be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:14] Little Sunbeams
I think God gives the children, as through the land they go,
The most delightful mission that anyone can know.
He wants us to be sunbeams of love and hope and cheer,
To brighten up the shadows that often gather here.Refrain
O we are little sunbeams, sent down from God to man;
In all life’s shady places, we shine as best we can.The clouds may hide the sunshine of Heaven from our sight,
And life have much of sorrow to mar the heart’s delight;
But if like faithful sunbeams, we children do our part,
We’ll bring a ray of brightness to every shadowed heart.Refrain
Then let us live our mission of sunbeams day by day,
And scatter joy and brightness about us all the way;
Let’s chase away life’s shadows with loving thought and deed
And be the sunshine makers, of which the world has need.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:14] Ye Are The Light Of The World
Ye are the light of the world,
Driving the darkness away,
Shedding your beams on the lost,
Changing their night into day.
Then let your light ever shine,
Showing the right way to go;
Gladly the lost ones will see—
God’s boundless love they will know.Ye are the light of the world,
Causing the clouds to depart,
Throwing the sunshine of peace
Down on the poor burdened heart.
Then let your light ever shine;
Loved ones are panting for rest;
Sunshine their souls will revive,
Lifting them up to the blest.Ye are the light of the world;
Thro’ you the true light must shine,
Calling the lost sons of men
Home to the Father divine.
Then let your light ever shine,
Hallow the Name that is love;
You will each shine as a star,
Fixed in the orbit above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Be A Ray Of Sunshine
Be a ray of sunshine everywhere you go,
Shining for the Savior with a steady glow;
Bringing smiles to sad ones, wiping tears away,
Make yourself a blessing every passing day.Refrain
Be a ray of sunshine everywhere you go,
Shining for the Savior with a steady glow;
Be a ray of sunshine filled with Heaven’s light,
Sending forth a message beautiful and bright.Be a ray of sunshine everywhere you go;
Comfort bring to others, stoop to raise the low;
Kind words cost but little, smiles bring pleasures, too;
They may lift a burden; let them not be few.Refrain
Be a ray of sunshine everywhere you go;
Cheerfulness is needed, this you can bestow;
Help to chase the shadows from this world away,
Bringing joy and gladness like a shining ray.Refrain
Be a ray of sunshine everywhere you go;
Stars will shine the brighter in your crown, I know;
Sunshine brought to others will reflect on you,
Heav’n will be the sweeter—keep the end in view.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Give Me, O Lord, A Heart Of Grace
Give me, O Lord, a heart of grace,
A voice of joy, a shining face,
That I may show, where’er I turn,
Thy love within my soul doth burn.Though life be sweet and joy be dear,
Be in my mind a quiet fear,
A patient strength in pain and care,
An enmity to dark despair.A tenderness for all that stray,
With strength to help them on the way,
A cheerfulness, a heav’nly mirth
Brightening my steps along the earth.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] God Make My Life A Little Light
God make my life a little light
Within the world to glow;
A little flame that burneth bright,
Wherever I may go.God make my life a little flower
That giveth joy to all,
Content to bloom in native bower,
Although the place be small.God make my life a little song
That comforteth the sad
That helpeth others to be strong,
And makes the singer glad.God make my life a little staff
Whereon the weak may rest,
That so what health and strength I have
May serve my neighbors best.God make my life a little hymn
Of tenderness and praise,
Of faith, that never waxeth dim,
In all His wondrous ways.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Happy Sunbeams
We are happy sunbeams,
Shining day by day,
Making others happy as we go our way,
Bright’ning gloomy places,
Spreading mirth and cheer,
Always glowing brightly for our Savior dear.Refrain
We are happy sunbeams,
Shining day by day,
Making others happy all along the way.We are happy sunbeams,
Shining in the gloom,
Love’s true light reflecting as we journey home;
Much of care and sadness
Daily we remove
With our looks of kindness and our smiles of love.Refrain
We are little sunbeams,
With bright gleam and glow,
We are helping others ev’rywhere we go;
Thus to our Redeemer
We will prove our love,
Till He bids us join Him in His home above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] If We Brightly Shine
If we brightly shine, if we sweetly smile,
We will help to shorten each long mile;
If we speak the words of love and cheer
Happy days will make a happy year.Refrain
If we brightly shine, if we sweetly smile,
We will help to shorten the long, long mile;
It will help to make our lives divine,
If, with Jesus’ love we shine, shine, shine.If we do kind deeds in a kindly way,
Friends will gladly greet us day by day,
And our presence, then, will welcome be,
All because our happiness they see.Refrain
So we’ll sweetly smile and we’ll brightly shine,
And the cross of Jesus be our sign;
For we want this world to better be
By our loving service, glad and free.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Let Your Light Shine Out
O let your light, tho’ little, shine out,
Our Lord’s command fulfilling,
To live for Him wherever we go,
And seek His will to do.Refrain
Shine on, little light, shine on,
Shine on so bright and clear;
Shine on, little light, and bring
A smile for ev’ry tear.O let your light shine steadily on,
That all the world, beholding,
May glorify your Father above,
And praise His boundless love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Only A Beam Of Sunshine
Only a beam of sunshine,
But oh, it was warm and bright;
The heart of a weary traveler
Was cheered by its welcome sight.
Only a beam of sunshine;
That fell from the arch above:
And tenderly, softly whispered
A message of peace and love.Refrain
Only a word for Jesus,
Only a whispered prayer,
Over some grief worn spirit
May rest like a sunbeam fair!Only a beam of sunshine
That into a dwelling crept;
Where, over a fading rosebud,
A mother her vigil kept.
Only a beam of sunshine
That smiled through her falling tears,
And showed her the bow of promise,
Forgotten perhaps for years.Refrain
Only a word for Jesus,
Oh, speak it in His dear Name,
To perishing souls around you
The message of love proclaim.
Go, like the faithful sunbeam,
Your mission of joy fulfill;
Remember the Savior’s promise,
That He will be with you still.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Scatter Sunshine
In a world where sorrow
Ever will be known,
Where are found the needy,
And the sad and lone;
How much joy and comfort
You can all bestow,
If you scatter sunshine
Everywhere you go.Refrain
Scatter sunshine all along your way;
Cheer and bless and brighten
Every passing day;
Scatter sunshine all along your way;
Cheer and bless and brighten
Every passing day.Slightest actions often
Meet the sorest needs,
For the world wants daily
Little kindly deeds;
Oh, what care and sorrow
You may help remove,
With your songs and courage,
Sympathy and love.Refrain
When the days are gloomy,
Sing some happy song;
Meet the world’s repining
With a courage strong;
Go with faith undaunted
Thro’ the ills of life;
Scatter smiles and sunshine
O’er its toil and strife.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Send Out A Light
Send out a light as you go your way,
A beacon of hope when shadows are gray;
Send out a light that for Jesus will shine,
Proving to others God’s mercy divine.Refrain
Send out a light, a radiant light,
That will pierce thro’ the gloom
Of someone’s dark night,
Send out a light, a bright beaming light,
Send out a light for Jesus.Send out a light when your burdens press,
And show to the world that Jesus will bless;
Thro’ darkest sorrows and bitterest pain,
Send out a light—it will not shine in vain.Refrain
Send out a light unto those who stray,
All heedless along destruction’s highway;
Point them to pathways of purer delight,
And let your life daily send out a light.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Shine For Jesus
When the clouds are hanging low,
Shine, shine;
And you know not where to go,
Shine for Jesus;
Take your burden to the Lord,
You can take Him at His word,
Sing and pray every day,
Shine, shine, shine!Refrain
Shine when troubles shake you,
Shine when friends forsake you,
All the way, every day,
There’s a crown awaiting;
Shine when foes assail you,
Shine when others fail you,
Keep your eyes on Jesus,
And shine, shine, shine.When the world its powers wield,
Shine, shine;
Jesus Christ will be your shield,
Shine for Jesus;
Seek the Master on your knees,
He’s above you, and He sees,
Sing and pray every day,
Shine, shine, shine!Refrain
When your sins are washed away,
Shine, shine;
He’ll go with you every day,
Shine for Jesus;
You are nevermore alone,
Jesus Christ is all your own,
Sing and pray every day,
Shine, shine, shine!Refrain
When your path is black as night,
Shine, shine;
Soon He’ll bring you to the light,
Shine for Jesus;
Though the way be hard and long,
Never change from right to wrong,
Sing and pray every day,
Shine, shine, shine!Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Shine For Jesus Where You Are
Be a faithful witness for the Lord,
Shine for Jesus where you are;
You cannot an idle hour afford,
Just shine for Jesus where you are.Refrain
Shine for Jesus where you are,
Shine for Jesus where you are;
Someone lost in sin you may guide to glory,
Shine for Jesus where you are.Grace for ev’ry deed He will provide,
Shine for Jesus where you are;
There are those in need on ev’ry side,
Just shine for Jesus where you are.Refrain
In your home today let kindness glow,
Shine for Jesus where you are;
Tell someone of Christ and heal sin’s woe,
Just shine for Jesus where you are.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Shine In His Name
When clouds hang low, and dark thy path,
Then trust and know they’ll lift at last;
Whate’er the load, then look to God,
Though long the road, e’er onward plod.Refrain
Shine through the sunshine,
Shine through the rain;
Shine through the shadows,
Shine through your pain;
Shine in the darkness,
The victory gain;
Shine in your trials,
Shine in His Name.With grace bear wrong, that Christ may reign;
Then lift a song, shine in His Name;
Then shine for Him who died for you;
The victory win, He’ll see you through.Refrain
Then God be praised, your “faith made sight,”
The banner raised, “God’s love and light”;
And from the heart will come the song,
That God made right to come from wrong.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] There Are Lonely Hearts To Cherish
There are lonely hearts to cherish,
While the days are going by;
There are weary souls who perish,
While the days are going by;
If a smile we can renew,
As our journey we pursue,
Oh, the good we all may do,
While the days are going by.Refrain
Going by (going by)
Going by (going by)
Going by (going by)
Going by (going by)
Oh, the good we all may do,
While the days are going by.There’s no time for idle scorning,
While the days are going by;
Let your face be like the morning,
While the days are going by;
Oh, the world is full of sighs,
Full of sad and weeping eyes;
Help your fallen brother rise,
While the days are going by.Refrain
All the loving links that bind us,
While the days are going by;
One by one we leave behind us,
While the days are going by;
But the seeds of good we sow,
Both in shade and shine will grow,
And will keep our hearts aglow,
While the days are going by.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] Trim Thy Lamp
Trim thy lamp and keep it burning,
With a clear and steady ray;
It may cheer a weary pilgrim,
That perchance has lost his way.Refrain
Trim thy lamp, and keep it burning,
Till our blessèd Lord appear;
Keep it trimmed and shining brightly,
For His coming draweth near.Never waning, ever shining,
Day and night thy lamp must be,
Lest a brother’s feet should stumble,
And his fall be charged to thee.Refrain
Trim thy lamp and keep it burning
With the flame of sacred love,
Pointing ever to the mansions
Of eternal rest above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:16] When Love Shines In
Jesus comes with power to gladden, when love shines in,
Every life that woe can sadden, when love shines in.
Love will teach us how to pray, love will drive the gloom away,
Turn our darkness into day, when love shines in.Refrain
When love shines in, when love shines in,
How the heart is tuned to singing, when love shines in,
When love shines in, when love shines in,
Joy and peace to others bringing, when love shines in.How the world will grow with beauty, when love shines in,
And the heart rejoice in duty, when love shines in.
Trials may be sanctified, and the soul in peace abide,
Life will all be glorified, when love shines in.Refrain
Darkest sorrow will grow brighter, when love shines in,
And the heaviest burden lighter, when love shines in.
’Tis the glory that will throw light to show us where to go;
O, the heart shall blessing know, when love shines in.Refrain
We may have unfading splendor, when love shines in,
And a friendship true and tender, when love shines in.
When earth’s vict’ries shall be won, and our life in Heav’n begun,
There will be no need of sun, when love shines in.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 5:18] O Thou Who By A Star Didst Guide
O Thou Who by a star didst guide
The wise men on their way,
Until it came and stood beside
The place where Jesus lay.Although by stars Thou dost not lead
Thy servants now below,
Thy Holy Spirit, when they need,
Will show them how to go.As yet we know Thee but in part;
But still we trust Thy Word,
That blessèd are the pure in heart,
For they shall see the Lord.O Savior, give us then Thy grace
To make us pure in heart,
That we may see Thee face to face
Hereafter, as Thou art.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Alone With God
When storms of life are round me beating,
When rough the path that I have trod,
Within my closet door retreating,
I love to be alone with God.Refrain
Alone with God, the world forbidden,
Alone with God, O blest retreat!
Alone with God, and in Him hidden,
To hold with Him communion sweet.What tho’ the clouds have gathered o’er me?
What tho’ I’ve passed beneath the rod?
God’s perfect will there lies before me,
When I am thus alone with God.Refrain
’Tis there I find new strength for duty,
As o’er the sands of time I plod;
I see the King in all His beauty,
While resting there alone with God.Refrain
And when I see the moment nearing
When I shall sleep beneath the sod,
When time with me is disappearing,
I want to be alone with God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] He Will Meet You There
Would you gain the victory over every sin?
Would you in each battle for your Captain win?
Hide away with Jesus, yield not to despair;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Refrain
He will meet you there, He will meet you there;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there;
If your heart is burdened, if His grace you’d share,
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Would you spend your lifetime in the Lord’s employ?
And the richest blessings from His hand enjoy?
Hide away with Jesus from the world of care;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Refrain
Would you walk with Jesus in the narrow way?
Hear His faintest whisper when your feet would stray?
Hide away with Jesus from the tempter’s snare;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Refrain
Would you be His jewel when He claims His own?
Would you share His glory shining round the throne?
Hide away with Jesus, keep in constant prayer;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] ’mid All The Traffic Of The Ways
’Mid all the traffic of the ways,
Turmoils without, within,
Make in my heart a quiet place,
And come and dwell therein.A little shrine of quietness,
All sacred to Thyself,
Where Thou shalt all my soul possess,
And I may find myself.A little shelter from life’s stress,
Where I may lay me prone,
And bare my soul in loneliness,
And know as I am known.A little place of mystic grace,
Of self and sin swept bare,
Where I may look upon Thy face,
And talk with Thee in prayer.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Pray, Pray
Pray, pray, when things go wrong,
And gloomy fears around you throng;
The loving God your voice will hear,
Look up to Him, He’s always near.Refrain
Pray, pray though your eyes grow dim,
Go with your troubles straight to Him;
Pray, pray, for God understands;
Have faith, leaving all in His dear hands.Pray, pray, be calm and still,
Whatever comes must be His will;
His promises like buds unfold,
Naught that is good will He withhold.Refrain
Pray, pray till faith grows strong,
And in your heart rings Heaven’s song;
Till self shall die in pure desire,
And every thought to Him aspire.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Pray When The Morn Is Breaking
Pray when the morn is breaking,
Pray when the noon is bright,
Pray with the eve’s declining,
Pray in the hush of night:
With mind made pure of passion,
All meaner thoughts away,
Low in thy chamber kneeling,
Do thou in secret pray.Remember all who love thee,
All who are loved by thee,
And next for those that hate thee
Pray thou, if such there be;
Last for thyself in meekness
A blessing humbly claim,
And link with each petition
Thy great Redeemer’s Name.But if ’tis e’er denied thee
In solitude to pray,
Should holy thoughts come o’er thee
Upon life’s crowded way,
E’en then the silent breathing
That lifts thy soul above
Shall reach the thronèd presence
Of Mercy, Truth, and Love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Secret Prayer
Sweet secret prayer, comfort divine,
There, O my Lord, I know Thou art mine;
Great Master, there in secret with Thee,
Heaven comes nearer and nearer to me.Refrain
Blessings attend and follow us there;
Heaven comes nearer and nearer in prayer.Sweet secret prayer, comfort divine,
There do Thine arms, Lord, round me entwine;
Rivers of love and mercy there flow,
Balm for all sorrow that mortal can know.Refrain
Sweet secret prayer, comfort divine,
There do I feel I truly am Thine;
Heav’n’s windows open, Jesus is near,
Near to my soul, and the Father will hear.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Simple, Earnest Prayer, The
In the twilight of the morning,
When the shadows steal away,
And we wake from balmy slumber
To behold another day,
Let us go alone in secret,
And unburden all our care
At the feet of our Redeemer,
In the simple, earnest prayer.Refrain
Let Thy presence, blessèd Savior,
Our protection ever be;
Give us strength for every trial,
Keep, oh, keep us close to Thee.In the noontide, calm and peaceful,
When we pause awhile to rest,
Ere the sun in all its glory
Is declining towards the west;
In the midst of our temptation,
When the cross is hard to bear,
If we cannot go in secret,
God will hear the silent prayer.Refrain
When the toils of day are over,
And we seek the hallowed place
Where by faith we meet our Savior,
And adore Him for His grace;
How we feel our burden lighter,
Till we loose our weight of care,
While we lift our hearts together
In the simple, earnest prayer.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:8] My Father Knows
I know my heav’nly Father knows
The storms that would my way oppose;
But He can drive the clouds away,
And turn the darkness into day.I know my heav’nly Father knows
The balm I need to soothe my woes;
And with His touch of love divine
He heals this wounded heart of mine.I know my heav’nly Father knows
How frail I am to meet my foes;
But He my cause will e’er defend,
Uphold and keep me to the end.I know my heav’nly Father knows
The hour my journey here will close;
And may that hour, O faithful Guide,
Find me safe sheltered by Thy side.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:8] Somebody Knows
Falling in strength when oppressed by my foes,
Somebody knows, somebody knows,
Waiting for someone to banish my woes,
Somebody knows, ’tis Jesus.Refrain
Somebody knows, somebody knows,
When I am tempted and tried by my foes;
He is the One Who will keep me—
Somebody knows—’tis Jesus.Why should I fear when the care billows roll?
Somebody knows, somebody knows;
When the deep shadows sweep over my soul,
Somebody knows, ’tis Jesus.Refrain
Wounded and helpless and sick with distress,
Somebody knows, somebody knows,
Longing for home and a mother’s caress,
Somebody knows, ’tis Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] Eternal Power, Whose High Abode
Eternal Power, whose high abode
Becomes the grandeur of a God,
Infinite lengths beyond the bounds
Where stars resolve their little rounds!The lowest step around Thy seat,
Rises too high for Gabriel’s feet;
In vain the favored angel tries
To reach Thine height with wond’ring eyes.There while the first archangel sings,
He hides his face behind his wings,
And ranks of shining thrones around
Fall worshiping, and spread the ground.Lord, what shall earth and ashes do?
We would adore our Maker, too;
From sin and dust to Thee we cry,
The Great, the Holy, and the High.Earth from afar has heard Thy fame,
And worms have learned to lisp Thy Name;
But, O! the glories of Thy mind
Leave all our soaring thoughts behind.God is in Heaven, and men below;
Be short our tunes, our words be few;
A solemn reverence checks our songs,
And praise sits silent on our tongues.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] Father In Heaven, Hear Us Today
Father in Heaven, hear us today;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
O let Thy kingdom come, O let Thy will be done,
By all beneath the sun, as in the skies.Father in Heaven, hear us today;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
Giver of daily food, Fountain of truth and good,
Be all our hearts imbued with love like Thine.Father in Heaven, hear us today;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
Lead us in paths of light, save us from sin and blight,
King of all love and might, glorious for aye.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] Father Of All, To Thee
Father of all, to Thee
With loving hearts we pray,
Through Him, in mercy given,
The Life, the Truth, the Way;
From Heav’n, Thy throne, in mercy shed
Thy blessings on each bended head.Father of all, to Thee
Our contrite hearts we raise,
Unstrung by sin and pain,
Long voiceless in Thy praise;
Breathe Thou the silent chords along,
Until they tremble into song.Father of all, to Thee
We breathe unuttered fears,
Deep hidden in our souls,
That have no voice but tears;
Take Thou our hand, and through the wild
Lead gently each trustful child.Father of all, may we
In praise our tongues employ,
When gladness fills the soul
With deep and hallowed joy;
In storm and calm give us to see
The path of peace which leads to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] Jesus, Kneel Beside Me
Jesus, kneel beside me,
In the dawn of day;
Thine is prayer eternal—
Teach me how to pray!Master, work beside me
In the shining sun;
Gently guide Thy servant
Till the work be done.Savior, watch beside me
In the closing light;
Lo, the evening cometh—
Watch with me this night!Birds are winging homeward,
Sun and shadow cease;
Savior, take my spirit
To Thy perfect peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:9] The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowèd be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil,
For Thine is the kingdom
And the power, and the glory, forever.
Amen.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] All As God Wills
All as God wills, who wisely heeds
To give or to withhold,
And knoweth more of all my needs,
Than all my prayers have told.Enough that blessings undeserved
Have marked my erring track;
That, wheresoe’er my feet have swerved,
His chastening turned me back.That more and more a providence
Of love is understood,
Making the springs of time and sense
Sweet with eternal good.That death seems but a covered way
Which opens into light,
Wherein no blinded child can stray
Beyond the Father’s sight.And so the shadows fall apart.
And so the west winds play;
And all the windows of my heart
I open to the day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] His Way With Thee
Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good?
Would you walk with Him within the narrow road?
Would you have Him bear your burden, carry all your load?
Let Him have His way with thee.Refrain
His power can make you what you ought to be;
His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free;
His love can fill your soul, and you will see
’Twas best for Him to have His way with thee.Would you have Him make you free, and follow at His call?
Would you know the peace that comes by giving all?
Would you have Him save you, so that you can never fall?
Let Him have His way with thee.Refrain
Would you in His kingdom find a place of constant rest?
Would you prove Him true in providential test?
Would you in His service labor always at your best?
Let Him have His way with thee.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] Lord Of Light, Whose Name Outshineth
Lord of light, whose Name outshineth
All the stars and suns of space,
Deign to make us Thy coworkers
In the kingdom of Thy grace;
Use us to fulfill Thy purpose
In the gift of Christ Thy Son.Refrain
Father, as in highest heaven
So on earth Thy will be done.By the toil of lowly workers
In some far outlying field;
By the courage where the radiance
Of the cross is still revealed;
By the victories of meekness,
Through reproach and suffering won.Refrain
Grant that knowledge, still increasing,
At Thy feet may lowly kneel;
With Thy grace our triumphs hallow,
With Thy charity our zeal;
Lift the nations from the shadows
To the gladness of the sun.Refrain
By the prayers of faithful watchmen,
Never silent day or night;
By the cross of Jesus bringing
Peace to men, and healing light;
By the love that passeth knowledge,
Making all Thy children one.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] May We, Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfill
May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfill
And do on earth our Father’s will
As angels do above;
Still walk in Christ, the living Way,
With all Thy children and obey
The law of Christian love.So may we join Thy Name to bless,
Thy grace adore, Thy power confess,
From sin and strife to flee.
One is our calling, one our name,
The end of all our hopes the same,
A crown of life with Thee.Spirit of life, of love and peace,
Unite our hearts, our joy increase,
Thy gracious help supply.
To each of us the blessing give
In Christian fellowship to live,
In joyful hope to die.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] My God, My Father, While I Stray
My God and Father! while I stray
Far from my home in life’s rough way,
Oh! teach me from my heart to say,
“Thy will be done!”Though dark my path, and sad my lot,
Let me “be still,” and murmur not,
Or breathe the prayer divinely taught,
“Thy will be done!”What though in lonely grief I sigh,
For friends beloved, no longer nigh,
Submissive still would I reply,
“Thy will be done!”If Thou shouldst call me to resign
What most I prize, it ne’er was mine;
I only yield Thee what was Thine;
“Thy will be done!”Should pining sickness waste away,
My life in premature decay,
My Father! still I strive to say,
“Thy will be done!”If but my fainting heart be blest
With Thy sweet Spirit for its guest,
My God! to Thee I leave the rest--
“Thy will be done!”Renew my will from day to day,
Blend it with Thine, and take away
All now that makes it hard to say,
“Thy will be done!”Then when on earth I breathe no more
The prayer oft mixed with tears before,
I’ll sing upon a happier shore,
“Thy will be done!”source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] My Jesus, As Thou Wilt
My Jesus, as Thou wilt! Oh, may Thy will be mine!
Into Thy hand of love I would my all resign;
Through sorrow, or through joy, conduct me as Thine own,
And help me still to say, my Lord, Thy will be done!My Jesus, as Thou wilt! If needy here and poor,
Give me Thy people’s bread, their portion rich and sure.
The manna of Thy Word Let my soul feed upon;
And if all else should fail, my Lord, thy will be done.My Jesus, as Thou wilt! Though seen through many a tear,
Let not my star of hope grow dim or disappear;
Since Thou on earth hast wept, and sorrowed oft alone,
If I must weep with Thee, my Lord, Thy will be done!My Jesus, as Thou wilt! All shall be well for me;
Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee:
Straight to my home above I travel calmly on,
And sing, in life or death, my Lord, Thy will be done!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] Not In Dumb Resignation
Not in dumb resignation
We lift our hands on high;
Not like the nerveless fatalist
Content to trust and die;
Our faith springs like the eagle,
That soars to meet the sun;
And cries exultingly to Thee,
“O Lord, Thy will be done!?Thy will! It strengthens weakness,
It bids the strong be just;
No lip to fawn, no hand to beg,
No brow to seek the dust;
Wherever man oppresses man
Beneath Thy liberal sun,
O Lord, be there,
Thine arm made bare,
Thy righteous will be done!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] O Father, Thy Kingdom Is Come Upon Earth
O Father, Thy kingdom is come upon earth,
Thou rulest in all Thy creation;
Thou sendest Thy witnesses, telling Thy worth,
To call and entreat every nation,
With news of Thy mighty salvation,
With news of Thy mighty salvation.They lift up a light amid shadows of fear,
And love is Thy banner above them;
No trouble shall touch them, no foes that appear
Shall e’er from their loyalty move them;
’Tis Thou dost uphold and approve them,
’Tis Thou dost uphold and approve them.They go in Thy strength, and they speak in Thy Name,
With power of Thy promise forth faring,
And during the battle the victory claim,
Their trust in Thy strength is their daring,
Salvation to all men declaring,
Salvation to all men declaring.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] O God, Whose Law From Age To Age
O God, whose law from age to age
No chance or change can know,
Whose love forevermore abides,
While eons come and go;
From all the strife of earthly life,
To Thine embrace we flee,
And ’mid our crowding doubts and fears
Would put our trust in Thee.The winds, Thy faithful messengers,
Are guided by Thy hand;
Thy ministers, the flames of fire,
Obey Thy stern command;
The seas resound within the bound
Where Thy dominion reigns,
And wheeling planets seek the paths
Thy mighty will ordains.Thy holy purpose moves before
The nations on their way,
And leads the stumbling hosts of men
From darkness into day.
No captain’s sword, no prophet’s word,
But Thy great mercy prove;
No clime or kindred but attest
Thy providence of love.Dear Father, we would learn to trust
The doing of Thy will,
And in Thy perfect law of love
Our doubts and fears would still.
Help us to know, in joy or woe,
Thy ways are always best,
And we, Thy children evermore,
By Thy great goodness blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] O Shepherd Of The Nameless Fold
O Shepherd of the nameless fold,
The blessèd Church to be,
Our hearts with love and longing turn
To find their rest in Thee;
“Thy kingdom come,” its heav’nly walls
Unseen around us rise,
And deep in loving human hearts
Its broad foundations rise.O holy kingdom, happy fold,
The blessèd Church to be,
Our hearts in love and worship turn
To find themselves in thee!
Thy bounds are known to God alone,
For they are set above;
The length, the breadth, the height are one,
And measured by His love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] Sun Is Sinking Fast, The
The sun is sinking fast,
The daylight dies;
Let love awake, and pay
Her evening sacrifice.As Christ upon the cross
His head inclined,
And to His Father’s hands
His parting soul resigned;So now herself my soul
Would wholly give
Into His sacred charge
In Whom all spirits live;So now beneath His eye
Would calmly rest,
Without a wish or thought
Abiding in the breast;Save that His will be done,
Whate’er betide;
Dead to herself, and dead
In Him to all beside.Thus would I live: yet now
Not I, but He,
In all His power and love,
Henceforth alive in me.One sacred Trinity,
One Lord divine,
May I be ever His,
And He forever mine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:10] Thy Will Be Done
Out of earth’s heart breaking sorrow and anguish
Into eternity’s rapture and calm;
Out of the doubts and the fears where we languish
Into the triumph of victory’s psalm;
Gone is a leader and friend of the people,
Home with the ransomed and numberless throngs,
There to receive the reward of his labors,
Who in the ranks of the martyrs belongs.
Whisper it tenderly sorrowing one,
This was God’s way, His will ever be done.
This was God’s way, this was God’s way,
This was God’s way, His will ever be done.Out of the battle of life sorely wounded
Into the joy of the victory won;
Now face to face with his King and Commander
His the promotion for what he has done;
Ours the loss of a true standard bearer,
His the bright crown and eternal reward,
Called from earth’s strife to become a blest sharer,
Now and henceforth in the joy of the Lord.
Lovingly, tenderly, joyfully say,
His will be done, we believe ’tis God’s way.
His will be done, His will be done,
His will be done, We believe ’tis God’s way.Out of the noise and the tumult of battle
Into the rest and the infinite peace;
Out of earth’s bondage and wearisome exile
Into the joy of the spirit’s release;
Ours the loss and the grief beyond measure,
Confidence broken and hopes crushed for aye,
Lord God of hosts if it be Thy good pleasure,
Help us to trust and believe ’tis Thy way.
Like him for whom we know Heav’n is begun,
We would say earnestly, His will be done.
His will be done, His will be done,
This is God’s way, His will ever be done.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:11] Be Present At Our Table, Lord
Be present at our table, Lord;
Be here and everywhere adored;
Thy creatures bless, and grant that we
May feast in paradise with Thee.We thank Thee, Lord, for this our food,
For life and health and every good;
By Thine own hand may we be fed;
Give us each day our daily bread.We thank Thee, Lord, for this our good,
But more because of Jesus’ blood;
Let manna to our souls be giv’n,
The Bread of Life sent down from Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:11] O God, Thou Giver Of All Good
O God, Thou Giver of all good;
Thy children live by daily food;
And daily must the prayer be said,
“Give us this day our daily bread.”The life of earth and seed is Thine;
Suns glow, rains fall, by power divine;
Thou art in all; not e’en the powers
By which we toil for bread are ours.What large provision Thou hast made!
As large as is Thy children’s need;
How wide the bounteous love is spread!
Wide as the want of daily bread.Since every day by Thee we live,
May grateful hearts Thy gifts receive;
And may the hands be pure from stain
With which our daily bread we gain.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:14] Let Something Good Be Said
When o’er the fame of friend or foe,
The shadow of disgrace shall fall; instead
Of words of blame, or fatal blow—
Let something good be said.Refrain
And so I charge ye by the thorny crown,
And by the cross on which the Savior bled,
And by your own soul’s hope of fair renown:
Let something be good said.Forget not grace, no sinner yet
May fall so low but Christ can lift his head,
While cheeks of shame with tears are wet;
Let something be good said.Refrain
No generous heart may turn aside
To deeds of love—if they in sin be dead,
But may awaken glorified,
If something good be said.Refrain
If cruel words embitter thee,
Turn to the cross on Calvary, where said
The Savior: “O forgive,” and see
That something good be said.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:14] Think Gently Of The Erring One
Think gently of the erring one;
O let us not forget,
However darkly stained by sin,
He is our brother yet!Heir of the same inheritance,
Child of the selfsame God,
He hath but stumbled in the path
We have in weakness trod.Speak gently to the erring ones:
We yet may lead them back,
With holy words, and tones of love,
From misery’s thorny track.Forget not, brother, thou hast sinned,
And sinful yet may’st be;
Deal gently with the erring heart,
As God has dealt with thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:19] How Happy Is The Pilgrim’s Lot
How happy is the pilgrim’s lot!
How free from every anxious thought,
From worldly hope and fear!
Confined to neither court nor cell,
His soul disdains on earth to dwell,
He only sojourns here.This happiness in part is mine,
Already saved from self design,
From every creature love;
Blest with the scorn of finite good,
My soul is lightened of its load,
And seeks the things above.The things eternal I pursue,
A happiness beyond the view
Of those that basely pant
For things by nature felt and seen;
Their honors, wealth, and pleasures mean
I neither have nor want.I have no sharer of my heart,
To rob my Savior of a part,
And desecrate the whole;
Only betrothed to Christ am I,
And wait His coming from the sky,
To wed my happy soul.I have no babes to hold me here;
But children more securely dear
For mine I humbly claim,
Better than daughters or than sons,
Temples divine of living stones,
Inscribed with Jesus’ Name.No foot of land do I possess,
No cottage in this wilderness,
A poor wayfaring man,
I lodge awhile in tents below;
Or gladly wander to and fro,
Till I my Canaan gain.Nothing on earth I call my own;
A stranger, to the world unknown,
I all their goods despise;
I trample on their whole delight,
And seek a country out of sight,
A country in the skies.There is my house and portion fair,
My treasure and my heart are there.
And my abiding home;
For me my elder brethren stay,
And angels beckon me away,
And Jesus bids me come.“I come,” Thy servant, Lord, replies,
“I come to meet Thee in the skies,
And claim my heavenly rest”;
Now let the pilgrim’s journey end,
Now, O my Savior, Brother, Friend.
Receive me to Thy breast!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:19] Rise Up, O Men Of God
Rise up, O men of God!
Have done with lesser things.
Give heart and mind and soul and strength
To serve the King of kings.Rise up, O men of God!
The kingdom tarries long.
Bring in the day of brotherhood
And end the night of wrong.Rise up, O men of God!
The church for you doth wait,
Her strength unequal to her task;
Rise up and make her great!Lift high the cross of Christ!
Tread where His feet have trod.
As brothers of the Son of Man,
Rise up, O men of God!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:20] Dear Lord, On This Thy Servant’s Day
Dear Lord, on this Thy servant’s day,
Who left for Thee the gold and mart,
Who heard Thee whisper, “Come away,”
And followed with a single heart,Give us, amid earth’s weary moil,
And wealth for which men cark and care,
’Mid fortune’s pride, and need’s wild toil,
And broken hearts in purple rare,Give us Thy grace to rise above
The glare of this world’s smelting fires;
Let God’s great love put out the love
Of gold, and gain, and low desires.Still, like a breath from scented lime
Borne into rooms where sick men faint,
His voice comes floating through all time,
Thine own evangelist and saint.Still sweetly rings the Gospel strain
Of golden store that knows not rust:
The love of Christ is more than gain,
And heavenly crowns than yellow dust.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:20] Great And Fair Is She
Great and fair is she, our land,
High of heart and strong of hand;
Dawn is on her forehead still,
In her veins youth’s arrowy thrill.
Hers are riches, might and fame;
All the earth resounds her name;
In her roadsteads navies ride:
Hath she need of aught beside?Power Unseen, before whose eyes
Nations fall and nations rise,
Grant she climb not to her goal
All-forgetful of the Soul!
Firm in honor be she found,
Justice-armed and mercy-crowned,
Blest in labor, blest in ease,
Blest in noiseless charities.Unenslaved by things that must
Yield full soon to moth and rust,
Let her hold a light on high
Men unborn may travel by.
Mightier still she then shall stand,
Molded by Thy secret hand,
Power Eternal, at whose call
Nations rise and nations fall.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:20] Lift Up Your Hearts To Things Above
Lift up your hearts to things above,
Ye followers of the Lamb,
And join with us to praise His love,
And glorify His Name.To Jesus’ Name give thanks and sing,
Whose mercies never end:
Rejoice! rejoice! the Lord is king;
The King is now our friend!We, for His sake, count all things loss;
On earthly good look down;
And joyfully sustain the cross,
Till we receive the crown.O let us stir each other up,
Our faith by works to approve,
By holy, purifying hope,
And the sweet task of love!Love us, though far in flesh disjoined,
Ye lovers of the Lamb;
And ever bear us on your mind,
Who think and speak the same:You on our minds we ever bear,
Whoe’er to Jesus bow;
Stretch out the arms of faith and prayer,
And lo! we reach you now.Surely we now your souls embrace,
With you we now appear
Present before the throne of grace,
And you, and Christ, are here.The blessings all on you be shed,
Which God in Christ imparts;
We pray the Spirit of our Head
Into your faithful hearts.Mercy and peace your portion be,
To carnal minds unknown,
The hidden manna, and the tree
Of life, and the white stone.Live till the Lord in glory come,
And wait His Heaven to share:
Our Savior now prepares our home:
Go on—we’ll meet you there.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:20] Lord, When I All Things Would Possess
Lord, when I all things would possess,
I crave but to be Thine;
O lowly is the loftiness
Of these desires divine.Each gift but helps my soul to learn
How boundless is Thy store;
I go from strength to strength, and yearn
For Thee, my Helper, more.How can my soul divinely soar,
How keep the shining way,
And not more tremblingly adore,
And not more humbly pray?The more I triumph in Thy gifts,
The more I wait on Thee;
The grace that mightily uplifts
Most sweetly humbleth me.The heaven where I would stand complete
My lowly love shall see,
And stronger grow the yearning sweet,
O Holy One! for Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:20] How Happy Are They
How happy are they
Who the Savior obey,
And have laid up their treasure above!
Tongue can never express
The sweet comfort and peace
Of a soul in its earliest love.That sweet comfort was mine,
When the Father divine
I first found in the blood of the Lamb;
When my heart first believed,
What a joy I received,
What heaven in Jesus’ Name!’Twas a heaven below
My Redeemer to know,
And the angels could do nothing more,
Than to fall at His feet,
And the story repeat,
And the Lover of sinners adore.Jesus all the day long
Was my joy and my song:
O that all His salvation might see!
“He hath loved me,” I cried,
“He hath suffered and died,
To redeem a poor rebel like me.”O the rapturous height
Of that holy delight
Which I felt in the life giving blood!
By my Savior possessed,
I was perfect blest,
As if filled with the fullness of God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:20] Vain Are All Terrestrial Pleasures
Vain are all terrestrial pleasures,
Mixed with dross the purest gold:
Seek we, then, for heavenly treasures,
Treasures never waxing old.
Let our best affections center
On the things around the throne:
There no thief can ever enter;
Moth and rust are there unknown.Earthly joys no longer please us;
Here would we renounce them all;
Seek our only rest in Jesus,
Him our Lord and Master call.
Faith, our languid spirits cheering,
Points to brighter worlds above;
Bids us look for His appearing;
Bids us triumph in His love.May our light be always burning,
And our loins be girded round,
Waiting for our Lord’s returning,
Longing for the welcome sound.
Thus the Christian life adorning,
Never need we be afraid,
Should He come at night or morning
Early dawn, or evening shade.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:25] Do Not Worry
Do not worry for your life,
What you’ll eat or drink or wear;
Is not life much more important
Than these things that cause you care?
See the birds—they sow and reap not,
Nor in barns do store away.
Yet your heav’nly Father feeds them;
Have you not more worth than they?And why worry about clothing?
See the lilies’ glad array;
Solomon in all his splendor
Never dressed as fine as they.
This is how God clothes the grasses,
Though their life is but a day.
Will He not much more meet your needs?
Let your faith not fade away.So I tell you, do not worry,
Asking what you’ll eat or drink.
Nor be anxious about clothing—
These are things that all men seek.
And your Father knows you need them;
Worry won’t command His power.
Which of you by constant fretting
Adds to life a single hour?Seek first, then, your Father’s kingdom
And His righteousness on high.
All these things will then be given;
God will not neglect your cry.
So fret not about tomorrow;
God directs the future, too.
Though each day will bring its troubles,
Trust in Him—He’ll see you through.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:26] There’s Not A Bird With Lonely Nest
There’s not a bird with lonely nest,
In pathless wood or mountain crest,
Nor meaner thing, which does not share,
O God, in Thy paternal care.Each barren crag, each desert rude,
Holds Thee within its solitude;
And Thou dost bless the wand’rer there,
Who makes his solitary prayer.In busy mart and crowded street,
No less than in the still retreat,
Thou, Lord, art near, our souls to bless
With all a parent’s tenderness.And we, where’er our lot is cast,
While life, and thought, and feeling last,
Through all the years, in every place,
Will bless Thee for Thy boundless grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:28] Flower Carol
Spring has now unwrapped the flowers, day is fast reviving,
Life in all her growing powers towards the light is striving:
Gone the iron touch of cold, winter time and frost time,
Seedlings, working through the mould, now make up for lost time.Herb and plant that, winter long, slumbered at their leisure,
Now bestirring, green and strong, find in growth their pleasure;
All the world with beauty fills, gold the green enhancing,
Flowers make glee among the hills, set the meadows dancing.Through each wonder of fair days God Himself expresses;
Beauty follows all His ways, as the world He blesses:
So, as He renews the earth, Artist without rival,
In His grace of glad new birth we must seek revival.Earth puts on her dress of glee; flowers and grasses hide her;
We go forth in charity—brothers all beside her;
For, as man this glory sees in th’awakening season,
Reason learns the heart’s decrees, hearts are led by reason.Praise the Maker, all ye saints; He with glory girt you,
He Who skies and meadows paints fashioned all your virtue;
Praise Him, seers, heroes, kings, heralds of perfection;
Brothers, praise Him, for He brings all to resurrection!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:28] Little Cares Which Fretted Me, The
The little cares which fretted me,
I lost them yesterday
Among the fields, above the sea,
Among the winds at play;
Among the lowing of the herds,
The rustling of the trees,
Among the singing of the birds,
The humming of the bees.The foolish fears of what may come,
I cast them all away
Among the clover scented grass,
Among the new mown hay;
Among the hushing of the corn,
Where drowsing poppies nod,
Ill thoughts can die, and good be born,
Out in the fields of God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:33] Seek Ye First
Seek ye first the kingdom; not the things of earth.
Priceless are the treasures of immortal worth.
Like a flitting shadow, time will pass away,
But the heav’nly riches change not, nor decay.Refrain
“Seek ye first the kingdom,” ’tis the Master’s voice;
In His precious promise evermore rejoice.
“All things else,” His words are true, “shall be added unto you.”
In His precious promise, evermore rejoice.Seek ye first the kingdom; seek the gift of God.
’Tis the Savior’s offer purchased by His blood.
Seek ye first His glory; be it life’s sweet aim;
Him to serve and honor, trusting in His Name.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:33] Take Not Thought For Food Or Raiment
Take not thought for food or raiment,
Careful one, so anxiously;
For the King Himself provideth
Food and clothes for thee.He Who daily feeds the sparrows,
He Who clothes the lilies bright,
More than birds and flowers holds thee
Precious in His sight.Would’st thou give a stone, a serpent,
To Thy pleading child for food?
And shall not thy Heavenly Father
Give thee what is good?On the heart that careth for thee
Rest thou then from sorrow free;
For of all most tender fathers
None so good as He.Seek thou first His gracious promise,
Treasure stored in Heav’n above;
So thou may’st entrust all other
Safely to His love.Unto Thee, O bounteous Father,
Glory, honor, praise be done;
With the Son and Holy Spirit,
God for ever One.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:34] Beautiful Sunshine
Walk in the beautiful sunshine,
Smiling so cheerful and bright,
Chasing the mist from the mountain,
Flooding the world with its light.
Hark! the sweet voice of the Master
Whispers in accents divine,
“Take thou no thought for the morrow,
Only the present is thine.”Refrain
Walk in the beautiful sunshine,
Smiling so cheerful and bright,
Chasing the mist from the mountain,
Flooding the world with its light.Walk in the beautiful sunshine,
Falling in waves from the skies,
Gilding the streams and the valleys,
Scatt’ring the shadows that rise.
Hear the sweet voice of the Spirit
Softly and tenderly say,
“Trust for what may be tomorrow,
Live in the joy of today.”Refrain
Walk in the beautiful sunshine,
Jesus thy footsteps will guide;
While thou art safe in His keeping,
Evil can never betide.
Hear the sweet voice of His mercy
Kindly and lovingly say,
“God will take care of the morrow,
Be thou content with today.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:34] Just For Today
Lord, for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray;
Keep me, my God, from stain of sin just for today.
Help me to labor earnestly and duly pray;
Let me be kind in word and deed, Father, today.Let me no wrong or idle word unthinking say;
Set Thou a seal upon my lips through all today.
Let me in season, Lord, be grave, in season gay;
Let me be faithful to Thy grace, dear Lord, today.And if, today, this life of mine should ebb away,
Give me Thy sacrament divine, Father, today.
So for tomorrow and its needs I do not pray;
Still keep me, guide me, love me, Lord, through each day.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:34] Step By Step
When the shadows thickly gather,
Clouding all thy onward way,
Think not what shall be tomorrow;
Seek God’s help just for today.Refrain
Step by step He leads me onward,
Step by step the way reveals;
But what in the future lieth,
In His mercy He conceals.Should the coming days bring burdens,
Or be fraught with grief or care,
Trust Him in the hour of trial,
He will make thee strong to bear.Refrain
Daily strength He ever giveth,
For each day rich grace bestows;
And each morrow, as it dawneth,
Still His lovingkindness shows.Refrain
Then why should we shrink or falter
When the onward path looks dim,
Knowing light will never fail us
While we walk by faith with Him?Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:7] Bless This Hour Of Prayer
Come in our midst, O gracious Lord,
Unveil Thy smiling face,
Distil in every waiting heart,
The dew of heavenly grace;
From earthly scenes we turn aside,
On Thee we cast our care;
We worship in Thy holy Name;
O! bless this hour of prayer.Come in our midst, O gracious Lord,
Thy promise we believe,
That bids us seek and we shall find,
Ask and we shall receive;
We gather at Thy mercy seat,
Our only hope is there,
We plead the merits of Thy blood;
O! bless this hour of prayer.Come in our midst, O gracious Lord,
Eternal King of kings,
And fold the children of the law
Beneath Thy mighty wings;
Support the weak, the mourner cheer,
Help all their cross to bear;
Thou Spring of joy, Thou Source of life,
O! bless this hour of prayer.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:7] Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare:
Jesus loves to answer prayer;
He Himself has bid thee pray,
Therefore will not say thee nay;
Therefore will not say thee nay.Thou art coming to a King,
Large petitions with thee bring;
For His grace and power are such,
None can ever ask too much;
None can ever ask too much.With my burden I begin:
Lord, remove this load of sin;
Let Thy blood, for sinners spilt,
Set my conscience free from guilt;
Set my conscience free from guilt.Lord, I come to Thee for rest,
Take possession of my breast;
There Thy blood bought right maintain,
And without a rival reign;
And without a rival reign.As the image in the glass
Answers the beholder’s face;
Thus unto my heart appear,
Print Thine own resemblance there,
Print Thine own resemblance there.While I am a pilgrim here,
Let Thy love my spirit cheer;
As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend,
Lead me to my journey’s end;
Lead me to my journey’s end.Show me what I have to do,
Every hour my strength renew:
Let me live a life of faith,
Let me die Thy people’s death;
Let me die Thy people’s death.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:7] Have You Prayed It Through?
Have you prayed all night, till the break of day,
And the morning light drove the dark away?
Did you linger there, till the morning dew,
In prevailing prayer, did you pray it through?Refrain
Did you pray till the answer came,
Did you plead in the Savior’s Name?
Have you prayed all night till the morning light,
Did you pray till the answer came?Did you pray it through, till the answer came?
There’s a promise true for your faith to claim,
At the place of prayer, Jesus waits for you,
Did you meet Him there, did you pray it through?Refrain
As the Master prayed in the garden lone,
Let your prayer be made to the Father’s throne,
If you seek His will, He will answer you,
Are you trusting still, have you prayed it through?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:11] O Thou That Hearest Prayer
O Thou that hearest prayer,
Attend our humble cry,
And let Thy servants share
Thy blessing from on high:
We plead the promise of Thy Word;
Grant us Thy Holy Spirit, Lord.If earthly parents hear
Their children when they cry,
If they, with love sincere,
Their children’s wants supply,
Much more wilt Thou Thy love display,
And answer when Thy children pray.Our heavenly Father, Thou!
We, children of Thy grace!
O let Thy Spirit now
Descend, and fill the place;
That all may feel the heavenly flame,
And all unite to praise Thy Name.O may that sacred Fire,
Descending from above,
Our quickened hearts inspire
With fervent zeal and love,
Enlighten our beclouded eyes,
And teach our earth-bound souls to rise.And send Thy Spirit down
On all the nations, Lord,
With great success to crown
The preaching of Thy Word;
Till heathen lands shall own Thy sway,
And cast their idol-gods away.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:13] Broad Is The Road
Broad is the road that leads to death,
And thousands walk together there;
But wisdom shows a narrower path,
With here and there a traveler.“Deny thyself, and take thy cross,”
Is the Redeemer’s great command;
Nature must count her gold but dross,
If she would gain this heav’nly land.The fearful soul that tires and faints,
And walks the ways of God no more,
Is but esteemed almost a saint,
And makes his own destruction sure.Lord, let not all my hopes be vain
Create my heart entirely new;
Which hypocrites could ne’er attain,
Which false apostates never knew.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:13] O Brother, Life’s Journey Beginning
O brother, life’s journey beginning,
With courage and firmness arise!
Look well to the course thou art choosing;
Be earnest, be watchful, and wise!
Remember—two paths are before thee,
And both thy attention invite;
But one leadeth on to destruction,
The other to joy and delight.Refrain
God help you to follow His banner,
And serve Him wherever you go;
And when you are tempted, my brother,
God give you the grace to say “No!”O brother, yield not to the tempter,
No matter what others may do;
Stand firm in the strength of the Master,
Be loyal, be faithful, and true!
Each trial will make you the stronger,
If you, in the name of the Lord,
Fight manfully under your Leader,
Obeying the voice of His Word.Refrain
O brother, the Savior is calling!
Beware of the danger of sin;
Resist not the voice of the Spirit,
That whispers so gently within.
God calls you to enter His service—
To live for Him here, day by day;
And share by and by in the glory
That never shall vanish away.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:14] I’m Going Through
Lord, I have started to walk in the light
That shines on my pathway so clearly, so bright;
I’ve bade the world and its follies adieu,
And now with my Savior I mean to go through.Refrain
I’m going through, I’m going through,
I’ll pay the price, whatever others do;
I’ll take the way with the Lord’s despisèd few;
I’m going through, Jesus, I’m going through.Many once started to run in this race,
But with our Redeemer they could not keep pace;
Others accepted because it was new,
But not very many seem bound to go through.Refrain
Let me but follow my Lord all alone,
And have for my pillow, like Jacob, a stone,
Rather than vain worldly pleasures pursue,
Than turn from this pathway and fail to go through.Refrain
Come then, my comrades, and walk in this way
That leads to the kingdom of unending day;
Turn from your idols and join with the few,
Start in with your Savior, and keep going through.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:14] Lord, Thy Children Guide And Keep
Lord, Thy children guide and keep,
As with feeble steps they press
On the pathway rough and steep
Through the weary wilderness.
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.There are stony ways to tread;
Give the strength we sorely lack.
There are tangled paths to thread;
Light us, lest we miss the track.
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.There are sandy wastes that lie
Cold and sunless, vast and drear,
Where the feeble faint and die;
Grant us grace to persevere.
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.There are soft and flowery glades
Decked with golden fruited trees,
Sunny slopes and scented shades;
Keep us, Lord, from slothful ease.
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.Upward still to purer heights!
Onward yet to scenes more blest,
Calmer regions, clearer lights,
Till we reach the promised rests
Holy Jesus, day by day,
Lead us in the narrow way.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:14] Strait Is The Gate To All That Come
Strait is the gate to all that come,
And narrow is the way,
Which leads unto the heav’nly home,
Where yet is room for thee,
Where yet is room for thee.In Heav’n, where God His own shall take,
There’s also room for thee.
In Jesus’ Name, for Jesus’ sake,
The gates shall opened be,
The gates shall opened be.Where thousands stand arrayed in white,
Whom God His own declared,
There yet is room and life and light,
By grace for thee prepared,
By grace for thee prepared.In Jesus’ heart there’s room, I know,
And in His Heav’n of bliss.
He in His Gospel tells me so,
Thanks be to God for this,
Thanks be to God for this.Now God be praised, that even I
May in that city dwell,
Where peace shall reign eternally,
And all with me be well,
And all with me be well.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:14] Wayside Cross, The
“Which way shall I take?” shouts a voice in the night,
“I’m a pilgrim awearied, and spent is my light;
And I seek for a palace, that rests on the hill,
But between us, a stream lieth sullen and chill.”Refrain
Near, near thee, my son, is the old wayside cross,
Like a gray friar cowled, in lichens and moss;
And its crossbeam will point to the bright golden span,
That bridges the waters so safely for man;
That bridges the waters so safely for man.“Which way shall I take for the bright golden span
That bridges the waters so safely for man?
To the right? To the left? ah, me! if I knew—
The night is so dark, and the passers so few.”Refrain
“See the lights from the palace in silvery lines,
How they pencil the hedges and fruit laden vines—
My fortune! my all! for one tangled gleam
That sifts thro’ the lilies, and wastes on the stream.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:21] Come! Tune Your Heart
Come! tune your heart, to bear its part,
And celebrate Messiah’s feast with praises, with praises;
Let love inspire the joyful choir,
While to the God of love, glad hymns it raises, it raises.Exalt His Name; with joy proclaim,
God loved the world, and through His Son forgave us, forgave us;
Oh! what are we, that, Lord, we see
Thy wondrous love, in Christ Who died to save us, to save us!Your refuge place in His free grace,
Trust in His Name, and day by day repent you, repent you;
Ye mock God’s Word, who call Him Lord,
And follow not the pattern He hath lent you, hath lent you.O Christ, to prove for Thee my love
In brethren Thee my hands shall clothe and cherish, and cherish,
To each sad heart sweet hope impart,
When worn with care, with sorrow nigh to perish, to perish.Come! praise the Lord; in Heav’n are stored
Rich gifts for those who here His Name esteemèd, esteemèd;
Alleluia; Alleluia;
Rejoice in Christ, and praise Him ye redeemèd, redeemèd.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:22] What Will You Do With Jesus?
Jesus is standing in Pilate’s hall,
Friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all;
Hearken! what meaneth the sudden call?
What will you do with Jesus?Refrain
What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be;
Some day your heart will be asking,
“What will He do with me?”Jesus is standing on trial still,
You can be false to Him if you will,
You can be faithful through good or ill:
What will you do with Jesus?Refrain
Will you evade him as Pilate tried?
Or will you choose Him, whate’er betide?
Vainly you struggle from Him to hide:
What will you do with Jesus?Refrain
Will you, like Peter, your Lord deny?
Or will you scorn from His foes to fly,
Daring for Jesus to live or die?
What will you do with Jesus?Refrain
“Jesus, I give Thee my heart today!
Jesus, I’ll follow Thee all the way,
Gladly obeying Thee!” will you say:
“This I will do with Jesus!”Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:23] I Never Knew You
When the King in His beauty shall come to His throne,
And around Him are gathered His loved ones, His own;
There be some who will knock at His fair palace door,
To be answered within, “There is mercy no more.”Refrain
“I have never known you,
I have never known you,
I have never, I have never,
I have never known you.”They had known whence He came, and the grace which He brought;
In their presence He healed, in their streets He had taught;
They had mentioned His Name and their friendship professed;
But they never believed, for of them He confessed:Refrain
Now the righteous are reigning with Abraham there;
But for these is appointed an endless despair;
It is vain that they call: He once knocked at their gate,
But they welcomed Him not; so now this is their fate:Refrain
O sinner, give heed to this story of gloom,
For the hour is fast nearing that fixes your doom;
Will you still reject mercy? still harden your heart?
Oh, then, what will you do as the King cries, “Depart!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] Build On The Rock
We’ll build on the Rock, the living Rock,
On Jesus, the Rock of Ages;
So shall we abide the fearful shock,
When loud the tempest rages.Refrain
We’ll build on the Rock,
We’ll build on the Rock;
We’ll build on the Rock, on the solid Rock,
On Christ, the mighty Rock.Some build on the sinking sands of life,
On visions of earthly treasure;
Some build on the waves of sin and strife,
Of fame, and worldly pleasure.Refrain
O build on the Rock, for ever sure,
The firm and the true foundation;
Its hope is the hope which shall endure,
The hope of our salvation.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] Builded On The Rock
I builded on the Rock, on the Rock of God,
Builded on the Rock, Christ Jesus;
I dug down deep and builded on the Rock,
Builded on the Rock of God.Refrain
I hold not the Rock, but the Rock holds me,
The Rock holds me, the Rock holds me;
I rest on the Rock, and the Rock holds me,
Resting on the Rock of God.Why should I fear when the winds sweep by?
Builded on the Rock, Christ Jesus;
Or shaken be when the waves roll high?
Builded on the Rock of God.Refrain
Hush, raging billows at His command,
Builded on the Rock, Christ Jesus;
Oh, peace be still ’neath His loving hand!
Builded on the Rock of God.Refrain
Praise God for our foundation sure!
Builded on the Rock, Christ Jesus;
No storms can harm our home secure,
Builded on the Rock of God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] Built On The Rock
Built on the Rock the church doth stand,
Even when steeples are falling;
Crumbled have spires in every land,
Bells still are chiming and calling;
Calling the young and old to rest,
But above all the soul distressed,
Longing for rest everlasting.Surely in temples made with hands,
God, the Most High, is not dwelling;
High above earth His temple stands,
All earthly temples excelling;
Yet He whom heavens cannot contain
Chose to abide on earth with men,
Built in our bodies His temple.We are God’s house of living stones,
Builded for His habitation;
He through baptismal grace us owns,
Heirs of His wondrous salvation;
Were we but two His Name to tell,
Yet He would deign with us to dwell,
With all His grace and His favor.Now we may gather with our King;
Even in the lowliest dwelling:
Praises to Him we there may bring,
His wondrous mercy foretelling;
Jesus His grace to us accords,
Spirit and life are all His words,
His truth doth hallow the temple.Still we our earthly temples rear,
That we may herald His praises;
They are the homes where He draws near
And little children embraces,
Beautiful things in them are said,
God there with us His covenant made,
Making us heirs of His Kingdom.Here stands the font before our eyes
Telling how God did receive us;
The altar recalls Christ’s sacrifice
And what His table doth give us;
Here sounds the Word that doth proclaim
Christ yesterday, today, the same,
Yea, and for aye our Redeemer.Grant then, O God, wherever men roam,
That, when the church bells are ringing,
Many in saving faith may come
Where Christ His message is bringing:
“I know Mine own, Mine own know Me;
Ye, not the world, My face shall see.
My peace I leave with you.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] My House Will Stand
Are you building your house on the rock or the sand,
Are you living for time or the ages to be?
Do you know that your structure, though shaken, will stand,
Unharmed by the tempests which sweep o’er the sea?Refrain
Let rains descend and tempests sweep;
Let floods arise and billows leap;
My house will stand ’neath every shock,
For I have built upon the Rock.O the Lord is the Rock; our Foundation is tried,
And is changeless today as in centuries flown,
Though by men once rejected, He still doth abide,
He’s the blest Rock of Ages, the great Living Stone.Refrain
Though the billows may beat and the hurricane blow,
I am fearless and calm in the face of the gale;
For the Word of Jehovah is sure, and I know,
Having built on my Savior, they cannot prevail.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] Sure Foundation, The
There stands a Rock on shores of time
That rears to Heaven its head sublime.
That Rock is cleft, and they are blest
Who find within this cleft a rest.Refrain
Some build their hopes on the ever drifting sand,
Some on their fame, or their treasure, or their land;
Mine’s on a Rock that forever will stand,
Jesus, the “Rock of Ages.”That Rock’s a cross, its arms outspread,
Celestial glory bathes its head;
To its firm base my all I bring,
And to the Rock of Ages cling.Refrain
That Rock’s a tower, whose lofty height,
Illumed with Heaven’s unclouded light,
Opes wide its gate beneath the dome
Where saints find rest with Christ at home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:25] Building Day By Day
We are building in sorrow, and building in joy,
A temple the world cannot see;
But we know it will stand if we found it on a rock,
Thro’ the ages of eternity.Refrain
We are building day by day
As the moments glide away,
Our temple which the world may not see;
Every victory won by grace
Will be sure to find its place,
In our building for eternity.Every deed forms a part in this building of ours,
That is done in the name of the Lord;
For the love that we show and the kindness we bestow,
He has promised us a bright reward.Refrain
Then be watchful and wise, let the temple we rear
Be one that no tempest can shock
For the Master has said, and He taught us in His Word,
We must build upon the solid rock.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:25] My Hope Is Built
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.Refrain
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.Refrain
His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.Refrain
When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:2] Faith In Jesus
Gracious Lord, Thou canst make me clean;
Hide not Thy face from me;
Sick and faint, as the leper came,
Jesus, I come to Thee.
Thou canst remove the plague of sin,
Washing my inmost soul;
Jesus, I come with breaking heart,
Help me and make me whole.Refrain
Gracious Lord, Thou canst make me clean;
Speak, and my soul shall live;
O my faith will not let Thee go
Till Thou my sin forgive.Gracious Lord, Thou canst make me clean;
Weary and sad am I;
Bending low at Thy sacred feet,
Hear my repentant cry;
Faith in Thy Word has led me here,
Faith cannot plead in vain;
Lord, I believe; O cleanse me now,
Wash me from every stain.Refrain
Gracious Lord, Thou canst make me clean;
Lord, I am pleading still;
Now I hear from Thy lips divine,
“Child, thou hast faith—I will”;
Joy to my soul, great joy has come,
Mourning and tears are o’er;
Sweet are Thy words of love to me,
“Go thou, and sin no more.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:11] From North And South And East And West
From north and south and east and west,
When shall the peoples, long unblest,
All find their everlasting rest,
O Christ, in Thee?When shall the climes of ageless snow
Be with the Gospel light aglow,
And all men their Redeemer know,
O Christ, in Thee?When on each southern balmy coast,
Shall ransomed men, in countless host,
Rise, heart and voice, to make sweet boast,
O Christ, in Thee?O when in all the Orient lands,
From cities white, and flaming sands,
Shall men lift dedicated hands,
O Christ, in Thee?O when shall heathen darkness roll
Away in light, from pole to pole,
And endless day by every soul
Be found in Thee?Bring, Lord, the long predicted hour,
The ages’ diadem and flower,
When all shall find their refuge, tower,
And home in Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:11] Full Many Shall Come
Full many shall come from the east and the west
And sit at the feast of salvation,
With Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the blest,
Obeying the Lord’s invitation.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!But they who have always resisted His grace
And on their own virtue depended
Shall then be condemned and cast out from His face,
Eternally lost and unfriended.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!May we too give heed when our Savior doth call
In accents persuasive and tender,
And may we be guests at His feast, one and all,
Our praise and obeisance to render.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!Oh, that we the throng of the ransomed may swell,
To whom He hath granted remission!
God graciously make us in heaven to dwell
And save us from endless perdition.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!God grant that I may of His infinite love
Remain in His merciful keeping
And sit with the King at His table above
When here in the grave I am sleeping.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!Then ended will be, like a dream that is past,
All trial and trouble and sorrow;
All questions and doubts will be answered at last,
When dawneth eternity’s morrow.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!Then Heaven will ring with an anthem more grand
Than ever on earth was recorded,
When all of the saved shall receive at His hand
The crown to the victors awarded.
Have mercy upon us, O Jesus!source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:11] Gather Us In, Thou Love That Fillest All
Gather us in, Thou Love that fillest all;
Gather our rival faiths within Thy fold;
Rend each man’s temple veil, and bid it fall,
That we may know that Thou hast been of old.Gather us in—we worship only Thee;
In varied names we stretch a common hand;
In diverse forms a common soul we see;
In many ships we seek one spirit land.Each sees one color of Thy rainbow light,
Each looks upon one tint and calls it heaven;
Thou art the fullness of our partial sight;
We are not perfect till we find the seven.Thine is the mystic life great India craves;
Thine is the Parsee’s sin-destroying beam;
Thine is the Buddhist’s rest from tossing waves;
Thine is the empire of vast China’s dream.Thine is the Roman’s strength without his pride;
Thine is the Greek’s glad world without its graves;
Thine is Judea’s law with love beside,
The truth that censures and the grace that saves.Some seek a Father in the heav’ns above;
Some ask a human image to adore;
Some crave a spirit vast as life and love;
Within Thy mansions we have all and more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:11] In Christ There Is No East Or West
In Christ there is no East or West,
In Him no South or North;
But one great fellowship of love
Throughout the whole wide earth.In Him shall true hearts everywhere
Their high communion find;
His service is the golden cord,
Close binding humankind.Join hands, then, members of the faith,
Whatever your race may be!
Who serves my Father as His child
Is surely kin to me.In Christ now meet both East and West,
In Him meet North and South;
All Christly souls are one in Him
Throughout the whole wide earth.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:17] When Languor And Disease Invade
When languor and disease invade
This trembling house of clay,
’Tis sweet to look beyond my pains,
And long to fly away.Sweet to look inward, and attend
The whispers of His love;
Sweet to look upward to the place
Where Jesus pleads above.Sweet to look back, and see my name
In life’s fair book set down;
Sweet to look forward and behold
Eternal joys my own.Sweet to reflect how grace divine
My sins on Jesus laid;
Sweet to remember that His blood
My debt of suffering paid.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:19] If Jesus Goes With Me
It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide;
It may be in the sunshine that I, in peace, abide;
But this one thing I know—if it be dark or fair,
If Jesus is with me, I’ll go anywhere!Refrain
If Jesus goes with me, I’ll go anywhere!
’Tis Heaven to me, where’er I may be, if He is there!
I count it a privilege here, His cross to bear,
If Jesus goes with me, I’ll go anywhere!It may be I must carry the blessèd Word of life
Across the burning deserts to those in sinful strife;
And though it be my lot to bear my colors there,
If Jesus goes with me, I’ll go anywhere!Refrain
But if it be my portion to bear my cross at home,
While others bear their burdens beyond the billow’s foam,
I’ll prove my faith in Him—confess His judgments fair,
If Jesus stays with me, I’ll stay anywhere!Refrain
It is not mine to question the judgment of my Lord,
It is but mine to follow the leadings of His Word;
But if to go or stay, or whether here or there,
I’ll be, with my Savior, content anywhere!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:25] When Through The Torn Sail
When through the torn sail the wild tempest is raging,
When o’er the dark wave the red lightning is gleaming,
Nor hope lends a ray the poor seaman to cherish,
We fly to our Maker, “Save, Lord, or we perish.”O Jesus, once rocked on the breast of the billow,
Aroused by the shriek of despair from Thy pillow,
Now seated in glory, the mariner cherish,
Who cries in his anguish, “Save, Lord, or we perish.”And O! when the whirlwind of passion is raging,
When sin in our hearts his wild warfare is waging,
Then send down Thy grace Thy redeemèd to cherish
Rebuke the destroyer; “Save, Lord, or we perish.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:26] I Feel The Winds Of God Today
I feel the winds of God today; today my sail I lift,
Though heavy, oft with drenching spray, and torn with many a rift;
If hope but light the water’s crest, and Christ my bark will use,
I’ll seek the seas at His behest, and brave another cruise.It is the wind of God that dries my vain regretful tears,
Until with braver thoughts shall rise the purer, brighter years;
If cast on shores of selfish ease or pleasure I should be;
Lord, let me feel Thy freshening breeze, and I’ll put back to sea.If ever I forget Thy love and how that love was shown,
Lift high the blood red flag above; it bears Thy Name alone.
Great Pilot of my onward way, Thou wilt not let me drift;
I feel the winds of God today, today my sail I lift.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 8:27] Believe And Obey
Press onward, press onward, and trusting the Lord,
Remember the promise proclaimed in His Word;
He guideth the footsteps, directeth the way
Of all who confess Him, believe, and obey.Refrain
Believe and obey, believe and obey;
The Master is calling, no longer delay:
The light of His mercy shines bright on the way
Of all who confess Him, believe, and obey.Press onward, press onward, if you would secure
The rest of the faithful, abiding and sure;
The gift of salvation is offered today
To all who confess Him, believe, and obey.Refrain
Press onward, press onward, your courage renew;
The prize is before you, the crown is in view;
His love is so boundless, He’ll never say nay
To those who confess Him, believe, and obey.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:12] The Great Physician
The great Physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,
Oh! hear the voice of Jesus.Refrain
Sweetest note in seraph song,
Sweetest Name on mortal tongue;
Sweetest carol ever sung,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus.Your many sins are all forgiv’n,
Oh! hear the voice of Jesus;
Go on your way in peace to Heav’n,
And wear a crown with Jesus.Refrain
All glory to the dying Lamb!
I now believe in Jesus;
I love the blessèd Savior’s Name,
I love the Name of Jesus.Refrain
The children, too, both great and small,
Who love the Name of Jesus,
May now accept the gracious call
To work and live for Jesus.Refrain
Come, brethren, help me sing His praise,
Oh, praise the Name of Jesus;
Oh, sisters, all your voices raise,
Oh, bless the Name of Jesus.Refrain
His Name dispels my guilt and fear,
No other name but Jesus;
Oh! how my soul delights to hear
The charming Name of Jesus.Refrain
And when to that bright world above,
We rise to see our Jesus,
We’ll sing around the throne of love
His Name, the Name of Jesus.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:20] She Only Touched The Hem Of His Garment
She only touched the hem of His garment
As to His side she stole,
Amid the crowd that gathered around Him,
And straightway she was whole.Refrain
Oh, touch the hem of His garment!
And thou, too, shalt be free!
His saving power this very hour
Shall give new life to thee!She came in fear and trembling before Him,
She knew her Lord had come;
She felt that from Him virtue had healed her,
The mighty deed was done.Refrain
He turned with “Daughter, be of good comfort,
Thy faith hath made thee whole!”
And peace that passeth all understanding
With gladness filled her soul.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:21] Just One Touch
Just one touch as He moves along,
Pushed and pressed by the jostling throng,
Just one touch and the weak was strong,
Cured by the Healer divine.Refrain
Just one touch as He passes by,
He will list to the faintest cry,
Come and be saved while the Lord is nigh,
Christ is the Healer divine.Just one touch and He makes me whole,
Speaks sweet peace to my sin sick soul,
At His feet all my burdens roll,
Cured by the Healer divine.Refrain
Jut one touch! and the work is done,
I am saved by the blessèd Son,
I will sing while the ages run,
Cured by the Healer divine.Refrain
Just one touch! and He turns to me,
Oh, the love in His eyes I see!
I am His, for He hears my plea,
Cured by the Healer divine.Refrain
Just one touch! by His mighty power
He can heal thee this blessèd hour,
Thou canst hear though the tempests lower,
Cured by the Healer divine.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:21] Only Thy Garment’s Hem
Crowds are behind Thee, crowds are before,
Life in a single moment Thou canst restore.
Only to touch Thee, spotless and pure,
Only to touch Thy garment, faith brings the cure.Refrain
Only Thy garment’s hem, Lord, I implore;
Only Thy garment’s hem life will restore;
Only a touch will bring joy to my soul;
Let me but touch Thy garment, I shall be whole.Only to touch Thee, Savior, I know,
Peace to my troubled spirit Thou wilt bestow;
Only to touch Thee, this is my prayer,
Longer my heavy burden I cannot bear.Refrain
Lord, I am sinful, Thou undefiled,
Yet dost Thou love and even call me Thy child;
Great is Thy mercy, wondrous to me;
Lord, ’tis my faith that saves me, glory to Thee!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:28] Believe Ye That I Am Able?
The blind men to Jesus cried out by the way,
Beseeching in darkness for light;
“Oh help, Son of David, have mercy, we pray,
And grant us the blessing of sight.”Refrain
“Believe ye that I am able, able to do this?
According unto your faith be it unto you.”O Christian, so weary of sorrow and sin,
Your darkness will vanish away;
His light like the glory of noontide, shine in—
To you He is saying today,Refrain
Oh wand’rer if you would a blessing receive,
He’s passing, oh do not delay;
But answer Him quickly,
“Yea, Lord, I believe,”
To you He is saying today,Refrain
The same Son of David is healing today,
All those who upon Him call;
Yes, Jesus of Nazareth is passing this way,
He’s saying to us, one and all,Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:29] Claim The Promise
Never let a shade of care rest on your brow,
You can have the Savior’s helping hand just now;
He has promised if His Word you will believe,
That according to your faith you shall receive.Refrain
Claim the promise, plead it o’er and o’er;
On His Word lay hold as ne’er before;
Claim the promise, plead it o’er and o’er;
Let your faith be mightier than e’er before.He has called you in the world to shine for Him,
Never need the brightness of your life grow dim;
He has promised evermore He will bestow
All that you may need to keep your light aglow.Refrain
When the erring feet you seek to guide aright
From the paths of darkness into His own light,
He has promised pow’r to give you from above
As you tell the story of His wondrous love.Refrain
When at last your service for Him here shall cease,
And He bids you rise to realms of endless peace,
He has promised your reward on high shall be
Far beyond all telling thro’ eternity.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:36] Jesus, My Savior, Look On Me
Jesus, my Savior, look on me,
For I am weary and oppressed;
I come to cast myself on Thee:
Thou art my Rest.Look down on me, for I am weak;
I feel the toilsome journey’s length;
Thine aid omnipotent I seek:
Thou art my Strength.I am bewildered on my way,
Dark and tempestuous is the night;
O send Thou forth some cheering ray:
Thou art my Light.I hear the storms around me rise;
But when I dread th’impending shock,
My spirit to the Refuge flies:
Thou art my Rock.When Satan flings his fiery darts,
I look to Thee; my terrors cease;
Thy cross a hiding place imparts:
Thou art my Peace.Standing alone on Jordan’s brink,
In that tremendous latest strife,
Thou will not suffer me to sink:
Thou art my Life.Thou wilt my every want supply,
E’en to the end, whate’er befall;
Through life, in death, eternally,
Thou art my All.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Are You Working?
Are you working for the Master,
Are you toiling day by day?
Are you sowing seeds of kindness,
For the reapers on the way?Hear you not the Master calling,
For glad toilers brave and true?
Will you enter now the harvest,
For the call is unto you?There’s a work for all, my brother,
Sheaves are falling by the way,
Go you forth into the harvest,
Enter now, without delay.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Call For Workers
In the vineyard of the Lord,
There is work for all to do;
Will you go and work today,
With a purpose strong and true?Refrain
Heed the call, brother dear,
For workers today;
Let your eyes see the need
Of workers today.Brother, sister, hear the call!
All along, your aid afford,
Let us strive to save the lost
Strive to save by work and word.Refrain
Mark the spirit’s direful fate,
Wheresoever sin is found;
Come, and lend a helping hand,
Let the shackles be unbound.Refrain
Oh, for workers strong and brave,
Who will lift the banner high;
So the lost can see the way,
To the mansions in the sky.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Forth In The Dawn- Light
Forth in the dawn-light, cool and sweet and tender,
While yet the dew-drops tremble on the flowers,
Seeking for lab’rers, One doth meekly wander,
Calling, still calling thro’ the quiet hours.
“Go, work today, the flush of early morning
Brightens the east, and day is coming on;
Go in the freshness of the day’s adorning,
Sure shall your hire be at the set of sun!”Forth while the sun rides higher still in heaven,
Forth while the noon-tide’s fervid radiance glows,
Forth while the shadows lengthen t’ward the even,
Calling for lab’rers, still the Master goes;
“Go, work today! oh, wherefore yet delaying,
Stand ye still idle as the hours glide on?
Go, for the morning waits not for your staying,
Sure shall your hire be at the set of sun!”Lord, we have heard Thee in our youth’s glad morning;
Lord, we still hear Thee in our noonday prime,
Hear Thee, and gladly, ease and pleasure scorning,
Gird us for service, lowly yet sublime;
Take us, ourselves to Thee we now surrender,
Take us, and use us till the day is done,
Gather us then in Thy embraces tender,
Such let our hire be at the set of sun!source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Gather In The Sheaves
In the early morning,
Verdant fields adorning,
While the golden sunlight
Wakes the dewy leaves.
Haste we now with gladness,
Banish care and sadness;
Go and help the reapers
Gather in the sheaves.Refrain
Gather in the sheaves,
Gather in the sheaves,
While the voice of nature
Sweetest music breathes:
Hear the Master calling,
Hear the echoes falling;
Go and help the reapers,
Gather in the sheaves.When the days are brightest,
When our hearts are lightest,
When the lovely summer
Fairest beauty weaves.
In the noontide beaming,
In the twilight gleaming,
Go and help the reapers
Gather in the sheaves.Refrain
Should our way be dreary,
Let us never weary,
Earnest, faithful labor
Greatest joy receives.
Though we toil in sorrow,
Soon will dawn the morrow,
When we’ll cross the river
Bearing home the sheaves.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Gather The Grain
O list to the music that floats on the air,
The valleys are smiling, the reapers are there;
The summer rewards us with plenty again;
Then thrust in the sickle and gather the grain.Refrain
Gather the grain, gather the grain;
Thanks for the sunshine, the dew, and the rain;
Sunshine is yielding its harvest again,
Then thrust in the sickle and gather the grain.O why should we tarry from labor today?
The reapers are calling, and we must away;
The sky is unclouded and soft is the wind;
The bright sheaves are waving and ready to bind.Refrain
We ask of the Master, our strength to renew,
Tho’ great is the harvest, the toilers are few;
We pray that to others His grace He may give,
To work and be faithful as long as they live.Refrain
The harvest is passing, to greet us no more,
The summer is ending, and soon will be o’er;
Our moments neglected, return not again—
Now thrust in the sickle and gather the grain.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Ho! Reapers Of Life’s Harvest
Ho! reapers of life’s harvest,
Why stand with rusted blade,
Until the night draws round thee,
And day begins to fade?
Why stand ye idle, waiting
For reapers more to come?
The golden morn is passing,
Why sit ye idle, dumb?Thrust in your sharpened sickle,
And gather in the grain,
The night is fast approaching,
And soon will come again;
The Master calls for reapers,
And shall He call in vain?
Shall sheaves lie there ungathered,
And waste upon the plain?Mount up the heights of wisdom,
And crush each error low;
Keep back no words of knowledge
That human hearts should know.
Be faithful to thy mission,
In service of thy Lord,
And then a golden chaplet
Shall be thy just reward.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Let Us Away
Let us away, no longer delay,
Morning with joy is bright;
Let us away and labor today
Out in the fields so white.Refrain
Onward, onward, bounding along,
Onward, onward, join the busy throng.
Shouting, singing, o’er the harvest plain;
Joyful, joyful, gather in the grain.Let us away, the message obey,
Jesus repeats the call;
Come with a will, our mission fulfill,
Haste to the work for all.Refrain
Let us away, we cannot delay,
Harvest will soon be o’er;
Moments and hours, like beautiful flow’rs,
Soon will return no more.Refrain
Let us away, O let us away,
Lifting our eyes above;
Faithful and true our labor pursue,
Trusting a Savior’s love.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] O Still In Accents Sweet And Strong
O still in accents sweet and strong
Sounds forth the ancient word,
“More reapers for white harvest fields,
More laborers for the Lord.”We hear the call; in dreams no more
In selfish ease we lie,
But, girded for our Father’s work,
Go forth beneath His sky.Where prophets’ word, and martyrs’ blood,
And prayers of saints were sown,
We, to their labors entering in,
Would reap where they have strown.O Thou Whose call our hearts has stirred,
To do Thy will we come;
Thrust in our sickles at Thy Word,
And bear our harvest home.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Reapers Are Needed (gabriel)
Standing in the market places all the season through,
Idly saying, “Lord, is there no work that I can do?”
O how many loiter, while the Master calls anew—
“Reapers! reapers! Who will work today?”Refrain
Lift thine eyes and look upon the fields that stand
Ripe and ready for the willing gleaner’s hand,
Rouse ye, O sleepers!Ye are needed as reapers!
Who will be the first to answer,“Master, here am I.”
Far and wide the ripened grain is bending low,
In the breezes gently waving to and fro,
Rouse ye, O sleepers!Ye are needed as reapers!
And the golden harvest days are swiftly passing by.Ev’ry sheaf you gather will become a jewel bright
In the crown you hope to wear in yonder world of light.
Seek the gems immortal that are precious in His sight!
“Reapers! reapers! Who will work today?”Refrain
Morning hours are passing, and the ev’ning follows fast;
Soon the time of reaping will forevermore be past.
Empty handed to the Master will you go at last?
“Reapers! reapers! Who will work today?”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Through The Night Of Doubt And Sorrow
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Onward goes the pilgrim band,
Singing songs of expectation,
Marching to the promised land.
Clear before us through the darkness
Gleams and burns the guiding light:
Brother clasps the hand of brother,
Stepping fearless through the night.One the light of God’s own presence,
O’er His ransomed people shed,
Chasing far the gloom and terror,
Brightening all the path we tread:
One the object of our journey,
One the faith which never tires,
One the earnest looking forward,
One the hope our God inspires.One the strain that lips of thousands
Lift as from the heart of one;
One the conflict, one the peril
One the march in God begun:
One the gladness of rejoicing
On the far eternal shore,
Where the one almighty Father
Reigns in love for evermore.Onward, therefore, pilgrim brothers,
Onward, with the cross our aid!
Bear its shame, and fight its battle,
Till we rest beneath its shade.
Soon shall come the great awaking,
Soon the rending of the tomb;
Then the scattering of all shadows,
And the end of toil and gloom.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:37] Your Mission
If you cannot, on the ocean, sail among the swiftest fleet,
Rocking on the highest billows, laughing at the storms you meet,
You can stand among the sailors, anchored yet within the bay,
You can lend a hand to help them, as they launch their boats away.If you are too weak to journey up the mountain steep and high,
You can stand within the valley, while the multitudes go by;
You can chant in happy measure, as they slowly pass along;
Though they may forget the singer, they will not forget the song.If you have not gold and silver ever ready to command;
If you cannot toward the needy reach an ever open hand;
You can visit the afflicted, o’er the erring you can weep;
You can be a true disciple, sitting at the Savior’s feet.If you cannot, in the conflict prove, yourself a soldier true,
If, where fire and smoke are thickest, there’s no work for you to do;
When the battlefield is silent, you can go with careful tread,
You can bear away the wounded, you can cover up the dead.If you cannot, in the harvest, gather up the richest sheaves,
Many a grain both ripe and golden oft the careless reaper leaves;
Go and glean among the briars growing rank against the wall,
For it may be that their shadow hides the heaviest wheat of all.Do not, then, stand idly waiting, for some greater work to do;
Fortune is a lazy goddess, she will never come to you.
Go and toil in any vineyard, do not fear to do or dare,
If you want a field of labor, you can find it anywhere.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:38] And Let Our Bodies Part
And let our bodies part,
To different climes repair;
Inseparably joined in heart
The friends of Jesus are.O let us still proceed
In Jesus’ work below;
And, following our triumphant Head,
To further conquests go!The vineyard of the Lord
Before His laborers lies;
And lo! we see the vast reward
Which waits us in the skies.O let our heart and mind
Continually ascend,
That haven of repose to find,
Where all our labors end.When all our toils are o’er,
Our suffering and our pain!
Who meet on that eternal shore
Shall never part again.O happy, happy place,
Where saints and angels meet;
There we shall see each other’s face,
And all our brethren greet.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:38] Lord Of The Gospel Harvest
Lord of the Gospel harvest
Send more lab’rers forth into Thy field,
Send more lab’rers forth;
More pastors teach Thy flock to tend,
More workmen raise Thy house to build,
His work and place to each assign,
And clothe the Word with power divine,
And clothe the Word with power divine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:38] Lord Of The Harvest, The
The Lord of the harvest is coming,
We know not the day it will be
When He shall appear to His people,
The hour we His glory shall see.
Oh soul, are you ready to meet Him,
His own can you joyfully yield,
When Jesus shall come in His beauty
To earth, to His great harvest field?Refrain
The Lord of the harvest is coming, is coming
We know not the day and we know not the hour,
When He shall appear in His glory,
His might and His wonderful power.The Lord of the harvest is coming,
The world shall acknowledge His might
When He shall descend with His angels,
His angels of glory and light.
A message of joy to His faithful,
But where will the faithless be found?
When Jesus shall come to His people
His voice through the world shall resound.Refrain
The Lord of the harvest is coming,
“Be ready,” He bids thee to wait,
For oh, in the clouds we shall see Him,
If early He cometh, or late.
Prepare, nor delay, bid Him welcome,
So soon His dear face thou shalt see,
The Savior is coming so surely,
A message He’ll bring unto thee.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:38] Our Country’s Voice Is Pleading
Our country’s voice is pleading,
Ye men of God, arise!
His providence is leading,
The land before you lies;
Day-gleams o’er it are brightening,
And promise clothes the soil;
Wide fields, for harvest whitening,
Invite the reaper’s toil.Go where the waves are breaking
On California’s shore,
Christ’s precious Gospel taking,
More rich than golden ore;
On Allegheny’s mountains,
Through all the western vale,
Beside Missouri’s fountains,
Rehearse the wondrous tale.The love of Christ unfolding,
Speed on from east to west,
Till all, His cross beholding,
In Him are fully blest.
Great Author of salvation,
Haste, haste the glorious day,
When we, a ransomed nation,
Thy scepter shall obey!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:38] Saints Of God! The Dawn Is Brightening
Saints of God! the dawn is brightening,
Token of our coming Lord:
O’er the earth the field is whitening;
Louder rings the Master’s Word;
Pray for reapers, pray for reapers
In the harvest of the Lord!Now, O Lord, fulfill Thy pleasure,
Breathe upon Thy chosen band,
And, with Pentecostal measure,
Send forth reapers o’er our land;
Faithful reapers, faithful reapers,
Gathering sheaves for Thy right hand.Broad the shadow of our nation,
Eager millions hither roam;
Lo! they wait for Thy salvation;
Come, Lord Jesus! quickly come!
By Thy Spirit, by Thy Spirit,
Bring Thy ransomed people home.Soon shall end the time of weeping,
Soon the reaping time will come;
Heaven and earth together keeping
God’s eternal harvest home.
Saints and angels, saints and angels,
Shout the world’s great harvest home.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 9:38] Send Them, O Lord
Lord, Thou hast gone two thousand years,
Yet they have never heard
Tidings of Thy redeeming love,
Or seen Thy holy Word.
Sleeping and still Thy Church has lain,
Heedless of the high command—
“Go forth to ev’ry tribe and tongue,
To ev’ry distant land.”Refrain
Send them, O Lord, to speak of Thee,
Telling of Thy love and grace;
Send them, O Lord, to tell of Thee,
To ev’ry tribe and race.Once o’er this bright and favored land
Lay there the pall of night—
Gloom of a savage heathendom,
With foul and bloody rite.
Brave ones arose and came to us,
Bringing o’er the tidings sweet,
Then cruel men bent low to Thee,
And worshipped at Thy feet.Refrain
So would we do for other lands
Lying in deepest death,
Sinking to meet their awful doom
With ev’ry passing breath.
Hear, Jesus, hear our fervent pray’r,
Wake Thy sleeping Church to know
Her hour of privilege and pow’r,
And bid her rise and go.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:3] He Sat To Watch O’er Customs Paid
He sat to watch o’er customs paid,
A man of scorned and hard’ning trade;
Alike the symbol and the tool
Of foreign masters’ hated rule.But grace within his breast had stirred;
There needed but the timely word;
It came, true Lord of souls! from Thee,
That royal summons, “Follow Me.”Enough, when Thou wert passing by
To hear Thy voice, to meet Thine eye;
He rose, responsive to the call,
And left his task, his gains, his all.O wise exchange! with these to part
And lay up treasure in Thy heart;
With twofold crown of light to shine
Amid Thy servants’ foremost line!Come, Savior, as in days of old;
Pass where the world has strongest hold,
And faithless care and selfish greed
Are thorns that choke the holy seed.Who keep Thy gifts, O bid them claim
The steward’s, not the owner’s name;
Who yield all up for Thy dear sake,
Let them of Matthew’s wealth partake.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:22] He Has Promised
Can we read our title clear
To a mansion in the sky?
Could we look without a fear,
If we knew our end was nigh?Refrain
Hallelujah! bless the Lord!
We shall conquer thro’ His Word;
Those who trust Him to the end
He has promised to defend.If the Christian race we run,
And the cross we meekly bear,
When at last our work is done
Crowns in glory we shall wear.Refrain
O the visions of delight,
Breaking from the other shore!
O the morning calm and bright,
That shall dawn and fade no more!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:29] His Eye Is On The Sparrow
Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.Refrain
I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.Refrain
Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:29] He’ll Never Forget To Keep Me
My Father has many dear children;
Will He ever forget to keep me?
He gave His own Son to redeem them,
And He cannot forget to keep me.
He’ll never forget to keep me (keep me),
He’ll never forget to keep me (keep me),
He gave His own Son to redeem me,
And He’ll never forget to keep me.Our Father remembers the sparrows,
Their value and fall doth He see;
But dearer to Him are His children,
And He’ll never forget to keep me.
He’ll never forget to keep me (keep me),
He’ll never forget to keep me (keep me),
But dearer to Him are His children,
And He’ll never forget to keep me.The words of the Lord are so priceless,
How patient and watchful is He;
Though mother forget her own offspring,
Yet He’ll never forget to keep me.
He’ll never forget to keep me (keep me),
He’ll never forget to keep me (keep me),
Though mother forget her own offspring,
Yet He’ll never forget to keep me.I now will abide in His shadow,
Never restless nor fearful will be;
In the secret of His presence He’ll hide me,
And He’ll never forget to keep me.
He’ll never forget to keep me (keep me),
He’ll never forget to keep me (keep me),
In the secret of His presence He’ll hide me,
And He’ll never forget to keep me.O brother, why don’t you accept Him?
He offers salvation so free;
Repent and believe and obey Him,
And He’ll never forget to keep thee.
He’ll never forget to keep thee (keep thee),
He’ll never forget to keep thee (keep thee),
Repent and believe and obey Him,
And He’ll never forget to keep thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:29] Lord Jesus, Let Thy Watchful Care
Lord Jesus, let Thy watchful care
Thy faithful love, our brethren tend;
Their hearts sustain, their way prepare
And safely guide them to the end.Be with them on the stormy deep;
Be with them in the silent hour;
By sea or land, awake, asleep,
Be Thou their Helper, Strength, and Tower.Maintain them through their earthly strife,
So running as to win the race;
Each holding forth the Word of Life,
A light to lighten future days.Go, brethren, go! with cheerful voice
We bid you go—a blessed leav’n—
Go, win the country of your choice
For truth, and liberty, and Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:29] Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep
Rocked in the cradle of the deep,
I lay me down in peace to sleep;
Secure I rest upon the wave,
For Thou, O Lord, hast power to save.
I know Thou wilt not slight my call,
For Thou dost mark the sparrow’s fall.Refrain
And calm and peaceful is my sleep,
Rocked in the cradle of the deep;
And calm and peaceful is my sleep,
Rocked in the cradle of the deep.And such the trust that still were mine,
Though stormy winds sweep o’er the brine,
Or though the tempest’s fiery breath
Rouse me from sleep to wreck and death,
In ocean cave still safe with Thee,
The germ of immortality.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:31] More Than These
I need not trouble for the morrow,
For I am in my Father’s care;
He will go with me as I journey,
For all my need He will prepare.Refrain
I know that He provides the lilies,
His eye each falling sparrow sees;
And so my soul will fear no evil,
For I am more to Him than these.I need not either thirst or hunger;
His grace will never be denied;
He leads me to the living waters;
His daily manna is supplied.Refrain
I need not an abiding city,
For “I can tarry but a night”;
My heart, my treasure, are in Heaven,
My raiment is a robe of white.Refrain
O may my faith increase before Him,
My service here His blessing gain;
Let me seek first my Father’s kingdom,
For all beside must be in vain!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:32] Not By The Martyr’s Death Alone
Not by the martyr’s death alone
The saint his crown in Heav’n has won;
There is a triumph robe on high
For bloodless fields of victory.What though he was not called to feel
The cross, or flame, or torturing wheel,
Yet daily to the world he died;
His flesh, through grace, he crucified.What though nor chains, nor scourges sore,
Nor cruel beasts his members tore,
Enough if perfect love arise
For Christ a grateful sacrifice.Lord, grant us so to Thee to turn
That we through life to die may learn,
And thus, when life’s brief day is o’er,
May live with Thee forevermore.O Fount of sanctity and love,
O perfect Rest of saints above,
All praise, all glory be to Thee
Both now and through eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 10:39] From Age To Age They Gather
From age to age they gather, all the brave of heart and strong;
In the strife of truth with error, of the right against the wrong;
I can see their gleaming banner, I can hear their triumph song;
The truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah! The truth is marching on.“In this sign we conquer,” ’tis the symbol of our faith,
Made holy by the might of love triumphant over death;
“He who finds his life loseth it,” forevermore it saith,
The right is marching on!
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah! The right is marching on!The earth is circling onward out of shadow into light;
The stars keep watch above our way, however dark the night;
For every martyr’s stripe there glows a bar of morning bright;
And love is marching on!
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah! And love is marching on!Lead on, O cross of martyr faith, with thee is victory;
Shine forth, O stars and reddening dawn, the full day yet shall be;
On earth His kingdom cometh, and with joy our eyes shall see,
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Our God is marching on.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] All Ye Who Seek For Sure Relief
All ye who seek for sure relief
In trouble and distress,
Whatever sorrows vex the mind,
Or guilt the soul oppress,Jesus, who gave Himself for you
Upon the cross to die,
Opens to you His sacred heart;
O to that heart draw nigh.Ye hear how kindly He invites;
Ye hear His words so blest;
“All ye that labor come to me,
And I will give you rest.”O Jesus, Joy of saints on high,
Thou Hope of sinners here,
Attracted by those loving words
To Thee we lift our prayer.Wash Thou our wounds in that dear blood
Which from Thy heart doth flow;
A new and contrite heart on all
Who cry to Thee bestow.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Alleluia, Fairest Morning
Alleluia, fairest morning,
Fairer than our words can say!
Down we lay the heavy burden
Of life’s toil and care today,
While this morn of joy and love
Brings fresh vigor from above.Sunday full of holy glory,
Sweetest rest-day of the soul!
Light upon a world of darkness
From thy blessèd moments roll!
Holy, happy, heav’nly day,
Thou canst charm our grief away.In the gladness of His worship
We will seek our joy today;
It is then we learn the fullness
Of the grace for which we pray,
When the word of life is giv’n,
Like the Savior’s voice from Heav’n.Let the day with Thee be ended,
As with Thee it has begun,
And Thy blessing, Lord, be granted,
Till earth’s days and weeks are done;
That at last Thy servants may
Keep eternal Sabbath day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid?
Art thou weary, art thou languid,
Art thou sore distressed?
“Come to Me,” saith One, “and coming,
Be at rest.”Hath He marks to lead me to Him,
If He be my Guide?
In His feet and hands are wound prints
And His side.Hath He diadem, as monarch,
That His brow adorns?
Yes, a crown in very surety,
But of thorns.If I find Him, if I follow,
What His guerdon here?
Many a sorrow, many a labor,
Many a tear.If I still hold closely to Him,
What hath He at last?
Sorrow vanquished, labor ended,
Jordan passed.If I ask Him to receive me,
Will He say me nay?
Not till earth and not till Heaven
Pass away.Finding, following, keeping, struggling,
Is He sure to bless?
Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs,
Answer, Yes!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Beautiful Words Of Jesus
Beautiful words of Jesus,
Spoken so long ago,
Yet, as we sing them over,
Dearer to us they grow,
Calling the heavy laden,
Calling to hearts oppressed,
“Come unto Me, ye weary;
Come, I will give you rest.”Refrain
Hear the call of His voice, so sweet;
Bring your load to the Savior’s feet;
Lean your heart on His loving breast;
Come, O come, and He will give you rest.Beautiful words of Jesus,
Cheering us day by day;
Throwing a gleam of sunshine
Over a cloudy way;
Casting on Him the burden
We are too weak to bear;
He will give grace sufficient;
He will regard our prayer.Refrain
Beautiful words of Jesus,
Tokens of endless rest,
When, by and by, we enter
Into His presence blest;
There shall we see His beauty,
Meet with Him face to face;
There shall we sing His glory,
Praising His matchless grace.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] “come”
O word of words the sweetest,
Oh words, in which there lie
All promise, all fulfillment,
And end of mystery;
Lamenting or rejoicing,
With doubt or terror nigh,
I hear the “Come!” of Jesus,
And to His cross I fly.Refrain
Come, oh come to Me,
Come, oh come to Me,
Weary, heavy laden,
Come, oh come to Me,
Come, oh come to Me,
Come, oh come to Me,
Weary, heavy laden,
Come, oh come to Me.O soul! why shouldst thou wander
From such a loving Friend?
Cling closer, closer to Him,
Stay with Him to the end.
Alas! I am so helpless,
So very full of sin,
For I am ever wand’ring,
And coming back again.Refrain
O, each time draw me nearer,
That soon the “Come” may be
Naught but a gentle whisper,
To one close, close to Thee;
Then, over sea and mountain,
Far from or near my home,
I’ll take Thy hand and follow,
At that sweet whisper “Come!”Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come, Oh, Come To Me
Weary burdened wand’rer,
There is rest for thee,
At the feet of Jesus,
In His love so free;
Listen to His message,
Words forever blest,
Oh, thou heavy laden,
“Come to Me and rest.”Refrain
“Come, oh come to Me,”
“Come, oh come to Me,”
Jesus now is waiting, calling
“Come, oh come to Me.”Bring Him all thy burdens,
All thy guilt and sin,
Mercy’s door is open,
Rise and enter in.
Jesus there is waiting,
Patiently for thee,
Hear Him gently calling,
“Come, oh, come to Me.”Refrain
Linger then no longer,
Come just now to Him;
Ere the shadows gather,
And thy light grows dim.
Thou hast long been waiting
For some better time,
But today He’s calling,
Come and claim Him thine.Refrain
He will bid thee welcome,
At the blessèd cross,
Turn to joy thy mourning,
Turn to gold thy dross.
He will lead thee gently,
All along the way,
In the path that shineth,
Unto perfect day.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come, Said Jesus’ Sacred Voice
“Come,” said Jesus’ sacred voice,
“Come, and make My paths your choice;
I will guide you to your home,
Weary pilgrim, hither come.“Thou who, houseless, sole, forlorn,
Long hast borne the proud world’s scorn,
Long hast roamed the barren waste,
Weary pilgrim, hither haste.“Ye who, tossed on beds of pain,
Seek for ease, but seek in vain;
Ye whose swollen, sleepless eyes
Watch to see the morning rise.Ye, by fiercer anguish torn,
In remorse for guilt who mourn.
Here repose your heavy care:
Who the stings of guilt can bear?“Hither come, for here is found
Balm that flows for every wound,
Peace that ever shall endure,
Rest eternal, sacred, sure.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come, Sinner, Come
While Jesus whispers to you,
Come, sinner, come!
While we are praying for you,
Come, sinner, come!
Now is the time to own Him:
Come, sinner, come!
Now is the time to know Him:
Come, sinner, come!Are you too heavy laden?
Come, sinner, come!
Jesus will bear your burden:
Come, sinner, come!
Jesus will not deceive you:
Come, sinner, come!
Jesus can now redeem you:
Come, sinner, come!O hear His tender pleading:
Come, sinner, come!
Come and receive the blessing:
Come, sinner, come!
While Jesus whispers to you,
Come, sinner, come!
While we are praying for you,
Come, sinner, come!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come To The Master
Come to the Master, wanderer,
Come to your long sought home;
Jesus is calling, calling:
Come, never more to roam.Come to the Master, sinner,
Cast off your weary load;
Angels are beckoning, beckoning,
All down the narrow road.Come to the Master, come ye,
Heed now the earnest call;
Jesus is waiting, waiting:
Haste, at His feet to fall.Soon will the strife be over,
What, then, will be your fate?
Jesus is pleading, pleading:
Come, e’er it be too late.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come To The Savior
Come to the Savior, make no delay;
Here in His Word He has shown us the way;
Here in our midst He’s standing today,
Tenderly saying, “Come!”Refrain
Joyful, joyful will the meeting be,
When from sin our hearts are pure and free;
And we shall gather, Savior, with Thee,
In our eternal home.“Suffer the children!” oh, hear His voice!
Let ev’ry heart leap forth and rejoice;
And let us freely make Him our choice;
Do not delay, but come.Refrain
Think once again, He’s with us today;
Heed now His blest command, and obey;
Hear now His accents tenderly say,
“Will you, My children, come?”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come To The Savior Now
Come to the Savior now,
He gently calleth thee;
In true repentance bow,
Before Him bend the knee;
He waiteth to bestow
Salvation, peace, and love,
True joy on earth below,
A home in Heav’n above.Come to the Savior now,
Ye who have wandered far;
Renew your solemn vow,
For His by right you are;
Come, like poor wand’ring sheep
Returning to His fold;
His arm will safely keep,
His love will ne’er grow cold.Come to the Savior, all,
Whate’er your burdens be;
Hear now His loving call,
“Cast all your care on Me.”
Come, and for ev’ry grief
In Jesus you will find
A sure and safe relief,
A loving Friend and kind.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come Unto Me (jones)
Hear the blessèd Savior calling the oppressed,
“O ye heavy laden, come to Me and rest.
Come, no longer tarry, I your load will bear,
Bring Me every burden, bring Me every care.”Refrain
Come unto Me, I will give you rest;
Take My yoke upon you, hear Me and be blessed.
I am meek and lowly, come and trust My might.
Come, My yoke is easy, and My burden’s light.Are you disappointed, wandering here and there,
Dragging chains of doubt and loaded down with care?
Do unholy feelings struggle in your breast?
Bring your case to Jesus—He will give you rest.Refrain
Stumbling on the mountains dark with sin and shame,
Stumbling toward the pit of hell’s consuming flame.
By the powers of sin deluded and oppressed,
Hear the tender Shepherd, “Come to Me and rest.”Refrain
Have you by temptation often conquered been,
Has a sense of weakness brought distress within?
Christ will sanctify you, if you’ll claim His best.
In the Holy Spirit, He will give you rest.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come Unto Me (norton)
“Come unto Me,” it is the Savior’s voice,
The Lord of life, who bids thy heart rejoice;
O weary heart, with heavy cares oppressed,
“Come unto Me,” and I will give you rest.Refrain
“Come unto Me, come unto Me,
Come unto Me, and I will give you rest,
I will give you rest, I will give you rest.”Weary with life’s long struggle full of pain,
O doubting soul, thy Savior calls again;
Thy doubts shall vanish and thy sorrows cease,
“Come unto Me,” and I will give you peace.Refrain
Oh, dying man, with guilt and sin dismayed,
With conscience wakened, of thy God afraid;
Twixt hopes and fears—oh end the anxious strife,
“Come unto Me,” and I will give you life.Refrain
Rest, peace and life, the flowers of deathless bloom,
The Savior gives us, not beyond the tomb—
But here, and now, on earth, some glimpse is giv’n
Of joys which wait us thro’ the gates of Heav’n.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come Unto Me, And Rest
Brother, art thou worn and weary,
Tempted, tried, and sore oppressed?
Listen to the word of Jesus,
“Come unto Me, and rest!”Refrain
“Come unto Me, and rest!”
“Come unto Me, and rest!”
Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
“Come unto Me, and rest!”Oh, He knows the dark forebodings
Of the conscience troubled breast,
And to such His word is given,
“Come unto Me, and rest!”Refrain
To the Lord bring all your burden,
Put the promise to the test;
Hear Him say, your Burden Bearer,
“Come unto Me, and rest!”Refrain
If in sorrow thou art weeping,
Grieving for the loved ones missed,
Surely then to you He whispers,
“Come unto Me, and rest!”Refrain
Trust to Him for all thy future,
He will give thee what is best;
Why then fear when He is saying,
“Come unto Me, and rest!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come Unto Me, When Shadows Darkly Gather
Come unto Me, when shadows darkly gather,
When the sad heart is weary and distressed;
Seeking for comfort from your heavenly Father,
Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.Ye who have mourned when the spring flowers were taken
When the ripe fruit fell richly to the ground,
When the loved slept, in brighter homes to waken,
Where their pale brows with spirit-wreaths are crowned,Large are the mansions in thy Father’s dwelling;
Glad are the homes that sorrows never dim;
Sweet are the harps in holy music swelling;
Soft are the tones which raise the heavenly hymn.There, like an Eden blossoming in gladness,
Bloom the fair flowers the earth too rudely pressed;
Come unto Me, all ye who droop in sadness,
Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come Unto Me, Ye Weary (dix)
“Come unto Me, ye weary, and I will give you rest.”
O blessèd voice of Jesus, which comes to hearts oppressed!
It tells of benediction, of pardon, grace and peace,
Of joy that hath no ending, of love which cannot cease.“Come unto Me, dear children, and I will give you light.”
O loving voice of Jesus, which comes to cheer the night!
Our hearts are filled with sadness, and we had lost our way;
But He hath brought us gladness and songs at break of day.“Come unto Me, ye fainting, and I will give you life.”
O cheering voice of Jesus, which comes to aid our strife!
The foe is stern and eager, the fight is fierce and long;
But Thou hast made us mighty and stronger than the strong.“And whosoever cometh I will not cast him out.”
O welcome voice of Jesus, which drives away our doubt,
Which calls us, very sinners, unworthy though we be
Of love so free and boundless, to come, dear Lord, to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come Unto Me, Ye Weary (crosby)
Come unto Me, ye weary,
Sorrowing ones oppressed;
I am your tender Shepherd,
Waiting to give you rest.Refrain
Come, come, come unto Me,
Weary and sore distressed;
Come, come, come unto Me,
Come unto Me and rest.Come unto Me, ye weary.
List to the voice so dear,
Sweeter than angel music,
Falling upon the ear.Refrain
Come unto Me, ye weary,
List to that voice again,
Over the barren mountain,
Over the lonely plain.Refrain
Come unto Me, ye weary,
Why will ye longer roam:
Come to the arms of mercy,
Come to a Father’s home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come, Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and power.Refrain
I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
O there are ten thousand charms.Come, ye thirsty, come, and welcome,
God’s free bounty glorify;
True belief and true repentance,
Every grace that brings you nigh.Refrain
Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
Lost and ruined by the fall;
If you tarry till you’re better,
You will never come at all.Refrain
View Him prostrate in the garden;
On the ground your Maker lies.
On the bloody tree behold Him;
Sinner, will this not suffice?Refrain
Lo! th’incarnate God ascended,
Pleads the merit of His blood:
Venture on Him, venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude.Refrain
Let not conscience make you linger,
Not of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come, Ye Souls By Sin Afflicted
Come, ye souls by sin afflicted,
Bowed with fruitless sorrow down;
By the broken law convicted,
Through the cross behold the crown;
Look to Jesus; mercy flows through Him alone.Take His easy yoke and wear it;
Love will make obedience sweet;
Christ will give you strength to bear it,
While His wisdom guides your feet
Safe to glory, where His ransomed captives meet.Blessèd are the eyes that see Him,
Blest the ears that hear His voice;
Blessèd are the souls that trust Him,
And in Him alone rejoice;
His commandments then become their happy choice.Sweet as home to pilgrims weary,
Light to newly opened eyes,
Or full springs in deserts dreary,
Is the rest the cross supplies;
All who taste it shall to rest immortal rise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Come, Ye Weary Sinners, Come
Come, ye weary sinners, come, all who groan beneath your load,
Jesus calls His wanderers home, hasten to your pardoning God!
Come, ye guilty spirits oppressed, answer to the Savior’s call,
“Come, and I will give you rest. Come, and I will save you all.”Jesus, full of truth and love, we Thy kindest word obey;
Faithful let Thy mercies prove, take our load of guilt away;
Now we would on Thee rely, cast on Thee our every care,
To Thine arms of mercy fly, find our lasting quiet there.Burdened with a world of grief, burdened with our sinful load,
Burdened with this unbelief, burdened with the wrath of God;
Lo! we come to Thee for ease, true and gracious as Thou art,
Now our groaning souls release, write forgiveness on our heart.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Harbor Bell, The
Our life is like a stormy sea
Swept by the gales of sin and grief,
While on the windward and the lee
Hang heavy clouds of unbelief;
But o’er the deep a call we hear,
Like harbor bell’s inviting voice;
It tells the lost that hope is near,
And bids the trembling soul rejoice.Refrain
This way, this way, O heart oppressed,
So long by storm and tempest driv’n;
This way, this way, lo here is rest,
Rings out the harbor bell of Heav’n.Refrain
O let us now the call obey,
And steer our bark for yonder shore,
Where still that voice directs the way,
In pleading tones forevermore;
A thousand life wrecks strew the sea;
They’re going down at every swell;
“Come unto Me, come unto Me,”
Rings out th’ assuring harbor bell.Refrain
O tempted one, look up, be strong;
The promise of the Lord is sure,
That they shall sing the victor’s song,
Who faithful to the end endure;
God’s Holy Spirit comes to thee,
Of His abiding love to tell;
To blissful port, o’er stormy sea,
Calls Heav’n’s inviting harbor bell.Refrain
Come, gracious Lord, and in Thy love
Conduct us o’er life’s stormy wave;
O guide us to the home above,
The blissful home beyond the grave;
There safe from rock, and storm, and flood,
Our song of praise shall never cease,
To Him Who bought us with His blood,
And brought us to the port of peace.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Hark, The Gentle Voice
Hark! the gentle voice of Jesus falleth
Tenderly upon your ear;
Sweet His cry of love and pity calleth;
Turn and listen, stay and hear.Refrain
Ye that labor and are heavy-laden,
Lean upon your dear Lord’s breast;
Ye that labor and are heavy-laden,
Come, and I will give you rest.Take His yoke, for He is meek and lowly;
Bear His burden, to Him turn;
He who calleth is the Master holy:
He will teach if you will learn.Refrain
Then, His loving, tender voice obeying,
Bear His yoke, His burden take;
Find the yoke His hand is on you laying,
Light and easy for His sake.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] His Yoke Is Easy
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me down to lie
In pastures green He leadeth me
The quiet waters by.Refrain
His yoke is easy; His burden is light.
I’ve found it so; I’ve found it so.
He leadeth me by day and by night
Where living waters flow.My soul crieth out: “Restore me again,
And give me the strength to take
The narrow path of righteousness,
E’en for His own Name’s sake.”Refrain
Yea, tho’ I should walk the valley of death,
Yet why should I fear from ill?
For Thou art with me, and Thy rod
And staff me comfort still.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say
I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was, weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad.I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give
The living water; thirsty one, stoop down, and drink, and live.”
I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s Light;
Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright.”
I looked to Jesus, and I found in Him my Star, my Sun;
And in that light of life I’ll walk, till traveling days are done.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Jesus Calls Thee
Jesus, gracious One, calleth now to thee,
“Come, O sinner, come!”
Calls so tenderly, calls so lovingly,
“Now, O sinner, come!”
Words of peace and blessing,
Christ’s own love confessing;Refrain
Hear the sweet voice of Jesus,
Full, full of love;
Calling tenderly, calling lovingly,
“Come, O sinner, come!”Still He waits for thee, pleading patiently,
“Come, O come to Me!
Heavy laden one, I thy grief have borne,
Come and rest in Me.”
Words with love o’erflowing,
Life and bliss bestowing;Refrain
Weary, sin-sick soul, called so graciously,
Canst thou dare refuse?
Mercy offered thee, freely, tenderly,
Wilt thou still abuse?
Come, for time is flying,
Haste, thy lamp is dying;Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Jesus Understands
Bowed beneath your burden, is there none to share?
Weary with the journey, is there none to care?
Courage, wayworn traveler, heed your Lord’s commands,
There’s a thought to cheer you, Jesus understands.Refrain
Yes, He understands, all His ways are best.
Hear, He calls to you, “Come to Me and rest.”
Leave the unknown future in the Master’s hand,
Whether sad or joyful, Jesus understands.Every heavy burden, He will gladly share,
Are you sad and weary? Jesus has a care;
Well He knows the pathway o’er life’s burning sands,
Courage, fainting pilgrim, Jesus understands.Refrain
Though temptation meet you, Jesus can sustain,
Life has vexing problems which He can explain;
Serve Him where He sends you, though in distant lands,
Do not doubt or question, Jesus understands.Refrain
Weary heart, He calls you, “Come to Me and rest,”
Does the path grow rugged? yet His way is best;
Leave the unknown future in the Master’s hands,
Whether sad or joyful, Jesus understands.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Just As Thou Art
Just as thou art, without one trace
Of love, or joy, or inward grace,
Or meetness for the heavenly place,
O guilty sinner, come.Thy sins I bore on Calvary’s tree;
The stripes, thy due, were laid on Me;
That peace, and pardon might be free;
O wretched sinner, come.Come, leave thy burden at the cross,
Count all thy gains but empty dross:
My grace repays all earthly loss;
O needy sinner, come.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Long Did I Toil
Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest,
Far did I rove, and found no certain home;
At last I sought them in His sheltering breast,
Who opes His arms, and bids the weary come:
With Him I found a home, a rest divine,
And since then I am His, and He is mine.The good I have is from His stores supplied,
The ill is only what He deems the best;
He for my Friend, I’m rich with naught beside,
And poor without Him, though of all possessed:
Changes may come, I take, or I resign,
Content, while I am His, while He is mine.Whate’er may change, in Him no change is seen,
A glorious Sun that wanes not nor declines;
Above the clouds and storms He walks serene,
And on His people’s inward darkness shines:
All may depart—I fret not, nor repine,
While I my Savior’s am, while He is mine.While here, alas! I know but half His love,
But half discern Him, and but half adore;
But when I meet Him in the realms above,
I hope to love Him better, praise Him more,
And feel, and tell, amid the choir divine,
How fully I am His, and He is mine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] O God, Whose Smile Is In The Sky
O God, whose smile is in the sky,
Whose path is in the sea,
Once more from earth’s tumultuous strife
We gladly turn to Thee.Now all the myriad sounds of earth
In solemn stillness die;
While wind and wave unite to chant
Their anthem to the sky.We come as those with toil far spent
Who crave Thy rest and peace,
And from the care and fret of life
Would find in Thee release.O Father, soothe all troubled thought,
Dispel all idle fear,
Purge Thou each heart of secret sin,
And banish ev’ry care.Until, as shine upon the sea
The silent stars above,
There shines upon our trusting souls
The light of Thine own love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] O What A Savior
Come to the Savior, hear His loving voice;
Never will you find a Friend so true;
Now He is waiting, trust Him and rejoice,
Tenderly He calleth you.Refrain
O, what a Savior standing at the door,
Haste while He lingers, pardon now implore
Still He is waiting, grieve His love no more,
Tenderly He calleth you.Blest words of comfort, gently now they fall,
Jesus is the life, the truth, the way;
Come to the fountain, there is room for all;
Jesus bids you come today.Refrain
Softly the Spirit whispers in the heart,
Do not slight the Savior’s offered grace;
Gladly receive Him, let Him not depart;
Happy they who seek His face.Refrain
Light in the darkness, joy in any pain,
Refuge for the weary and oppressed;
Still He is waiting, calling yet again;
Come, and He will give you rest.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Only Trust The Savior’s Promise
When our way is hedged about us,
And our cross too great to bear,
How the soul to God is lifted,
Thro’ the wondrous power of prayer.Refrain
Only trust the Savior’s promise,
Do His will, whate’er it be;
Then our faith will hear Him saying,
“Come and find a rest in Me.”O ’tis prayer that brings a blessing,
When our hope on Him is stayed;
Prayer that gives us joy and comfort,
Tho’ the answer be delayed.Refrain
O the joy of sweet communion,
When we know that He is near,
When we feel His love within us,
Casting out our every fear.Refrain
Why, O why should we be troubled,
When the Lord Himself declares,
If we call on Him believing,
He will grant our fervent prayers.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Savior Calls, The
The Savior calls; let every ear
Attend the heav’nly sound.
Ye doubting souls, dismiss your fear;
Hope smiles reviving round.For every thirsty, longing heart
Here streams of bounty flow,
And life and health and bliss impart
To banish mortal woe.Here springs of sacred pleasures rise
To ease your every pain;
Immortal fountain, full supplies!
Nor shall you thirst in vain.Ye sinners, come, ’tis Mercy’s voice;
The gracious call obey;
Mercy invites to heav’nly joys,
And can you yet delay?Dear Savior, draw reluctant hearts;
To Thee let sinners fly
And take the bliss Thy love imparts
And drink and never die.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Savior For Me, The
From Heaven above, in His infinite love,
Came Jesus, a Savior to be;
And He scorned the deep pain our ransom to gain,
O He is the Savior for me.Refrain
O Jesus is willing to be
A Savior for sinners like me.
And the burden will roll
From the poor troubled soul
That to Jesus the Savior will flee.The birds had their nest and the people their rest,
While Jesus all night made His plea;
On the mountain alone was the Father’s dear Son,
O He is the Savior for me.Refrain
For silver betrayed, in mock purple arrayed,
Condemned to a death on the tree;
Then they led Him away on that wonderful day,
O He is the Savior for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Still Out Of Christ
Still out of Christ, when so oft He has called you,
Why will you longer refuse to believe?
What can you hope from the world or its pleasure?
How can you trust them when both will deceive?Refrain
Come, come to Jesus, weary, heavy hearted,
Come, come to Jesus while you may;
Now He is waiting, waiting to receive you.
Hark! He is calling you today.Still out of Christ, and the moments so precious,
Night is approaching, oh, what will you do?
Still out of Christ, yet there’s room at the fountain,
Free are its waters, and flowing for you.Refrain
Still out of Christ, yet for you there is mercy,
If you are willing to turn from your sin;
Yonder He stands at the door of salvation,
Waiting to pardon and welcome you in.Refrain
Still out of Christ, and the love He has promised;
How you are longing that love to receive!
Haste where the star of your faith is directing,
Haste, and this moment repent and believe.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Weary Of Earth, And Laden With My Sin
Weary of earth, and laden with my sin,
I look at Heav’n and long to enter in,
But there no evil thing may find a home:
And yet I hear a voice that bids me “Come.”So vile I am, how dare I hope to stand
In the pure glory of that holy land?
Before the whiteness of that throne appear?
Yet there are hands stretched out to draw me near.The while I fain would tread the heav’nly way
Evil is ever with me day by day;
Yet on mine ears the gracious tidings fall:
“Repent, confess, thou shalt be loosed from all.”It is the voice of Jesus that I hear;
His are the hands stretched out to draw me near,
And His the blood that can for all atone,
And set me faultless there before the throne.’Twas He Who found me on the deathly wild,
And made me heir of Heav’n, the Father’s child,
And day by day, whereby my soul may live,
Gives me His grace of pardon, and will give.O great Absolver, grant my soul may wear
The lowliest garb of penitence and prayer,
That in the Father’s courts my glorious dress
May be the garment of Thy righteousness.Yea, Thou wilt answer for me, righteous Lord;
Thine all the merits, mine the great reward;
Thine the sharp thorns, and mine the golden crown;
Mine the life won, and Thine the life laid down.Naught can I bring, dear Lord, for all I owe,
Yet let my full heart what it can bestow;
Like Mary’s gift, let my devotion prove,
Forgiven greatly, how greatly I love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] When I Get To The End Of The Way
The sands have been washed in the footprints
Of the Stranger on Galilee’s shore;
And the voice that subdued the rough billows
Will be heard in Judea no more,
But the path of that lone Galilean,
With joy I will follow today,Refrain
And the toils of the road will seem nothing
When I get to the end of the way,
The toils of the road will seem nothing
When I get to the end of the way.There are so many hills to climb upward,
I often am longing for rest;
But He Who appoints me my pathway,
Knows just what is needful and best.
I know in His Word He hath promised
That my strength it shall be as my day;Refrain
He loves me too well to forsake me,
Or give me a trial too much;
His people have been dearly purchased,
And Satan can never claim such.
By and by I shall see Him and praise Him,
In the city of unending day;Refrain
When the last feeble steps have been taken,
And the gates of that city appear,
And the beautiful songs of the angels
Float out on my listening ear;
When all that now seems so mysterious,
Will be bright and as clear as the day,And the toils of the road will seem nothing
When I get to the end of the way,
Then the toils of the road will seem nothing
When I get to the end of the way.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Where He Leads I’ll Follow
Sweet are the promises, kind is the word,
Dearer far than any message man ever heard;
Pure was the mind of Christ, sinless I see;
He the great example is, and pattern for me.Refrain
Where He leads I’ll follow,
Follow all the way.
Where He leads I’ll follow,
Follow Jesus ev’ry day.Sweet is the tender love Jesus hath shown,
Sweeter far than any love that mortals have known;
Kind to the erring one, faithful is He;
He the great example is, and pattern for me.Refrain
List to His loving words, “Come unto Me”;
Weary, heavy laden, there is sweet rest for thee;
Trust in His promises, faithful and sure;
Lean upon the Savior, and thy soul is secure.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Who Is This Of Whom Ye Tell?
Who is this of Whom ye tell?
Come and see.
Where among us doth He dwell?
Come and see.
He is Jesus Christ the Lord;
Son of God, by saints adored;
Dwells with those who keep His Word:
Come and see.Can He help me? Can He heal?
Come and see.
Can He God to me reveal?
Come and see.
He can put your foes to flight;
He can make your darkness light;
He has everlasting might:
Come and see.Hath he power to pardon sin?
Come and see.
Power to make me pure within?
Come and see.
On the cross He bled and died,
On the throne is glorified,
Hearts to cleanse and sins to hide:
Come and see.Welcome thou shalt surely find:
Come and see.
Pardon purchased, sealed, and signed:
Come and see.
Be His Name by Thee confessed;
In His Word of promise rest;
Thou in Him at once art blest:
Come and see.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Why Not Say Yes Tonight?
O why not say Yes to the Savior tonight?
He’s tenderly pleading with thee
To come to Him now with thy sin burdened heart
For pardon so full and so free.Refrain
Why not say Yes tonight?
Why not? Why not?
While He so gently, so tenderly pleads,
O accept Him tonight!For with you the Spirit will not always plead—
O do not reject Him tonight!
Tomorrow may bring you the darkness of death,
Unbroken by heavenly light.Refrain
Take Christ as your Savior, then all shall be well,
The morrow let bring what it may;
His love shall protect you, His Spirit shall guide,
And safely keep you in His way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Will You Come? (crosby)
Will you come, will you come, with your poor broken heart,
Burdened and sin oppressed?
Lay it down at the feet of your Savior and Lord,
Jesus will give you rest.Refrain
O happy rest! Sweet, happy rest!
Jesus will give you rest.
Oh! Why won’t you come in simple, trusting faith?
Jesus will give you rest.Will you come, will you come? There is mercy for you,
Balm for your aching breast;
Only come as you are, and believe on His Name,
Jesus will give you rest.Refrain
Will you come, will you come? You have nothing to pay;
Jesus, who loves you best,
By His death on the cross purchased life for your soul,
Jesus will give you rest.Refrain
Will you come, will you come? How He pleads with you now!
Fly to His loving breast;
And whatever your sin or your sorrow may be,
Jesus will give you rest.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Will You Come? (reynolds)
Jesus waits to welcome you,
Will you come? Will you come?
Arms of love outstretched to you,
Will you come? Will you come?Refrain
Will you come? Will you come?
O the Savior bids you come;
He will welcome you with words of love,
Will you come? Will you come?Jesus stands at mercy’s door,
Will you come? Will you come?
Pardon free the Savior gives,
Will you come? Will you come?Refrain
Peace and joy you will possess,
Will you come? Will you come?
Life eternal will be yours,
Will you come? Will you come?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:28] Will You Go?
We’re traveling home to Heav’n above,
Will you go? Will you go?
We sing the Savior’s dying love,
Will you go? Will you go?
Millions have reached that blest abode,
Anointed kings and priests to God,
And millions now are on the road,
Will you go? Will you go?Ye weary, heavy laden, come,
Will you go? Will you go?
In the blest house there still is room,
Will you go? Will you go?
The Lord is waiting to receive,
If thou wilt on Him now believe,
He’ll give thy troubled conscience ease,
Come believe, come believe.The way to Heav’n is straight and plain,
Will you go? Will you go?
Repent, believe, be born again,
Will you go? Will you go?
The Savior cries aloud to thee,
“Take up thy cross and follow Me,
And thou shalt My salvation see,
Come to Me, come to Me.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:29] Come Unto Me (peterson)
O weary one, weighed down by care,
Come unto Me and rest.
Cast all your burdens at My feet,
And you will be refreshed.
Come unto Me, come unto Me,
For I am meek in heart.
Take up My yoke and learn from Me,
And let your cares depart.Come claim My strength, you faint in heart
And you who have no might.
I am the everlasting God;
Through Me you can take flight.
Mount up, mount up on eagles’ wings,
Soar upward to the sky.
Draw from My reservoir of power,
A limitless supply.I am the Vine, you’re just a branch;
You must remain in Me.
Apart from Me you’ll bear no fruit;
Your life will empty be.
Remain in Me, remain in Me,
And I’ll remain in you.
By this will God be glorified;
You’ll be My follower true.And never tire of doing good;
Someday there’ll be reward.
For at the proper time you’ll reap
A harvest for your Lord.
So don’t give up, don’t e’er give up,
Do good to all mankind.
Especially love God’s family and
Eternal life you’ll find.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:29] God’s Glory Is A Wondrous Thing
God’s glory is a wondrous thing,
Most strange in all its ways;
And, of all things on earth, least like
What men agree to praise.Workman of God, O lose not heart,
But learn what God is like!
And, in the darkest battlefield,
Thou shalt know where to strike.O blest is he to whom is given
The instinct that can tell
That God is on the field when He
Is most invisible!Blest too is he who can divine
Where real right doth lie,
And dares to take the side that seems
Wrong to man’s blindfold eye.For right is right, since God is God;
And right the day must win;
To doubt would be disloyalty,
To falter would be sin.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:29] Jesu, Meek And Lowly
Jesu, meek and lowly,
Savior, pure and holy,
On Thy love relying
Hear me humbly crying.Prince of life and power,
My salvation’s tower,
On the cross I view Thee
Calling sinners to Thee.There behold me gazing
At the sight amazing;
Bending low before Thee,
Helpless I adore Thee.By Thy red wounds streaming,
With Thy life blood gleaming,
Blood for sinners flowing
Pardon free bestowing;By that fount of blessing,
Thy dear love expressing,
All my aching sadness
Turn Thou into gladness.Lord, in mercy guide me,
Be Thou e’er beside me;
In Thy ways direct me;
’Neath Thy wings protect me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:29] Jesus, Meek And Gentle
Jesus, meek and gentle,
Son of God most high,
Gracious, loving Savior,
Hear Thy children’s cry.Pardon our offenses,
Loose our captive chains,
Break down every idol
Which our soul detains.Give us holy freedom,
Fill our hearts with love;
Draw us, holy Jesus,
To the realms above.Lead us on our journey,
Be Thyself the way
Through our earthly darkness
To the heavenly day.Jesus, meek and gentle,
Son of God most high,
Gracious, loving Savior,
Hear Thy children’s cry.
Hear Thy children’s cry.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:29] Welcome Here
Come, join our throng today,
Come children, come to Sabbath School;
We learn to sing and pray,
Our rule the golden rule.Refrain
Oh, welcome here,
This bright and holy Sabbath day,
Come join us in a song,
This holy Sabbath day.Come, join with us to read
The Bible, Word of God to man;
Its lessons all we’ll need,
They teach salvation’s plan.Refrain
Come, wand’rer, join us here,
The Master, too, is calling thee;
Oh heed your Savior dear,
He says, “Come learn of Me.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 11:30] Help Us, O Lord, Thy Yoke To Wear
Help us, O Lord, Thy yoke to wear,
Delighting in Thy perfect will;
Each other’s burden learn to bear,
And thus Thy law of love fulfill.He that hath pity on the poor
Lendeth his substance to the Lord;
And lo! his recompense is sure,
For more than all shall be restored.Who sparingly his seed bestows,
He sparingly shall also reap;
But whoso plentifully sows,
Thy plenteous sheaves his hand shall heap.Teach us, with glad, ungrudging heart,
As Thou hast blest our various store,
From our abundance to impart
A liberal portion to the poor.To Thee our all devoted be,
In whom we breathe and move and live;
Freely we have received from Thee;
Freely may we rejoice to give.And while we thus obey Thy Word,
And every call of want relieve,
Oh! may we find it, gracious Lord,
More blessed to give than to receive.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 12:8] Lord Of The Sabbath And Its Light
Lord of the Sabbath and its light,
I hail Thy hallowed day of rest;
It is my weary soul’s delight,
The solace of my careworn breast,
The solace of my careworn breast.O sacred day of peace and joy,
Thy hours are ever dear to me;
Ne’er may a sinful thought destroy
The holy calm I find in thee,
The holy calm I find in thee.How sweetly now they glide along!
How hallowed is the calm they yield!
Transporting is their rapturous song,
And heav’nly visions seem revealed,
And heav’nly visions seem revealed.O Jesus, let me ever hail
Thy presence with the day of rest;
Then will Thy servant never fail,
To deem Thy Sabbath doubly blest,
To deem Thy Sabbath doubly blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 12:8] Lord Of The Sabbath, Hear Us Pray
Lord of the Sabbath, hear us pray,
In this Your house, on this Your day;
And own, as grateful sacrifice,
The songs which from Your temple rise.Now met to pray and bless Your Name,
Whose mercies flow each day the same;
Whose kind compassions never cease,
We seek instruction, pardon, peace.Your earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love,
But there’s a nobler rest above;
To that our laboring souls aspire
With ardent hope and strong desire.In Your blest kingdom we shall be
From every mortal trouble free;
No sighs shall mingle with the songs
Resounding from immortal tongues.No rude alarms of raging foes;
No cares to break the long repose;
No midnight shade, no waning moon,
But sacred, high, eternal noon.O long expected day, begin,
Dawn on these realms of woe and sin!
Break, morn of God, upon our eyes;
And let the world’s true Sun arise!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 12:8] Lord Of Sabbath Let Us Praise, The
The Lord of Sabbath let us praise,
In concert with the blest,
Who, joyful in harmonious lays,
Employ an endless rest.Thus, Lord, while we remember Thee,
We blest and pious grow;
By hymns of praise we learn to be
Triumphant here below.On this glad day a brighter scene
Of glory was displayed,
By the eternal Word, than when
This universe was made.He rises, who mankind has bought
With grief and pain extreme;
’Twas great to speak the world from naught;
’Twas greater to redeem.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 12:40] Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain of triumphant gladness;
God hath brought forth Israel into joy from sadness;
Loosed from Pharaoh’s bitter yoke Jacob’s sons and daughters,
Led them with unmoistened foot through the Red Sea waters.’Tis the spring of souls today; Christ has burst His prison,
And from three days’ sleep in death as a sun hath risen;
All the winter of our sins, long and dark, is flying
From His light, to Whom we give laud and praise undying.Now the queen of seasons, bright with the day of splendor,
With the royal feast of feasts, comes its joy to render;
Comes to glad Jerusalem, who with true affection
Welcomes in unwearied strains Jesus’ resurrection.Neither might the gates of death, nor the tomb’s dark portal,
Nor the watchers, nor the seal hold Thee as a mortal;
But today amidst the twelve Thou didst stand, bestowing
That Thy peace which evermore passeth human knowing.“Alleluia!” now we cry to our King immortal,
Who, triumphant, burst the bars of the tomb’s dark portal;
“Alleluia!” with the Son, God the Father praising,
“Alleluia!” yet again to the Spirit raising.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 12:41] As Jonah, Issuing From His Three Days’ Tomb
As Jonah, issuing from his three days’ tomb,
At length was cast, uninjured, on the earth;
So, from the virgin’s unpolluted womb
Th’incarnate Word, That dwelt there, had His birth:
For He, who knew no taint of mortal stain,
Willed that His mother spotless should remain.Christ comes, incarnate God, amongst us now,
Begotten of the Father ere the day:
And He, to Whom the sinless legions bow,
Lies cradled, ’midst unconscious beasts on hay:
And, by His homely swaddling-bands girt in,
Looses the many fetters of our sin.Now the new Child of Adam’s race draws nigh,
To us, the faithful, giv’n: This, this is He
That shall the Father of eternity,
The Angel of the Mighty Counsel, be:
This the eternal God, by Whose strong hands
The fabric of the world supported stands.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:3] Behold A Sower! From Afar
Behold a Sower! from afar
He goeth forth with might;
The rolling years His furrows are,
His seed, the growing light;
For all the just His Word is sown,
It springeth up alway;
The tender blade is hope’s young dawn,
The harvest, love’s new day.O Lord of life, to Thee we lift
Our hearts in praise for those,
Thy prophets, who have shown Thy gift
Of grace that ever grows,
Of truth that spreads from shore to shore,
Of wisdom’s widening ray,
Of light that shineth more and more
Unto Thy perfect day.Shine forth, O Light, that we may see,
With hearts all unafraid,
The meaning and the mystery
Of things that Thou hast made;
Shine forth, and let the darkling past
Beneath Thy beam grow bright;
Shine forth, and touch the future vast
With Thine untroubled light.Light up Thy Word; the fettered page
From killing bondage free;
Light up our way; lead forth this age
In love’s large liberty.
O Light of light! within us dwell,
Through us Thy radiance pour,
That word and life Thy truths may tell,
And praise Thee evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:3] Scattering Precious Seed
Scattering precious seed by the wayside,
Scattering precious seed by the hillside;
Scattering precious seed o’er the field, wide,
Scattering precious seed by the way.Refrain
Sowing in the morning,
Sowing at the noontide;
Sowing in the evening,
Sowing the precious seed by the way.Scattering precious seed for the growing,
Scattering precious seed, freely sowing,
Scattering precious seed, trusting, knowing,
Surely the Lord will send it the rain.Refrain
Scattering precious seed, doubting never,
Scattering precious seed, trusting ever;
Sowing the word with prayer and endeavor,
Trusting the Lord for growth and for yield.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:3] Sower Went Forth Sowing, The
The sower went forth sowing,
The seed in secret slept
Through weeks of faith and patience,
Till out the green blade crept;
And warmed by golden sunshine,
And fed by silver rain,
At last the fields were whitened
To harvest once again.
O praise the heavenly Sower,
Who gave the fruitful seed,
And watched and watered duly,
And ripened for our need.Behold! the heavenly Sower
Goes forth with better seed,
The Word of sure salvation,
With feet and hands that bleed;
Here in His Church ’tis scattered,
Our spirits are the soil;
Then let an ample fruitage
Repay His pain and toil.
Oh, beauteous is the harvest,
Wherein all goodness thrives,
And this the true thanksgiving,
The first fruits of our lives.Within a hallowed acre
He sows yet other grain,
When peaceful earth receiveth
The dead He died to gain;
For though the growth be hidden,
We know that they shall rise;
Yea even now they ripen
In sunny Paradise.
O summer land of harvest,
O fields forever white
With souls that wear Christ’s raiment,
With crowns of golden light.One day the heavenly Sower
Shall reap where He hath sown,
And come again rejoicing,
And with Him bring His own;
And then the fan of judgment
Shall winnow from His floor
The chaff into the furnace
That flameth evermore.
O holy, awful Reaper,
Have mercy in the day,
Thou puttest in the sickle,
And cast us not away.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:8] Are You Sowing The Seed?
Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, brother,
In the morning bright and fair?
Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, brother,
In the heat of the noonday’s glare?Refrain
For the harvest time is coming on,
And the reapers’ work will soon be done;
Will your sheaves be many? Will you garner any
For the gathering at the harvest home?Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, sister,
In the still and solemn night?
Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, sister,
For a harvest pure and white?Refrain
Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, brother,
All along the fertile way?
Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom, sister?
You must reap at the last great day!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:8] Sow The Seed Beside All Waters
Sow the seed beside all waters,
North and south and east and west,
That our toiling sons and daughters
In the harvest may be blessed.
Tell the tidings of salvation
’Mid the storms of Labrador;
Speak the word of consolation
By the lone Pacific shore.Where the forests old are falling,
Yielding place to lawn and lea;
Where the fisher plies his calling
’Mid the perils of the sea;
Where the tide of commerce rushes
Through the city’s crowded street,
And unpitying Mammon crushes
Poor and weak beneath his feet.Where our brothers, sowing, reaping,
Delving for the hidden ore,
Now with joy and now with weeping
Labor to increase their store;
Where the stranger wanders lonely
In the homeless wilderness,
Tell of Jesus, Jesus only,
Who alone can save and bless.Tell how tenderly He careth
For the weary and oppressed,
How their burdens all He beareth,
As He leads them to His rest;
Tell that He, the Lord from heaven,
Died for all and lives again,
All through Him may be forgiven,
All with Him in glory reign.Tell His love beyond all telling,
Seeking, following those who flee,
Love rebellious hearts compelling
To His service glad and free.
Thus a precious harvest gather,
North and south and east and west,
To the glory of the Father,
Son, and Spirit ever blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:23] Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast
Almighty God, Your Word is cast
Like seed into the ground;
Now let the dew of Heav’n descend,
And righteous fruits abound.Let not the foe of Christ and man
This holy seed remove,
But give it root in ev’ry heart
To bring forth fruits of love.Let not the world’s deceitful cares
The rising plant destroy.
But let it yield a hundredfold
The fruits of peace and joy.Nor let Your Word so kindly sent
To raise us to Your throne
Return to You, and sadly tell
That we reject Your Son.Oft as the precious seed is sown,
Your quick’ning grace bestow,
That all whose souls the truth receive,
Its saving power may know.Great God, come down and on Your Word
Your mighty power bestow,
That all who hear the joyful sound,
Your saving grace may know.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:23] Only Once You Pass This Way
Do your best while life’s pilgrim way you tread,
Scatt’ring sunshine while you may;
Bear in mind, while the precious seed you spread,
Only once you pass this way.Refrain
Only once you pass this way,
Only once you pass this way;
Be a blessing while you may,
Only once you pass this way.Ev’ry day poor and needy you will find,
Filled with sorrow and dismay;
Do your best some poor, broken hearts to bind,
Only once you pass this way.Refrain
Tell the world that the Savior died for all,
Bid them ever watch and pray;
Lift your voice, shout aloud the Gospel call,
Only once you pass this way.Refrain
Be a brave, earnest soldier in the strife,
Then when comes the close of day,
May the world be the better for your life,
Only once you pass this way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:31] Little Drops Of Water
Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the beauteous land.And the little moments,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden,
Like the Heaven above.So our little errors
Lead the soul away,
From the paths of virtue
Into sin to stray.Little seeds of mercy
Sown by youthful hands,
Grow to bless the nations
Far in heathen lands.Glory then for ever
Be to Father, Son,
With the Holy Spirit,
Blessèd Three in One.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:31] That Cause Can Neither Be Lost Nor Stayed
That cause can never be lost nor stayed
Which takes the course of what God has made;
And is not trusting in walls and towers,
But slowly growing from seeds to flowers.Each noble service that men have wrought
Was first conceived as a fruitful thought;
Each worthy cause with a future glorious
By quietly growing becomes victorious.Thereby itself like a tree it shows:
That high it reaches, as deep it grows;
And when the storms are its branches shaking,
It deeper root in the soil is taking.Be then no more by a storm dismayed,
For by it the full grown seeds are laid;
And though the tree by its might it shatters,
What then, if thousands of seeds it scatters?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:38] We Plow The Fields
We plow the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land,
But it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand;
He sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain,
The breezes and the sunshine, and soft refreshing rain.Refrain
All good gifts around us
Are sent from heaven above,
Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord
For all His love.He only is the Maker of all things near and far;
He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star;
The winds and waves obey Him, by Him the birds are fed;
Much more to us, His children, He gives our daily bread.Refrain
We thank Thee, then, O Father, for all things bright and good,
The seed time and the harvest, our life, our health, and food;
No gifts have we to offer, for all Thy love imparts,
But that which Thou desirest, our humble, thankful hearts.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:39] Lord Of The Harvest, Once Again
Lord of the harvest, once again,
We thank Thee for the ripened grain;
For crops safe carried, sent to cheer
Thy servants through another year;
For all sweet holy thoughts supplied
By seed time, and by harvest tide.The bare dead grain, in autumn sown,
Its robe of vernal green it puts on;
Glad from its wintry grave it springs,
Fresh garnished by the King of kings;
So, Lord, to those who sleep in Thee
Shall new and glorious bodies be.Nor vainly of Thy Word we ask
A lesson from the reaper’s task:
So shall Thine angels issue forth:
The tares be burnt; the just of earth,
To wind and storm exposed no more,
Be gathered to their Father’s store.Daily, O Lord, our prayers be said,
As Thou hast taught, for daily bread;
But not alone our bodies feed,
Supply our fainting spirits’ need:
O Bread of life, from day to day
Be Thou their Comfort, Food, and Stay.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:39] Where Hast Thou Gleaned Today?
Weary gleaner, whence comest thou,
With empty hands and clouded brow?
Plodding along thy lonely way,
Tell me, where hast thou gleaned today?
Late I found a barren field,
The harvest past, my search revealed.
Others golden sheaves had gained,
Only stubble for me remained.Refrain
Forth to the harvest field a-way!
Gather your handfuls while you may;
All day long in the field a-bide,
Gleaning close by the reapers’ side.Careless gleaner, what hast thou here;
These faded flow’rs and leaflets sere?
Hungry and thirsty, tell me, pray,
Where, oh, where hast thou gleaned today?
All day long in shady bow’rs,
I’ve gaily sought earth’s fairest flow’rs;
Now, alas! too late I see
All I’ve gathered is vanity.Refrain
Burdened gleaner, thy sheaves I see;
Indeed thou must aweary be!
Singing along the homeward way,
Glad one, where hast thou gleaned today?
Stay me not, till day is done
I’ve gathered handfuls one by one;
Here and there for me they fall,
Close by the reap’rs I’ve found them all.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:39] Winter In His Heart Of Gloom
Winter in his heart of gloom
Sings the song of coming bloom:
So over death our souls shall sing
’Lays of the eternal spring.Then decay shall be no more,
And, the weary seed time o’er,
All the dead in Christ shall rise
For the harvest of the skies.Wheresoe’er the faithful sleep
Angels shall go forth to reap,
From the dust and ’neath the foam
They shall bring the harvest home.Bodies of the saints, whose bones
Rest beneath sepulchral stones,
Or are lost on every wind,
All, those messengers shall find.All from earth to Heaven shall soar
In that flesh which once they wore,
Deathless now and glorified,
Like their Lord and at His side.This is life’s eternal spring!
This the coming joy we sing!
Look we ever toward this day,
Be it near or far away!’Mid the sorrow and the strife
’Tis the music of our life,
And the song hath this refrain—
Our Redeemer comes again!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:40] This Is The Field
This is the field, the world below,
In which the sowers came to sow,
Jesus the wheat, Satan the tares,
For so the word of truth declares:
And soon the reaping time will come,
And angels shout the harvest home.Most awful truth! and is it so?
Must all the world that harvest know?
Is every man or wheat or tare?
Then for that harvest O prepare!
For soon the reaping time will come,
And angels shout the harvest home.To love my sins—a saint to appear,
To grow with wheat—yet be a tare,
May serve me while I live below,
Where tares and wheat together grow:
But soon the reaping time will come,
And angels shout the harvest home.But all who truly righteous be
Their Father’s kingdom then shall see;
And shine like suns for ever there:
He that hath ears, now let him hear;
For soon the reaping time will come,
And angels shout the harvest home.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:44] God In Heaven Hath A Treasure
God in heaven hath a treasure, riches none may count or tell;
Hath a deep eternal pleasure, Christ, the Son, He loveth well.
God hath here on earth a treasure, none but He its price may know—
Deep, unfathomable pleasure, Christ revealed in saints below.Christ, the Light that fills the heavens, shining forth on earth beneath,
Through His Spirit freely given, Light of life ’midst shades of death;
Down from heaven’s unclouded glory God Himself the treasure brought,
Closing thus His love’s sweet story with His sweetest, deepest thought.God in tongues of fire descending, chosen vessels thus to fill
With the treasure never ending, ever spent—unfailing still.
Still unwasted, undiminished, though the days of dearth wear on,
Store eternally unfinished, fresh, as if but now begun.Earthen vessels, marred, unsightly, but the treasure as of old,
Fresh from glory, gleaming brightly, heaven’s undimmed, unchanging gold.
God’s own hand the vessel filling from the glory far above,
Longing hearts forever stilling with those riches of His love.Thus, through earthen vessels only, shining forth in ceaseless grace,
Reaching weary hearts and lonely, beams the light in Jesus’ face.
Vessels worthless, broken, bearing through the hungry ages on,
Riches given with hand unsparing, God’s great gift, His precious Son.Thus though worn, and tried, and tempted, glorious calling, saint, is thine;
Let the Lord but find thee emptied, living branch in Christ the Vine!
Vessels of the world’s despising, vessels weak, and poor, and base;
Bearing wealth God’s heart is prizing, glory from Christ’s blessèd face.Oh, to be but emptier, lowlier, mean, unnoticed, and unknown.
And to God a vessel holier, filled with Christ, and Christ alone!
Naught of earth to cloud the glory, naught of self the light to dim.
Telling forth His wondrous story, emptied—to be filled with Him.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:44] Jesus, Priceless Treasure
Jesus, priceless Treasure,
Source of purest pleasure,
Truest Friend to me.
Ah, how long in anguish
Shall my spirit languish,
Yearning, Lord, for Thee?
Thou art mine, O Lamb divine!
I will suffer naught to hide Thee,
Naught I ask beside Thee.In Thine arms I rest me;
Foes who would molest me
Cannot reach me here.
Though the earth be shaking,
Every heart be quaking,
Jesus calms my fear.
Lightnings flash and thunders crash;
Yet, though sin and hell assail me,
Jesus will not fail me.Satan, I defy thee;
Death, I now decry thee;
Fear, I bid thee cease.
World, thou shalt not harm me
Nor thy threats alarm me
While I sing of peace.
God’s great power guards every hour;
Earth and all its depths adore Him,
Silent bow before Him.Evil world, I leave thee;
Thou canst not deceive me,
Thine appeal is vain.
Sin that once did bind me,
Get thee far behind me,
Come not forth again.
Past thy hour, O pride and power;
Sinful life, thy bonds I sever,
Leave thee now forever.Hence, all thought of sadness!
For the Lord of gladness,
Jesus, enters in.
Those who love the Father,
Though the storms may gather,
Still have peace within;
Yea, whatever we here must bear,
Still in Thee lies purest pleasure,
Jesus, priceless Treasure!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:45] I’ve Found The Pearl Of Greatest Price
I’ve found the Pearl of greatest price,
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ is mine;
Christ shall my song employ.Christ is my Prophet, Priest and King;
A Prophet full of light,
My great High Priest before the throne,
My King of heav’nly might.For He indeed is Lord of lords,
And He the King of kings;
He is the Sun of righteousness,
With healing in His wings.Christ is my Peace; He died for me,
For me He gave His blood;
And as my wondrous Sacrifice,
Offered Himself to God.Christ Jesus is my All in all,
My Comfort and my Love,
My Life below, and He shall be
My Joy and Crown above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:45] Laden With Guilt, And Full Of Fears
Laden with guilt, and full of fears,
I fly to Thee, my Lord,
And not a glimpse of hope appears
But in Thy written Word.The volume of my Father’s grace
Does all my griefs assuage;
Here I behold my Savior’s face
Almost in every page.This is the field where hidden lies
The pearl of price unknown;
That merchant is divinely wise
Who makes the pearl his own.Here consecrated water flows
To quench my thirst of sin;
Here the fair tree of knowledge grows,
Nor danger dwells therein.This is the Judge that ends the strife
Where wit and reason fail,
My guide to everlasting life
Through all this gloomy vale.O may Thy counsels, mighty God,
My roving feet command;
Nor I forsake the happy road
That leads to Thy right hand.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:45] O That Pearl Of Great Price
O that Pearl of great price! have you found it?
Is the Savior supreme in your love?
O consider it well, ere you answer,
As you hope for a welcome above.
Have you given up all for this Treasure?
Have you counted past gains as but loss?
Has your trust in yourself and your merits
Come to naught before Christ and His cross?Have you come to the living Redeemer,
Him that bore all your sins on the tree?
Has He graciously pardoned and cleansed you
In the blood shed for you and for me?
At His feet as one dead, have you fallen,
And been quickened anew by His voice,
Till, entranced by His riches of goodness,
In His presence you live and rejoice?Has the Savior, the righteous, the holy,
Cast the beams of His all searching light
Into all of your heart’s deep recesses,
And transformed into day their dark night?
O then answer these questions so pressing,
Before God, ere time’s favor shall cease,
Is the Pearl of great price yours forever?
Have you Jesus, and in Him your peace?source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:49] When Our Lord Shall Come Again
When upon the clouds of Heaven,
Christ shall come to earth again,
Will the world be glad to see Him,
When our Lord shall come again?Refrain
There’ll be singing, there’ll be shouting
There’ll be sorrow, there’ll be pain;
There’ll be weeping, there’ll be praying,
When our Lord shall come again.Will His coming bring rejoicing?
Or will it bring tears and pain?
Are you ready to receive Him,
When our Lord shall come again?Refrain
Will you join in lamentation?
Or the angel’s glad refrain?
Will you help His people crown Him,
When our Lord shall come again?Refrain
Work and pray till Jesus calls you,
Help to gather in the grain;
Then with joy you’ll meet the Savior
When our Lord shall come again.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:54] O What Amazing Words Of Grace
O what amazing words of grace
Are in the Gospel found!
Suited to every sinner’s case
Who knows the joyful sound.Poor, sinful, thirsty, fainting souls
Are freely welcome here;
Salvation, like a river, rolls
Abundant, free and clear.Come, then, with all your wants and wounds;
Your every burden bring;
Here love, unchanging love, abounds,
A deep, celestial spring.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 13:55] Son Of The Carpenter, Receive
Son of the carpenter, receive
This humble work of mine;
Worth to my meanest labor give,
By joining it to Thine.Servant, at once, and Lord of all,
While dwelling here below,
Thou didst not scorn our earthly toil
And weariness to know.Thy bright example I pursue,
To Thee in all things rise,
And all I think, or speak, or do,
Is one great sacrifice.Careless through outward cares I go,
From all distraction free:
My hands are but engaged below,
My heart is still with Thee.O when wilt Thou, my life, appear?
Then gladly will I cry,
“’Tis done, the work Thou gav’st me here,
’Tis finished, Lord,” and die!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:17] Little Is Much When God Is In It
In the harvest field now ripened
There’s a work for all to do;
Hark! the voice of God is calling
To the harvest calling you.Refrain
Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ Name.In the mad rush of the broad way,
In the hurry and the strife,
Tell of Jesus’ love and mercy,
Give to them the Word of Life.Refrain
Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem too small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own.Refrain
Are you laid aside from service,
Body worn from toil and care?
You can still be in the battle,
In the sacred place of prayer.Refrain
When the conflict here is ended
And our race on earth is run,
He will say, if we are faithful,
“Welcome home, My child—well done!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:19] Looking Upward Every Day
Looking upward every day,
Sunshine on our faces;
Pressing onward every day
Toward the heavenly places;Growing every day in awe,
For Thy Name is holy;
Learning every day to love
With a love more lowly;Walking every day more close
To our Elder Brother;
Growing every day more true
Unto one another;Leaving every day behind
Something which might hinder;
Running swifter every day;
Growing purer, kinder—Lord, so pray we every day:
Hear us in Thy pity,
That we enter in at last
To the holy city.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:23] I Love To Steal Awhile Away
I love to steal awhile away
From every cumbering care,
And spend the hours of closing day
In humble, grateful, prayer.I love in solitude to shed
The penitential tear,
And all His promises to plead
Where none but god can hear.I love to think on mercies past,
And future good implore,
And all my cares and sorrows cast
On God, whom I adore.I love by faith to take a view
Of brighter scenes in heaven;
The prospect doth my strength renew,
While here by tempests driven.Thus, when life’s toilsome day is o’er,
May its departing ray,
Be calm at this impressive hour,
And lead to endless day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:27] Be Not Afraid
Come weal, come woe where’er we go,
God is not far away;
He holds the stormy winds that blow,
And molds the golden day.
The darkest night to Him is light,
And thro’ the shine or shade,
He speaks in tones of tender might,
“My child, be not afraid.”Refrain
Child, be not, be not afraid;
Child, be not, be not afraid
The darkest night to Him is light,
And thro’ the shine or shade,
Child, be not, be not afraid;
Child, be not, be not afraid
He speaks in tones of tender might,
“My child, be not afraid.”Tho’ clouds may veil the stars that sail
O’er boundless seas of space,
And lights along all shores may fail,
God will not hide His face;
But sweetly whispers while His hands
Upon His own are laid,
“Lo! at thy side thy Father stands,
My child, be not afraid.”Refrain
Thro’ changing years, in joy and tears,
The changeless One abides,
And safe the soul from doubt and fears
That in His bosom hides.
On noisy street, in still retreat,
Thro’ vales of deepest shade,
That voice is heard with accents sweet,
“My child, be not afraid.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:27] When Jesus Speaks
I hear sweet whisperings of love
When Jesus speaks to me;
And blessèd comfort from above,
When Jesus speaks to me.Refrain
When Jesus speaks, when Jesus speaks,
So faithful He will ever be
That I will rejoice
To hear His sweet voice,
When Jesus speaks to me.’Twill be sure guidance day by day,
When Jesus speaks to me;
To lead me in His own right way,
When Jesus speaks to me.Refrain
There’ll be rebuke, whene’er I sin,
When Jesus speaks to me;
A closer fellowship to win,
When Jesus speaks to me.Refrain
His kingly word shall be with pow’r,
When Jesus speaks to me;
Grace for the needs of ev’ry hour,
When Jesus speaks to me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:29] Jesus Has Lifted Me
Out of the depths to the glory above,
I have been lifted in wonderful love;
From every fetter my spirit is free,
For Jesus has lifted me!Refrain
Jesus has lifted me!
Jesus has lifted me!
Out of the night into glorious light,
Yes, Jesus has lifted me!Out of the world into heavenly rest,
Into the land of the ransomed and blessed,
There in the glory with Him I shall be,
For Jesus has lifted me!Refrain
Out of myself into Him I adore,
There to hide in His love evermore;
Through endless ages His glory to see,
My Jesus has lifted me!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:29] Love Lifted Me
I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore,
Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more,
But the Master of the sea, heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me, now safe am I.Refrain
Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
When nothing else could help
Love lifted me!All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I’ll cling
In His blessèd presence live, ever His praises sing,
Love so mighty and so true, merits my soul’s best songs,
Faithful, loving service too, to Him belongs.Refrain
Souls in danger look above, Jesus completely saves,
He will lift you by His love, out of the angry waves.
He’s the Master of the sea, billows His will obey,
He your Savior wants to be, be saved today.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:29] Throw Out The Life Line
Throw out the life line across the dark wave;
There is a brother whom someone should save;
Somebody’s brother! O who then will dare
To throw out the life line, his peril to share?Refrain
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is drifting away;
Throw out the life line! Throw out the life line!
Someone is sinking today.Throw out the life line with hand quick and strong:
Why do you tarry, why linger so long?
See! he is sinking; oh, hasten today
And out with the life boat! away, then away!Refrain
Throw out the life line to danger fraught men,
Sinking in anguish where you’ve never been;
Winds of temptation and billows of woe
Will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow.Refrain
Soon will the season of rescue be o’er,
Soon will they drift to eternity’s shore;
Haste, then, my brother, no time for delay,
But throw out the life line and save them today.Refrain
This is the life line, oh, tempest tossed men;
Baffled by waves of temptation and sin;
Wild winds of passion, your strength cannot brave,
But Jesus is mighty, and Jesus can save.Refrain
Jesus is able! To you who are driv’n,
Farther and farther from God and from Heav’n;
Helpless and hopeless, o’erwhelmed by the wave;
We throw out the life line, ’tis “Jesus can save.”Refrain
This is the life line, oh, grasp it today!
See, you are recklessly drifting away;
Voices in warning, shout over the wave,
O grasp the strong life line, for Jesus can save.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:30] Jesus, Help Me
Jesus, help me, I am weary,
Let me hold Thy hand in mine;
For the stream of living water,
In a thirsty land I pine;
O my Father, do not leave me,
In this dark and dreadful hour,
Fold me in Thy arms of mercy,
Keep me from the tempter’s pow’r.Jesus, help me, I am fainting,
’Neath the desert’s burning sky;
Lead to pastures cool and fragrant,
There my every want supply;
Shade me with Thy wings eternal,
Let me feel Thee ever near;
Thou canst whisper words of comfort,
Thou canst dry the falling tear.Jesus, help me, I am sinking,
In the cold and chilly wave;
Give me strength, my faith increasing,
Thou alone hast power to save.
Let my soul be filled with rapture,
Let my hope be stayed in Thee,
Let me bear my cross with patience,
Till I sleep and wake with Thee.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:31] Dear Savior, Stretch Thy Loving Arms
Dear Savior, stretch Thy loving arms
Above the stormy sea,
Where, tossed ’mid dark and angry waves,
The mariner calls to Thee.
Upon that fierce and angry main
My poor weak bark doth ride,
O what am I ’mid such strong foes
Without Thee by my side?O as Thou didst on Galilee
The waters calm at will,
When torrents raised by evil breath
The sinking ship did fill:
So now in my storm shaken soul
Awake with strength divine,
And whisper ‘peace’ to warring winds,
And let Thy glory shine.Be Thou my Pilot through the mists
And storms that darkly rise,
As o’er life’s vast and dangerous sea
My frail bark lightly flies.
With Thee my soul securely rests
From evil’s blight restored;
And isles of green and fragrant seas
Bring peace and sweet reward.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 14:31] Somebody Came And Lifted Me
Somebody came and lifted me
Out of my sin and misery
Somebody came, O who could it be,
Who could it be but Jesus?Refrain
Who could it be, O who could it be?
Who could it be but Jesus?
Who could it be, O who could it be?
Who could it be but Jesus?Somebody bent so tenderly,
Pleading so long and patiently,
Somebody came, O who could it be,
Who could it be but Jesus?Refrain
Somebody whispered sweet and low,
Telling me just the way to go,
Somebody spoke, I listened, and lo,
Who could it be but Jesus?Refrain
Somebody holds my hand each day,
Guiding my feet lest I should stray,
Walking with Him how blessèd the way,
Who could it be but Jesus?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 15:25] Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me?
Dear Jesus, canst Thou help me?
My soul is full of woe;
My heart is almost breaking,
I’ve nowhere else to go.Refrain
I’ve nowhere else to go,
Dear Jesus, but to Thee,
And so I lift my voice and cry,
Have mercy, Lord on me.
Have mercy, Lord, on me.
Have mercy, Lord on me
And so I lift my voice and cry,
Have mercy, Lord on me.I feel I am a sinner,
And this my only plea,
The sweet and blessèd assurance,
That Thou hast died for me.Refrain
I’ve heard there is a fountain,
Where cleansing waters flow;
My sins though red like crimson,
May now be white as snow.Refrain
Thy blood doth fill that fountain,
Thy blood so pure and free;
That blood availed for others,
And now avails for me.Refrain
Dear Jesus, loving Savior;
Thou precious dying Lamb,
Where here my faith is pleading;
Now take me as I am.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 15:27] Not Worthy, Lord, To Gather Up The Crumbs
Not worthy, Lord, to gather up the crumbs
With trembling hand that from Thy table fall,
A weary, heavy laden sinner comes
To plead Thy promise and obey Thy call.I am not worthy to be thought Thy child,
Nor sit the last and lowest at Thy board;
Too long a wanderer and too oft beguiled;
I only ask one reconciling word.One word from Thee, my Lord, one smile, one look,
And I could face the cold, rough world again;
And with that treasure in my heart could brook
The wrath of devils and the scorn of men.And is not mercy Thy prerogative—
Free mercy, boundless, fathomless, divine?
Me, Lord, the chief of sinners, me forgive,
And Thine the greater glory, only Thine.I hear Thy voice; Thou bidd’st me come and rest;
I come, I kneel, I clasp Thy piercèd feet;
Thou bidd’st me take my place, a welcome guest
Among Thy saints, and of Thy banquet eat.My praise can only breathe itself in prayer,
My prayer can only lose itself in Thee;
Dwell Thou forever in my heart, and there,
Lord, let me sup with Thee; sup Thou with me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:16] Spirit Of Faith, Come Down
Spirit of faith, come down, reveal the things of God,
And make to us the Godhead known, and witness with the blood.
’Tis Thine the blood to apply and give us eyes to see,
Who did for every sinner die hath surely died for me.No man can truly say that Jesus is the Lord,
Unless Thou take the veil away and breathe the living Word.
Then, only then, we feel our interest in His blood,
And cry with joy unspeakable, “Thou art my Lord, my God!”O that the world might know the all atoning Lamb!
Spirit of faith, descend and show the virtue of His Name;
The grace which all may find, the saving power, impart,
And testify to all mankind, and speak in every heart.Inspire the living faith (which whosoever receive,
The witness in themselves they have and consciously believe),
The faith that conquers all, and doth the mountain move,
And saves whoever on Jesus call, and perfects them in love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:16] Thou Art The Christ, O Lord
“Thou art the Christ, O Lord,
The Son of God most high!”
For ever be adored
That Name in earth and sky,
In which, though mortal strength may fail,
The saints of God at last prevail!Oh, surely he was blest
With blessedness unpriced,
Who, taught of God, confessed
The Godhead in the Christ!
For of Thy Church, Lord, Thou didst own
Thy saint a true foundation stone.Thrice was he put to shame,
Thrice did the dauntless fall;
But, oh, that look that came
From out the judgment hall!
It pierced and broke the spell-bound heart,
And foiled the tempter’s sifting art.Thrice fallen, thrice restored!
The bitter lesson learnt,
That heart for Thee, O Lord,
With triple ardor burnt.
The cross he took he laid not down,
Until he grasped the martyr’s crown.Oh, bright triumphant faith!
Oh, courage void of fears!
Oh, love most strong in death!
Oh, penitential tears!
By these, Lord, keep us lest we fall,
And make us go where Thou shalt call.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:16] Wonderful Savior
Jesus, my King, my wonderful Savior,
All of my life is given to Thee.
I am rejoicing in Thy salvation;
Thy precious blood now maketh me free.Refrain
Wonderful Savior, wonderful Savior,
Thou art so near, so precious to me!
Wonderful Savior, wonderful Savior,
My heart is filled with praises to Thee!Freedom from sin, O wonderful story—
All of its stains washed whiter than snow!
Jesus has come to live in His temple,
And with His love my heart is aglow.Refrain
Jesus, my Lord, I’ll ever adore Thee,
Lay at Thy feet my treasures of love.
Lead me in ways to show forth Thy glory,
Ways that will end in heaven above.Refrain
When in that bright and beautiful city
I shall behold Thy glories untold,
I shall be like Thee, wonderful Savior,
And I will sing while ages unfold.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:18] Builder Of Ages
Builder of ages, Planner divine,
Drawing the length and breadth of space and time;
Yet also Monarch with kingdom to build,
And golden capital still yet unfilled.Surveyor, Architect, Craftsman sublime,
He drew the blueprint ere the start of time,
Building with living stones fair temples bright,
Fixing our hearts into His halls of light.First came the Cornerstone, Jesus, our Lord;
We hear this mighty Rock call from the Word:
“Build up My Church,” says He, “it cannot fail;
As long as you believe, you will prevail.”“As you are gathered here, so here am I,
Lift up your hearts and song unto the sky;
Call in My citizens, do not delay;
Bring in My kingdom of the perfect day.”So, in this year to come, we vow to build
Two things for Christ our King, with spirit filled:
First, we will make a house, fit for a King;
And build within ourselves hearts fit to sing.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:18] God’s Holy Church Shall Triumph
Press on, press on, ye workers,
Be loyal, brave, and true:
Great things the Lord is doing,
And greater things will do;
His army, still increasing
With each revolving year,
Shall send a shout of rapture forth
That all the world shall hear.Refrain
Rejoice, rejoice, ye workers all rejoice;
O, clap your hands and sing,
O, clap your hands and sing;
God’s holy Church shall triumph yet,
Triumph yet, triumph yet,
And He shall reign our King,
Shall reign our King.The walls of leagued oppression
To dust shall fall away;
The sword of truth eternal
No power on earth can stay;
Though all the hosts of darkness
Were marshaled on the field,
The Church of God would stand unmoved,
With Christ her Strength and Shield.Refrain
Behold her marching onward,
In majesty sublime,
Along the rolling prairies
That bound our western clime;
And soon from every hamlet
On all our vast frontier
Glad songs shall rise to Jesus,
While skeptics turn to hear.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:18] Hark, The Tramp Of Coming Legions
Hark, the sound of coming legions,
O how joyful is the sound,
’Tis the children’s army marching,
On the Master’s errands bound.
See their faces all are glowing
With the joyous light of youth
As they’re marching, onward marching
For the cause of Right and Truth.Refrain
Hark, the tramp of coming legions,
O how joyful is the sound,
’Tis the children’s army marching,
On the Master’s errands bound.Hark, the tramp of coming legions,
Hosts of Satan now must quail,
They must scatter in confusion
When this army shall prevail.
At the summons of the Master,
See the children fall in line,
Marching on with glad endeavor,
Trusting in the help divine.Refrain
Hark, the tramp of coming legions,
Marching onward millions strong,
They shall surely be victorious
O’er the hosts of sin and wrong.
Ever loyal to the Master,
Strong their hearts shall be and brave,
Till the Gospel’s glorious banner
Over all the world shall wave.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:18] Highest And The Holiest Place, The
The highest and the holiest place
Guards not the heart from sin;
The Church that safest seems without
May harbor foes within.Thus in the small and chosen band,
Beloved above the rest,
One fell from his apostleship,
A traitor-soul unblest.But not the great designs of God
Man’s sins shall over throw;
Another witness to the truth
Forth to the lands shall go.The soul that sinneth, it shall die;
Thy purpose shall not fail;
The word of grace no less shall sound,
The truth no less prevail.Righteous, O Lord, are all Thy ways;
Long as the worlds endure,
From foes without and foes within,
Thy Church shall stand secure.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:18] Mighty God, Come Build Your Mighty Church
Mighty God, come build Your mighty Church upon Your mighty Word!
In the ears of an astounded world, make all Your Wisdom heard!
Let Your apostolic teaching forge in us a bond of awe,
As Your people come together, seeing more than Moses saw:
Not in cloud, or fiery pillar, come now to make us one,
But in Word made flesh come show Yourself, through Your Eternal Son!As we praise Your name together and worship all You are,
By the broken bread of Your own flesh, come heal our every scar!
In a life-transforming wonder, enter to show forth Your name.
Come engrave on our new hearts this Love that You proclaim.
Work a miracle of fellowship among us as we pray,
Open up our hearts to meet the needs we lift to You today.With great gladness and sincerity we praise our God and King,
Seeing in our trials and triumphs His hand in everything.
And whether this world hates us or whether it may smile,
We will trust a sovereign mercy to be working all the while
To augment the glorious choir that sings in realms of endless day
Of amazing and unbounded love that never fades away.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:18] O Where Are Kings And Empires Now
O where are kings and empires now
Of old, that went and came?
But Lord, Thy Church is praying yet,
A thousand years the same.We mark her goodly battlements
And her foundations strong;
We hear, within, the solemn voice
Of her unending song.For not like kingdoms of the world
Thy holy Church, O God,
Though earthquake shocks are threat’ning her,
And tempests are abroad.Unshaken as eternal hills,
Immovable she stands,
A mountain that shall fill the earth,
A house not made by hands.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:18] O Young And Fearless Prophet
O young and fearless Prophet of ancient Galilee,
Thy life is still a summons to serve humanity;
To make our thoughts and actions less prone to please the crowd,
To stand with humble courage for truth with hearts uncowed.We marvel at the purpose that held Thee to Thy course
While ever on the hilltop before Thee loomed the cross;
Thy steadfast face set forward where love and duty shone,
While we betray so quickly and leave Thee there alone.O help us stand unswerving against war’s bloody way,
Where hate and lust and falsehood hold back Christ’s holy sway;
Forbid false love of country that blinds us to His call,
Who lifts above the nations the unity of all.Stir up in us a protest against our greed for wealth,
While others starve and hunger and plead for work and health;
Where homes with little children cry out for lack of bread,
Who live their years sore burdened beneath a gloomy dread.Create in us the splendor that dawns when hearts are kind,
That knows not race nor station as boundaries of the mind;
That learns to value beauty, in heart, or brain, or soul,
And longs to bind God’s children into one perfect whole.O young and fearless Prophet, we need Thy presence here,
Amid our pride and glory to see Thy face appear;
Once more to hear Thy challenge above our noisy day,
Again to lead us forward along God’s holy way.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Decision
If pathless forests meet my view,
I will not doubt or fear;
What has been done that I can do,
My way shall be made clear.Refrain
I’ve decided, Lord, that I will follow Thee,
Anywhere, anywhere,
Over the land or over the sea,
It matters not where it may be,
For I’ve decided, Lord, to follow Thee,
Anywhere.No trackless plain my faith can dim,
Despite its vast domain;
But with my faith made strong in Him,
I’ll sing my glad refrain.Refrain
No sea too deep nor wide for me,
With faith shall I embark;
For He Who walked on Galilee
Will safely guide my bark.Refrain
So anywhere and everywhere
In pleasure, woe or pain;
My cross alone I do not bear,
Nor do I trust in vain.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Follow Me, The Master Said
“Follow Me,” the Master said;
We will follow Jesus:
By His Word and Spirit led,
We will follow Jesus.
Still for us He lives to plead,
At the throne doth intercede,
Offers help in time of need:
We will follow Jesus.Should the world and sin oppose,
We will follow Jesus:
He is greater than our foes,
We will follow Jesus.
On His promise we depend;
He will succor and defend,
Help and keep us to the end:
We will follow Jesus.Tho’ the way may dark appear,
We will follow Jesus:
He will make our pathway clear,
We will follow Jesus.
In our daily round of care,
As we plead with God in prayer,
With the cross which we must bear,
We will follow Jesus.Ever keep the end in view;
We will follow Jesus:
All His promises are true:
We will follow Jesus.
When this earthly course is run,
And the Master says, “Well done!”
Life eternal we’ll have won!
We will follow Jesus.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Gladly We Will Go
The Lord is our Shepherd, precious Friend and Guide,
We’ll trust Him ever, trust Him ever, walking by His side;
Be this our endeavor faithfully to show,
Where Jesus leads our willing feet beside Him still shall go.Refrain
We’ll go, we’ll go, we’ll gladly, gladly go,
Though skies are dark and chilly winds may blow,
The lost to find, or bravely meet the foe,
Wherever Jesus calls us we’ll gladly, gladly go.Through sunshine or tempest, over land or sea,
Whate’er befalls us, where He calls us, quickly we would be;
The toils that await us though we cannot know,
At His command with heart and hand beside Him we will go.Refrain
The Lord is our Keeper, watching ever near,
In Him confiding, firm abiding, wherefore should we fear?
We’ll cling to the promise left us here below,
And wheresoe’er He leadeth us beside Him we will go.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] I’ll Bear It Lord, For Thee
I longed to be a child of God,
And do my Savior’s will;
And yet the sin that most I feared,
I knew unconquered still.
“Dear Lord,” I said, for as I knelt
I saw Him on the tree—
“This heavy burden on my heart,
I’ll gladly bear for Thee.”Refrain
So now for Him Who died for me,
I’m willing all to bear
Obedient love will never fail,
To bring the answered prayer.The cold was lifted from my soul,
My burden rolled away;
The light of joy around me shed,
A calm and heavenly ray.
“Dear Lord,” I said, “I praise Thy Name
For Thy rich grace to me;
My load is gone and now I rest,
In perfect peace with Thee.”Refrain
I heard a gentle voice within
A whisper soft and mild;
“Thy sin was cancelled by His blood,
Who owns thee for His child.”
“Dear Lord,” I said, “the work is Thine,
And Thine the glory be.
My life, my soul, my every pow’r,
I consecrate to Thee.”Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave and follow Thee.
Destitute, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shall be.
Perish every fond ambition, all I’ve sought or hoped or known.
Yet how rich is my condition! God and Heaven are still mine own.Let the world despise and leave me, they have left my Savior, too.
Human hearts and looks deceive me; Thou art not, like them, untrue.
And while Thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love and might,
Foes may hate and friends disown me, show Thy face and all is bright.Go, then, earthly fame and treasure! Come, disaster, scorn and pain!
In Thy service, pain is pleasure; with Thy favor, loss is gain.
I have called Thee, “Abba, Father”; I have set my heart on Thee:
Storms may howl, and clouds may gather, all must work for good to me.Man may trouble and distress me, ’twill but drive me to Thy breast.
Life with trials hard may press me; heaven will bring me sweeter rest.
Oh, ’tis not in grief to harm me while Thy love is left to me;
Oh, ’twere not in joy to charm me, were that joy unmixed with Thee.Take, my soul, thy full salvation; rise o’er sin, and fear, and care;
Joy to find in every station something still to do or bear:
Think what Spirit dwells within thee; what a Father’s smile is thine;
What a Savior died to win thee, child of heaven, shouldst thou repine?Haste then on from grace to glory, armed by faith, and winged by prayer,
Heaven’s eternal day’s before thee, God’s own hand shall guide thee there.
Soon shall close thy earthly mission, swift shall pass thy pilgrim days;
Hope soon change to glad fruition, faith to sight, and prayer to praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone?
Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
And all the world go free?
No, there’s a cross for everyone,
And there’s a cross for me.How happy are the saints above,
Who once went sorrowing here!
But now they taste unmingled love,
And joy without a tear.The consecrated cross I’ll bear
Till death shall set me free;
And then go home my crown to wear,
For there’s a crown for me.Upon the crystal pavement down
At Jesus’ piercèd feet,
Joyful I’ll cast my golden crown
And His dear Name repeat.O precious cross! O glorious crown!
O resurrection day!
When Christ the Lord from Heav’n comes down
And bears my soul away.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Nearer The Cross
“Nearer the cross!” my heart can say
I am coming nearer,
Nearer the cross from day to day,
I am coming nearer;
Nearer the cross where Jesus died,
Nearer the fountain’s crimson tide,
Nearer my Savior’s wounded side,
I am coming nearer, I am coming nearer.Nearer the Christian’s mercy seat,
I am coming nearer;
Feasting my soul on manna sweet
I am coming nearer;
Stronger in faith, more clear I see
Jesus Who gave Himself for me;
Nearer to Him I still would be,
Still I’m coming nearer
Still I’m coming nearer.Nearer in prayer my hope aspires,
I am coming nearer;
Deeper the love my soul desires,
I am coming nearer;
Nearer the end of toil and care,
Nearer the joy I long to share,
Nearer the crown I soon shall wear;
I am coming nearer;
I am coming nearer.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] O Jesu, Crucified For Man
O Jesu, crucified for man,
O Lamb, all glorious on Thy throne,
Teach Thou our wondering souls to scan
The mystery of Thy love unknown.We pray Thee, grant us strength to take
Our daily cross, whate’er it be,
And gladly for Thine own dear sake
In paths of pain to follow Thee.As on our daily way we go,
Through light or shade, in calm or strife,
O may we bear Thy marks below
In conquered sin and chastened life.And week by week this day we ask
That holy memories of Thy cross
May sanctify each common task,
And turn to gain each earthly loss.Grant us, dear Lord, our cross to bear,
Till at Thy feet we lay it down,
Win through Thy blood our pardon there,
And through the cross attain the crown.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Take Up Thy Cross
“Take up thy cross,” the Savior said,
“If thou wouldst My disciple be;
Deny thyself, the world forsake,
And humbly follow after Me.”Take up thy cross, let not its weight
Fill thy weak spirit with alarm;
His strength shall bear thy spirit up,
And brace thy heart and nerve thine arm.Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame,
Nor let thy foolish pride rebel;
Thy Lord for thee the cross endured,
And saved thy soul from death and hell.Take up thy cross then in His strength,
And calmly sin’s wild deluge brave,
’Twill guide thee to a better home,
It points to glory o’er the grave.Take up thy cross and follow Christ,
Nor think til death to lay it down;
For only those who bear the cross
May hope to wear the glorious crown.To Thee, great Lord, the One in Three,
All praise forevermore ascend:
O grant us in our home to see
The heavenly life that knows no end.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Thou Hast Said, Exalted Jesus
Thou hast said, exalted Jesus,
“Take thy cross and follow Me”;
Shall the word with terror seize us?
Shall we from the burden flee?
Lord, I’ll take it, Lord, I’ll take it,
And rejoicing, follow Thee.While this liquid tomb surveying,
Emblem of my Savior’s grave,
Shall I shun its brink, betraying
Feelings worthy of a slave?
No, I’ll enter, no, I’ll enter;
Jesus entered Jordan’s wave.Blest the sign which thus reminds me,
Savior, of Thy love for me;
But more blest the love that binds me
In its deathless bonds to Thee;
Oh, what pleasure, oh, what pleasure,
Buried with my Lord to be!Fellowship with Him possessing,
Let me die to earth and sin;
Let me rise t’enjoy the blessing
Which the faithful soul shall win;
May I ever, may I ever
Follow where my Lord has been.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Thou Say’st, “take Up Thy Cross”
Thou say’st, “Take up thy cross,
O man, and follow Me”;
The night is black, the feet are slack,
Yet we would follow Thee.But O dear Lord, we cry,
That we Thy face could see!
Thy blessèd face one moment’s space—
Then might we follow Thee!Dim tracts of time divide
Those golden days from me;
Thy voice comes strange o’er years of change;
How can I follow Thee?Comes faint and far Thy voice
From vales of Galilee;
Thy vision fades in ancient shades;
How should we follow Thee?O heavy cross—of faith
In what we cannot see!
As once of yore Thyself restore
And help to follow Thee.If not as once Thou cam’st
In true humanity,
Come yet as Guest within the breast
That burns to follow Thee.Within our hearts of hearts
In nearest nearness be:
Set up Thy throne within Thine own;
Go, Lord: We follow Thee.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:24] Way Of The Cross Leads Home, The
I must needs go home by the way of the cross,
There’s no other way but this;
I shall ne’er get sight of the gates of light,
If the way of the cross I miss.Refrain
The way of the cross leads home,
The way of the cross leads home,
It is sweet to know as I onward go,
The way of the cross leads home.I must needs go on in the blood sprinkled way,
The path that the Savior trod,
If I ever climb to the heights sublime,
Where the soul is at home with God.Refrain
Then I bid farewell to the way of the world,
To walk in it never more;
For the Lord says, “Come,” and I seek my home,
Where He waits at the open door.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:26] God Gives His Mercies To Be Spent
God gives His mercies to be spent;
Your hoard will do your soul no good.
Gold is a blessing only lent,
Repaid by giving others food.The world’s esteem is but a bribe,
To buy their peace you sell your own;
The slave of a vainglorious tribe,
Who hate you while they make you known.The joy that vain amusements give,
O! sad conclusion that it brings!
The honey of a crowded hive,
Defended by a thousand stings.’Tis thus the world rewards the fools
That live upon her treacherous smiles:
She leads them, blindfold, by her rules,
And ruins all whom she beguiles.God knows the thousands who go down
From pleasure into endless woe;
And with a long despairing groan
Blaspheme their Maker as they go.Oh fearful thought! be timely wise;
Delight but in a Savior’s charms,
And God shall take you to the skies,
Embraced in everlasting arms.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:26] What Is He Worth To Your Soul?
Jesus the Lord laid His glory aside,
Sinners to save and make whole,
Freely He died our transgressions to hide,
What is He worth to your soul?Refrain
What is He worth, what is He worth,
What is He worth to your soul?
He died on the tree, for you and for me,
What is He worth to your soul?All that was His for the sinner He gave,
Pointed the path to the goal;
Sin would deprave, but the Savior would save,
What is He worth to your soul?Refrain
All that He saves He will keep till the end,
Under His blessèd control;
Men may depend on this wonderful Friend,
What is He worth to your soul?Refrain
All who will trust Him in sunshine and gloam,
Shall, when they reach the bright goal,
Ceasing to roam, be forever at home,
What is He worth to your soul?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:26] Where Is Thy Refuge?
Say, where is thy refuge, my brother,
And what is thy prospect today?
Why toil for the wealth that will perish,
The treasures that rust and decay?
Oh, think of thy soul, that forever
Must live on eternity’s shore,
When thou in the dust art forgotten,
When pleasure can charm thee no more.Refrain
’Twill profit thee nothing, but fearful the cost,
To gain the whole world if thy soul should be lost!
To gain the whole world if thy soul should be lost!The Master is calling thee, brother,
In tones of compassion and love,
To feel that sweet rapture of pardon,
And lay up thy treasure above;
Oh, kneel at the cross where He suffered,
To ransom thy soul from the grave,
The arm of His mercy will hold Thee,
The arm that is mighty to save.Refrain
The summer is waning, my brother,
Repent, ere the season is past;
God’s goodness to thee is extended,
As long as the day-beam shall last;
Then slight not the warning repeated
With all the bright moments that roll,
Nor say, when the harvest is ended,
That no one hath cared for thy soul.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 16:27] Last Mile Of The Way, The
If I walk in the pathway of duty,
If I work till the close of the day;
I shall see the great King in His beauty,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.Refrain
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way,
I will rest at the close of the day,
And I know there are joys that await me,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.If for Christ I proclaim the glad story,
If I seek for His sheep gone astray,
I am sure He will show me His glory,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.Refrain
Here the dearest of ties we must sever,
Tears of sorrow are seen ev’ry day;
But no sickness, no sighing forever,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.Refrain
And if here I have earnestly striven,
And have tried all His will to obey,
’Twill enhance all the rapture of Heaven,
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 17:2] In Days Of Old On Sinai
In days of old on Sinai
The Lord Almighty came
In majesty of terror,
In thunder cloud and flame:
On Tabor, with the glory
Of sunniest light for vest,
The excellence of beauty
In Jesus was expressed.All light created paled there,
And did Him worship meet;
The sun itself adored Him,
And bowed before His feet;
While Moses and Elias,
Upon the holy mount,
The co-eternal glory
Of Christ our God recount.O holy, wondrous vision!
But what when, this life past,
The beauty of Mount Tabor
Shall end in Heav’n at last?
But what when all the glory
Of uncreated light
Shall be the promised guerdon
Of them that win the fight?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 17:4] Stay, Master, Stay Upon This Heavenly Hill
Stay, Master, stay, upon this heavenly hill;
A little longer, let us linger still;
With all the mighty ones of old beside,
Near to God’s holy presence still abide;
Before the throne of light we trembling stand,
And catch a glimpse into the spirit land.Stay, Master, stay! we breathe a purer air;
This life is not the life that waits us there;
Thoughts, feelings, flashes, glimpses come and go;
We cannot speak them—nay, we do not know;
Wrapped in this cloud of light we seem to be
The thing we fain would grow—eternally.“No!” saith the Lord, “the hour is past,” we go;
Our home, our life, our duties lie below.
While here we kneel upon the mount of prayer,
The plough lies waiting in the furrow there!
Here we sought God that we might know His will;
There we must do it, serve Him, seek Him still.If man aspires to reach the throne of God,
O’er the dull plains of earth must lie the road;
He who best does his lowly duty here,
Shall mount the highest in a nobler sphere:
At God’s own feet our spirits seek their rest,
And he is dearest Him who serves Him best.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 17:8] Jesus Only
What tho’ clouds are hov’ring o’er me,
And I seem to walk alone—
Longing ’mid my cares and crosses,
For the joys that now are flown—
If I’ve Jesus, “Jesus only,”
Then my sky will have a gem;
He’s a Sun of brightest splendor,
And the Star of Bethlehem.What tho’ all my earthly journey
Bringeth naught but weary hours,
And, in grasping for life’s roses,
Thorns I find instead of flow’rs—
If I’ve Jesus, “Jesus only,”
I possess a cluster rare;
He’s the “Lily of the Valley,”
And the “Rose of Sharon” fair.What tho’ all my heart is yearning
For the loved of long ago—
Bitter lessons, sadly learning
From the shadowy page of woe—
If I’ve Jesus, “Jesus only,”
He’ll be with me to the end;
And, unseen by mortal vision,
Angel bands will o’er me bend.When I soar to realms of glory
And an entrance I await,
If I whisper, “Jesus only!”
Wide will ope the pearly gate;
When I join the heavenly chorus,
And the angel hosts I see,
Precious Jesus, “Jesus only,”
Will my theme of rapture be.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 17:8] Jesus Only, Let Me See
For salvation full and free,
Purchased once on Calvary,
Christ alone shall be my plea—
Jesus! Jesus only.Refrain
Jesus only, let me see,
Jesus only, none save He,
Then my song shall ever be—
Jesus! Jesus only!He my Guide from day to day,
As I journey on life’s way;
Close beside Him let me stay—
Jesus! Jesus only.Refrain
May my model ever be
Christ the Lord, and none save He,
That the world may see in me
Jesus! Jesus only.Refrain
He shall reign from shore to shore,
His the glory evermore—
Heav’n and earth shall bow before
Jesus! Jesus only.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 17:21] O Father, In Whose Great Design
O Father, in Whose great design
Our human love is made divine,
Teach us to give our love to those
By sin beset and all its woes;
On Thee for them to cast our care,
By fasting and by lowly prayer.Lord Jesu, grant us eyes to see
In our poor brethren Thine and Thee—
To give ourselves where others need;
Where others sin to intercede;
And thus, by fasting and by prayer,
Our brethren’s burden seek to bear.O Spirit, by Whose grace alone
The many members are made one
O warm our hearts, inspire our will,
That we Thy purpose may fulfill;
And thus, by fasting and by prayer,
Through Thee “the glorious Church” prepare.O God, all-loving Three in One
Whom we shall see beyond the sun;
Where walk in white the blood-bought throng,
Where soars to Thee the sweet new song,
Grant that we find the brethren there
We sought by fasting and by prayer.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:2] Dear To The Heart Of The Shepherd
Dear to the heart of the Shepherd,
Dear are the sheep of His fold;
Dear is the love that He gives them,
Dearer than silver or gold.
Dear to the heart of the Shepherd,
Dear are His “other” lost sheep;
Over the mountains He follows,
Over the waters so deep.Refrain
Out in the desert they wander,
Hungry and helpless and cold;
Off to the rescue He hastens,
Bringing them back to the fold.Dear to the heart of the Shepherd,
Dear are the lambs of His fold;
Some from the pastures are straying,
Hungry and helpless and cold.
See, the good Shepherd is seeking,
Seeking the lambs that are lost;
Bringing them in with rejoicing,
Saved at such infinite cost.Refrain
Dear to the heart of the Shepherd,
Dear are the “ninety and nine”;
Dear are the sheep that have wandered,
Out in the desert to pine.
Hark! He is earnestly calling,
Tenderly pleading today;
“Will you not seek for My lost ones,
Off from My shelter astray?”Refrain
Green are the pastures inviting,
Sweet are the waters and “still”;
Lord, we will answer Thee gladly,
“Yes, blessèd Master, we will!
Make us Thy true under-shepherds,
Give us a love that is deep;
Send us out into the desert,
Seeking Thy wandering sheep.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:2] Father, Who Hast Gathered
Father, who hast gathered
This dear child to rest,
Unto Thee we yield him,
Sure Thou knowest best.Thou, O Lord, who gavest,
Dost Thine own reclaim;
Thou, O Lord, hast taken—
Blessèd still Thy Name!Thine by right creative,
By redemption Thine,
By regeneration
And the holy sign.Thou Who didst endow him
With baptismal grace,
Now in love hast brought him
To behold Thy face.Safe from all earth’s sorrow,
Safe from all its pains,
Now this child of Adam,
Paradise regains:Safe from all temptation,
Safe from fear of sin,
Through the blood of sprinkling
Holy, bright and clean.Lay we this dear body
In the earth to sleep,
His sweet soul commending
Unto Thee to keep:Looking for the dawning
Of that deathless day,
When all earthly shadows
Shall have fled away.Only grant us, Father,
Courage in our strife,
And with him a portion
In unending life.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:3] Child In The Midst, The
When Jesus was asked by His servants one day
Who greatest in Heaven would be,
He beckoned a little one to Him and said,
“Such only shall enter with Me.”Refrain
O Master, redeem us from hardness and pride,
And make us a child in Thy sight;
With meekness and trust may our bosom be filled,
And love guide our actions aright.Tho’ honor and riches may brighten our way,
And friends gather round with their cheer,
Except we are willing the poorest to serve,
No welcome to Heaven we’ll hear.Refrain
God blesses the children because they are pure,
And all may be such by His grace;
Thro’ crosses and cares we may rise to His throne,
And shine in the light of His face.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:11] Precious Story, The
Once our gentle, loving Savior,
Was a child like you and me;
Come, and hear the precious story,
Naught on earth so sweet can be.Refrain
Come, and hear the precious story,
How He came the lost to save;
How His life was only sorrow,
From the cradle, the cradle to the grave.Come, and hear the precious story,
How our blessèd Lord was slain;
Once He gave Himself our ransom,
Now for us He lives again.Refrain
Come, and hear the precious story,
Though repeated o’er and o’er;
Still, it always tell us something
That we never knew before.Refrain
O how much we ought to thank Him
For the many gifts we share;
O how much we ought to praise Him
For His kind and watchful care.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:13] Dear Savior, If These Lambs Should Stray
Dear Savior, if these lambs should stray,
From Thy secure enclosure’s bound,
And, lured by worldly joys away,
Among the thoughtless crowd be found,Remember still that they are Thine,
That Thy dear sacred Name they bear,
Think that the seal of love divine
The sign of covenant grace they wear.In all their erring, sinful years,
Oh, let them ne’er forgotten be;
Remember all the prayers and tears
Which made them consecrate to Thee.And when these lips no more can pray,
These eyes can weep for them no more,
Turn Thou their feet from folly’s way,
The wanderers to Thy fold restore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:13] Lovingly The Shepherd
Lovingly the Shepherd,
Seeking the lost sheep,
Found it tired and hungry
On the mountain steep.Refrain
Jesus paid the price, great the pain and loss;
To redeem the world, at great pain and loss.
To redeem the world, to redeem the world,
Jesus Christ laid down His life upon the cross.Precious is the lost coin,
Sought with love and care,
And with joy the owner
Found her treasure rare.Refrain
Tenderly the Father
Welcomes home His son;
Though once dead he liveth,
Love at last has won.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:13] Ninety And Nine, The
There were ninety and nine that safely lay
In the shelter of the fold.
But one was out on the hills away,
Far off from the gates of gold.
Away on the mountains wild and bare.
Away from the tender Shepherd’s care.
Away from the tender Shepherd’s care.“Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine;
Are they not enough for Thee?”
But the Shepherd made answer: “This of Mine
Has wandered away from Me;
And although the road be rough and steep,
I go to the desert to find My sheep,
I go to the desert to find My sheep.”But none of the ransomed ever knew
How deep were the waters crossed;
Nor how dark was the night the Lord passed through
Ere He found His sheep that was lost.
Out in the desert He heard its cry,
Sick and helpless and ready to die;
Sick and helpless and ready to die.“Lord, whence are those blood drops all the way
That mark out the mountain’s track?”
“They were shed for one who had gone astray
Ere the Shepherd could bring him back.”
“Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and torn?”
“They are pierced tonight by many a thorn;
They are pierced tonight by many a thorn.”And all through the mountains, thunder riven
And up from the rocky steep,
There arose a glad cry to the gate of Heaven,
“Rejoice! I have found My sheep!”
And the angels echoed around the throne,
“Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!
Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] All Praise To Our Redeeming Lord
All praise to our redeeming Lord,
Who joins us by His grace;
And bids us, each to each restored,
Together seek His face.He bids us build each other up;
And, gathered into one,
To our high calling’s glorious hope,
We hand in hand go on.The gift which He on one bestows,
We all delight to prove;
The grace through every vessel flows,
In purest streams of love.E’en now we think and speak the same,
And cordially agree;
Concentered all, through Jesus’ Name,
In perfect harmony.We all partake the joy of one;
The common peace we feel;
A peace to sensual minds unknown,
A joy unspeakable.And if our fellowship below
In Jesus be so sweet,
What height of rapture shall we know
When round His throne we meet!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Be Still, My Soul! For God Is Near!
Be still, my soul! for God is near!
The great High Priest is with thee now;
The Lord of life Himself is near,
Before Whose face the angels bow.To make thy heart His lowly throne
Thy Savior God in love draws nigh;
He gives Himself unto His own,
For whom He once came down to die.He pleads before the mercy-seat;
He pleads with God, He pleads for thee;
He gives thee bread from Heav’n to eat,
His flesh and blood in mystery.I come, O Lord! for Thou dost call—
To blend my pleading prayer with Thine;
To Thee I give myself—my all,
And feed on Thee and make Thee mine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Come, Thou Soul-transforming Spirit
Come, Thou soul-transforming Spirit,
Bless the sower and the seed;
Let each heart Thy grace inherit;
Raise the weak, the hungry feed;
From the Gospel, now supply Thy people’s need.O may all enjoy the blessing
Which Thy Word’s designed to give;
Let us all, Thy love possessing,
Joyfully the truth receive,
And forever to Thy praise and glory live.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Holy Ghost Is Here, The
The Holy Ghost is here,
Where saints in prayer agree,
As Jesus’ parting Gift is near
Each pleading company.Not far away is He,
To be by prayer brought nigh,
But here in present majesty,
As in His courts on high.He dwells within our soul,
An ever welcome Guest;
He reigns with absolute control,
As Monarch in the breast.Obedient to Thy will,
We wait to feel Thy power;
O Lord of life, our hopes fulfill,
And bless this hallowed hour.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] How Charming Is The Place
How charming is the place
Where my Redeemer God
Unveils the beauties of His face,
And sheds His love abroad.Not the fair palaces
To which the great resort,
Are once to be compared with this,
Where Jesus holds His court.Here, on the mercy seat,
With radiant glory crowned,
Our joyful eyes behold Him sit,
And smile on all around.To Him their prayers and cries
Each humble soul presents:
He listens to their broken sighs,
And grants them all their wants.To them His sovereign will
He graciously imparts;
And in return accepts, with smiles,
The tribute of their hearts.Give me, O Lord, a place
Within Thy blest abode,
Among the children of Thy grace,
The servants of my God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] In Thy Name, O Lord, Assembling
In Thy Name, O Lord, assembling,
We, Thy people, now draw near;
Teach us to rejoice with trembling,
Speak, and let Thy servants hear—
Hear with meekness,
Hear Thy Word with godly fear.While our days on earth are lengthened,
May we give them, Lord, to Thee;
Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened,
May we run, nor weary be,
Till Thy glory
Without clouds in Heav’n we see.There in worship purer, sweeter,
Thee Thy people shall adore;
Tasting of enjoyment greater
Far than thought conceived before—
Full enjoyment,
Full, unmixed, and evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Jesus, Stand Among Us
Jesus, stand among us
In Thy risen power;
Let this time of worship
Be a hallowed hour.Breathe the Holy Spirit
Into every heart;
Bid the fears and sorrows
From each soul depart.Thus with quickened footsteps
We pursue our way,
Watching for the dawning
Of each eternal day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Jesus, We Look To Thee
Jesus, we look to Thee,
Thy promised presence claim;
Thou in the midst of us shall be,
Assembled in Thy Name.Thy Name salvation is,
Which here we come to prove;
Thy Name is life, and health, and peace,
And everlasting love.Not in the name of pride
Or selfishness we meet;
From nature’s paths we turn aside,
And worldly thoughts forget.We meet, the grace to take
Which Thou hast freely giv’n;
We meet on earth for Thy dear sake
That we may meet in Heav’n.Present we know Thou art;
But, O, Thyself reveal!
Now, Lord, let ev’ry waiting heart
The mighty comfort feel.O may Thy quickening voice
The death of sin remove;
And bid our inmost souls rejoice,
In hope of perfect love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Jesus, Where’er Thy People Meet
Jesus, where’er Thy people meet,
There they behold Thy mercy seat;
Where’er they seek Thee Thou art found,
And every place is hallowed ground.For Thou, within no walls confined,
Inhabitest the humble mind;
Such ever bring Thee, where they come,
And, going, take Thee to their home.Dear Shepherd of Thy chosen few,
Thy former mercies here renew;
Here, to our waiting hearts, proclaim
The sweetness of Thy saving Name.Here may we prove the power of prayer
To strengthen faith and sweeten care;
To teach our faint desires to rise,
And bring all Heav’n before our eyes.Behold at Thy commanding word,
We stretch the curtain and the cord;
Come Thou, and fill this wider space,
And bless us with a large increase.Lord, we are few, but Thou art near;
Nor short Thine arm, nor deaf Thine ear;
O rend the heavens, come quickly down,
And make a thousand hearts Thine own!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now
Lord Jesus, Christ, be present now,
Our hearts in true devotion bow,
Thy Spirit send with grace divine,
And let Thy truth within us shine.Unseal our lips to sing Thy praise,
Our souls to Thee in worship raise,
Make strong our faith, increase our light
That we may know Thy Name aright.Until we join the hosts that cry,
“Holy art Thou, O Lord, most high!”
And in the light of that blest place
Fore’er behold Thee face to face.Glory to God the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One!
To Thee, O blessèd Trinity,
Be praise throughout eternity!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide,
For round us falls the eventide;
Nor let Thy Word, that heav’nly light,
For us be ever veiled in night.In these last days of sore distress
Grant us, dear Lord, true steadfastness
That pure we keep, till life is spent,
Thy holy Word and sacrament.Lord Jesus, help, Thy Church uphold,
For we are sluggish, thoughtless, cold.
Oh, prosper well Thy Word of grace
And spread its truth in every place!Oh, keep us in Thy Word, we pray;
The guile and rage of Satan stay!
Oh, may Thy mercy never cease!
Give concord, patience, courage, peace.O God, how sin’s dread works abound!
Throughout the earth no rest is found,
And falsehood’s spirit wide has spread,
And error boldly rears its head.The haughty spirits, Lord, restrain
Who o’er Thy Church with might would reign
And always set forth something new,
Devised to change Thy doctrine true.And since the cause and glory, Lord,
Are Thine, not ours, to us afford
Thy help and strength and constancy,
With all our heart we trust in Thee.A trusty weapon is Thy Word,
Thy Church’s buckler, shield, and sword.
Oh, let us in its power confide
That we may seek no other guide!Oh, grant that in Thy holy Word
We here may live and die, dear Lord;
And when our journey endeth here,
Receive us into glory there.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Not Here, As To The Prophet’s Eye
Not here, as to the prophet’s eye,
The Lord upon His throne appears;
Nor seraphim responsive cry,
“Holy! thrice holy!” in our ears:Yet God is present in this place,
Veiled in serener majesty;
So full of glory, truth and grace,
That faith alone such light can see.Nor, as He in the temple taught,
Is Christ within these walls revealed,
When blind, and deaf, and dumb were brought,
Lepers and lame, and all were healed:Yet here, when two or three shall meet
Or thronging multitudes are found,
All may sit down at Jesus’ feet,
And hear from Him the joyful sound.Send forth the seraphim, O Lord,
To touch Thy servants’ lips with fire;
Savior, give them Thy faithful Word;
Come, Holy Ghost, their hearts inspire.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] O Come All Ye Saints
O come all ye saints, in glorious dress,
Arrayed in His love, and His righteousness.
Come sing in His presence, come speak of His grace
He’s standing among us, behold His dear face.With hearts ready tuned, our voices entwine
Together we’ll sing His praises divine.
Lift high the great chorus, yea sound it abroad
To Jesus our Saviour, omnipotent God.O glad is the soul and joyful the heart,
That centres the thoughts, so none can depart,
From worshipping Jesus, from praising His name
This then is that river, and this is His fame.Bless ye then the Lord, who serve day and night,
Who stand in His house, a wonderful sight
Where seraphs are bowing, where angels attend,
The seat of His mercy, where praises all blend.Say “Yes” to His praise, and “Yes” for His love
Speak often of peace that comes from above.
Call mercy, a river, watch grace flowing through
This glorious salvation, says this is for you.Our theme then shall be to worship the Lord
In spirit to sing the truth of His word
Come join in our praises, the anthems prolong
For Jesus is coming, that day won’t be long.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] O God, Though Countless Worlds Of Light
O God, though countless worlds of light,
Thy power and glory show,
Though round Thy throne, above all height,
Immortal seraphs glow—Yet, Lord, where’er Thy saints apart
Are met for praise and prayer,
Wherever sighs a contrite heart,
Thou, gracious God, art there.With grateful joy, Thy children rear
This temple, Lord, to Thee;
Long may they sing Thy praises here,
And here Thy beauty see.Here, Savior, deign Thy saints to meet;
With peace their hearts to fill;
And here, like Sharon’s odors sweet,
May grace divine distill.Here may Thy truth fresh triumphs win;
Eternal Spirit, here.
In many a heart now dead in sin,
A living temple rear.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] O Seek The Lord In Prayer
O seek the Lord in prayer
And fall down at Christ’s feet,
As two or three are gathered there,
Entreaties shall Christ meet!
Be whole! Be well! Be holy in the Lord!Though we were reckoned lost
And numbered with the dead,
Christ came to suffer on the cross,
To grant us life instead!
Be whole! Be well! Be holy in the Lord!The touch of Christ brings strength,
Makes well and makes alive;
All who are languishing in pain,
Christ ventures to revive!
Be whole! Be well! Be holy in the Lord!Be calm and do not fear;
Be thoroughly restored!
May joy replace each anguished tear;
The joy of Christ the Lord!
Be whole! Be well! Be holy in the Lord!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] O That I Could, In Every Place
O that I could, in every place,
By faith behold Jehovah’s face;
My strict Observer see
Present, my heart and reins to try
And feel the influence of His eye
For ever fixed on me!Discerning Thee, my Savior, stand
My Advocate at God's right hand,
I never shall remove;
I cannot fall, upheld by Thee,
Or sin against the majesty
Of omnipresent Love.Now, Savior, now appear, appear,
And let me always see Thee near,
And know as I am known:
My spirit to Thyself unite,
And bear me through a sea of light
To that eternal throne.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] O Where Is He That Trod The Sea?
O where is He that trod the sea,
O where is He that spake;
And demons from their victims flee,
The dead their slumbers break:
The palsied rise in freedom strong,
The dumb men talk and sing,
And from blind eyes, benighted long,
Bright beams of morning spring?O where is He that trod the sea,
O where is He that spake,
And piercing words of liberty
The deaf ears open shake;
And mildest words arrest the haste
Of fever’s deadly fire,
And strong ones heal the weak who waste
Their life in sad desire?O where is He that trod the sea,
O where is He that spake,
And dark waves rolling heavily
A glassy smoothness take;
And lepers, whose own flesh has been
A solitary grave,
See with amaze that they are clean,
And cry, “’Tis He can save”?O where is He that trod the sea?
’Tis only He can save;
To thousands hungering wearily
A wondrous meal He gave;
Full soon, celestially fed,
Their rustic fare they take;
’Twas springtide when He blest the bread,
And harvest when He brake.O where is He that trod the sea?
My soul, the Lord is here:
Let all thy fears be hushed in thee;
To leap, to look, to hear
Be thine: thy needs He’ll satisfy.
Art thou diseased or dumb,
Or dost thou in thine hunger cry?
“I come,” saith Christ, “I come.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Oh, How Sweet When We Mingle
Oh, how sweet when we mingle with kindred spirits here,
And tell of Jesus and His love!
When by faith we can see Him, and feel His presence near,
And lift our longing souls above.Refrain
We shall meet on the banks of the river,
Happy, happy there forevermore!
We shall dwell with the angels, and join with choral song,
Our loved ones, loved ones gone before.We are pilgrims of Zion, though trials we must bear,
Which all are blessings in disguise:
Though the cross may be heavy, the crown we soon shall wear
In Heav’n, where pleasure never dies.Refrain
When we walk through the valley and shadow of the tomb,
Dear Savior, Thou wilt be our Guide:
And Thy smile like a sunbeam will light beyond the gloom,
And keep Thy people at Thy side.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] See, Jesus, Thy Disciples See
See, Jesus, Thy disciples see,
The promised blessing give!
Met in Thy Name, we look to Thee,
Expecting, to receive.Thee we expect, our faithful Lord,
Who in Thy Name are joined;
We wait, according to Thy Word,
Thee in the midst to find.With us Thou art assembled here,
But O Thyself reveal!
Son of the living God, appear!
Let us Thy presence feel.Breathe on us, Lord, in this our day,
And these dry bones shall live;
Speak peace into our hearts, and say,
“The Holy Ghost receive!”Whom now we seek, O may we meet!
Jesus, the Crucified,
Show us Thy bleeding hands and feet,
Thou Who for us hast died.Cause us the record to receive,
Speak, and the tokens show;
“O be not faithless, but believe
In Me, who died for you!”source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] This Day In Jesus’ Name We Meet
This day in Jesus’ Name we meet,
Our Lord, Redeemer, King;
This day around Thy mercy seat
We all Thy praises sing;
Thou gavest us this day of rest,
Of holiness divine;
Lend comfort to each troubled breast,
And make us ever Thine.Oppressed with earthly toil and pains
The weary week did close;
Yet God’s own day of peace remains
When spirits seek repose.
Let Sunday’s sweet refreshing dew
All with’ring cares dispel;
Let Sabbath joys our strength renew,
Help us Thy goodness tell.Be with us, as Thy servant asks,
Thy mercies to prolong;
Grant that by prayer we know our tasks,
Let incense rise with song.
O may this be a day of light
To nations far and near;
Let all men see Thy visage bright,
Thy loving message hear.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Unto Thy Temple, Lord, We Come
Unto Thy temple, Lord, we come
With thankful hearts to worship Thee;
And pray that this may be our home
Until we touch eternity.The common home of rich and poor,
Of bond and free, and great and small;
Large as Thy love forevermore,
And warm and bright and good to all.And dwell Thou with us in this place,
Thou and Thy Christ, to guide and bless!
Here make the wellspring of Thy grace
Like fountains in the wilderness.May Thy whole truth be spoken here;
Thy Gospel light forever shine;
Thy perfect love cast out all fear,
And human life become divine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] We Rear Not A Temple
We rear not a temple, like Judah’s of old,
Whose portals were marble, whose vaultings were gold;
No incense is lighted, no victims are slain,
No monarch kneels praying to hallow the fane.More simple and lowly the walls that we raise,
And humbler the pomp of procession and praise,
Where the heart is the altar whence incense shall roll,
And Messiah the King Who shall pray for the soul.O Father, come in! but not in the cloud
Which filled the bright courts where Thy chosen ones bowed;
But come in that Spirit of glory and grace,
Which beams on the soul and illumines the face.O come in the power of Thy life giving Word,
And reveal to each heart its Redeemer and Lord;
Till faith bring the peace to the penitent giv’n,
And love fill the air with the fragrance of Heav’n.The pomp of Moriah has long passed away,
And soon shall our frailer erection decay;
But the souls that are builded in worship and love
Shall be temples of God, everlasting above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Where Two Or Three, With Sweet Accord
Where two or three, with sweet accord,
Obedient to their sovereign Lord,
Meet to recount His acts of grace,
And offer solemn prayer and praise;“There,” says the Savior, “will I be,
Amid this little company;
To them unveil My smiling face,
And shed My glories round the place.”We meet at Thy command, dear Lord,
Relying on Thy faithful Word:
Now send Thy Spirit from above,
Now fill our hearts with heavenly love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:20] Would You Believe?
If you could see Christ standing here tonight,
His thorn-crowned head and piercèd hands could view,
Could see those eyes that beam with Heav’n’s own light,
And hear Him say—“Belovèd, ’twas for you.”Refrain
Would you believe, and Jesus receive,
If He were standing here?
Would you believe, and Jesus receive,
If He were standing here?If you could see that face, so calm and sweet,
Those lips that spoke words only pure and true,
Could see the nail prints in His tender feet,
And hear Him say—“Belovèd, ’twas for you.”Refrain
He whispers to your heart, turn not away,
For He’s beside you in your narrow pew;
If you will listen, you will hear Him say,
In loving tones—“Belovèd, ’twas for you.”Will you believe, and Jesus receive?
For He is standing here;
Will you believe, and Jesus receive?
For He is standing here.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 18:21] Remember Christ, Our Savior
Remember Christ, our Savior
Who paid the debts you owed
To God the Heavenly Father
And to you mercy showed.
When others sin against you
Be ready to forgive.
Since you have been forgiven
With them in peace now live.Go first to find your brother,
Your sister or your friend.
Do not reveal to others
The hurt you need to mend.
Confront in humble spirit
The one whose sin caused pain
That he might seek forgiveness
And you a friend regain.When bitter anger tempts you
To nurse your broken heart
With brooding thoughts of hatred
And vows of vengeance start.
Pray to the Lord of Pardon
For power to release
Each selfish act against you
That rage might in you cease.O Father, Son, and Spirit,
O Patient Trinity,
Who lifts from us sin’s burden
And from its debt sets free.
Grant us the will to pardon
All those who us offend
That we might enter heaven
With them when ages end.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:6] O Perfect Love
O perfect Love, all human thought transcending,
Lowly we kneel in prayer before Thy throne,
That theirs may be the love which knows no ending,
Whom Thou forevermore dost join in one.O perfect Life, be Thou their full assurance,
Of tender charity and steadfast faith,
Of patient hope and quiet, brave endurance,
With childlike trust that fears nor pain nor death.Grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow;
Grant them the peace which calms all earthly strife,
And to life’s day the glorious unknown morrow
That dawns upon eternal love and life.Hear us, O Father, gracious and forgiving,
Through Jesus Christ, Thy coeternal Word,
Who, with the Holy Ghost, by all things living
Now and to endless ages art adored.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:14] Come Children, With Singing
Come children, with singing, with sweet voices ringing,
Come kneel to the Babe that in Bethlehem lies,
While angels achoir, with pinions of fire,
Are filling with music the listening skies.Repeat the dear story how, veiling His glory,
The Hope of the Ages came down to the earth,
Oh, worship Him lowly, the lofty and holy
Our Star of the Morning shone out at His birth.See Mary enfold Him, while shepherds behold Him.
And sages are bent at His beautiful feet.
Come, haste to adore Him, and, bowing before Him,
The Lord who redeems you in reverence greet.This wonderful Stranger, His couch is a manger,
His cradle is made with the cattle in stall;
Yet God of creation in blest incarnation,
He stoops to our nature to ransom us all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:14] Jesus Loves The Little Children
Jesus calls the children dear,
“Come to me and never fear,
For I love the little children of the world;
I will take you by the hand,
Lead you to the better land,
For I love the little children of the world.”Refrain
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.[Alternate refrain:
Jesus died for all the children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight,
Jesus died for all the children of the world.]Jesus is the Shepherd true,
And He’ll always stand by you,
For He loves the little children of the world;
He’s a Savior great and strong,
And He’ll shield you from the wrong,
For He loves the little children of the world.Refrain
I am coming, Lord, to Thee,
And Your soldier I will be,
For You love the little children of the world;
And Your cross I’ll always bear,
And for You I’ll do and dare,
For You love the little children of the world.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:14] Lead Them To Thee
Lead them, my God, to Thee,
Lead them to Thee,
These children dear of mine,
Thou gavest me.
O, by Thy love divine,Refrain
Lead them, my God, to Thee,
Lead them, lead them,
Lead them to Thee.When earth looks bright and fair,
Festive and gay,
Let no delusive snare,
Lure them away;
But from temptation’s power,Refrain
E’en for such little ones,
Christ came a child,
And through this world of sin,
Movèd undefiled;
O, for His sake, I pray,Refrain
Yea, though my faith be dim,
I would believe
That Thou this precious gift,
Wilt now receive;
O, take their young hearts now;Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:14] Let Little Children Come To Me
“Let little children come to Me,”
So says our blessèd Lord;
And I, a little child, must be
Obedient to His Word;
On Sabbath days must sing His praise,
And bow before Him, for He says,
“Let little children come to Me,
Let little children come.”“Let little children come to Me,”
It is my Savior’s call;
He spake it not to two or three,
But to the children all;
And so, when they His law obey,
It is as if they heard Him say,
“Let little children come to Me,
Let little children come.”“Let little children come to Me,”
O Father, Lord, I come;
Through life and death I’ll go with Thee,
Thine arms shall be my home.
I cannot fear when Thou art near;
And Thy sweet words I seem to hear,
“Let little children come to Me,
Let little children come.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:14] O Jesus Christ, Our Lord Most Dear
O Jesus Christ, our Lord most dear,
As Thou wast once an Infant here
So give this child of Thine, we pray,
Thy grace and blessing day by day.Refrain
O holy Jesus, Lord divine,
We pray Thee guard this child of Thine.As in Thy heav’nly kingdom, Lord,
Thy messengers obey Thy word,
Send forth the succor of Thy might
To shield this child both day and night.Refrain
And all his life, let angels keep
Him safe from harm, awake, asleep;
May he not bear the cross in vain,
But with Thy saints a crown attain.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:14] Tell Me The Stories Of Jesus
Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear;
Things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here;
Scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea,
Stories of Jesus, tell them to me.First let me hear how the children stood round His knee,
And I shall fancy His blessing resting on me;
Words full of kindness, deeds full of grace,
All in the love light of Jesus’ face.Tell me, in accents of wonder, how rolled the sea,
Tossing the boat in a tempest on Galilee;
And how the Maker, ready and kind,
Chided the billows, and hushed the wind.Into the city I’d follow the children’s band,
Waving a branch of the palm tree high in my hand.
One of His heralds, yes, I would sing
Loudest hosannas, “Jesus is King!”Show me that scene in the garden, of bitter pain.
Show me the cross where my Savior for me was slain.
Sad ones or bright ones, so that they be
Stories of Jesus, tell them to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:14] When Mothers Of Salem
When mothers of Salem their children brought to Jesus,
The stern disciples drove them back and bade them to depart:
But Jesus saw them ere they fled and sweetly smiled and kindly said,
“Suffer little children to come unto Me.”“For I will receive them and fold them to My bosom:
I’ll be a shepherd to these lambs, O drive them not away;
For if their hearts to Me they give, they shall with Me in glory live:
Suffer little children to come unto Me.”How kind was our Savior to bid these children welcome!
But there are many thousands who have never heard His Name;
The Bible they have never read, they know not that the Savior said,
“Suffer little children to come unto Me.”O soon may the heathen of every tribe and nation
Fulfill Thy blessèd Word and cast their idols all away!
O shine upon them from above and show Thyself a God of love,
Teach the little children to come unto Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 19:28] In Royal Robes Of Splendor
In royal robes of splendor,
Before the great King’s feet,
The princes of His kingdom,
The crowned Apostles, meet;
To Him their songs adoring
With heart and tongue they bring,
Pure hearts and mighty voices—
E’en as the angels sing.This Order sheds its luster
O’er all the human race;
A court of righteous judgment,
The rock of Gospel grace;
Rock of His Church, for ages
Elected and foreknown;
Whose glorious Master-Builder
Is Head and Cornerstone.These are the Nazareans,
Famed heralds to the world,
Who, preaching Christ, His banner
Of victory unfurled;
Day unto day shows knowledge;
Night utters speech to night;
So these to earth’s four corners
Their wondrous tale recite.Christ’s burden light they proffer,
His easy yoke proclaim;
The seed of life they scatter,
That all may own His Name.
The earth brought forth and budded,
Where’er their ploughshare ran,
And fruits of increase followed
The faith of God made Man.These are the sure foundation
On which the Temple stands;
The living stones compacting
That house not made with hands;
The gates by which man enters
Jerusalem the new;
The bond which knits together
The Gentile and the Jew.Let error flee before them,
Let truth extend her way;
Let dread of final judgment
To faith and love give way;
That, loosed from our offenses,
We then may numbered be
Among Thy saints in glory
Around the throne with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 20:1] Go Work In The Vineyard
Go work in the vineyard, ’tis Jesus commands,
Then why are we idle and folding our hands?
He speaks to the children and we must obey,
Go work in the vineyard, go labor today.Refrain
Sow in the morning the seed of the Word,
Sow in the morning and trust in the Lord,
He of our labor a record will keep;
Life everlasting and joy we shall reap.Go forth in the vineyard, how earnest the call,
There’s work for the children, there’s plenty for all:
Too precious the moments to squander away,
Go work in the vineyard, go labor today.Refrain
Go work in the vineyard, how glad we should be
That Jesus is saying to you and to me,
The harvest is coming, arise! and away,
Go work in the vineyard, go labor today.Refrain
Go forth at His bidding our places to fill,
Go forth at His bidding and work with a will;
Grieve not the dear Savior by longer delay,
Go work in the vineyard, go labor today.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 20:1] I Want To Be A Worker
I want to be a worker for the Lord,
I want to love and trust His holy Word,
I want to sing and pray,
Be busy every day
In the vineyard of the Lord.Refrain
I will work, I will pray,
In the vineyard, in the vineyard of the Lord.
I will work, I will pray.
I will labor every day, in the vineyard of the Lord.I want to be a worker every day,
I want to lead the erring in the way
That leads to Heav’n above,
Where all is peace and love,
In the vineyard of the Lord.Refrain
I want to be a worker strong and brave,
I want to trust in Jesus’ pow’r to save;
All who will truly come
Shall find a happy home
In the vineyard of the Lord.Refrain
I want to be a worker; help me, Lord,
To lead the lost and erring to Thy Word,
That points to joys on high
Where pleasures never die,
In the vineyard of the Lord.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal