Hebrews 9:11-23
[Heb 9:12] O Savior, Who For Man Hast Trod
O Savior, who for man hast trod
The winepress of the wrath of God,
Ascend, and claim again on high
Thy glory left for us to die.A radiant cloud is now Thy seat,
And earth lies stretched beneath Thy feet;
Ten thousand thousands round Thee sing,
And share the triumph of their King.The angel host enraptured waits:
“Lift up your heads, eternal gates!”
O God-and-Man! the Father’s throne
Is now forevermore Thine own.Our great High Priest and Shepherd Thou
Within the veil art entered now,
To offer here Thy precious blood
Once poured on earth a cleansing flood.And thence the Church, Thy chosen Bride,
With countless gifts of grace supplied,
Through all her members draws from Thee
Her hidden life of sanctity.O Christ, our Lord, of Thy dear care,
Thy lowly members heavenward bear;
Be ours with Thee to suffer pain,
With Thee forevermore to reign.All praise from every heart and tongue
To Thee, ascended Lord, be sung;
All praise to God the Father be
And Holy Ghost eternally.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 9:12] Saved By The Blood
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!
Now ransomed from sin and a new work begun,
Sing praise to the Father and praise to the Son,
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!Refrain
Glory, I’m saved! Glory, I’m saved!
My sins are all pardoned, my guilt is all gone!
Glory, I’m saved! Glory, I’m saved!
I am saved by the blood of the Crucified One!Refrain
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!
The angels rejoicing because it is done;
A child of the Father, joint heir with the Son,
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!Refrain
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!
The Father He spake, and His will it was done;
Great price of my pardon, His own precious Son;
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!Refrain
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!
All hail to the Father, all hail to the Son,
All hail to the Spirit, the great Three in One!
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 9:15] Jesus, In Thee Our Eyes Behold
Jesus, in Thee our eyes behold
A thousand glories more,
Than the rich gems and polished gold
The sons of Aaron wore.They first their own burnt offerings brought,
To purge themselves from sin;
Thy life was pure without a spot,
And all Thy nature clean.Fresh blood as constant as the day
Was on their altar spilt;
But Thy one offering takes away
For ever all our guilt.Their priesthood ran through several hands,
For mortal was their race;
Thy never changing office stands
Eternal as Thy days.Once in the circuit of a year,
With blood, but not his own,
Aaron within the veil appears
Before the golden throne:But Christ, by His own powerful blood,
Ascends above the skies,
And in the presence of our God
Shows His own sacrifice.Jesus, the King of glory, reigns
On Zion’s heav’nly hill;
Looks like a lamb that has been slain,
And wears His priesthood still.He ever lives to intercede
Before His Father’s face:
Give Him, my soul, thy cause to plead,
Nor doubt the Father’s grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 9:22] Jesus, Whose Blood So Freely Streamed
Jesus, whose blood so freely streamed
To satisfy the law’s demand;
By Thee from guilt and wrath redeemed,
Before the Father’s face I stand.To reconcile offending man,
Make Justice drop her angry rod;
What creature could have formed the plan,
Or who fulfill it but a God?No drop remains of all the curse,
For wretches who deserved the whole;
No arrows dipped in wrath to pierce
The guilty, but returning soul.Peace by such means so dearly bought,
What rebel could have hoped to see?
Peace by his injured Sovereign wrought,
His Sovereign fastened to a tree.Now, Lord, Thy feeble worm prepare!
For strife with earth and hell begins;
Conform and gird me for the war;
They hate the soul that hates his sins.Let them in horrid league agree!
They may assault, they may distress;
But cannot quench Thy love to me,
Nor rob me of the Lord my Peace.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 9:22] Nothing But The Blood
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.Refrain
Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.For my pardon, this I see,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my cleansing this my plea,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.Refrain
Nothing can for sin atone,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.Refrain
This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.Refrain
Now by this I’ll overcome—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
Now by this I’ll reach my home—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.Refrain
Glory! Glory! This I sing—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
All my praise for this I bring—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal