Titus 3:2-6
[Tit 3:3] Lord, We Confess Our Numerous Faults
Lord, we confess our numerous faults,
How great our guilt has been!
Foolish and vain were all our thoughts,
And all our lives were sin.But, O my soul! for ever praise,
For ever love His Name,
Who turns thy feet from dangerous ways
Of folly, sin and shame.’Tis not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done;
But we are saved by sovereign grace
Abounding through His Son.’Tis from the mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin;
’Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are washed from sin.’Tis through the purchase of His death
Who hung upon the tree,
The Spirit is sent down to breathe
On such dry bones as we.Raised from the dead we live anew;
And, justified by grace,
We shall appear in glory too,
And see our Father’s face.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:4] Father’s Sole Begotten Son, The
The Father’s sole begotten Son
Was born, the virgin’s Child, on earth;
His cross for us adoption won,
The life and grace of second birth.Forth from the height of Heav’n He came,
In form of man with man abode;
Redeemed His world from death and shame,
The joys of endless life bestowed.Redeemer, come with power benign,
Dwell in the souls that look for Thee;
O let Thy light within us shine
That we may Thy salvation see.Abide with us, O Lord, we pray,
Dispel the gloom of doubt and woe;
Wash every stain of guilt away,
Thy tender healing grace bestow.Lord, Thou hast come, and well we know
That Thou wilt likewise come again;
Thy kingdom shield from every foe,
Thy honor and Thy rule maintain.Eternal glory, Lord, to Thee,
Whom, now revealed, our hearts adore;
To God the Father glory be,
And Holy Spirit evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:4] Growing Dearer Each Day
How sweet is the love of my Savior!
’Tis boundless and deep as the sea;
And best of it all, it is daily
Growing sweeter and sweeter to me.Refrain
Sweeter and sweeter to me,
Dearer and dearer each day;
Oh, wonderful love of my Savior,
Growing dearer each step of my way!I know He is ever beside me!
Eternity only will prove
The height and the depth of His mercy,
And the breadth of His infinite love.Refrain
Wherever He leads I will follow,
Thru sorrow, or shadow or sun;
And though I be tried in the furnace,
I can say, “Lord, Thy will be it done.”Refrain
Some day face to face I shall see Him,
And oh, what a joy it will be
To know that His love, now so precious,
Will forever grow sweeter to me!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:4] In Lovingkindness Jesus Came
In lovingkindness Jesus came
My soul in mercy to reclaim,
And from the depths of sin and shame
Through grace He lifted me.Refrain
From sinking sand He lifted me,
With tender hand He lifted me,
From shades of night to plains of light,
O praise His Name, He lifted me!He called me long before I heard,
Before my sinful heart was stirred,
But when I took Him at His word,
Forgiv’n, He lifted me.Refrain
His brow was pierced with many a thorn,
His hands by cruel nails were torn,
When from my guilt and grief, forlorn,
In love He lifted me.Refrain
Now on a higher plane I dwell,
And with my soul I know ’tis well;
Yet how or why I cannot tell
He should have lifted me.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:5] Depth Of Mercy
Depth of mercy! Can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?
Can my God His wrath forbear,
Me, the chief of sinners, spare?I have long withstood His grace,
Long provoked Him to His face,
Would not hearken to His calls,
Grieved Him by a thousand falls.I my Master have denied,
I afresh have crucified,
And profaned His hallowed Name,
Put Him to an open shame.I have spilt His precious blood,
Trampled on the Son of God,
Filled with pangs unspeakable,
I, who yet am not in hell!Lo! I still walk on the ground:
Lo! an Advocate is found:
“Hasten not to cut him down,
Let this barren soul alone.”Jesus speaks, and pleads His blood!
He disarms the wrath of God;
Now my Father’s mercies move,
Justice lingers into love.Kindled His relentings are,
Me He now delights to spare,
Cries, “How shall I give thee up?”
Lets the lifted thunder drop.Whence to me this waste of love?
Ask my Advocate above!
See the cause in Jesus’ face,
Now before the throne of grace.There for me the Savior stands,
Shows His wounds and spreads His hands.
God is love! I know, I feel;
Jesus weeps and loves me still.Jesus, answer from above,
Is not all Thy nature love?
Wilt Thou not the wrong forget,
Permit me to kiss Thy feet?If I rightly read Thy heart,
If Thou all compassion art,
Bow Thine ear, in mercy bow,
Pardon and accept me now.Pity from Thine eye let fall,
By a look my soul recall;
Now the stone to flesh convert,
Cast a look, and break my heart.Now incline me to repent,
Let me now my sins lament,
Now my foul revolt deplore,
Weep, believe, and sin no more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:5] Lord, In This Thy Mercy’s Day
Lord, in this Thy mercy’s day,
Ere for us it pass away,
On our knees we fall and pray.Holy Jesus, grant us tears,
Fill us with heart searching fears,
Ere the hour of doom appears.Lord, on us Thy Spirit pour,
Kneeling lowly at Thy door,
Ere it close forevermore.By Thy night of agony,
By Thy supplicating cry,
By Thy willingness to die,By Thy tears of bitter woe,
For Jerusalem below,
Let us not Thy peace forego.Judge and Savior of our race,
Grant us, when we see Thy face,
With Thy ransomed ones a place.Grant us ’neath Thy wings a place,
Lest we lose this day of grace,
Ere we shall behold Thy face.On Thy love we rest alone,
And that love shall then be known,
By the pardoned, round Thy throne.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:5] My Only Plea
O theme with love and mercy fraught,
Salvation full and free,
That Christ upon the cross has wrought
For me, for me:Refrain
This shall be my only plea,
This shall be my only plea,
That Christ was crucified for me,
For me, for me.When dreadful sin my soul assails,
And death shall compass me,
That Christ o’er sin and death prevails
For me, for me:Refrain
And when before the throne I stand,
And judgment set shall be,
That Christ fulfilled the law’s command
For me, for me:Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:5] ’tis Done! The New And Heavenly Birth
’Tis done! that new and heavenly birth,
Which re-creates the sons of earth,
Has cleansed from guilt of Adam’s sin
A soul which Jesus died to win.’Tis done! the cross upon the brow
Is marked for weal or sorrow now,
To shine with heavenly luster bright,
Or burn in everlasting night.O ye who came that babe to lay
Within a Savior’s arms today,
Watch well and guard with careful eye
The heir of immortality.Teach him to know a Father’s love,
And seek for happiness above,
To Christ his heart and treasures give
And in the Spirit ever live.That so before the judgment seat
In joy and triumph ye may meet;
The battle fought, the struggle o’er,
The kingdom yours forevermore.Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, angelic host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.source: Cyberhymnal