Revelation 22:12-15
[Rev 22:12] Christ Is Coming
In the glow of early morning,
In the solemn hush of night;
Down from Heaven’s open portals,
Steals a messenger of light,
Whispering sweetly to my spirit,
While the hosts of Heaven sing:
This the wondrous thrilling story:
Christ is coming—Christ my King.
This the wondrous thrilling story—
Christ is coming—Christ my King.Oft methinks I hear His footsteps,
Stealing down the paths of time;
And the future dark with shadows,
Brightens with this hope sublime.
Sound the soul inspiring anthem;
Angel hosts, your harps attune;
Earth’s long night is almost over,
Christ is coming—coming soon.
Earth’s long night is almost over,
Christ is coming—coming soon.Long we’ve waited, blest Redeemer,
Waited for the first bright ray
Of the morn when sin and sorrow
At Thy presence flee away;
But our vigil’s nearly over;
Hope of Heav’n, oh, priceless boon!
In the east the glow appearing,
Christ is coming—coming soon.
In the east the glow appearing,
Christ is coming—coming soon.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:12] How Sweet Are The Tidings
How sweet are the tidings that greet the pilgrim’s ear,
As he wanders in exile from home!
Soon, soon will the Savior in glory appear,
And soon will the kingdom come.Refrain
He’s coming, coming, coming soon I know,
Coming back to this earth again;
And the weary pilgrims will to glory go,
When the Savior comes to reign.The mossy old graves where the pilgrims sleep
Shall open as wide as before,
And the millions that sleep in the mighty deep
Shall live on this earth once more.Refrain
There we’ll meet ne’er to part in our happy Eden home,
Sweet songs of redemption we’ll sing;
From the north, from the south, all the ransomed shall come,
And worship our heav’nly King.Refrain
Hallelujah, Amen! hallelujah again!
Soon, if faithful, we all shall be there;
O, be watchful, be hopeful, be joyful till then,
And a crown of bright glory we’ll wear.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:12] King Is Coming, The
Rejoice! Rejoice! our King is coming!
And the time will not be long,
Until we hail the radiant dawning,
And lift up the glad new song.Refrain
Oh, wondrous day! oh, glorious morning,
When the Son of Man shall come!
May we with lamps all trimmed and burning
Gladly welcome His return!
Rejoice! Rejoice! our King is coming!
And the time will not be long,
Until we hail the radiant dawning,
And lift up the glad new song.With joy we wait our King’s returning
From His heavenly mansions fair;
And with ten thousand saints appearing
We shall meet Him in the air.Refrain
Oh, may we never weary, watching,
Never lay our armor down
Until He come, and with rejoicing
Give to each the promised crown.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:12] Light Of The Lonely Pilgrim’s Heart
Light of the lonely pilgrim’s heart,
Star of the coming day,
Arise, and with Thy morning beams
Chase all our griefs away.Come, blessèd Lord, bid every shore
And answering island sing
The praises of Thy royal Name,
And own Thee as their King.Bid the whole earth, responsive now
To the bright world above,
Break forth in rapturous strains of joy
In memory of Thy love.Lord, Lord, Thy fair creation groans,
The air, the earth, the sea,
In unison with all our hearts,
And calls aloud for Thee.Come, then, with all Thy quickening power
With one awakening smile,
And bid the serpent’s trail no more
Thy beauteous realms defile.Thine was the cross, with all its fruits,
Of grace and peace divine;
Be Thine the crown of glory now,
The palm of victory Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:12] Lord Is Coming, The
The Lord is coming, let this be
The herald note of jubilee;
And when we meet and when we part
The salutation from the heart.Refrain
The Lord is coming, let this be
The herald note of jubilee,
The herald note of jubilee.The Lord is coming! sound it forth
From east to west, from south to north;
Speed on! speed on the tidings glad,
That none who love Him may be sad.Refrain
The Lord is coming, swift and sure
And all His judgments shall endure;
And none can hope t’escape His wrath,
Who walk not in the narrow path.Refrain
The earth, with her ten thousand wrongs
Will soon be tuned in nobler songs;
Our praise shall then, in realms of light,
With all His universe unite.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:12] Lord Will Come And Not Be Slow, The
The Lord will come and not be slow;
His footsteps cannot err;
Before Him righteousness shall go,
His royal harbinger.Mercy and truth, that long were missed,
Now joyfully are met;
Sweet peace and righteousness have kissed,
And hand in hand are set.Rise, God, judge Thou the earth in might,
This wicked earth redress;
For Thou art He who shalt by right
The nations all possess.The nations all whom Thou hast made
Shall come, and all shall frame
To bow them low before Thee, Lord!
And glorify Thy Name!Truth from the earth, like to a flower,
Shall bud and blossom then,
And justice, from her heavenly bower,
Look down on mortal men.Thee will I praise, O Lord, my God!
Thee honor and adore
With my whole heart; and blaze abroad
Thy Name forevermore!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:12] Soon!
To You, O Lord, we lift our voice;
We call from this world of pain.
You left us with Your blessing, Lord,
And promised to come again.
You promised to come again.The years have fled, the ages flown
And still we wait and pray.
Your promise, Lord, our only hope,
Your blessing our only stay.
Your blessing our only stay.Your children, Lord, we still remain,
And long to be with You.
Reward Your children’s patience, Lord:
Come back for Your people soon!
Come back for Your people soon!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:13] Be Near Us, Holy Trinity
Be near us, Holy Trinity,
One Light, one only Deity!
All things are Thine, on Thee depend,
Who art Beginning without end.The myriad armies of the sky
Praise, bless, adore Thy majesty:
Earth’s triple frame—land, air, and sea—
Upraise their canticle to Thee.We, too, Thy suppliant servants all,
Before Thy feet adoring fall:
To Thee our vows and prayers we bring
With hymns that saints and angels sing.One we believe Thee, Light divine,
And worship in a glorious Trine:
O First and Last, we humbly cry,
And all things having breath reply.Praise to the Father, made of none,
Praise to the sole-begotten Son,
Praise to the Holy Spirit be—
Mysterious Godhead, One in Three!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:13] Christ! I Am Christ’s
Christ! I am Christ’s, and the Name suffice you,
Ay, for me too He greatly hath sufficed:
Christ is the end, for Christ was the beginning,
Christ the beginning, for the end is Christ.Can it be true, the grace He is declaring?
O let us trust Him, for His words are fair.
Man, what is this, and why art thou despairing?
God shall forgive thee all but thy despair.Not as one blind and deaf to our beseeching,
Neither forgetful that we are but dust,
Not as from heavens too high for our up-reaching,
Coldly sublime, intolerably just—Nay, but thou knowest us, Lord Christ Thou knowest,
Well Thou rememberest our feeble frame;
Thou canst conceive our highest and our lowest,
Pulses of nobleness and deeds of shame.Christ! I am Christ’s, and the Name suffice you,
Ay, for me too He greatly hath sufficed:
Christ is the end, for Christ was the beginning,
Christ the beginning, for the end is Christ.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:13] Hark, What A Sound
Hark, what a sound, and too divine for hearing,
Stirs on the earth and trembles in the air!
Is it the thunder of the Lord’s appearing?
Is it the music of His people’s prayer?Surely He cometh, and a thousand voices
Shout to the saints and to the deaf and dumb;
Surely He cometh, and the earth rejoices,
Glad in His coming Who hath sworn, “I come.”So even I, and with a pang more thrilling,
So even I, and with a hope more sweet,
Yearn for the sign, O Christ, of Thy fulfilling,
Faint for the flaming of Thine advent feet.Yea, through life, death, through sorrow and through sinning,
He shall suffice me, for He hath sufficèd;
Christ is the end, for Christ was the beginning,
Christ the beginning, for the end is Christ.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 22:20
[Rev 22:20] Beyond The Smiling And The Weeping
Beyond the smiling and the weeping,
I shall be soon;
Beyond the waking and the sleeping,
Beyond the sowing and the reaping,
I shall be soon.Refrain
Love, rest, and home!
Sweet, sweet hope!
Lord, tarry not, but come!Beyond the blooming and the fading,
I shall be soon.
Beyond the shining and the shading,
Beyond the hoping and the dreading,
I shall be soon.Refrain
Beyond the rising and the setting,
I shall be soon;
Beyond the calming and the fretting,
Beyond remembering and forgetting,
I shall be soon.Refrain
Beyond the gathering and the strowing
I shall be soon;
Beyond the ebbing and the flowing,
Beyond the coming and the going,
I shall be soon.Refrain
Beyond the parting and the meeting,
I shall be soon;
Beyond the farewell and the greeting,
Beyond the pulse’s fever beating,
I shall be soon.Refrain
Beyond the frost-chain and the fever,
I shall be soon;
Beyond the rock-waste and the river,
Beyond the ever and the never,
I shall be soon.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] Come, Lord Jesus, Our Redeemer
Come, Lord Jesus, our Redeemer;
Come and listen to our prayer!
Come and bless us with Your presence
At this table we prepare—
Alleluia, alleluia,
Where Your honor we declare.Send to us Your Spirit, Holy;
Send to us Your loving grace;
Send to us Your invitation
To become Your dwelling-place.
Alleluia, alleluia,
Lord, we ever You embrace.Praise the God of our Redemption;
Praise Him Whom we glorify.
Praise the Father and the Spirit,
Praise the Son of God most high—
Alleluia, alleluia,
Praise, extol and magnify.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] Come, O Lord, Like Morning Sunlight
Come, O Lord, like morning sunlight,
Making all life new and free;
For the daily task and challenge
May we rise renewed in Thee.Come, O Lord, like ocean flood-tides,
Flowing inland from the sea;
As the waters fill the shallows,
May our souls be filled with Thee.Come, O Lord, like mountain breezes,
Freshening life in vale and lea;
In the heat and stress of duty
May our souls find strength in Thee.Come, O Lord, like evening twilight,
Bringing peace on land and sea;
At the radiant close of labor
May our souls find rest in Thee.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] Come, O Thou God Of Grace
Come, O Thou God of grace,
Dwell in this holy place,
E’en now descend!
This temple, reared to Thee,
O may it ever be
Filled with Thy majesty,
Till time shall end!Be in each song of praise,
Which here Thy people raise
With hearts aflame!
Let every anthem rise
Like incense to the skies,
A joyful sacrifice
To Thy blest Name!Speak, O eternal Lord,
Out of Thy living Word,
O give success!
Do Thou the truth impart
Unto each waiting heart;
Source of all strength Thou art,
Thy Gospel bless!To the great One in Three
Glory and praises be
In love now giv’n!
Glad songs to Thee we sing,
Glad hearts to Thee we bring,
Till we our God and King
Shall praise in Heav’n!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] Come, Savior, Jesus, From Above
Come, Savior, Jesus, from above!
Assist me with Thy heavenly grace;
Empty my heart of earthly love,
And for Thyself prepare the place.O let Thy sacred presence fill,
And set my longing spirit free!
Which pants to have no other will,
But day and night to feast on Thee.While in this region here below,
No other good will I pursue:
I’ll bid this world of noise and show,
With all its glittering snares, adieu!That path with humble speed I’ll seek,
In which my Savior’s footsteps shine,
Nor will I hear, nor will I speak,
Of any other love but Thine.Henceforth may no profane delight
Divide this consecrated soul;
Possess it, Thou Who hast the right,
As Lord and Master of the whole.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] Kum Ba Yah
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!Someone’s laughing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s laughing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s laughing, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!Someone’s praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!Someone’s singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] O Quickly Come, Dread Judge Of All
O quickly come, dread Judge of all,
For, awful though Thine advent be;
All shadows from the truth will fall,
And falsehood die, in sight of Thee.
O quickly come, for doubt and fear
Like clouds dissolve when Thou art near.O quickly come, great King of all;
Reign all around us, and within;
Let sin no more our souls enthrall,
let pain and sorrow die with sin.
O quickly come, for Thou alone
Canst make Thy scattered people one.O quickly come, true Life of all;
For death is mighty all around;
On every home his shadows fall,
On every heart his mark is found.
O quickly come, for grief and pain
Can never cloud Thy glorious reign.O quickly come, sure Light of all
For gloomy night broods o’er our way;
And weakly souls begin to fall
With weary watching for the day.
O quickly come, for round Thy throne
No eye is blind, no night is known.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] On What Has Now Been Sown
On what has now been sown
Thy blessing, Lord, bestow;
The power is Thine alone
To make it spring and grow.
Do Thou in grace the harvest raise,
And Thou alone shalt have the praise.To Thee our wants are known,
From Thee are all our powers;
Accept what is Thine own
And pardon what is ours.
Our praises, Lord, and prayers receive
And to Thy Word a blessing give.Oh, grant that each of us
Now met before Thee here
May meet together thus
When Thou and Thine appear
And follow Thee to Heav’n, our home.
E’en so, Amen, Lord Jesus, come!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] Thou Art Coming, O My Savior
Thou art coming, O my Savior,
Thou art coming, O my King,
In Thy beauty all resplendent,
In Thy glory all transcendent;
Well may we rejoice and sing:
Coming! in the opening east
Herald brightness slowly swells;
Coming! O my glorious Priest,
Hear we not Thy golden bells?Thou art coming, Thou art coming;
We shall meet Thee on Thy way,
We shall see Thee, we shall know Thee,
We shall bless Thee, we shall show Thee
All our hearts could ever say:
What an anthem that will be,
Ringing out our love to Thee,
Pouring out our rapture sweet
At Thine own all glorious feet.Thou art coming; at Thy table
We are witnesses for this;
While remembering hearts Thou meetest
In communion clearest, sweetest,
Earnest of our coming bliss,
Showing not Thy death alone,
And Thy love exceeding great;
But Thy coming and Thy throne,
All for which we long and wait.Thou art coming, we are waiting
With a hope that cannot fail,
Asking not the day or hour,
Resting on Thy Word of power,
Anchored safe within the veil.
Time appointed may be long,
But the vision must be sure;
Certainty shall make us strong,
Joyful patience can endure.O the joy to see Thee reigning,
Thee, my own belovèd Lord!
Every tongue Thy Name confessing,
Worship, honor, glory, blessing
Brought to Thee with glad accord;
Thee, my Master and my Friend,
Vindicated and enthroned;
Unto earth’s remotest end
Glorified, adored, and owned!source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:20] With Glorious Clouds Encompassed Round
With glorious clouds encompassed round,
Whom angels dimly see,
Will the Unsearchable be found,
Or God appear to me?Will He forsake His throne above,
Himself to men impart?
Answer, Thou Man of grief and love,
And speak it to my heart.Didst Thou not in our flesh appear,
And live and die below,
That I may now perceive Thee near,
And my Redeemer know?Come, then, and to my soul reveal
The heights and depths of grace,
Those wounds which all my sorrows heal,
Which all my sins efface.Then shall I see in His own light,
Whom angels dimly see:
And gaze, transported at the sight,
To all eternity.source: Cyberhymnal