Revelation 7:17
[Rev 7:17] All The Way My Savior Leads Me
All the way my Savior leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my Guide?
Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well;
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well.All the way my Savior leads me,
Cheers each winding path I tread;
Gives me grace for every trial,
Feeds me with the living Bread.
Though my weary steps may falter,
And my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see;
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see.All the way my Savior leads me
O the fullness of His love!
Perfect rest to me is promised
In my Father’s house above.
When my spirit, clothed immortal,
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way;
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] At The Breaking Of The Day
Oh, how oft amid our labor
Do we think of what will be
When the boat shall drop its anchor
In the haven o’er the sea!
And our hearts, with joy expanding,
From our trials look away,
When we all shall meet together,
At the breaking of the day!Refrain
At the breaking of the day,
When we anchor on the shore,
At the breaking of the day,
When the storms of life are o’er,
When our sorrow and our sighing,
Like a dream will pass away,
When we all shall meet together,
At the breaking of the day!Oh, how oft amid the conflict
And the battle raging high,
With a faith as clear as noonday
We behold the vict’ry nigh,
And we know that with the righteous
We shall stand in bright array,
When we all shall meet together,
At the breaking of the day!Refrain
Endless praise to our Redeemer
For His all atoning love,
That prepares for us a mansion
And a crown of life above,
Where our eyes shall see the beauty
Of the flow’rs that ne’er decay,
When we all shall meet together,
At the breaking of the day!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] Deem Not That They Are Blest Alone
Deem not that they are blest alone
Whose days a peaceful tenor keep;
Th’anointed Son of God makes known
A blessing for the eyes that weep.The light of smiles shall fill again
The lids that overflow with tears;
And weary hours of woe and pain
Are promises of happier years.There is a day of sunny rest
For every dark and troubled night;
And grief shall bide an evening guest,
But joy shall come with early light.Nor let the good man’s trust depart,
Though life its common gifts deny,
Though with a pierced and broken heart,
And spurned of men, he goes to die.For God has marked each sorrowing day,
And numbered every secret tear;
And heaven’s long age of bliss shall pay
For all His children suffer here.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] Gathering Out Of Tears
Steer our bark away to the homeland,
Spread the sails of hope o’er the sea;
Think of all the friends that await us,
When anchored safely there we shall be.Refrain
Gathering out of tears into sunshine,
Gathering out of labor into rest;
Hear the ransomed throng shouting forth their joy in song,
Gathering to the mansions of the blest.Steer our bark away to the homeland,
On without a fear let us go;
When the port of peace we are nearing,
The blessèd harbor lights we shall know.Refrain
Bright and fair the hills of the homeland,
Clad in all the bloom of the spring;
There to Him Who loved and redeemed us,
Our joyful, joyful praise we will sing.Refrain
Soft the winds that blow from the homeland,
Sweet the morn that breaks on the shore;
Soon we’ll meet again our beloved ones,
Where sorrow’s plaintive moan comes no more.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] I Love To Sing Of Heaven
I love to sing of Heav’n,
Where white robed angels are;
Where many a friend is gathered safe
From fear, and toil, and care.Refrain
There’ll be no sorrow there,
There’ll be no sorrow there;
In Heav’n above, where all is love,
There’ll be no sorrow there.I love to think of Heav’n,
Where my Redeemer reigns;
Where rapturous songs of triumph rise,
In endless, joyous strains.Refrain
I love to think of Heav’n,
That promised land so fair;
Oh, how my raptured spirit longs
To be forever there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] Lost Chord, The
Seated one day at the organ,
I was weary and ill at ease,
And my fingers wandered idly
Over the noisy keys;
I know not what I was playing,
Or what I was dreaming then,
But I struck one chord of music,
Like the sound of a great Amen,
Like the sound of a great Amen.It flooded the crimson twilight,
Like the close of an angel’s psalm,
And it lay on my fevered spirit,
With a touch of infinite calm,
It quieted pain and sorrow,
Like love overcoming strife,
It seemed the harmonious echo
From our discordant life,
It linked all the perplexed meanings
Into one perfect peace,
And trembled away into silence,
As if it were loth to cease;
I have sought but I seek it vainly,
That one lost chord divine,
Which came from the soul of the organ,
And entered into mine.It may be that death’s bright angel
Will speak in that chord again;
It may be that only in Heav’n
I shall hear that great Amen.
It may be that death’s bright angel
Will speak in that chord again;
It may be that only in Heav’n
I shall hear that great Amen.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] Loved One, Farewell
Birds are rejoicing,
O’er hill and dell;
Hushed is thy voicing,
Sweeter that fell.
Friend of our happy days,
Brother of prayer and praise,
Thine own sweet music says,
Loved one, farewell!Thou hast ascended,
Where angels dwell;
Where, earth songs ended,
Heav’n’s anthems swell.
Safe, all the saints among,
Blest with the praising throng,
Singing the new made songs,
Loved one, farewell!Salvation’s story
Then thou wilt tell;
Triumphs of glory,
Thy voice shall swell.
Rest thou, oh, friend so dear,
Thy precious Savior near,
Where God shall wipe each tear,
Loved one, farewell!Safe from thee turning,
Grief’s tones will knell;
Hard, hard the learning,
God doeth well!
Till, be it soon or late,
Up, at the pearly gate,
We meet, oh watch and wait,
Loved one, farewell!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] There’ll Be No Sorrow There
There’ll be no night in Heav’n,
In that blest world above;
No anxious toil, no weary hours;
For labor there is love.Refrain
There’ll be no sorrow there,
There’ll be no sorrow there,
In Heav’n above, where all is love,
There’ll be no sorrow there.There’ll be no grief in Heav’n,
For life is one glad day,
And tears are those of former things
Which all have passed way.Refrain
There’ll be no sin in Heav’n;
Behold that blessèd throng,
All holy in their spotless robes,
All holy in their song.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] When Gathering Clouds Around I View
When gathering clouds around I view,
And days are dark, and friends are few,
On Him I lean, who not in vain
Experienced every human pain;
He sees my wants, allays my fears,
And counts and treasures all my tears.If aught should tempt my soul to stray
From heavenly wisdom’s narrow way,
To fly the good I would pursue,
Or do the sin I would not do,
Still He, who felt temptation’s power,
Shall guard me in that dangerous hour.If wounded love my bosom swell,
Deceived by those I prized too well,
He shall His pitying aid bestow,
Who felt on earth severer woe,
At once betrayed, denied, or fled,
By those who shared His daily bread.If vexing thoughts within me rise
And, sore dismayed, my spirit dies,
Still He, who once vouchsafed to bear
The sickening anguish of despair,
Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry,
The throbbing heart, the streaming eye.When, sorrowing, o’er some stone I bend,
Which covers what was once a friend,
And from his voice, his hand, his smile,
Divides me for a little while,
Thou, Savior, mark’st the tears I shed,
For Thou didst weep o’er Lazarus dead.And O, when I have safely past,
Through every conflict but the last;
Still, still unchanging, watch beside
My painful bed, for Thou hast died;
Then point to realms of cloudless day,
And wipe the latest tear way.Play source: Cyberhymnal