Psalms 72:8
[Psa 72:8] All The World For Jesus (davis)
All the world for Jesus!
Be this our earnest aim;
To spread the blessèd tidings
Of Him Who once was slain.Refrain
All the world for Jesus,
Let ev’ry creature sing;
All the world for Jesus,
Our great eternal King.All the world for Jesus!
Let each one pray and give,
Until remotest nations
Shall look to Him and live.Refrain
All the world for Jesus!
We’ll give, at His behest,
To raise the poor and helpless,
Till all have Christ confessed.Refrain
All the world for Jesus!
And Jesus for the world!
Forever be His banner
Of victory unfurled.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Bright As The Sun’s Meridian Blaze
Bright as the sun’s meridian blaze,
Vast as the blessings He conveys,
Wide as His reign from pole,
And permanent as His control.So, Jesus, let Thy kingdom come;
Then sin and hell’s terrific gloom
Shall at His brightness flee away,
The dawn of an eternal day.Then shall the heathen, filled with awe,
Learn the blest knowledge of Thy law,
And antichrist on every shore,
Fall from his throne to rise no more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Christ Shall Be King
Christ shall be King of the whole wide world,
He shall be King, let praises ring!
Under His banner of love unfurled,
There shall be gathered the whole wide world,
And Christ shall be the King.Refrain
Over all the world Christ shall be the King,
Over all the world let His praises ring;
Every land and nation
Shall know His great salvation;
Christ shall be the King,
He shall be the King.Refrain
Christ shall be King over land and sea,
He shall be King, let praises ring!
He who redeemed us and made us free,
King of the world shall forever be,
Yes, Christ shall be the King.Refrain
Christ shall be King in my heart today,
He shall be King, let praises ring!
Over each thought and each purpose sway,
All that I have shall be His alway,
For Christ shall be the King.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Christ Shall Have Dominion
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] His Wide Dominion Shall Extend
His wide dominion shall extend
From sea to utmost sea,
And unto earth’s remotest bounds
His peaceful rule shall be.The tribes that in the desert dwell
Shall bow before His throne;
His enemies shall be subdued,
And He shall rule alone.The kings shall come from distant lands
And islands of the sea;
Oblations they shall bring to Him
And wait on bended knee.Yea, all the kings shall bow to Him,
His rule all nations hail;
He will regard the poor man’s cry
When other helpers fail.The poor and needy He shall spare,
And save their souls from fear;
He shall redeem them from all wrong,
Their life to Him is dear.So they shall live and bring to Him
Their gifts of finest gold;
For Him shall constant prayer be made,
His praise each day be told.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Jesus, Immortal King, Arise
Jesus, immortal King, arise!
Assume, assert Thy sway,
Till earth, subdued, its tribute brings,
And distant lands obey.Ride forth, victorious Conqueror, ride,
Till all Thy foes submit,
And all the powers of hell resign
Their trophies at Thy feet.Send forth Thy Word and let it fly
The spacious earth around,
Till every soul beneath the sun
Shall hear the joyful sound.O may the dear Redeemer’s Name
Through every clime be known,
And heathen gods, like Dagon, fall,
And Jesus reign alone!O hasten, Lord, the happy time,
That long expected day,
When every kingdom, every tribe,
Shall own Thy gentle sway.When all the untutored tribes
Shall the Redeemer own,
And crowds of willing converts come
To worship at Thy throne.From sea to sea, from shore to shore,
Be thou, O Christ, adored,
And earth with all her millions shout
Hosannas to the Lord!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Jesus Shall Reign
Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Does his successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more.Behold the islands with their kings,
And Europe her best tribute brings;
From north to south the princes meet,
To pay their homage at His feet.There Persia, glorious to behold,
There India shines in eastern gold;
And barb’rous nations at His word
Submit, and bow, and own their Lord.To Him shall endless prayer be made,
And praises throng to crown His head;
His Name like sweet perfume shall rise
With every morning sacrifice.People and realms of every tongue
Dwell on His love with sweetest song;
And infant voices shall proclaim
Their early blessings on His Name.Blessings abound wherever He reigns;
The prisoner leaps to lose his chains;
The weary find eternal rest,
And all the sons of want are blessed.Where He displays His healing power,
Death and the curse are known no more:
In Him the tribes of Adam boast
More blessings than their father lost.Let every creature rise and bring
Peculiar honors to our King;
Angels descend with songs again,
And earth repeat the loud amen!Great God, whose universal sway
The known and unknown worlds obey,
Now give the kingdom to Thy Son,
Extend His power, exalt His throne.The scepter well becomes His hands;
All Heav’n submits to His commands;
His justice shall avenge the poor,
And pride and rage prevail no more.With power He vindicates the just,
And treads th’oppressor in the dust:
His worship and His fear shall last
Till hours, and years, and time be past.As rain on meadows newly mown,
So shall He send his influence down:
His grace on fainting souls distills,
Like heav’nly dew on thirsty hills.The heathen lands, that lie beneath
The shades of overspreading death,
Revive at His first dawning light;
And deserts blossom at the sight.The saints shall flourish in His days,
Dressed in the robes of joy and praise;
Peace, like a river, from His throne
Shall flow to nations yet unknown.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Jesus, The Conqueror, Reigns
Jesus, the Conqueror, reigns,
In glorious strength arrayed,
His kingdom over all maintains,
And bids the earth be glad.
Ye sons of men, rejoice
In Jesus’ mighty love,
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice
To Him who rules above.Extol His kingly power,
Kiss the exalted Son,
Who died, and lives, to die no more,
High on His Father’s throne;
Our Advocate with God,
He undertakes our cause,
And spreads through all the earth abroad
The victory of His cross.That bloody banner see,
And in your Captain’s sight,
Fight the good fight of faith with me,
My fellow soldiers, fight!
In mighty phalanx joined,
To battle all proceed;
Armed with the unconquerable mind
Which was in Christ your Head.Urge on your rapid course,
Ye blood besprinkled bands;
The heavenly kingdom suffers force,
’Tis seized by violent hands;
See there the starry crown
That glitters through the skies!
Satan, the world, and sin, tread down,
And take the glorious prize.Through much distress and pain,
Through many a conflict here,
Through blood, ye must the entrance gain;
Yet, O disdain to fear!
Courage! your Captain cries,
Who all your toil foreknew
Toil ye shall have; yet all despise,
I have o’ercome for you.The world cannot withstand
Its ancient conqueror,
The world must sink beneath
The hand which arms us for the war;
This is the victory!
Before our faith they fall;
Jesus hath died for you and me;
Believe, and conquer all!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Jesus, Thou Everlasting King
Jesus, Thou everlasting King,
Accept the tribute which we bring;
Accept the well deserved renown,
And wear our praises as Thy crown.Daughters of Zion, come, behold
The crown of honor and of gold
Which the glad church, with joys unknown,
Placed on the head of Solomon.Let every act of worship be
Like our espousals, Lord, to Thee;
Like the dear hour when from above,
We first received Thy pledge of love.The gladness of that happy day,
Our hearts would wish it long to stay;
Nor let our faith forsake its hold,
Nor comfort sink, nor love grow cold.Each following minute, as it flies,
Increase Thy praise, improve our joys,
Till we are raised to sing Thy Name,
At the great supper of the Lamb.O that the months would roll away,
And bring that coronation day!
The King of Grace shall fill the throne,
With all His Father’s glories on.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Soon May The Last Glad Song Arise
Soon may the last glad song arise
Through all the millions of the skies,
That song of triumph which records
That all the earth is now the Lord’s.Let thrones and powers and kingdoms be
Obedient, mighty God, to Thee;
And over land and stream and main
Wave Thou the scepter of Thy reign.O let that glorious anthem swell,
Let host to host the triumph tell,
Till not one rebel heart remains,
But over all the Savior reigns!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] Let The Christ That Is Living Reign Over All
In lands where the Andes rise crowned to the sun,
In lands where the rivers flow mighty and strong,
Where Antarctic waves beat an unconquered song,
And forests untrodden stand virgin and tall.Refrain
Let the Christ that is living reign over all!
Let the Christ that is living reign over all!Where struggle in birth throes a new race of men—
The sons of the Incas, the sons of old Spain—
Thro’ darkness and error, thro’ striving and pain,
May angels of righteousness sound forth the call,Refrain
Not Christ on the cross with His head bowed in death,
But Christ who in triumph arose from the grave;
The Christ who is present thro’ all time to save;
The Christ who delivers from death’s gloomy pall.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:8] We’ll Girdle The Globe
Behold the hands stretched out for aid,
Darkened by sin and sore dismayed;
Oh, will you to their rescue go,
Lost wand’rers down to endless woe?Refrain
We’ll girdle the globe with salvation,
With holiness unto the Lord;
And light shall illumine each nation,
The light from the lamp of His Word.In heathen lands they watch and wait,
And sigh for help which comes so late,
And grope in sin and nature’s night,
Forever vainly seeking light.Refrain
Oh, flash the tidings! shout the sound,
In darkest lands the world around,
Till all the earth from pole to pole,
Shall full salvation echoes roll.Refrain
The watch fires kindle far and near,
In ev’ry land let them appear,
Till burning lines of Gospel fire,
Shall gird the world and mount up higher.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 72:17-19
[Psa 72:17] Again Thy Glorious Sun Doth Rise
Again thy glorious sun doth rise,
I praise Thee, O my Lord;
With courage, strength, and hope renewed,
I touch the joyful chord.On good and evil, Lord, Thy sun
Is rising as on me;
Let me in patience and in love
Seek thus to be like Thee.May I in virtue and in faith,
And with Thy gifts content;
Rejoice beneath Thy covering wings,
Each day in mercy sent.Safe with Thy counsel in my work,
Thee, Lord, I’ll keep in view,
And feel that still Thy bounteous grace
Is every morning new.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:18] Now Blessed Be The Lord Our God
Now blessèd be the Lord our God,
The God of Israel.
For He alone doth wondrous works
In glory that excel.His wide dominion shall extend
From sea to shining sea,
And unto earth’s remotest bounds
His peaceful rule shall be.Yea, all the kings shall bow to Him,
His rule all nations hail;
He will regard the poor man’s cry
When other helpers fail.And blessèd be His glorious Name
To all eternity;
The whole earth let His glory fill,
Amen, so let it be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:19] Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord
Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord,
Ever faithful to Thy word,
Humbly we our seal set to,
Testify that Thou art true.
Lo! for us the wilds are glad,
All in cheerful green arrayed,
Opening sweets they all disclose,
Bud and blossom as the rose.Hark! the wastes have found a voice,
Lonely deserts now rejoice,
Gladsome hallelujahs sing,
All around with praises ring.
Lo! abundantly they bloom,
Lebanon is hither come,
Carmel’s stores the heavens dispense,
Sharon’s fertile excellence.See, these barren souls of ours
Bloom, and put forth fruits and flowers,
Flowers of Eden, fruits of grace,
Peace, and joy, and righteousness.
We behold (the abjects we!)
Christ, the incarnate Deity,
Christ, in whom Thy glories shine,
Excellence of strength divine.Ye that tremble at his frown,
He shall lift your hands cast down;
Christ, who all your weakness sees,
He shall prop your feeble knees.
Ye of fearful hearts, be strong;
Jesus will not tarry long;
Fear not lest his truth should fail,
Jesus is unchangeable.God, your God, shall surely come,
Quell your foes, and seal their doom,
He shall come and save you too;
We, O Lord, have found thee true!
Blind we were, but now we see,
Deal; we hearken now to thee,
Dumb, for thee our tongues employ,
Lame, and, lo! we leap for joy.Faint we were, and parched with drought,
Water at Thy word gushed out,
Streams of grace our thirst repress,
Starting from the wilderness;
Still we gasp Thy grace to know,
Here for ever let it flow,
Make the thirsty land a pool;
Fix the Spirit in our soul.Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord,
Be Thy glorious Name adored!
Lord, Thy mercies never fail;
Hail, celestial Goodness, hail!Though unworthy of Thine ear,
Deign our humble songs to hear;
Purer praise we hope to bring,
When around Thy throne we sing.While on earth ordained to stay,
Guide our footsteps in Thy way,
Till we come to dwell with Thee,
Till we all Thy glory see.When, with angel harps again,
We will wake a nobler strain;
There, in joyful songs of praise,
Our triumphant songs we raise.Grateful notes and numbers bring;
While Jehovah’s praise we sing:
Holy, holy, holy, Lord!
Be Thy glorious name adored.Men on earth, and saints above,
Sing the great Redeemer’s love:
Lord, Thy mercies never fail!
Hail, celestial goodness, hail!Though unworthy, Lord, Thine ear,
Our humble hallelujahs hear;
Purer praise hope to bring
When with saints we stand and sing.Lead us to that blissful state,
Where Thou reignest supremely great;
Look with pity from Thy throne,
And send Thy Holy Spirit down.While on earth ordained to stay
Guide our footsteps in Thy way;
Till we come to reign with Thee,
And all Thy glorious greatness see.Then with angels we’ll again
Wake a louder, louder strain;
There, in joyful songs of praise,
We’ll our grateful voices raise.There no tongue shall silent be:
There all shall join sweet harmony;
That through heaven’s all spacious round,
Thy praise, O God, may ever sound!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:19] Lord Of The Harvest! It Is Right And Meet
Lord of the harvest! it is right and meet
That we should lay our first-fruits at Thy feet
With joyful Alleluia.Sweet is the soul’s thanksgiving after prayer;
Sweet is the worship that with Heav’n we share,
Who sing the Alleluia!Lowly we prayed, and Thou didst hear on high—
Didst lift our hearts and change our suppliant cry
To festal Alleluia.So sing we now in tune with that great song,
That all the age of ages shall prolong,
The endless Alleluia.To Thee, O Lord of Harvest, who hast heard,
And to Thy white robed reapers giv’n the word,
We sing our Alleluia.O Christ, who in the wide world’s ghostly sea
Hast bid the net be cast anew, to Thee
We sing our Alleluia.To Thee, eternal Spirit, who again
Hast moved with life upon the slumbrous main,
We sing our Alleluia.Yea, West and East the companies go forth;
“We come!” is sounding to the South and North;
To God sing Alleluia.The fishermen of Jesus far away
Seek in new waters an immortal prey;
To Christ the Alleluia.The Holy Dove is brooding o’er the deep,
And careless hearts are waking out of sleep;
To Him sing Alleluia.Yea, for sweet hope new-born—blest work begun—
Sing Alleluia to the Three in One,
Adoring Alleluia.Glory to God! the Church in patience cries;
Glory to God! the Church at rest replies,
With endless Alleluia.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:19] To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
To our Redeemer’s glorious Name
Awake the sacred song:
O may His love—immortal flame—
Tune every heart and tongue.His love, what mortal tongue can reach?
What mortal tongue display?
Imagination’s utmost stretch
In wonder dies away.Let wonder still with love unite,
And gratitude and joy;
Be Jesus our supreme delight,
His praise our best employ.Jesus, who left His throne on high,
Left the bright realms of bliss,
And came on earth to bleed and die—
Was ever love like this?Dear Lord, while we adoring pay
Our humble thanks to Thee,
May every heart with rapture say,
The Savior died for me.O may the sweet, the blissful theme
Fill every heart and tongue,
Till strangers love Thy charming Name,
And join the sacred song.Play source: Cyberhymnal