Psalms 2:12
[Psa 2:12] Why Did The Nations Join To Slay
Why did the nations join to slay
The Lord’s anointed Son?
Why did they cast His laws away,
And tread His Gospel down?The Lord, that sits above the skies,
Derides their rage below;
He speaks with vengeance in His eyes,
And strikes their spirits through.“I call him my eternal Son,
And raise Him from the dead;
I make My holy hill His throne,
And wide His kingdom spread.“Ask Me, My Son, and then enjoy
The utmost heathen lands:
Thy rod of iron shall destroy
The rebel that withstands.”Be wise, ye rulers of the earth,
Obey th’ anointed Lord,
Adore the King of heav’nly birth,
And tremble at His Word.With humble love address His throne;
For if He frown, ye die:
Those are secure, and those alone,
Who on His grace rely.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 2:12] Maker And Sov’reign Lord
Maker and sov’reign Lord
Of Heav’n, and earth, and seas,
Thy providence confirms Thy Word,
And answers Thy decrees.The things so long foretold
By David are fulfilled,
When Jews and Gentiles join’d to slay
Jesus, Thine holy Child.Why did the Gentiles rage,
And Jews, with one accord,
Bend all their counsels to destroy
Th’Anointed of the Lord?Rulers and kings agree
To form a vain design;
Against the Lord their powers unite
Against His Christ they join.The Lord derides their rage,
And will support His throne;
He that hath rais’d Him from the dead
Hath own’d Him for His Son.Now He’s ascended high,
And asks to rule the earth;
The merit of His blood He pleads,
And pleads His heav’nly birth.He asks, and God bestows
A large inheritance;
Far as the world’s remotest ends
His kingdom shall advance.The nations that rebel
Must feel His iron rod;
He’ll vindicate those honors well
Which He receiv’d from God.Be wise, ye rulers, now,
And worship at His throne;
With trembling joy, ye people, bow
To God’s exalted Son.If once His wrath arise,
Ye perish on the place;
Then blessèd is the soul that flies
For refuge to His grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 7:1
[Psa 7:1] Jehovah, My God, On Thy Help I Depend
Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I depend;
From all that pursue me O save and defend;
Lest they like a lion should rend me at will:
While no one is near me their raging to still.When wronged without cause I have kindness returned;
But if I my neighbor maltreated and spurned,
My soul let the enemy seize for his prey,
My life and mine honor in dust let him lay.O Lord, in Thy wrath stay the rage of my foes;
Awake, and Thy judgment ordained interpose.
Let peoples surround Thee and wait at Thy feet,
While o’er them for judgment Thou takest Thy seat.All nations of men shall be judged by the Lord;
To me, O Jehovah, just judgment accord,
As faithful and righteous in life I have been,
And ever integrity cherished within.Establish the righteous, let evil depart,
For God, who is just, tries the thoughts of the heart.
In God for defense I have placed all my trust;
The upright He saves and He judges the just.The Lord with the wicked is wroth every day,
And if they repent not is ready to slay;
By manifold ruin for others prepared
They surely at last shall themselves be ensnared.Because He is righteous His praise will I sing,
Thanksgiving and honor to Him will I bring,
Will sing to the Lord on Whose grace I rely,
Extolling the Name of Jehovah Most High.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 7:1] My Trust Is In My Heavenly Friend
My trust is in my heavenly Friend,
With insolence and fury they
My hope in Thee, my God;
Rise and my helpless life defend
From those that seek my blood.
My soul in pieces tear,
As hungry lions rend the prey
When no deliverer’s near.If I had e’er provoked them first,
Or once abused my foe,
Then let him tread my life to dust,
And lay mine honor low.If there be malice found in me,
I know Thy piercing eyes;
I should not dare appeal to Thee,
Nor ask my God to rise.Arise, my God, lift up Thy hand,
Their pride and power control;
Awake to judgment and command
Deliverance for my soul.Let sinners and their wicked rage
Be humbled to the dust;
Shall not the God of truth engage
To vindicate the just?He knows the heart, He tries the reins,
He will defend th’upright:
His sharpest arrows He ordains
Against the sons of spite.For me their malice digged a pit,
But there themselves are cast;
My God makes all their mischief light
On their own heads at last.That cruel persecuting race
Must feel His dreadful sword;
Awake, my soul, and praise the grace
And justice of the Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 18:2
[Psa 18:2] Come, Great Deliverer, Come
O hear my cry, be gracious now to me,
Come, Great Deliverer, come;
My soul bowed down is longing now for Thee,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.Refrain
I’ve wandered far away o’er mountains cold,
I’ve wandered far away from home;
O take me now, and bring me to Thy fold,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.I have no place, no shelter from the night,
Come, Great Deliverer, come;
One look from Thee would give me life and light,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.Refrain
My path is lone, and weary are my feet,
Come, Great Deliverer, come;
Mine eyes look up Thy loving smile to meet,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.Refrain
Thou wilt not spurn contrition’s broken sigh,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.
Regard my prayer, and hear my humble cry,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:2] Rock Of Ages
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
Let the water and the blood,
From Thy wounded side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure;
Save from wrath and make me pure.Not the labor of my hands
Can fulfill Thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and Thou alone.Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to the cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Savior, or I die.While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eyes shall close in death,
[originally When my eye-strings break in death]
When I soar to worlds unknown,
See Thee on Thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 59:16
[Psa 59:16] God Of Love And God Of Power
God of love and God of power,
Grant us in this burning hour
Grace to ask these gifts of Thee,
Daring hearts and spirits free.Refrain
God of love and God of power,
Thou hast called us for this hour.We are not the first to be
Banished by our fears from Thee;
Give us courage, let us hear
Heaven’s trumpets ringing clear.Refrain
All our lives belong to Thee,
Thou our final loyalty;
Slaves are we whene’er we share
That devotion anywhere.Refrain
God of love and God of power,
Make us worthy of this hour,
Offering lives if it’s Thy will,
Keeping free our spirits still.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 59:16] Lord, While Afar Our Brothers Fight
Lord, while afar our brothers fight,
Thy Church united lifts her prayer;
Be Thou their Shield by day and night;
Guide, guard, and help them everywhere:
O God of battles, hear our cry,
And in their danger be Thou nigh.For those who, wounded in the fray,
Are ling’ring still on beds of pain,
Who to their loved ones far away
May nevermore return again,
O God of pity, hear our cry,
And in their anguish be Thou nigh.For wives and mothers sore distressed,
For all who wait in silent fear,
For homes bereaved which gave their best,
For hearts now desolate and drear,
O God of comfort, hear our cry,
And in the darkest hour draw nigh.Spare us, good Lord! If just the strife,
Yet still from guilt we are not free;
Forgive our blind and careless life,
Our oft forgetfulness of Thee.
O God of mercy, hear our cry,
And to our contrite souls draw nigh.We bow beneath the chastening rod,
To us the sin and shame belong,
But Thou art righteous, Thou art God,
And right shall triumph over wrong.
In Thee we trust, to Thee we cry;
Lord, now and ever be Thou nigh.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 59:16] O Thou Who Turnest Into Morning
O Thou who turnest into morning
The shadows of the passing night,
Again to conscious life returning,
We bless Thee for the newborn light.Grant us that light, to all unfailing
Who seek to do Thy perfect will,
That we, o’er doubt and fear prevailing,
May trust Thy good above all ill;That we may offer Thee thanksgiving
Beyond our prayers and songs that rise
In greater faithfulness of living,
In deeper love through sacrifice.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 73:28
[Psa 73:28] Delay Not, O Sinner, Draw Near
Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw near.
The waters of life are now flowing for thee;
No price is demanded, the Savior is here;
Redemption is purchased, salvation is free.Delay not, delay not, O sinner, to come,
For mercy still lingers and calls thee today.
Her voice is not heard in the vale of the tomb;
Her message, unheeded, will soon pass away.Delay not, delay not, the Spirit of grace,
Long grieved and resisted, may take His sad flight,
And leave thee in darkness to finish thy race,
To sink in the gloom of eternity’s night.Delay not, delay not, the hour is at hand,
The earth shall dissolve, and the heavens shall fade;
The dead, small and great, in the judgment shall stand;
What helper, then, sinner, shall lend thee his aid?Delay not, delay not, why longer abuse
The love and compassion of Jesus thy God?
A fountain is open, how canst thou refuse
To wash and be cleansed in His pardoning blood?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 73:28] Ye Neighbors And Friends Of Jesus
Ye neighbors, and friends of Jesus, draw near:
His love condescends by titles so dear
To call and invite you His triumph to prove,
And freely delight you in Jesus’ love.The Shepherd Who died His sheep to redeem,
On every side are gathered to Him
The weary and burdened, the reprobate race;
And wait to be pardoned through Jesus’ grace.The blind are restored through Jesus’ Name,
They see their dear Lord, and follow the Lamb;
The halt they are walking, and running their race;
The dumb they are talking of Jesus’ grace.The deaf hear His voice and comforting Word,
It bids them rejoice in Jesus their Lord,
“Thy sins are forgiven, accepted thou art”;
They listen, and heaven springs up in their heart.The lepers from all their spots are made clean,
The dead by His call are raised from their sin;
In Jesus’ compassion the sick find a cure,
And Gospel salvation is preached to the poor.To us and to them is published the Word:
Then let us proclaim our life giving Lord,
Who now is reviving His work in our days,
And mightily striving to save us by grace.O Jesus! ride on till all are subdued,
Thy mercy make known, and sprinkle Thy blood;
Display Thy salvation, and teach the new song
To every nation, and people, and tongue.Play source: Cyberhymnal