Psalms 19:7
[Psa 19:7] Jehovah’s Perfect Law
Jehovah’s perfect law
Restores the soul again;
His testimony sure
Gives wisdom unto men;
The precepts of the Lord are right,
And fill the heart with great delight.The Lord’s commands are pure,
They light and joy restore;
Jehovah’s fear is clean,
Enduring evermore;
His statutes, let the world confess,
Are wholly truth and righteousness.They are to be desired
Above the finest gold;
Than honey from the comb
More sweetness far they hold;
With warnings they Thy servant guard,
In keeping them is great reward.His errors who can know?
Cleanse me from hidden stain;
Keep me from willful sins,
Nor let them o’er me reign;
And then I upright shall appear
And be from great transgressions clear.When Thou dost search my life,
May all my thoughts within
And all the words I speak
Thy full approval win.
O Lord, Thou art a Rock to me,
And my Redeemer Thou shalt be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 19:7] O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace
O Holy Spirit, grant us grace
That we our Lord and Savior
In faith and fervent love embrace
And truly serve Him ever,
So that when death is drawing nigh,
We to His open wounds may fly
And find in them salvation.Help us that we Thy saving Word
In faithful hearts may treasure;
Let e’er that Bread of Life afford
New grace in richest measure.
Yea, let us die to every sin,
For Heav’n create us new within
That fruits of faith may flourish.And when our earthly race is run,
Death’s bitter hour impending,
Then may Thy work in us begun
Continue until life’s ending.
Until we gladly may commend
Our souls into our Savior’s hand
To rest in peace eternal.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 19:7] Thy Word, O Lord, Like Gentle Dews
Thy Word, O Lord, like gentle dews,
Falls soft on hearts that pine;
Lord, to Thy garden ne’er refuse
This heavenly balm of Thine.
Watered by Thee, let every tree
Then blossom to Thy praise,
By grace of Thine bear fruit divine
Through all the coming days.Thy Word is like a flaming sword,
A wedge that cleaveth stone;
Keen as a fire, so burns Thy Word,
And pierceth flesh and bone;
Let it go forth o’er all the earth
To cleanse our hearts within,
To show Thy power in Satan’s hour,
And break the night of sin.Thy Word, a wondrous guiding star,
On pilgrim hearts doth rise,
Leads those to God who dwell afar,
And makes the simple wise.
Let not its light e’er sink in night,
But in each spirit shine,
That none may miss Heaven’s final bliss,
Led by Thy light divine.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 26:1
[Psa 26:1] Be Thou My Judge, O Righteous Lord
Be Thou my Judge, O righteous Lord,
Try Thou mine inmost heart;
I walk with steadfast trust in Thee,
Nor from Thy ways depart.O search me, Lord, and prove me now;
Thy mercy I adore;
I choose Thy truth to be my guide,
And sinful ways abhor.My hands I wash in innocence
And seek Thine altar, Lord,
That there I may with thankful voice
Thy wondrous ways record.The habitation of Thy house
Is ever my delight;
The place where dwells Thy glory, Lord,
Is lovely in my sight.Let not the judgment fall on me
For evil men decreed,
For cruel men and violent,
Inspired by bribes and greed.But I in mine integrity
Will humbly walk with Thee;
O my Redeemer and my Lord,
Be merciful to me.Redeemed by Thee, I stand secure
In peace and happiness;
And in the Church, among Thy saints,
Jehovah I will bless.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 27:1
[Psa 27:1] God Is My Strong Salvation
God is my strong Salvation: What foe have I to fear?
In darkness and temptation, my Light, my Help is near.
Though hosts encamp around me, firm in the fight I stand.
What terror can confound me, with God at my right hand?Place on the Lord reliance; my soul, with courage, wait.
His truth will be my Sustenance, when faint and desolate.
His might my heart shall strengthen, His love my joy increase.
Mercy my days shall lengthen; the Lord will give me peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 27:1] Jehovah Is My Light
Jehovah is my Light,
And my Salvation near;
Who shall my soul affright,
Or cause my heart to fear?
While God my strength, my life sustains,
Secure from fear my soul remains.When evildoers came
To make my life their prey,
They stumbled in their shame
And fell in sore dismay;
Though hosts make war on every side,
Still fearless I in God confide.My one request has been,
And still this prayer I raise,
That I may dwell within
God’s house through all my days,
Jehovah’s beauty to admire,
And in His temple to inquire.When troubles round me swell,
When fears and dangers throng,
Securely I will dwell
In His pavilion strong;
Within the covert of His tent
He hides me till the storm is spent.Uplifted on a rock
Above my foes around,
Amid the battle shock
My song shall still resound;
Then joyful offerings I will bring
Jehovah’s praise my heart shall sing.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 27:1] Lord Is My Light, The
The Lord is my light; then why should I fear?
By day and by night His presence is near;
He is my salvation from sorrow and sin;
This blessèd persuasion the Spirit brings in.Refrain
The Lord is my light, my joy, and my song;
By day and by night He leads me along;
The Lord is my light, my joy, and my song;
By day and by night He leads me along;The Lord is my light; though clouds may arise;
Faith, stronger than sight, looks up to the skies
Where Jesus forever in glory doth reign:
Then how can I ever in darkness remain?Refrain
The Lord is my light, the Lord is my strength;
I know in His might I’ll conquer at length;
My weakness in mercy He covers with power,
And, walking by faith, He upholds me each hour.Refrain
The Lord is my light, my all and in all;
There is in His sight no darkness at all;
He is my Redeemer, my Savior and King;
With saints and with angels His praises I sing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 27:1] Lord Of Glory Is My Light, The
The Lord of glory is my light,
And my salvation too;
God is my strength, nor will I fear
What all my foes can do.One privilege my heart desires;
O grant me an abode
Among the churches of Thy saints,
The temples of my God!There shall I offer my requests,
And see Thy beauty still;
Shall hear Thy messages of love,
And there inquire Thy will.When troubles rise, and storms appear,
There may His children hide;
God has a strong pavilion where
He makes my soul abide.Now shall my head be lifted high
Above my foes around,
And songs of joy and victory
Within Thy temple sound.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 27:1] Lord Of My Life!
Lord of my life! Whose tender care
Hath led me on till now,
Here lowly at the hour of prayer
Before Thy throne I bow;
I bless Thy gracious hand, and pray
Forgiveness for another day.Oh, may I daily, hourly, strive
In heavenly grace to grow;
To Thee and to Thy glory live,
Dead to all else below;
Tread in the path my Savior trod,
Though thorny, yet the path to God.With prayer my humble praise I bring
For mercies day by day;
Lord! teach my heart Thy love to sing,
Lord! teach me how to pray;
All that I have, I am, to Thee
I offer, through eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 27:1] Lord Of Our Life, And God Of Our Salvation
Lord of our life, and God of our salvation,
Star of our night, and Hope of every nation,
Hear and receive Thy church’s supplication,
Lord God Almighty.See round Thine ark the hungry billows curling!
See how Thy foes their banners are unfurling!
Lord, while their darts envenomed they are hurling,
Thou canst preserve us.Lord, Thou canst help when earthly armor faileth;
Lord, Thou canst save when sin itself assaileth;
Lord, o’er Thy rock nor death nor hell prevaileth;
Grant us Thy peace, Lord.Peace, in our hearts, our evil thoughts assuaging,
Peace, in Thy church, where brothers are engaging,
Peace, when the world its busy war is waging;
Calm thy foes raging!Grant us Thy help till backward they are driven;
Grant them Thy truth, that they may be forgiven;
Grant peace on earth, or after we have striven,
Peace in Thy heaven.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 27:1] My Light And My Salvation
My light and my salvation, O Lord, whom shall I fear?
You are my life’s great stronghold when evil men come near.
Though enemies attack me, my heart will never fear.
Though war break out against me, I’m confident you’re near.One thing I ask and seek, Lord: to dwell with you always,
To gaze upon your beauty and seek you all my days.
For in the day of trouble, you’ll hide me, keep me safe.
My head will be exalted; I’ll sing and shout your praise.Hear now my voice and answer; be merciful I pray.
Your face, Lord, I seek daily; do not turn me away.
For you have been my helper; do not reject me, God.
Though family may forsake me, I know that you will not.Teach me your way, my Savior; in straight paths may I walk.
Don’t let my foes oppress me with false and vicious talk.
Of this I still am certain: I’ll see God’s goodness yet.
Wait for the Lord Jehovah; be strong, take heart, and wait.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 84:11
[Psa 84:11] Eternal Sun Of Righteousness
Eternal Sun of righteousness,
Display Thy beams divine,
And cause the glory of Thy face
Upon my heart to shine.Light, in Thy light, oh, may I see,
Thy grace and mercy prove,
Revived, and cheered, and blest by Thee,
The God of pardoning love.Lift up Thy countenance serene,
And let Thy happy child
Behold, without a cloud between,
The Father reconciled.On me Thy promised grace bestow,
The peace by Jesus giv’n;
The joys of holiness below,
And then the joys of Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:11] Jesus, Sun And Shield Art Thou
Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou;
Sun and Shield forever:
Never canst Thou cease to shine,
Cease to guard us never.
Cheer our steps as on we go,
Come between us and the foe.Jesus, Bread and Wine art Thou,
Wine and Bread forever:
Never canst Thou cease to feed,
Or refresh us never.
Feed we still on Bread divine,
Drink we still this heavenly Wine.Jesus, Love and Life art Thou,
Life and Love for ever:
Ne’er to quicken shalt Thou cease,
Or to love us never.
All of life and love we need
Is in Thee, in Thee indeed.Jesus, Peace and Joy art Thou,
Joy and Peace for ever:
Joy that fades not, changes not,
Peace that leaves us never.
Joy and peace we have in Thee,
Now and through eternity.Jesus, Song and Strength art Thou,
Strength and Song for ever:
Strength that never can decay,
Song that ceaseth never.
Still to us this strength and song
Through eternal days prolong.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:11] Sun Of My Soul
Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear,
It is not night if Thou be near;
O may no earthborn cloud arise
To hide Thee from Thy servant’s eyes.When the soft dews of kindly sleep
My wearied eyelids gently steep,
Be my last thought, how sweet to rest
Forever on my Savior’s breast.Abide with me from morn till eve,
For without Thee I cannot live;
Abide with me when night is nigh,
For without Thee I dare not die.If some poor wandering child of Thine
Has spurned today the voice divine,
Now, Lord, the gracious work begin;
Let him no more lie down in sin.Watch by the sick, enrich the poor
With blessings from Thy boundless store;
Be every mourner’s sleep tonight,
Like infants’ slumbers, pure and right.Come near and bless us when we wake,
Ere through the world our way we take,
Till in the ocean of Thy love
We lose ourselves in Heaven above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:11] Trust And Obey
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.Refrain
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.Refrain
Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.Refrain
But we never can prove the delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.Refrain
Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet.
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 93:1
[Psa 93:1] God, The Lord, A King Remaineth
God, the Lord, a King remaineth,
Robed in His own glorious light;
God hath robed Him and He reigneth;
He hath girded Him with might.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
God is King in depth and height.In her everlasting station
Earth is poised, to swerve no more:
Thou hast laid Thy throne’s foundation
From all time where thought can soar.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Lord, Thou art forevermore.Lord, the water floods have lifted,
Ocean floods have lift their roar;
Now they pause where they have drifted,
Now they burst upon the shore.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
For the ocean’s sounding store.With all tones of waters blending,
Glorious is the breaking deep;
Glorious, beauteous without ending,
God Who reigns on heav’ns high steep.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Songs of ocean never sleep.Lord, the words Thy lips are telling
Are the perfect verity:
Of Thine high eternal dwelling
Holiness shall inmate be.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Pure is all that lives with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 93:1] Jehovah Reigns—he Dwells In Light
Jehovah reigns—He dwells in light,
Girded with majesty and might:
The world, created by His hands,
Still on its first foundation stands.But ere this spacious world was made,
Or had its first foundation laid,
Thy throne eternal ages stood,
Thyself the ever-living God.Like floods, the angry nations rise,
And aim their rage against the skies;
Vain floods, that aim their rage so high!
At Thy rebuke the billows die.For ever shall Thy throne endure;
Thy promise stands for ever sure;
And everlasting holiness
Becomes the dwellings of Thy grace.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 93:1] Jehovah Sits Enthroned
Jehovah sits enthroned
In majesty most bright,
Appareled in omnipotence,
And girded round with might.The world established stands
On its foundations broad;
His throne is fixed, He reigns supreme,
The everlasting God.The floods have lifted up
Their voice in majesty,
But mighty is the Lord our God
Above the raging sea.Thy testimonies, Lord,
In faithfulness excel,
And holy must Thy servants be
Who in Thy temple dwell.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 93:1] Lord Jehovah Reigns, The
The Lord Jehovah reigns; His throne is built on high.
The garments He assumes are light and majesty.
His glories shine
With beams so bright no mortal eye
Can bear the sight.The thunders of His hand keep the wide world in awe;
His wrath and justice stand to guard His holy law.
And where His love
Resolves to bless His truth confirms
And seals the grace.Through all His mighty works surprising wisdom shines—
Confounds the powers of hell, and breaks their cursed designs.
Strong is His arm,
And shall fulfill His great decrees,
His sovereign will.And will this mighty King of glory condescend,
And will He write His Name: My Father and my Friend?
I love His Name;
I love His Word. Join, all my powers,
And praise the Lord!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 93:1] Lord Almighty Reigns, The
The Lord Almighty reigns
In majesty most bright,
Appareled in omnipotence,
And girded round with might.The world established stands
On its foundations broad;
His throne is fixed, He reigns supreme,
The everlasting God.The floods have lifted up
Their voice in majesty,
But mighty is the Lord our God
Above the raging sea.Thy testimonies, Lord,
In faithfulness excel.
And holy must Thy servants be
Who in Thy temple dwell.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 103:22--104:1
[Psa 104:1] Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
Upon the Savior’s brow;
His head with radiant glories crowned,
His lips with grace o’erflow,
His lips with grace o’erflow.To Christ, the Lord, let every tongue
Its noblest tribute bring
When He’s the subject of the song,
Who can refuse to sing?
Who can refuse to sing?Survey the beauties of His face,
And on His glories dwell;
Think of the wonders of His grace,
And all His triumphs tell,
And all His triumphs tell.No mortal can with Him compare
Among the sons of men;
Fairer is He than all the fair
Who fill the heav’nly train,
Who fill the heav’nly train.He saw me plunged in deep distress
And flew to my relief;
For me He bore the shameful cross
And carried all my grief,
And carried all my grief.His hand a thousand blessings pours
Upon my guilty head:
His presence gilds my darkest hours,
And guards my sleeping bed,
And guards my sleeping bed.To Him I owe my life and breath
And all the joys I have;
He makes me triumph over death
And saves me from the grave,
And saves me from the grave.To Heav’n, the place of His abode,
He brings my weary feet;
Shows me the glories of my God,
And makes my joys complete,
And makes my joys complete.Since from His bounty I receive
Such proofs of love divine,
Had I a thousand hearts to give,
Lord, they should all be Thine,
Lord, they should all be Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 104:1] Majesty
Majesty, worship his majesty;
Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise.
Majesty, kingdom authority,
Flow from his throne unto his own, his anthem raise.
So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus.
Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King.
Majesty, worship his majesty,
Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 104:1] My Soul, Bless The Lord!
My soul, bless the Lord! the Lord is most great,
With glory arrayed, majestic His state;
The light is His garment, the skies are his shade,
And over the waters His courts has He laid.He rides on the clouds, the wings of the storm,
The lightning and wind His mission perform;
The earth He has founded her station to keep,
And wrapped as a vesture about her the deep.O’er mountain and plain the dark waters raged;
His voice they obeyed, the floods were assuaged;
Uplifting the mountains He ordered a bound,
Forbidding the waters to cover the ground.He causes the springs of water to flow
In streams ’mid the hills and valleys below;
Beside them with singing the birds greet the day,
And there the beasts gather their thirst to allay.He waters the hills with rain from the skies,
And plentiful grass and herbs He supplies,
Supplying the cattle, and blessing man’s toil
With bread in abundance, with wine and with oil.The trees which the Lord has planted are fed,
And over the earth their branches are spread;
They keep in their shelter the birds of the air,
The life of each creature the Lord makes His care.Thy Spirit, O Lord, makes life to abound,
The earth is renewed, and fruitful the ground;
To God ascribe glory and wisdom and might,
Let God in His creatures forever delight.Rejoicing in God, my thought shall be sweet,
While sinners depart in ruin complete;
My soul, bless Jehovah, His Name be adored,
Come, praise Him, ye people, and worship the Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 104:1] O Worship The King
O worship the King, all glorious above,
O gratefully sing His power and His love;
Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise.O tell of His might, O sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space,
His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.The earth with its store of wonders untold,
Almighty, Thy power hath founded of old;
Established it fast by a changeless decree,
And round it hath cast, like a mantle, the sea.Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air, it shines in the light;
It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,
And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain.Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail;
Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end,
Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend.O measureless might! Ineffable love!
While angels delight to worship Thee above,
The humbler creation, though feeble their lays,
With true adoration shall all sing Thy praise.My foule praise the Lord, speake good of his Name,
O Lord our great God how doeft thou appeare,
So passing in glorie, that great is thy fame,
Honour and maieftie, in thee fhine moft cleare.His chamber beames lie, in the clouds full fure,
Which as his chariot, are made him to beare.
And there with much fwitneff his courfe doth endure:
Vpon the wings riding, of winds in the aire.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 104:1] Tell Out, My Soul
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice;
Tender to me the promise of His Word;
In God my Savior shall my heart rejoice.Tell out, my soul, the greatness of His Name!
Make known His might, the deeds His arm has done;
His mercy sure, from age to age the same;
His holy Name, the Lord, the mighty One.Tell out, my soul, the greatness of His might!
Powers and dominions lay their glory by;
Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight;
The hungry fed, the humble lifted high.Tell out, my soul, the glories of His Word!
Firm is His promise, and His mercy sure.
Tell out my soul, the greatness of the Lord
To children’s children and forevermore!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 127:1
[Psa 127:1] Father Of Men, In Whom Are One
Father of men, in Whom are one
All humankind beneath Thy sun,
Stablish our work in Thee begun.
Except the house be built of Thee,
In vain the builder’s toil must be:
O strengthen our infirmity.Man lives not for himself alone,
In others’ good he finds his own;
Life’s worth in fellowship is known.
We, friends and comrades on life’s way,
Gather within these walls to pray:
Bless Thou our fellowship today.O Christ, our Elder Brother, who
By serving man God’s will didst do,
Help us to serve our brethren, too.
Guide us to seek the things above,
The base to shun, the pure approve,
To live by Thy free law of love.In all our work, in all our play,
Be with us, Lord, our Friend, our Stay;
Lead onward to the perfect day:
Then may we know, earth’s lesson o’er,
With comrades missed or gone before,
Heav’n’s fellowship for evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 127:1] O Father, All Creating
O Father, all creating,
Whose wisdom, love, and power
First bound two lives together
In Eden’s primal hour,
Today to these Thy children
Thine earliest gifts renew,
A home by Thee made happy,
A love by Thee kept true.O Savior, Guest most bounteous
Of old in Galilee,
Vouchsafe today Thy presence
With these who call on Thee;
Their store of earthly gladness
Transform to heavenly wine,
And teach them, in the tasting,
To know the gift is Thine.O Spirit of the Father,
Breathe on them from above,
So mighty in Thy pureness,
So tender in Thy love;
That, guarded by Thy presence,
From sin and strife kept free,
Their lives may own Thy guidance,
Their hearts be ruled by Thee.Except Thou build it, Father,
The house is built in vain;
Except Thou, Savior, bless it,
The joy will turn to pain;
But naught can break the union
Of hearts in Thee made one;
And love Thy Spirit hallows
Is endless love begun.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 127:1] Unless The Lord The House Shall Build
Unless the Lord the house shall build,
The weary builders toil in vain;
Unless the Lord the city shield,
The guards a useless watch maintain.In vain you rise ere morning break,
And late your nightly vigils keep,
And of the bread of toil partake;
God gives to His belovèd sleep.Lo, children are a great reward,
A gift from God in very truth;
With arrows is his quiver stored
Who joys in children of his youth.And blest the man whose age is cheered
By stalwart sons and daughters fair;
No enemies by him are feared,
No lack of love, no want of care.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 127:1] We Cannot Build Alone
We cannot build alone; to rear, great God, to Thee,
A house which Thou wilt own, Thou must the builder be.
Not by our might, but Thy power,
Must dome and tower take upward flight,
Must dome and tower take upward flight.Were all the stones that lie unquarried ’neath the sod
Piled up against the sky, it were not worthy God.
To make this dear, Lord, condescend
Thy head to bend and enter here,
Thy head to bend and enter here.Let faith here rear to God! Here love erect her thrones!
A house for Thine abode be built of lively stones!
We do not err, O Holy Ghost!
Pure hearts Thou dost to fanes prefer,
Pure hearts Thou dost to fanes prefer.The heavenly only stands: Earth briefly typifies
The House not made with hands, eternal in the skies—
We see its towers: how sweet to know,
When hence we go, that House is ours!
When hence we go, that House is ours!Play source: Cyberhymnal