Psalms 44:20
[Psa 44:20] If We Have Forgotten The Name Of Our God
If we have forgotten the Name of our God,
Or unto an idol our hands spread abroad,
Shall not the Almighty uncover this sin?
He knows all our hearts and the secrets within.Refrain
Rise, help, and redeem us,
Thy mercy we trust;
Rise, help, and redeem us,
Thy mercy we trust.We all the day long for Thy sake are consumed,
Defeated and helpless, to death we are doomed;
Then why dost Thou tarry? Jehovah, awake;
Nor spurn us forever; arise for our sake.Refrain
O why art Thou hiding the light of Thy face,
Forgetting our burden of grief and disgrace?
Our soul is bowed down, yea, we cleave to the dust;
Rise, help and redeem us, Thy mercy we trust.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 48:14
[Psa 48:14] Be Thou My Guardian And My Guide
Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide;
And hear me when I call;
Let not my slippery footsteps slide,
And hold me lest I fall.The world, the flesh, and Satan dwell
Around the path I tread;
O, save me from the snares of hell,
Thou Quickener of the dead.And if I tempted am to sin,
And outward things are strong,
Do Thou, O Lord, keep watch within,
And save my soul from wrong.Still let me ever watch and pray,
And feel that I am frail;
that if the tempter cross my way,
Yet he may not prevail.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Father Of Love
Father of love, our Guide and Friend,
O lead us gently on,
Until life’s trial time shall end,
And heav’nly peace be won.We know not what the path may be
As yet by us untrod;
But we can trust our all to Thee,
Our Father and our God.If called, like Abraham’s child, to climb
The hill of sacrifice,
Some angel may be there in time;
Deliverance shall arise.Or, if some darker lot be good,
O teach us to endure
The sorrow, pain or solitude,
That makes the spirit pure.Christ by no flowery pathway came;
And we, His followers here,
Must do Thy will and praise Thy Name,
In hope, and love and fear.And, till in Heav’n we sinless bow,
And faultless anthems raise,
O Father, Son, and Spirit, now,
Accept our feeble praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] From God Shall Naught Divide Me
From God shall naught divide me,
For He is true for aye
And on my path will guide me,
Who else should often stray.
His right hand holdeth me;
For me He truly careth,
My burdens ever beareth,
Wherever I may be.When man’s help and affection
Shall unavailing prove,
God grants me His protection
And shows His power and love.
He helps in every need,
From sin and shame redeems me,
From chains and bonds reclaims me,
Yea, e’en from death I’m freed.God shall be my Reliance
In sorrow’s darkest night;
Its dread I bid defiance
When He is at my right.
I unto Him commend
My body, soul, and spirit—
They are His own by merit—
All’s well then at the end.Oh, praise Him, for He never
Forgets our daily need;
Oh, blest the hour whenever
To Him our thoughts can speed;
Yea, all the time we spend
Without Him is wasted,
Till we His joy have tasted,
The joy that hath no end.Yea, when the world shall perish
With all its pride and power,
Whatever worldlings cherish
Shall vanish in that hour.
But though in death they make
The deepest grave our cover,
When there our sleep is over,
Our God will us awake.What though I here must suffer
Distress and trials sore,
I merit ways still rougher;
And yet there is in store
For me eternal bliss,
Yea, pleasures without measure,
Since Christ is now my Treasure,
And shall be evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] God Makes A Path
God makes a path, provides a guide,
And feeds in wilderness;
His glorious Name, while breath remains,
O that I may confess.Lost many a time, I had no guide,
No house but hollow tree;
In stormy winter night, no fire,
No food, no company.In Him I found a house, a bed,
A table, company;
No cup so bitter but made sweet,
Where God shall sweetening be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] God Of Compassion, In Mercy Befriend Us
God of compassion, in mercy befriend us;
Giver of grace for our needs all availing;
Wisdom and strength for each day do Thou send us,
Patience untiring and courage unfailing.Wandering and lost, Thou hast sought us and found us,
Stilled our rude hearts with Thy Word consoling,
Wrap now Thy peace, like a mantle, around us,
Guarding our thoughts and our passions controlling.How shall we stray, with Thy hand to direct us,
Thou Who the stars in their courses art guiding?
What shall we fear, with Thy power to protect us,
We who walk forth in Thy greatness confiding?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Guiding Hand, The
Through each perplexing care and strife,
That marks the checkered path of life,
My Savior’s guiding hand I see,
And know that still He leadeth me.Refrain
He leadeth me, he leadeth me,
Let this my theme of rapture be!
He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
My Savior’s guiding hand I see.Though trials great before me rise,
Though clouds of sorrow veil my skies,
Unmoved the coming storm I see,
For God my Savior leadeth me.Refrain
He leadeth me, O joy divine!
The glory His, the cross be mine,
Since He who suffered on the tree
In tender mercy leadeth me.Refrain
With Him, my soul’s eternal Guide,
What can I wish or want beside?
In life or death my song shall be,
My loving Savior leadeth me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide
Holy Spirit, faithful Guide, ever near the Christian’s side;
Gently lead us by the hand, pilgrims in a desert land.
Weary souls fore’er rejoice, while they hear that sweetest voice,
Whispering softly, “Wanderer, come, follow Me, I’ll guide thee home.”Ever present, truest Friend, ever near Thine aid to lend,
Leave us not to doubt and fear, groping on in darkness drear.
When the storms are raging sore, hearts grow faint and hopes give o’er.
Whispering softly, “Wanderer, come, follow Me, I’ll guide thee home.”When our days of toil cease, waiting still for sweet release,
Nothing left but heaven and prayer, wondering if our names are there;
Wading deep the dismal flood, pleading naught but Jesus’ blood,
Whispering softly, “Wanderer, come, follow Me, I’ll guide thee home.”source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] I Little See
I little see, I little know,
Yet I can fear no ill;
He who hath guided me till now
Will be my leader still.No burden yet was on me laid
Of trouble or of care,
But He my trembling step hath stayed,
And given me strength to bear.I know not what beyond may lie,
But look, in humble faith,
Into a larger life to die,
And find new birth in death.He will not leave my soul forlorn;
I still must find Him true,
Whose mercies have been new each morn
And every evening new.Upon His providence I lean,
As lean in faith I must;
The lesson of my life hath been
A heart of grateful trust.And so my onward way I fare
With happy heart and calm,
And mingle with my daily care
The music of my psalm.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Jesus Leads
Like a shepherd, tender, true,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Daily finds us pastures new,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
If thick mists are o’er the way,
Or the flock ’mid danger feeds,
He will watch them lest they stray,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.All along life’s rugged road
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Till we reach yon blest abode,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
All the way, before He’s trod,
And He now the flock precedes,
Safe into the fold of God,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.Thro’ the sunlit ways of life
Jesus leads, Jesus leads,
Thro’ the warrings and the strife
Jesus leads, Jesus leads;
When we reach the Jordan’s tide,
Where life’s bound’ry line recedes,
He will the spread the waves aside,
Jesus leads, Jesus leads.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Lead Me Gently Home, Father
Lead me gently home, Father,
Lead me gently home,
When life’s toils are ended
And parting days have come;
Sin no more shall tempt me,
Ne’er from Thee I’ll roam,
If Thou’lt only lead me, Father,
Lead me gently home.Refrain
Lead me gently home, Father,
Lead me gently
Lest I fall upon the wayside,
Lead me gently home.Lead me gently home, Father,
Lead me gently home,
In life’s darkest hours, Father,
When life’s troubles come;
Keep my feet from wand’ring,
Lest from Thee I roam,
Lest I fall upon the wayside,
Lead me gently home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Lead Us, Heavenly Father
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
O’er the world’s tempestuous sea;
Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,
For we have no help but Thee;
Yet possessing every blessing
If our God our Father be.Savior, breathe forgiveness o’er us;
All our weakness Thou dost know;
Thou didst tread this earth before us,
Thou didst feel its keenest woe;
Lone and dreary, faint and weary,
Through the desert Thou didst go.Spirit of our God, descending,
Fill our hearts with heavenly joy,
Love with every passion blending,
Pleasure that can never cloy;
Thus provided, pardoned, guided,
Nothing can our peace destroy.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Lead Us On
Step by step, O loving Savior,
In Thine own appointed way,
In the path which Thou hast chosen,
Lead us on, from day to day.Refrain
Lead us on, O lead us ever,
Till we all Thy face shall see:
For our hope is in Thy mercy,
We are trusting only Thee.Lead us on, though stormy billows
Wild and dark before us rise;
Let Thy precious bow of promise
Shine resplendent from the skies.Refrain
Lead us on, our souls defending,
Till the latest storm is past,
And we hear our loved ones singing,
“Welcome, welcome home at last!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Life’s Railway
You are traveling on a railway,
Winding through this maze of life,
Climbing up the hills of trial,
Into vales of sin and strife;
But there’s one who knows the journey,
He can surely take you through;
Jesus knows the way to glory,
He will safely carry you.Refrain
Jesus, Savior, blessèd Keeper,
Guide us on to Heav’n above;
Where the saints throughout the ages
Will unite in songs of love.Curves will meet you as you journey,
You will meet with wrecks of time;
You will cross the bridge of sadness,
You will reach some heights sublime.
Never fear, for Christ is with you,
And He knows the way so plain;
Keep your eye on your dear Savior,
He will banish fear and pain.Refrain
Wind and rain some days will hinder,
Skies will darken, sickness come;
You will want to travel freely
To a friend or heav’nly home;
Put your trust in Christ the Savior,
Well He knows this line and rail;
He will never leave you lonely
For His love will never fail.Refrain
You will cross the bridge of mercy
And the river of delight,
You will climb the hills supernal,
You shall gain the hills of light;
Soon the home so freely given
Will be seen on “glory’s shore”;
You have reached the heav’nly station,
Ne’er to leave forevermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Life’s Railway To Heaven
Life is like a mountain railroad, with an engineer that’s brave;
We must make the run successful, from the cradle to the grave;
Watch the curves, the fills, the tunnels; never falter, never quail;
Keep your hand upon the throttle, and your eye upon the rail.Refrain
Blessèd Savior, Thou wilt guide us,
Till we reach that blissful shore;
Where the angels wait to join us
In Thy praise forevermore.You will roll up grades of trial; you will cross the bridge of strife;
See that Christ is your Conductor on this lightning train of life;
Always mindful of obstruction, do your duty, never fail;
Keep your hand upon the throttle, and your eye upon the rail.Refrain
You will often find obstructions; look for storms of wind and rain;
On a fill, or curve, or trestle, they will almost ditch your train;
Put your trust alone in Jesus; never falter, never fail;
Keep your hand upon the throttle, and your eye upon the rail.Refrain
As you roll across the trestle, spanning Jordan’s swelling tide,
You behold the Union Depot into which your train will glide;
There you’ll meet the Superintendent, God the Father, God the Son,
With the hearty, joyous, plaudit, “Weary pilgrim, welcome home!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] Lord And Savior, True And Kind
Lord and Savior, true and kind,
Be the Master of my mind;
Bless, and guide, and strengthen still
All my powers of thought and will.While I ply the scholar’s task,
Jesus Christ, be near, I ask;
Help the memory, clear the brain,
Knowledge still to seek and gain.Here I train for life’s swift race;
Let me do it in Thy grace;
Here I arm me for life’s fight;
Let me do it in Thy might.Thou hast made me mind and soul;
I for Thee would use the whole;
Thou hast died that I might live;
All my powers to Thee I give.Striving, thinking, learning, still,
Let me follow thus Thy will,
Till my whole glad nature be
Trained for duty and for Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 48:14] To Thine Eternal Arms, O God
To Thine eternal arms, O God,
Take us, Thine erring children, in;
From dangerous paths too boldly trod,
From wandering thoughts and dreams of sin.Those arms were round our childhood’s ways,
A guard through helpless years to be;
O leave not our maturer days!
We still are helpless without Thee.We trusted hope and pride and strength;
Our strength proved false, our pride was vain;
Our dreams have faded all at length—
We come to Thee, O Lord, again!A guide to trembling steps yet be!
Give us of Thine eternal power!
So shall our paths all lead to Thee,
And life still smile, like childhood’s hour.source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 62:7
[Psa 62:7] Blessed Lord, In Thee Is Refuge
Blessèd Lord, in Thee is refuge,
Safety for my trembling soul;
Pow’r to lift my head when drooping
’Midst the angry billows’ roll.
I will trust Thee, I will trust Thee, I will trust Thee;
All my life Thou shalt control;
All my life Thou shalt control.In the past, too, unbelieving,
’Midst the tempest I have been,
And my heart has slowly trusted
What my eyes have never seen.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus,
Teach me on Thine arm to lean;
Teach me on Thine arm to lean.O, for trust that brings the triumph
When defeat seems strangely near;
O, for faith that changes fighting
Into vict’ry’s ringing cheer!
Faith triumphant, faith triumphant, faith triumphant,
Knowing not defeat nor fear;
Knowing not defeat nor fear.Faith triumphant— blessèd victory!
Every barrier swept away.
Heaven descending, joy and fullness,
Dawn of everlasting day!
Jesus only, Jesus only, Jesus only,
Him to love and Him obey;
Him to love and Him obey.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 62:7] Blessèd Rock
’Mid the wild and fearful blast,
I have reached the Rock at last;
Helpless, weak and sore dismayed,
To the cross I’ll cling for aid.Refrain
Blessèd “Rock,” whose love divine,
Fills with joy this heart of mine;
Cross of Him who died for me,
Evermore I’ll cling to Thee.Wrecked by sin, by tempest tossed,
Compass, chart and anchor lost;
He whose power alone can save,
Lulls the wind and stills the wave.Refrain
Rock, that hides my trembling soul
From the storms that darkly roll;
While beneath the surges dash,
Thunders roar, and lightnings flash.Refrain
When beyond the vale of night
I shall soar to realms of light;
When mine eyes behold the King,
Heart and soul and tongue shall sing.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 67:6
[Psa 67:6] O Father, Who Didst All Things Make
O Father, who didst all things make
That Heav’n and earth might do Thy will,
Bless us this night for Jesus’ sake
And for Thy work preserve us still.O Son, who didst redeem mankind,
And set the captive sinner free,
Keep us this night with peaceful mind,
That we may safe abide in Thee.O Holy Ghost, who by Thy power
The church elect dost sanctify,
Seal us this night, and hour by hour
Our hearts and members purify.To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
The God Whom Heav’n and earth adore,
From men and from the angel host
Be praise and glory evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 72:18
[Psa 72:18] Now Blessed Be The Lord Our God
Now blessèd be the Lord our God,
The God of Israel.
For He alone doth wondrous works
In glory that excel.His wide dominion shall extend
From sea to shining sea,
And unto earth’s remotest bounds
His peaceful rule shall be.Yea, all the kings shall bow to Him,
His rule all nations hail;
He will regard the poor man’s cry
When other helpers fail.And blessèd be His glorious Name
To all eternity;
The whole earth let His glory fill,
Amen, so let it be.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 84:8
[Psa 84:8] Inspirer And Hearer Of Prayer
Inspirer and hearer of prayer,
Thou Shepherd and Guardian of Thine,
My all to Thy covenant care,
I, sleeping or waking, resign.If Thou art my Shield and my Sun,
The night is no darkness to me;
And, fast as my minutes roll on,
They bring me but nearer to Thee.A sovereign Protector I have,
Unseen, yet for ever at hand;
Unchangeably faithful to save,
Almighty to rule and command.His smiles and His comforts abound,
His grace, as the dew, shall descend;
And walls of salvation surround
The soul He delights to defend.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:8] Lord God Of Hosts, In Mercy
Lord God of hosts, in mercy
My supplication hear;
Almighty and all faithful,
Our fathers’ God, give ear.
Our Shield and great Defender,
No longer hide Thy face,
But look upon Thy servant,
Anointed by Thy grace.In Thy blest courts to worship,
My God, a single day
Is better than a thousand
While far from Thee I stray.
Though in a lowly station,
The service of my Lord
I choose above all pleasures
That sinful ways afford.A sun and shield forever
Is God, the Lord Most High,
To those who walk uprightly
No good will He deny.
His saints, His grace receiving,
Shall soon His glory see;
O Lord of hosts, most blessèd
Are they that trust in Thee.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:8] O Lord Of Hosts, To Thee I Cry
O Lord of hosts, to Thee I cry,
Our fathers’ God, to Thee;
Let my petition reach Thine ear,
My prayer accepted be.
O God our Shield, look Thou on us,
Reveal Thyself in grace,
And let Thine own anointed one
Behold Thee face to face.A single day within Thy courts,
Where I Thy beauty see,
Is better than a thousand days,
My God, apart from Thee.
A lowly station in Thy house
Were dearer to my heart
Than in the tents of wickedness
To claim the chiefest part.A Sun and Shield is God, the Lord,
To lighten and defend;
The Lord to such as look to Him
Will grace and glory send.
To those that walk in righteousness
No good will He deny.
O Lord of hosts, how blest are they
Who on Thy grace rely!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 94:1
[Psa 94:1] O Lord, Thou Judge
O Lord, Thou Judge of all the earth,
To Whom all vengeance doth belong,
Arise and show Thy glory forth,
Requite the proud, condemn the wrong.How long, O Lord, in boastful pride
Shall wicked men triumphant stand?
How long shall they afflict thy saints
And scorn Thy wrath, Thy dreadful hand?The widow and the fatherless
They slay, and helpless strangers smite;
The faithful God they do not fear,
They say the Lord will not requite.Be wise, ye fools and brutish men;
Shall not He see Who formed the eye?
Shall not He hear Who formed the ear,
And judge, who reigneth, God most high?The Lord will judge in righteousness,
From Him all truth and knowledge flow;
The foolish thoughts of wicked men,
How vain they are the Lord doth know.That man is blest whom Thou, O Lord,
With chastening hand dost teach Thy will,
For in the day when sinners fall
That man in peace abideth still.The Lord will not cast off His own,
Nor His inheritance forsake;
Just judgment shall at length prevail,
And upright hearts shall courage take.Who will arise for my defense
Against the wicked in the land?
Against iniquity and wrong
What main for me will valiant stand?Unless the Lord had been my Help,
My life had quickly passed away;
But when my foot had almost slipped,
O Lord, Thy mercy was my stay.Amid the doubts that fill my mind
Thy comforts, Lord, bring joy to me;
Can wickedness, though throned in might,
Have fellowship, O Lord, with Thee?The wicked, in their might arrayed,
Against the righteous join their power,
But to the Lord I flee for help,
He is my Refuge and my Tower.Our God, the Refuge of His saints,
Will fight against iniquity;
Avenger of the innocent
The Lord omnipotent will be.Play source: Cyberhymnal