Proverbs 11:10
- The Righteous Attains Life (Proverbs 11)
... but accurate weights are his delight
Generous man will prosper, A
Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
Man who lacks judgment derides his neighbour, A
(6 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 12:7
- Life Is in the Way of Righteousness (Proverbs 12)
Tender master, A
Jacob and Esau
Fool and the wise, The
He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread
(7 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 19:9
- Obeying Instructions, Guarding the Soul (Proverbs 19)
Everyone is the friend of a man who gives gifts
Listen to advice and accept instruction *
Man's own folly ruins his life, A
Poor man is shunned by all his relatives, A *
(7 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 21:28
- Upright Men Give Thought to Their Ways (Proverbs 21)
Refusing to help the poor
Better to live on a corner of the roof
Gift given in secret soothes anger, A
He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity
(8 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 28:28
- Poor and Rich (Proverbs 28)
Wicked flee when no man pursueth, The
Charging bear, A
He who closes his eyes to them receives many curses
Wicked man flees, The
(4 pictures)
Related Chapter: