Philippians 2:9
[Phi 2:9] All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name! Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all.
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all.Let highborn seraphs tune the lyre, and as they tune it, fall
Before His face Who tunes their choir, and crown Him Lord of all.
Before His face Who tunes their choir, and crown Him Lord of all.Crown Him, ye morning stars of light, who fixed this floating ball;
Now hail the strength of Israel’s might, and crown Him Lord of all.
Now hail the strength of Israel’s might, and crown Him Lord of all.Crown Him, ye martyrs of your God, who from His altar call;
Extol the Stem of Jesse’s Rod, and crown Him Lord of all.
Extol the Stem of Jesse’s Rod, and crown Him Lord of all.Ye seed of Israel’s chosen race, ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail Him Who saves you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all.
Hail Him Who saves you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all.Hail Him, ye heirs of David’s line, whom David Lord did call,
The God incarnate, Man divine, and crown Him Lord of all,
The God incarnate, Man divine, and crown Him Lord of all.Sinners, whose love can ne’er forget the wormwood and the gall,
Go spread your trophies at His feet, and crown Him Lord of all.
Go spread your trophies at His feet, and crown Him Lord of all.Let every tribe and every tongue before Him prostrate fall
And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all.
And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all.O that, with yonder sacred throng, we at His feet may fall,
Join in the everlasting song, and crown Him Lord of all,
Join in the everlasting song, and crown Him Lord of all!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Dearest Of All The Names Above
Dearest of all the names above,
My Jesus, and my God,
Who can resist Thy heav’nly love,
Or trifle with Thy blood?’Tis by the merits of Thy death
The Father smiles again;
’Tis by Thine interceding breath
The Spirit dwells with men.Till God in human flesh I see,
My thoughts no comfort find;
The holy, just, and sacred Three
Are terrors to my mind.But if Immanuel’s face appear,
My hope, my joy begins;
His Name forbids my slavish fear,
His grace removes my sins.While Jews on their own law rely,
And Greeks of wisdom boast,
I love th’incarnate mystery
And there I fix my trust.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Sing aloud the Name;
Till it softly, slowly,
Sets all hearts aflame.Jesus! Name of cleansing,
Washing all our stains;
Jesus! Name of healing,
Balm for all our pains.Jesus! Name of boldness,
Making cowards brave;
Name! that in the battle,
Certainly must save.Jesus! Name of victory,
Stretching far away,
Right across earth’s war-fields,
To the plains of day.Jesus! Name of beauty,
Beauty far too bright
For our earth-born fancy,
For our mortal sight.Jesus! be our joy-note
In this vale of tears;
Till we reach the homeland,
And th’eternal years.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Jesus! The Name High Over All
Jesus! the Name high over all,
In hell or earth or sky;
Angels and men before it fall,
And devils fear and fly.Jesus! the Name to sinners dear,
The Name to sinners giv’n;
It scatters all their guilty fear,
It turns their hell to Heav’n.Jesus! the prisoner’s fetters breaks,
And bruises Satan’s head;
Power into strengthless souls it speaks,
And life into the dead.O that mankind might taste and see
The riches of His grace!
The arms of love that compass me
Would all the world embrace.O that my Jesu’s heavenly charms
Might every bosom move!
Fly, sinners, fly into those arms
Of everlasting love.Thee I shall constantly proclaim,
Though earth and hell oppose;
Bold to confess Thy glorious Name
Before a world of foes.His only righteousness I show,
His saving grace proclaim;
’Tis all my business here below
To cry “Behold the Lamb!”Happy, if with my latest breath
I may but gasp His Name,
Preach Him to all and cry in death,
“Behold, behold the Lamb!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Join All The Glorious Names
Join all the glorious names
Of wisdom, love, and power,
That ever mortals knew,
That angels ever bore:
All are too mean to speak His worth,
To poor to set my Savior forth.But O what gentle terms,
What condescending ways,
Doth our Redeemer use
To teach his heav’nly grace!
Mine eyes with joy and wonder see
What forms of love He bears for me.Arrayed in mortal flesh,
He like an angel stands,
And holds the promises
And pardons in His hands;
Commissioned from His Father’s throne
To make His grace to mortals known.Great Prophet of my God,
My tongue would bless Thy Name,
By Thee the joyful news
Of our salvation came,
The joyful news of sin forgiv’n
Of hell subdued, and peace with Heav’n.Be Thou my Counsellor,
My Pattern, and my Guide,
And through this desert land
Still keep me near thy side:
Nor let my feet e’er run astray
Nor rove nor seek the crooked way.I love my Shepherd’s voice,
His watchful eyes shall keep
My wand’ring soul among
The thousands of His sheep:
He feeds His flock, He calls their names,
His bosom bears the tender lambs.To this dear Surety’s hand
Will I commit my cause;
He answers and fulfils
His Father’s broken laws:
Behold my soul at freedom set!
My Surety paid the dreadful debt.Jesus, my great High Priest,
Offered His blood, and died;
My guilty conscience seeks
No sacrifice beside:
His powerful blood did once atone,
And now it pleads before the throne.My Advocate appears
For my defense on high;
The Father bows his ears,
And lays his thunder by:
Not all that hell or sin can say
Shall turn his heart, his love away.My dear almighty Lord,
My Conqueror and my King,
Thy scepter and Thy sword,
Thy reigning grace I sing:
Thine is the power; behold I sit
In willing bonds beneath Thy feet.Now let my soul arise,
And tread the tempter down;
My Captain leads me forth
To conquest and a crown:
A feeble saint shall win the day,
Though death and hell obstruct the way.Should all the hosts of death,
And powers of hell unknown,
Put their most dreadful forms
Of rage and mischief on,
I shall be safe, for Christ displays
Superior power, and guardian grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] O God, We Praise Thee, And Confess
O God, we praise Thee, and confess
That Thou the only Lord
And everlasting Father art,
By all the earth adored.To Thee all angels cry aloud;
To Thee the powers on high,
Both cherubim and seraphim,
Continually do cry.O holy, holy, holy, Lord,
Whom heavenly hosts obey,
The world is with the glory filled
Of Thy majestic sway!Th’apostles’ glorious company,
And prophets crowned with light,
With all the martyrs’ noble host,
Thy constant praise recite.The holy Church throughout the world,
O Lord, confesses Thee,
That thou eternal Father art,
Of boundless majesty.Thine honored, true and only Son;
And Holy Ghost, the Spring
Of never ceasing joy; O Christ
Of glory Thou art King.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Of All In Earth Or Heaven
Of all in earth or Heaven,
The dearest name to me,
Is the matchless Name of Jesus,
The Christ of Calvary.Refrain
The Christ of Calvary,
The dearest name to me,
Is the matchless Name of Jesus,
The Christ of Calvary.I cannot help but love Him,
And tell His love to me;
For He became my ransom,
The Christ of Calvary.Refrain
I could not live without Him,
His love is life to me;
My blood-bought life I give Him,
The Christ of Calvary.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Precious Name
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe,
It will joy and comfort give you;
Take it then, where’er you go.Refrain
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n.
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n.Take the Name of Jesus ever,
As a shield from every snare;
If temptations round you gather,
Breathe that holy Name in prayer.Refrain
O the precious Name of Jesus!
How it thrills our souls with joy,
When His loving arms receive us,
And His songs our tongues employ!Refrain
At the Name of Jesus bowing,
Falling prostrate at His feet,
King of kings in Heav’n we’ll crown Him,
When our journey is complete.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Speak To Me Only Of Jesus
Speak to me only of Jesus,
Tell of the cross that He wore,
Tell of the shame and the sorrow,
Tell of the burden He bore.Refrain
Speak to me only of Jesus,
Dying on Calvary’s tree,
Speak to me only of Jesus,
His Name is so precious to me.Speak to me only of Jesus,
Tell of His grace day by day,
Tell how the blood of atonement
Washes my guilt all away.Refrain
Speak to me only of Jesus,
Tell of His wonderful love,
Tell how He came as a Savior,
Down from the glory above.Refrain
Speak to me only of Jesus,
Tell of His mercy so free,
Tell how, when lost in the darkness,
Jesus came seeking for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] There Is No Name So Sweet On Earth
There is no name so sweet on earth,
No name so sweet in Heaven,
The Name, before His wondrous birth
To Christ the Savior given.Refrain
We love to sing of Christ our King,
And hail Him, blessèd Jesus;
For there’s no word ear ever heard
So dear, so sweet as “Jesus.”His human name they did proclaim,
When Abram’s son they sealed Him;
The name that still by God’s good will,
Deliverer revealed Him.Refrain
And when He hung upon the tree,
They wrote this Name above Him;
That all might see the reason we
Forevermore must love Him.Refrain
So now, upon His Father’s throne,
Almighty to release us
From sin and pain, He gladly reigns,
The Prince and Savior, Jesus.Refrain
O Jesus, by that matchless Name,
Thy grace shall fail us never;
Today as yesterday the same,
Thou art the same forever.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] There’s No Other Name Like Jesus
There’s no other name like Jesus,
’Tis the dearest name we know,
’Tis the angel’s joy in Heaven,
’Tis the Christian’s joy below.Refrain
Sweet name (sweet name), dear name (dear name),
There’s no other name like Jesus,
Sweet name (sweet name), dear name (dear name),
There’s no other name like Jesus.There’s no other name like Jesus,
When the heart with grief is sad,
There’s no other name like Jesus
When the heart is free and glad.Refrain
’Tis the hope that I shall see Him
When in glory He appears,
’Tis the hope to hear His welcome
That my fainting spirit cheers.Refrain
If He wills that I should labor
In His vineyard day by day,
Then ’tis well if only Jesus
Blesses all I do or say.Refrain
If he wills that death’s cold finger
Touch my feeble, mortal clay,
Then ’tis well if only Jesus
Is my dying trust and stay.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Philippians 4:6
[Phi 4:6] Spend One Hour With Jesus
Weary soul by sin oppressed,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
He will give your spirit rest,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
He has felt your grief before,
Numbered all your sorrows o’er,
He will ev’ry joy restore;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Do you fear the gath’ring gloom?
Spend one hour with Jesus;
In the silent inner room,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
He will speak unto your soul,
Make your ev’ry heartache whole,
Point you to the heav’nly goal;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Ev’ry need He will supply,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
He alone can satisfy,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
Oh, the mercy He will show,
Oh, the grace He will bestow,
Grace to conquer ev’ry foe;
Spend one hour with Jesus.All along life’s stormy way,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
Call upon Him day by day,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
Tell Him all—He is your Friend,
He will countless blessings send,
He will keep you to the end;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Philippians 4:19
[Phi 4:19] I Choose Jesus
When I need someone in time of grief,
Someone my cheer to be,
Jesus I choose, for He gives relief,
He is the best for me.Refrain
I choose Jesus when I need a friend,
What I need I know that He will send;
I have proved Him, good and true is He;
I choose Jesus, He is the best for me.When I need someone to guide my soul
Over the stormy sea,
Always to Jesus I give control,
He is the best for me.Refrain
When I need help to defeat the foe,
Someone my shield to be,
Always to Jesus in faith I go,
He is the best for me.Refrain
When all my trials on earth are o’er,
And the dark stream I see,
Jesus shall bear me to yonder shore,
He is the best for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 4:19] Just When I Need Him Most
Just when I need Him, Jesus is near,
Just when I falter, just when I fear;
Ready to help me, ready to cheer,
Just when I need Him most.Refrain
Just when I need Him most,
Just when I need Him most,
Jesus is near to comfort and cheer,
Just when I need Him most.Just when I need Him, Jesus is true,
Never forsaking all the way through;
Giving for burdens pleasures anew,
Just when I need Him most.Refrain
Just when I need Him, Jesus is strong,
Bearing my burdens all the day long;
For all my sorrow giving a song,
Just when I need Him most.Refrain
Just when I need Him, He is my all,
Answering when upon Him I call;
Tenderly watching lest I should fall,
Just when I need Him most.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal