Matthew 7:11
[Mat 7:11] O Thou That Hearest Prayer
O Thou that hearest prayer,
Attend our humble cry,
And let Thy servants share
Thy blessing from on high:
We plead the promise of Thy Word;
Grant us Thy Holy Spirit, Lord.If earthly parents hear
Their children when they cry,
If they, with love sincere,
Their children’s wants supply,
Much more wilt Thou Thy love display,
And answer when Thy children pray.Our heavenly Father, Thou!
We, children of Thy grace!
O let Thy Spirit now
Descend, and fill the place;
That all may feel the heavenly flame,
And all unite to praise Thy Name.O may that sacred Fire,
Descending from above,
Our quickened hearts inspire
With fervent zeal and love,
Enlighten our beclouded eyes,
And teach our earth-bound souls to rise.And send Thy Spirit down
On all the nations, Lord,
With great success to crown
The preaching of Thy Word;
Till heathen lands shall own Thy sway,
And cast their idol-gods away.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 20:23
[Mat 20:23] Oh! What, If We Are Christ’s
Oh! what, if we are Christ’s,
Is earthly shame or loss?
Bright shall the crown of glory be
When we have borne the cross.Keen was the trial once,
Bitter the cup of woe,
When martyred saints, baptized in blood,
Christ’s suffeirngs shared below:Bright is their glory now,
Boundless their joy above,
Where, on the bosom of their God,
They rest in perfect love.Lord, may that grace be ours,
Like them in faith to bear
All that of sorrow, grief or pain
May be our portion here.Enough if Thou at last
The word of blessing give,
And let us rest beneath Thy feet,
Where saints and angels live.All glory, Lord, to Thee,
Whom Heav’n and earth adore;
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One God forevermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 21:9
[Mat 21:9] All Glory, Laud And Honor
All glory, laud and honor,
To Thee, Redeemer, King,
To Whom the lips of children
Made sweet hosannas ring.Thou art the King of Israel,
Thou David’s royal Son,
Who in the Lord’s Name comest,
The King and Blessèd One.Refrain
The company of angels
Are praising Thee on High,
And mortal men and all things
Created make reply.Refrain
The people of the Hebrews
With palms before Thee went;
Our prayer and praise and anthems
Before Thee we present.Refrain
To Thee, before Thy passion,
They sang their hymns of praise;
To Thee, now high exalted,
Our melody we raise.Refrain
Thou didst accept their praises;
Accept the prayers we bring,
Who in all good delightest,
Thou good and gracious King.Refrain
Be Thou, O Lord, the Rider,
And we the little ass,
That to God’s holy city
Together we may pass.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 21:9] Hosanna To The Living Lord
Hosanna to the living Lord!
Hosanna to the th’Incarnate Word!
To Christ, Creator, Savior, King,
Let earth, let heaven, Hosanna ring!Refrain
Hosanna, Lord!
Hosanna in the highest!“Hosanna, Lord!” Thine angels cry;
“Hosanna, Lord!” Thy saints reply;
Above, beneath us, and around,
The dead and living swell the sound:Refrain
O Savior, with protecting care,
Return to this Thy house of prayer;
Assembled in Thy sacred Name,
Now we Thy parting promise claim:Refrain
But chiefest, in our cleansèd breast,
Eternal, bid Thy Spirit rest,
And make our secret soul to be
A temple pure, and worthy Thee.Refrain
So in the last and dreadful day,
When earth and Heaven shall melt away,
Thy flock, redeemed from sinful stain,
Shall swell the sound of praise again.
Hosanna, Lord! Hosanna in the highest!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 21:9] O King Of Glory! David’s Son!
O King of Glory! David’s Son!
Our Sovereign and our Friend!
In Heav’n forever stands Thy throne,
Thy kingdom hath no end:
Oh now to all men, far and near,
Lord, make it known, we pray,
That as in Heav’n all creatures here
May know Thee and obey.The Eastern sages gladly bring
Their tribute-gifts to Thee;
They witness that Thou art their King,
And humbly bow the knee;
To Thee the morning star doth lead,
To Thee th’inspirèd Word,
We hail Thee, Savior in our need,
We worship Thee, the Lord.Ah look on me with pitying grace,
Though weak and poor I be,
Within Thy kingdom grant a place
Secure and blest to me.
Oh rescue me from all my woes,
And shield me with Thine arm
From sin and death, the mighty foes
That daily seek our harm.And bid Thy Word, the fairest Star,
Within us clearly shine;
Keep sin and all false doctrine far,
Since Thou hast claimed us Thine:
Let us Thy Name aright confess,
And with Thy Christendom,
Our King and Savior own and bless
Through all the world to come.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 21:9] Outside The Holy City
Outside the Holy City
Unnumbered footsteps throng,
And crowded mart and streets of trade
Fling back a swelling song.
The voices echo nearer,
In flaming hope they sing:
“Throw down your branches at His feet!
Hosanna to the King!”Once more beside a city
The Son of David waits,
Once more the children throng to bring
A welcome at the gates.
Within are hearts sore burdened
And feet that go astray;
O Christ of God, come near and walk
Our city streets today!The branches that we offer
Are no unmeaning sign;
Take Thou the hands we lift on high
And make them wholly Thine.
No songs of shallow welcome
Are these we raise to Thee;
O give us faith to face the cross
And set Thy city free!A distant music mingles
With all our songs today,
The chorale from a city fair
Where sin has passed away.
There rides the Christ triumphant
And victor songs ring clear;
O God, give us the strength to build
With Christ that city here!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 21:9] Son Of David Bowed To Die, The
The Son of David bowed to die,
For man’s transgression stricken;
The Father’s arm of power was nigh,
The Son of God to quicken.
Praise Him that He died for men:
Praise Him that He rose again.Death seemed all conquering when he bound
The Lord of life in prison;
The sight of death was nowhere found
When Christ again was risen;
Wherefore praise Him night and day,
Him Who took death’s sting away.His saints with Him must bow to death,
With Him are raised in spirit,
With Him they dwell above by faith,
Accepted through His merit:
Heaven and earth resound the strain,
Death by Jesus Christ is slain.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 21:41
[Mat 21:41] In The Vineyard Of Our Father
In the vineyard of our Father
Daily work we find to do;
Scattered fruit our hands may gather,
Though we are but weak and few;
Little clusters
Help to fill the basket, too.Toiling early in the morning,
Catching moments through the day,
Nothing small or lowly scorning,
So we work, and watch, and pray;
Gathering gladly
Free will offerings by the way.Not for selfish praise or glory,
Not for objects nothing worth,
But to send the blessèd story
Of the Gospel o’er the earth,
Telling mortals
Of our Lord and Savior’s birth.Up and ever at our calling,
Till in death our lips are dumb,
Or till, sin’s dominion falling,
Christ shall in His kingdom come,
And His children
Reach their everlasting home.Steadfast, then, in our endeavor,
Heavenly Father, may we be;
And forever, and forever,
We will give the praise to Thee;
Singing, all eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 22:4
[Mat 22:4] All Is Ready
All is ready, the Master, said,
All is ready, the feast is spread;
Sweet His message of love to all,
Yet how many will slight the call!Refrain
Why, why, why will you die?
Ask, and the Savior will freely forgive;
Why, why, why will you die?
Only a look, and your soul shall live.All is ready, He calleth still;
Come, and welcome, whoever will;
Bring your burdens of doubts and fears,
Bring your sorrow, your cares and tears.Refrain
Though His mercy prolongs your day,
Time is precious, no more delay;
Now He listens to hear your prayer,
Haste the garment of praise to wear.Refrain
Take the pardon His love bestows,
Take the water of life that flows;
Lo, He standeth beside the door:
Hear the Spirit your hearts implore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 22:4] All Things Are Ready
“All things are ready,” come to the feast!
Come, for the table now is spread;
Ye famishing, ye weary, come,
And thou shalt be richly fed.Refrain
Hear the invitation,
Come, “whosoever will”;
Praise God for full salvation
For “whosoever will.”“All things are ready,” come to the feast!
Come, for the door is open wide;
A place of honor is reserved
For you at the Master’s side.Refrain
“All things are ready,” come to the feast!
Come, while He waits to welcome thee;
Delay not while this day is thine,
Tomorrow may never be.Refrain
“All things are ready,” come to the feast!
Leave ev’ry care and worldly strife;
Come, feast upon the love of God,
And drink everlasting life.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 22:4] Come, Come Away!
Oh, list to the watchman crying:
Come, come away!
The arrows of death are flying:
Come, come today!Refrain
Come, come away!
Come, come away!
Jesus is gently calling:
Come, come today!The Spirit of God is pleading:
Come, come away!
The Savior is interceding:
Come, come today!Refrain
The mercy of God is calling:
Come, come away!
How sweetly the words are falling:
Come, come today!Refrain
The angels of God entreat you:
Come, come away!
The Father Himself will meet you:
Come, come today!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 22:4] Come, For All Things Are Ready!
Come, for all things are ready! ’Tis a banquet of love;
Here’s a free invitation from the Master above:
It is written in crimson, drawn from Calvary’s flood,
From the wonderful fountain of the soul cleansing blood.Refrain
Oh, what fullness in Jesus!
Oh, what gladness to know,
Though our sins be as scarlet,
He’ll make them as snow.Come, for all things are ready! Heaven’s bounty is spread;
Take the cup of salvation, take the life giving bread:
Come, the poor and unworthy, come, though sinful and weak;
’Tis the hungry and thirsty whom the Master doth seek.Refrain
Come, for all things are ready! Here’s a robe, snowy white,
Fairer far than the raiment of the angels of light:
For the beauty of Jesus will thy covering be;
Only ask for this garment, ’twill be given to thee.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 22:4] Come, For The Feast Is Spread
Come, for the feast is spread, hark to the call;
Come to the living Bread, offered to all.
Come to His house of wine, low on His breast recline,
All that He has is thine; come, sinner, come.Come where the fountain flows, river of life;
Healing for all thy woes, doubting, and strife.
Millions have been supplied; no one was e’er denied;
Come to the crimson tide; come, sinner, come.Come to the throne of grace, boldly draw near;
He who would win the race must tarry here.
Whate’er thy want may be, here is the grace for thee,
Jesus thine only plea; come, sinner, come.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 22:4] Hear The Word
Come, for all is ready, and the feast is spread,
Come, for Jesus offers you the living Bread,
Hear His invitation, ’mid the toil and strife,
Come, and take the gift of life.Refrain
Hear the word,
All may come,
Without price,
Come and take eternal life.Gospel bells are ringing, hear the echo sweet,
Calling in the wand’ring to the Savior’s feet,
Heed the tender message, seek the great reward,
Hear the voice of Christ your Lord.Refrain
Welcome, ever welcome to the feast of love,
Whosoever will, may see His face above,
Hark, with hallelujahs, how the high courts ring,
Come, and crown the Savior King.Refrain
You who know how precious is His grace so free,
Take the gift of life yet more abundantly.
Spread the invitation, there is room for all,
Sound abroad the loving call.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 25:10
[Mat 25:10] Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
Rejoice, rejoice, believers, and let your lights appear.
The evening is advancing, and darker night is near.
The Bridegroom is arising, and soon He draweth nigh.
Up, pray, and watch, and wrestle: At midnight comes the cry.See that your lamps are burning; replenish them with oil.
And wait for your salvation, the end of earthly toil.
The watchers on the mountain proclaim the Bridegroom near.
Go meet Him as He cometh, with alleluias clear.O wise and holy virgins, now raise your voices higher,
Until in songs of triumph ye meet the angel choir.
The marriage feast is waiting, the gates wide open stand;
Rise up, ye heirs of glory, the Bridegroom is at hand.Our hope and expectation, O Jesus, now appear!
Arise, Thou Sun so longed for, over this benighted sphere!
With hearts and hands uplifted, we plead, O Lord, to see
The day of earth’s redemption that brings us unto Thee.Ye saints, who here in patience your cross and sufferings bore,
Shall live and reign forever, when sorrow is no more.
Around the throne of glory the Lamb ye shall behold;
In triumph cast before Him your diadems of gold!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:10] Sleepers, Wake! The Watch Cry Pealeth
“Sleepers, wake!” the watch cry pealeth,
While slumber deep each eyelid sealeth:
Awake, Jerusalem, awake!
Midnight’s solemn hour is tolling,
And seraph-notes are onward rolling;
They call on us our part to take.
Come forth, ye virgins wise:
The Bridegroom comes, arise!
Alleluia! Each lamp be bright with ready light
To grace the marriage feast tonight.Zion hears the voice that singeth
With sudden joy her glad heart springeth,
At once she wakes, she stands arrayed:
Her Light is come, her Star ascending,
Lo, girt with truth, with mercy blending,
Her Bridegroom there, so long delayed.
All hail! God’s glorious Son,
All hail! our joy and crown,
Alleluia! The joyful call we answer all,
And follow to the bridal hall.Praise to Him Who goes before us!
Let men and angels join in chorus,
Let harp and cymbal add their sound.
Twelve the gates, a pearl each portal:
We haste to join the choir immortal
Within the Holy City’s bound.
Ear ne’er heard aught like this,
Nor heart conceived such bliss.
Alleluia! We raise the song, we swell the throng,
To praise Thee ages all along.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:10] Too Late
Too late? Ah, no, the pulse of life still throbs within thy breast;
And while that blessèd spark remains, thy soul may find a rest.
The Lord in mercy spares thee yet, His love to thee is great;
But do not tempt that love too far, or it may be too late.Refrain
Too late, too late,
Soon ’twill be too late;
Too late, too late,
Soon ’twill be too late.He stands, He knocks, He calls, He waits, He tarries at thy heart;
Canst thou reject His gracious call? And wilt thou say depart?
O, think on what a slender thread this moment hangs thy fate;
Arise—admit thy heav’nly Guest, or it may be too late.Refrain
Behold His hands, His bleeding side, His crown of thorns behold!
And let His arms, extended wide, Thy trembling form enfold.
His mercy lengthens out thy days, His love to thee is great;
O, do not tempt that love too far, or it may be too late.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:10] Wake, Awake, For Night Is Flying
Wake, awake, for night is flying;
The watchmen on the heights are crying:
Awake, Jerusalem, at last!
Midnight hears the welcome voices
And at the thrilling cry rejoices;
Come forth, ye virgins, night is past;
The Bridegroom comes, awake;
Your lamps with gladness take;
Alleluia! And for His marriage feast prepare
For ye must go and meet Him there.Zion hears the watchmen singing,
And all her heart with joy is springing;
She wakes, she rises from her gloom;
For her Lord comes down all glorious,
The strong in grace, in truth victorious.
Her Star is risen, her Light is come.
Ah come, Thou blessèd One, God’s own belovèd Son:
Alleluia! We follow till the halls we see
Where Thou hast bid us sup with Thee.Now let all the heavens adore Thee,
And saints and angels sing before Thee,
With harp and cymbal’s clearest tone;
Of one pearl each shining portal,
Where we are with the choir immortal
Of angels round Thy dazzling throne;
Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath yet attained to hear
What there is ours, but we rejoice and sing to Thee
Our hymn of joy eternally.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:10] Wake, O Wake, With Tidings Thrilling
Wake, O wake! with tidings thrilling
The watchmen all the air are filling,
Arise, Jerusalem, arise!
Midnight strikes! no more delaying,
“The hour has come!” we hear them saying,
Where are ye all, ye virgins wise?
The Bridegroom comes in sight,
Raise high your torches bright!
Alleluya! The wedding swells loud and strong:
Go forth and join the festal throng!Sion hears the watchmen shouting,
Her heart leaps up with joy undoubting,
She stands and waits with eager eyes;
See her Friend from Heaven descending,
Adorned with truth and grace unending!
Her light burns clear, her star doth rise.
Now come, Thou precious Crown,
Lord Jesu, God’s own Son!
Hosanna! Let us prepare to follow there,
Where in Thy supper we may share.Every soul in Thee rejoices,
From men and from angelic voices
Be glory given to Thee alone!
Now the gates of pearl receive us,
Thy presence never more shall leave us,
We stand with angels round Thy throne.
Earth cannot give below
The bliss Thou dost bestow.
Alleluya! Grant us to raise to length of days,
The triumph-chorus of Thy praise.source: Cyberhymnal