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Matthew 2:23

2:23 He came to a town called Nazareth 1  and lived there. Then what had been spoken by the prophets was fulfilled, that Jesus 2  would be called a Nazarene. 3 

Matthew 7:25

7:25 The rain fell, the flood 4  came, and the winds beat against that house, but it did not collapse because it had been founded on rock.

Matthew 9:20

9:20 But 5  a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage 6  for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge 7  of his cloak. 8 

Matthew 9:25

9:25 But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and gently took her by the hand, and the girl got up.

Matthew 9:33

9:33 After the demon was cast out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowds were amazed and said, “Never has anything like this been seen in Israel!”

Matthew 9:36

9:36 When 9  he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were bewildered and helpless, 10  like sheep without a shepherd.

Matthew 11:20

Woes on Unrepentant Cities

11:20 Then Jesus began to criticize openly the cities 11  in which he had done many of his miracles, because they did not repent.

Matthew 12:10

12:10 A 12  man was there who had a withered 13  hand. And they asked Jesus, 14  “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” 15  so that they could accuse him.

Matthew 13:43

13:43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. 16  The one who has ears had better listen! 17 

Matthew 14:3

14:3 For Herod had arrested John, bound him, 18  and put him in prison on account of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife,

Matthew 16:12

16:12 Then they understood that he had not told them to be on guard against the yeast in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Matthew 21:28

The Parable of the Two Sons

21:28 “What 19  do you think? A man had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’

Matthew 22:12

22:12 And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ But he had nothing to say. 20 

Matthew 22:25

22:25 Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children he left his wife to his brother.

Matthew 23:30

23:30 And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, 21  we would not have participated with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’

Matthew 24:22

24:22 And if those days had not been cut short, no one would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.

Matthew 25:16

25:16 The one who had received five talents went off right away and put his money to work 22  and gained five more.

Matthew 25:18

25:18 But the one who had received one talent went out and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money in it.

Matthew 25:20

25:20 The 23  one who had received the five talents came and brought five more, saying, ‘Sir, 24  you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.’

Matthew 26:75

26:75 Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said: “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly. 25 

Matthew 27:17

27:17 So after they had assembled, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release for you, Jesus 26  Barabbas or Jesus who is called the Christ?” 27 

Matthew 27:31

27:31 When 28  they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes back on him. Then 29  they led him away to crucify him.

Matthew 28:11-12

The Guards’ Report

28:11 While 30  they were going, some 31  of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests everything that had happened. 28:12 After 32  they had assembled with the elders and formed a plan, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers,

1 sn Nazareth was a very small village in the region of Galilee (Galilee lay north of Samaria and Judea). The town was located about 15 mi (25 km) west of the southern edge of the Sea of Galilee. According to Luke 1:26, Mary was living in Nazareth when the birth of Jesus was announced to her.

map For location see Map1 D3; Map2 C2; Map3 D5; Map4 C1; Map5 G3.

2 tn There is no expressed subject of the third person singular verb here; the pronoun “he” is implied. Instead of this pronoun the referent “Jesus” has been supplied in the text to clarify to whom this statement refers.

3 tn The Greek could be indirect discourse (as in the text), or direct discourse (“he will be called a Nazarene”). Judging by the difficulty of finding OT quotations (as implied in the plural “prophets”) to match the wording here, it appears that the author was using a current expression of scorn that conceptually (but not verbally) found its roots in the OT.

4 tn Grk “the rivers.”

5 tn Grk “And behold a woman.” The Greek word ἰδού (idou) has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

6 sn Suffering from a hemorrhage. The woman was most likely suffering from a vaginal hemorrhage which would make her ritually unclean.

7 sn The edge of his cloak refers to the kraspedon, the blue tassel on the garment that symbolized a Jewish man’s obedience to the law (cf. Num 15:37-41). The woman thus touched the very part of Jesus’ clothing that indicated his ritual purity.

8 tn Grk “garment,” but here ἱμάτιον (Jimation) denotes the outer garment in particular.

9 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

10 tn Or “because they had been bewildered and helpless.” The translational issue is whether the perfect participles are predicate (as in the text) or are pluperfect periphrastic (the alternate translation). If the latter, the implication would seem to be that the crowds had been in such a state until the Great Shepherd arrived.

11 tn The Greek word here is πόλις (polis) which can be translated “city” or “town.” “Cities” was chosen here to emphasize the size of the places Jesus’ mentions in the following verses.

12 tn Grk “And behold.” The Greek word ἰδού (idou) has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

13 sn Withered means the man’s hand was shrunken and paralyzed.

14 tn Grk “and they asked him, saying.” The participle λέγοντες (legontes) is redundant and has not been translated. The referent of the pronoun (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

15 sn The background for this is the view that only if life was endangered should one attempt to heal on the Sabbath (see the Mishnah, m. Shabbat 6.3; 12.1; 18.3; 19.2; m. Yoma 8.6).

16 sn An allusion to Dan 12:3.

17 tn The translation “had better listen!” captures the force of the third person imperative more effectively than the traditional “let him hear,” which sounds more like a permissive than an imperative to the modern English reader. This was Jesus’ common expression to listen and heed carefully (cf. Matt 11:15, 13:9; Mark 4:9, 23; Luke 8:8, 14:35).

18 tc ‡ Most witnesses (א2 C D L W Z Θ 0106 Ë1,13 33 Ï lat) read αὐτόν (auton, “him”) here as a way of clarifying the direct object; various important witnesses lack the word, however (א* B 700 pc ff1 h q). The original wording most likely lacked it, but it has been included here due to English style. NA27 includes the word in brackets, indicating reservations about its authenticity.

19 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

20 tn Grk “he was silent.”

21 tn Grk “fathers” (so also in v. 32).

22 tn Grk “traded with them.”

23 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated.

24 tn Grk Or “Lord; or “Master” (and so throughout this paragraph).

25 sn When Peter went out and wept bitterly it shows he really did not want to fail here and was deeply grieved that he had.

26 tc Again, as in v. 16, the name “Jesus” is supplied before “Barabbas” in Θ Ë1 700* pc sys Ormss (Θ 700* lack the article τόν [ton] before Βαραββᾶν [Barabban]). The same argument for accepting the inclusion of “Jesus” as original in the previous verse applies here as well.

27 tn Or “Messiah”; both “Christ” (Greek) and “Messiah” (Hebrew and Aramaic) mean “one who has been anointed.”

sn See the note on Christ in 1:16.

28 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated.

29 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

30 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

31 tn Grk “behold, some of the guard.” The Greek word ἰδού (idou) has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

32 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated.

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