Mark 6:43
The Loaves and the Fish (Matthew 14:15-21; 15:32-39; Mark 6:35-44; 8:1-10; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:5-13)
According to Matthew and Mark Jesus performs a miracle of this kind twice, the crowd being 5000 men at one occasion and 4000 at the other. Due to the similarity of the miracles, it is often impossible to decide which of the incidents the artwork represents. Hence, all the pictures depicting these miracles sort under the same heading.
Feeding of the five thousand, The
Miracle of the loaves, The
Miracle of the loaves and fishes, The *
Faith of an empty basket

Mark 6:53
Gennesaret and Surroundings (Matthew 14:34-36; Mark 6:53-56)
People brought all the sick to him
Sick are carried to Jesus in the village, The
Jesus walks on the sea
Jesus heals many
Mark 15:10
The Announcement to the Disciples (Mark 15:10f.; Luke 24:9-11; John 20:2; 20:18)
Barabbas, Persuasion, and Sentence (Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:38-40; 19:4-8; 19:12-16)
They have taken the Lord out of the tomb
Same day he appears to the women, The
Mary Magdalene announces the resurrection to the apostles
Told all these things *

When it is hard to decide whether an artwork depicts the Jews' accusations at Pilate's initial interrogation or the scene accompanying and following the Barabbas episode, where the Jews persuade the governor to convict Jesus, the artwork is connected to the subject of the interrogation and accusations
Christ before Pilate
Ecce homo
Pilate washing his hands
Christ crowned with thorns: "The King of the Jews" *

(179 pictures)
Related Topics:
Ecce Homo ;
Interrogation and Accusations ;
Pilate Washing His Hands
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
MARK 15 ;
LUKE 23 ;
JOHN 18 ;
Mark 15:33
The Darkness (Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44)
With Other People from the Biblical Account (Matthew 27:35-56; Mark 15:24-41; Luke 23:33-49; John 19:18-37)
With No Other People Shown (Matthew 27:35-56; Mark 15:24-41; Luke 23:33-49; John 19:18-37)
With a Composite Group of Other Characters (Matthew 27:35-56; Mark 15:24-41; Luke 23:33-49; John 19:18-37)
Darkness at the crucifixion, The
Jerusalem: "It is finished"
Eclipse of the Son
(3 pictures)
Related Topics:
Curtain, Earthquake, Raising of Dead
Related Chapter:
MARK 15 ;
Christ on the cross
Crucifixion, The

(542 pictures)
Related Topics:
Curtain, Earthquake, Raising of Dead ;
Family and Followers at Calvary ;
I Am Thirsty! ;
The Bones of the Thieves Broken ;
The Centurion ;
The Clothes ;
The Darkness ;
The Nailing to the Cross ;
The Piercing in the Side ;
The Raising of the Cross ;
The Repentant Thief ;
They Beat Their Breasts ;
Watching the Crucified
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
MARK 15 ;
LUKE 23 ;
Christ on the cross
Crucifixion, The

This heading is for artworks where the crucifixion is depicted with both people from the biblical account and people foreign to it
Christ on the cross between Mary and St. John
Crucifixion and St.s
Stories of Christ's passion

(46 pictures)
Related Topics:
Curtain, Earthquake, Raising of Dead ;
Family and Followers at Calvary ;
I Am Thirsty! ;
The Bones of the Thieves Broken ;
The Centurion ;
The Clothes ;
The Darkness ;
The Nailing to the Cross ;
The Piercing in the Side ;
The Raising of the Cross ;
The Repentant Thief ;
They Beat Their Breasts ;
Watching the Crucified
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
MARK 15 ;
LUKE 23 ;