Mark 5:1--6:56
[Mar 5:2] Sin, Like A Venomous Disease
Sin, like a venomous disease,
Infects our vital blood;
The only balm is sovereign grace,
And the physician, God.Our beauty and our strength are fled,
And we draw near to death;
But Christ the Lord recalls the dead
With His almighty breath.Madness by nature reigns within,
The passions burn and rage,
Till God’s own Son, with skill divine,
The inward fire assuage.We lick the dust, we grasp the wind,
And solid good despise;
Such is the folly of the mind,
Till Jesus makes us wise.We give our souls the wounds they feel,
We drink the poisonous gall,
And rush with fury down to hell;
But Heav’n prevents the fall.The man possessed among the tombs
Cuts his own flesh, and cries;
He foams and raves, till Jesus comes,
And the foul spirit flies.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 5:19] No Other Story
No other story will bear repeating
As often as this is told;
God’s glad good news of His love to sinners
Are tidings which never grow old.Refrain
Tell it again and again,
Tell it again and again,
The Gospel story, of grace and glory,
Bears telling again and again.Proclaim with joy how the cross of suff’ring
Will never be borne again.
That only glory awaits the Savior,
That soon He will come to reign.Refrain
Go tell the story in far off countries,
Let ev’ry poor sinner hear
How Christ the Savior has died to win them,
His love overcomes all fear.Refrain
The whole sweet story is not yet finished,
The sequel is but begun;
When all the ransomed are safely gathered,
E’en then it will not be done.Refrain
Each heart that opens to hear the tidings,
Receiving the Savior’s love,
Will add a page to redemption’s history
Rehearsed in the Home above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 5:39] Good Night And Good Morning
When comes to the weary a blessèd release,
When upward we pass to His kingdom of peace,
When free from the woes that on earth we must bear,
We’ll say “good night” here, but “good morning” up there.Refrain
Good morning up there where Christ is the Light,
Good morning up there where cometh no night;
When we step from this earth to God’s Heaven so fair,
We’ll say “good night” here but “good morning” up there.When fadeth the day and dark shadows draw nigh,
With Christ close at hand, it is not death to die;
He’ll wipe every tear, roll away every care;
We’ll say “good night” here, but “good morning” up there.Refrain
When home lights we see shining brightly above,
Where we shall be soon, through His wonderful love,
We’ll praise Him Who called us His Heaven to share,
We’ll say “good night” here, but “good morning” up there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 5:39] We Shall Sleep, But Not Forever
We shall sleep, but not forever,
There will be a glorious dawn!
We shall meet to part, no, never,
On the resurrection morn!
From the deepest cave of ocean,
From the desert and the plain,
From the valley and the mountain,
Countless throngs shall rise again.Refrain
We shall sleep, but not forever,
There will be a glorious dawn!
We shall meet, to part, no, never,
On the resurrection morn!When we see a precious blossom,
That we tended with such care,
Rudely taken from our bosom,
How our aching hearts despair!
Round its little grave we linger,
Till the setting sun is low,
Feeling all our hopes have perished,
With the flow’r we cherished so.Refrain
We shall sleep, but not forever,
In the lone and silent grave:
Blessèd be the Lord that taketh,
Blessèd be the Lord that gave.
In the bright eternal city,
Death can never, never come!
In His own good time He’ll call us,
From our rest, to home, sweet home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 5:40] O Scorned And Outcast Lord
O scorned and outcast Lord, beneath
Thy burden meekly bending,
Thou, our true Isaac, to Thy death
Art wearily ascending.And soon, with nail pierced feet and hands
Upon the cross they raise Thee;
The cross, which there uplifted stands,
To all the earth displays Thee.Oh! wondrous love of God on high
The sinful thus to cherish!
He gave His guiltless Son to die
Lest guilty man should perish.Our sin’s pollution to remove
His blood was freely given;
So mighty was the Savior’s love
So just the wrath of heaven.Yes! ’tis the cross the breaks the rod
And chain of condemnation,
And makes a league ’twixt man and God
For our entire salvation.O praise the Father, praise the Son,
The Lamb for sinners given,
And Holy Ghost, through Whom alone
Our hearts are raised to Heaven.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 6:7] Thou Who Sentest Thine Apostles
Thou Who sentest Thine apostles
Two and two before Thy face,
Partners in the night of toiling,
Heirs together of Thy grace,
Throned at length, their labors ended,
Each in his appointed place.Praise to Thee for those Thy champions
Whom our hymns today proclaim;
One, whose zeal by Thee enlightened
Burned anew with nobler flame;
One, the kinsman of Thy childhood,
Brought at last to know Thy Name.Praise to Thee! Thy fire within them
Spake in love, and wrought in power;
Seen in mighty signs and wonders
In Thy Church’s morning hour;
Heard in tones of sternest warning
When the storms began to lower.Once again those storms are breaking;
Hearts are failing, love grows cold;
Faith is darkened, sin abounding;
Grievous wolves assail Thy fold;
Save us, Lord, our one salvation;
Save the faith revealed of old.Call the erring by Thy pity;
Warn the tempted by Thy fear;
Keep us true to Thine allegiance,
Counting life itself less dear,
Standing firmer, holding faster,
As we see the end draw near.Till, with holy Jude and Simon
And the thousand faithful more,
We, the good confession witnessed,
And the lifelong conflict o’er,
On the sea of fire and crystal
Stand, and wonder, and adore.God the Father, great and wondrous
In Thy works, to Thee be praise;
King of saints, to Thee be glory,
Just and true in all Thy ways;
Praise to Thee, from Both proceeding,
Holy Ghost, through endless days.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 6:31] Come Ye Yourselves Apart
Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile;
Weary, I know it, of the press and throng,
Wipe from your brow the sweat and dust of toil,
And in My quiet strength again be strong.Come ye aside from all the world holds dear,
For converse which the world has never known,
Alone with Me and with My Father here,
With Me and with My Father not alone.Come, tell Me all that ye have said and done,
Your victories and failures, hopes and fears.
I know how hardly souls are wooed and won:
My choicest wreaths are always wet with tears.Come ye and rest: the journey is too great,
And ye will faint beside the way and sink:
The Bread of Life is here for you to eat,
And here for you the Wine of Love to drink.Then, fresh from converse with your Lord, return
And work till daylight softens into ev’n;
The brief hours are not lost in which ye learn
More of your Master and His rest in Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 6:31] Stealing From The World Away
Stealing from the world away,
We are come to seek Thy face;
Kindly meet us, Lord, we pray,
Grant us Thy reviving grace.Yonder stars that gild the sky
Shine but with a borrowed light:
We, unless Thy light be nigh,
Wander, wrapped in gloomy night.Sun of righteousness! dispel
All our darkness, doubts and fears:
May Thy light within us dwell,
Till eternal day appears.Warm our hearts in prayer and praise,
Lift our every thought above;
Hear the grateful songs we raise,
Fill us with Thy perfect love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 6:50] How Wonderful It Is To Walk With God
How wonderful it is to walk with God
Along the road that holy men have trod;
How wonderful it is to hear Him say:
Fear not, have faith, ’tis I who lead the way!How wonderful it is to talk with God
When cares sweep o’er my spirit like a flood;
How wonderful it is to hear His voice,
For when He speaks the desert lands rejoice!How wonderful it is to praise my God,
Who comforts and protects me with His rod;
How wonderful to praise him every hour,
My heart attuned to sing His wondrous power!How wonderful it is to fight for God,
And point poor sinners to the precious blood;
How wonderful it is to wield His sword
’Gainst sin, the enemy of Christ, my Lord!How wonderful ’twill be to live with God
When I have crossed death’s deep and swelling flood;
How wonderful to see Him face to face
When I have fought the fight and won the race!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 6:50] It Is I
The storm in all its fury
Swept dark Gennesaret;
They cried in vain for succor,
Till Hope’s lone star had set;
Then Christ came on the waters
In answer to their cry,
And spake in tones of comfort,
“Fear not, for it is I.
Fear not, for it is I.”And life has days of darkness,
When thick the storm-clouds lower.
When waves dash fiercely round thee,
And threaten to devour;
But still thou need’st not falter,
There’s One forever nigh,
Who speaks above the tempest,
“Fear not, for it is I.
Fear not, for it is I.”He walks the waves beside thee,
No storm can drive Him thence;
He bids the waters bear thee,
His arm is thy defense;
His face shines on the billows,
Let all thy terror fly;
Fear not to trust in Jesus,
He beckons, “It is I,”
He beckons, “It is I.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 6:50] When The Dark Waves Round Us Roll
When the dark waves round us roll,
And we look in vain for aid,
Speak, Lord, to the trembling soul,
“It is I; be not afraid.”When we dimly trace Thy form
In mysterious clouds arrayed,
Be the echo of the storm,
“It is I; be not afraid.”When our brightest hopes depart,
When our fairest visions fade,
Whisper to the fainting heart,
“It is I; be not afraid.”When we weep beside the bier
Where some well-loved form is laid,
O may then the mourner hear,
“It is I; be not afraid.”When with wearing hopeless pain
Sinks the spirit, sore dismayed,
Breathe Thou then the comfort-strain,
“It is I; be not afraid.”When we feel the end is near,
Passing into death’s dark shade,
May the voice be strong and clear,
“It is I; be not afraid.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 6:56] He Touched Me And Made Me Whole
To the feet of my Savior in trembling and fear,
A penitent sinner I came;
He saw, and in mercy, He bade me draw near;
All glory and praise to His Name.Refrain
He touched me and thus made me whole;
Bringing comfort and rest to my soul;
O glad happy day, all my sins rolled away!
For He touched me and thus made me whole.I knew not the tender compassion and love
That Jesus, my Savior, had shown;
Tho’ burdened with grief, His dear hand brought relief,
He healed me and called me His own.Refrain
“My grace is sufficient,”I heard His dear voice,
“O come and find rest for your soul;
From sin you to save, My life freely I gave;
I died that you might be made whole.”Refrain
O Jesus, dear Jesus, Thy Name I adore,
For saving and keeping my soul;
Thy praises I’ll sing, my Redeemer and King,
Thy dear, loving hand made me whole.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal