Luke 3:14
- Preparations and Ministry (Matthew 3:1-12; Mark 1:2-8; Luke 1:80; 3:1-20; John 1:19-34)
Some of the pictures under this heading appears as portraits of the Baptist, but details (especially the clothing) connect the pictures to the Baptist's preparation and ministry
St. John the Baptist holding a lantern, the Lamb of God at his feet
St. John the Baptist
Preaching of St. John the Baptist, The
St. John the Baptist
(145 pictures)
Related Topics:
Look, the Lamb of God! ;
The Baptism
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
MARK 1 ;
LUKE 1 ;
LUKE 3 ;
Luke 4:38
- Peter's Mother-in-Law (Matthew 8:14f.; Mark 1:30f.; Luke 4:38f.)
Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law
Simon's mother-in-law is healed
Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law
Peter's mother-in-law is healed
Luke 5:3
- From a Boat (Matthew 13:1-9; Mark 4:1-9; Luke 5:1-3)
Luke connects this event to the calling of Peter. Matthew and Mark connect it to the parable of the sower.
Calling of the apostles, The. Christ preaches from St. Peter's boat.
Jesus preaches from a ship
Christ preaching at the seaport
Harbour scene with Christ preaching
Luke 8:37
- The Demon-Possessed from the Tomb (Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:2-20; Luke 8:27-39)
Christ heals a possessed man at Gerasa
Possessed with devils coming out of the tombs, The
Jesus healing the possessed
Possessed with devils coming out of the tombs, The
Luke 20:28
- Challenged by the Sadducees (Matthew 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40)
Sadducees propound the riddle of the seven brothers *
Jesus and the Sadducees
Pharisees attempt to trap Jesus, The
Pharisees test Jesus, The