Luke 2:14
[Luk 2:14] All Glory To God
All glory to God, and peace upon earth,
Be published abroad at Jesus’ birth;
The forfeited favor of Heaven we find
Restored in the Savior and Friend of mankind.Then let us behold Messias the Lord,
By prophets foretold, by angels adored;
Our God’s incarnation with angels proclaim,
And publish salvation in Jesus’ Name.Our newly born King by faith we have seen
And joyfully sing His goodness to men,
That all men may wonder at what we impart,
And thankfully ponder His love in their heart.What moved the Most High so greatly to stoop,
He comes from the sky our souls to lift up;
That sinners forgiven, might sinless return
To God and to Heaven; their Maker is born.Immanuel’s love let sinners confess,
Who comes from above, to bring us His peace;
Let every believer His mercy adore,
And praise Him forever, when time is no more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] All Glory To God To God In The Sky
All glory to God in the sky,
And peace upon earth be restored!
O Jesus, exalted on high,
Appear our omnipotent Lord:
Who meanly in Bethlehem born,
Didst stoop to redeem a lost race,
Once more to Thy creature return,
And reign in Thy kingdom of grace.When Thou in our flesh didst appear,
All nature acknowledged Thy birth;
Arose the acceptable year,
And Heaven was opened on earth.
Receiving its Lord from above,
The world was united to bless
The Giver of concord and love,
The Prince and the Author of peace.O wouldst Thou again be made known,
Again in Thy Spirit descend,
And set up in each of Thine own
A kingdom that never shall end!
Thou only art able to bless,
And make the glad nations obey,
And bid the dire enmity cease,
And bow the whole world to Thy sway.Come then to Thy servants again,
Who long Thy appearing to know,
Thy quiet and peaceable reign,
In mercy establish below:
All sorrow before Thee shall fly,
And anger and hatred be o’er,
And envy and malice shall die,
And discord afflict us no more.No horrid alarm of war
Shall break our eternal repose;
No sound of the trumpet is there,
Where Jesus’ Spirit o’erflows:
Appeased by the charms of Thy grace
We all shall in amity join,
And kindly each other embrace,
And love with a passion like Thine.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] All In The Silent Night
All in the silent night,
Numberless angels bright
Came on their wings of light
Thronging the deep blue sky;
Beautiful songs they sang,
Wonderful echoes rang;
Glory to Christ our King,
Glory to God on high.Refrain
Glory, glory to God!
Glory, glory to God,
Glory, all glory to God on high!
Let every listening heart reply;
Glory, glory to God!
Glory, glory to God,
Far let the joyful tidings fly;
All glory to God on high!Join in the song so sweet,
Now with the shepherds meet,
Haste to the Savior’s feet,
Worship the Child divine;
Come with the men of old,
Nor let the heart withhold
Aught of its purest gold;
All to the King resign.Refrain
Broken the shades of night;
Hail to the Dayspring bright!
Spreading the blessèd light,
Tell of a Savior born,
Till all mankind shall see
Mercy, so great and free,
Till on this earth shall be
Dawn of eternal morn.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Angel Of Peace
Angel of peace, thou hast wandered too long;
Spread thy white wings to the sunshine of love!
Come while our voices are blended in song,
Fly to our ark like the storm-beaten dove—
Fly to our ark on the wings of the dove;
Speed o’er the far-sounding billows of song,
Crowned with the olive leaf garland of love;
Angel of peace, thou hast waited too long!Brothers we meet on this altar of thine,
Mingling the gifts we have gathered for thee;
Sweet with the odors of myrtle and pine,
Breeze of the prairie and breath of the sea—
Meadow and mountain and forest and sea;
Sweet is the fragrance of myrtle and pine,
Sweeter the incense we offer to thee,
Brothers once more round this altar of thine!Angels of Bethlehem, answer the strain!
Hark! a new birth-song is filling the sky!
Loud as the storm wind that tumbles the main,
Bid the full breath of the organ reply—
Loud let the tempest of voices reply;
Roll its long surge like the earth-shaking main!
Swell the vast song till it mounts to the sky!
Angels of Bethlehem, echo the strain!source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Angels’ Chorus, The
Angels chant the heav’nly song,
“Peace on earth, good-will”;
Hear the echo loud and long
On the midnight still;
“Glory, glory,” hear them say—
Christ the Lord is born today,
“Glory be to God in the highest, glory!
Peace on earth, good-will to men.”Refrain
Unto us is born a Savior,
Unto us is born a King;
“Peace on earth,” O chant the chorus,
Let the world with gladness sing.Unto us is born a King,
Christ the Prince of peace;
Other kingdoms wane and fall,
His shall never cease;
For He rules in righteousness,
Rules in love our lives to bless,
His shall be the pow’r that shall fill creation,
Praise Him, for He reigns for aye.Refrain
Lift a song of praise today,
At this holy time,
When to Bethl’em far away
Came the Guest divine;
When His star in matchless light
Gemm’d the sky that wondrous night,
“Glory in the highest,” oh, bow before Him,
Christ the Babe of Bethlehem.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Angel’s Song, The
Rolling downward, through the midnight,
Comes a glorious burst of heav’nly song;
’Tis a chorus full of sweetness—
And the singers are an angel throng.Refrain
“Glory! glory in the highest!
On the earth goodwill and peace to men!”
Down the ages send the echo;
Let the glad earth shout again!Wondering shepherds see the glory,
Hear the word the shining ones declare;
At the manger fall in worship,
While the music fills the quivering air.Refrain
Christ the Savior, God’s Anointed,
Comes to earth our fearful debt to pay—
Man of sorrows, and rejected,
Lamb of God, that takes our sin away.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Angels’ Sweet Refrain, The
As the shepherds watched at midnight
On the hills so far away,
Suddenly a light shone ’round them,
Turning midnight into day.
Then each heart was filled with wonder,
For they could not understand
Why the angel host that gathered
Brought to them such music grand.Refrain
Angels, sing your sweet refrain—
Glory in the highest, glory!
Tell the waiting earth your story
Of the Christ Who came to reign.
Sing—sing that sweet song again,
Earth and sky repeat the story—
Glory in the highest, glory!
On earth peace, good will to men.All the earth was clothed with beauty
When there came that angel throng,
Every heart was filled with gladness
As they listened to the song;
Never had they heard such music,
Or beheld such wondrous light,
Filling all the earth with glory,
As the angel brought that night.Refrain
Though we could not hear the angels
Singing forth their glad refrain;
We can celebrate His birthday
As it comes to us again.
We can, like the shepherds, worship,
Lay our lives at Jesus’ feet;
With our hearts we can adore Him
And the angels’ song repeat.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Beautiful Bethlehem Bells
Above all the roar of the cities,
And over the hills and the dells,
With a message of peace to the nations,
Ring the beautiful Bethlehem bells,
Bringing joy to the souls that are sighing
In hovels where poverty dwells—
There is life, there is life for the dying
In the beautiful Bethlehem bells.Refrain
Beautiful Bethlehem bells;
Beautiful bells, beautiful bells,
Beautiful Bethlehem bells.Far off in a land that is lovely,
For the tender, sweet story it tells,
In the light of a glorious morning,
Rang the beautiful Bethlehem bells;
And still in the hearts of creation
An anthem exultingly swells
At that memory sweet of the ringing
Of the beautiful Bethlehem bells.Refrain
They rang o’er the hills and the valleys,
They summoned the glad world that day,
From the regions of night to the manger,
Where the beautiful Child Jesus lay;
And forever and ever and ever
A wonderful melody dwells
In the tender, sweet ringing and singing
Of the beautiful Bethlehem bells.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Blessed Night, When First That Plain
Blessèd night, when first that plain
Echoed with the joyful strain,
“Peace has come to earth again.”
Alleluia!Blessèd hills, that heard the song,
Of the glorious angel throng
Swelling all your slopes along.
Alleluia!Happy shepherds, on whose ear
Fell the tidings glad and clear,
“God to man is drawing near.”
Alleluia!Thus revealed to shepherds’ eyes
Hidden from the great and wise,
Entering earth in lowly guise:
Alleluia!We adore Thee as our King,
And to Thee our song we sing,
Our best offering to Thee bring,
Alleluia!Blessèd Babe of Bethlehem,
Owner of earth’s diadem,
Claim and wear the radiant gem
Alleluia!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Christians, Listen, While We Sing
Christians, listen, while we sing,
(Dark, before the dawning)
As it was commanded them,
On this Christmas morning.In a manger of the stall,
(Dark, before the dawning)
There they found the Lord of all,
On this Christmas morning.There they found the mother mild,
(Dark, before the dawning)
Gazing on her newborn Child,
On this Christmas morning.Christian, art thou far from ill?
(Dark, before the dawning)
He will make thee happier still,
On this Christmas morning.Is an hour of sorrow near?
(Dark, before the dawning)
He will wipe away the tear
On this Christmas morning.Blessings rest on all within!
(Dark, before the dawning)
Newer life, and hopes begin
On this Christmas morning.Praise we then our Savior King;
(Dark, before the dawning)
As the angels once did sing
On this Christmas morning:“Glory be to God on high,”
(Dark, before the dawning)
“Peace on earth and charity”
On this Christmas morning.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Christmas Anthem
Hear what glorious song of angels
Is now ringing through the air;
Never valley, never mountain
Heard an anthem half so fair.Refrain
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Is the jubilant refrain;
God is sending us a Savior,
Peace on earth, good will to man.Messengers of God’s free mercy
Are now seen by human eye;
Shepherds hear the wondrous message:
“Glory be to God on high.”Refrain
Let us also sing the praises
Of our God so full of love,
Who on Christmas sent a Savior,
Sent a Savior from above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Ding Dong Merrily On High
Ding dong! Merrily on high, in Heav’n the bells are ringing,
Ding dong! Verily the sky is riv’n with angel singing.
Gloria, hosannah in the highest!E’en so here below, below, let steeple bells be swungen,
And io, io, io, by priest and people sungen.
Gloria, hosannah in the highest!Pray ye dutifully, prime your matin chime, ye ringers;
May ye beautifully rime your evetime song, ye singers.
Gloria, hosannah in the highest!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Evergreen, Holly And Laurel
Hail to the morn when Christ is born!
Hosanna in the highest!
Angels on high sing thro’ the sky!
Hosanna in the highest!
Shepherds adore the Lamb today:
Kings from the east are on their way;Refrain
Sing then all in house and hall:
Christ is born on Christmas morn,
Hosanna in the highest!Cedar and pine now cheerily twine:
Hosanna in the highest!
Crown every scene with evergreen:
Hosanna in the highest!
Now is the reign of darkness o’er:
Jesu is King for evermore!Refrain
Boughs of the holly this day adorn:
Hosanna in the highest!
Sharp are the leaves as crowns of thorn:
Hosanna in the highest!
See, in the berries all blood-red,
Blood that, for us, this Babe shall shed:Refrain
Laurel and bay bring forth today:
Hosanna in the highest!
Matchless His might in deadly fight:
Hosanna in the highest!
Hail to the Child Immanuel!
Conqueror is He of death and hell!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Far, Far Away On Judea’s Plains
Far, far away on Judea’s plains,
Shepherds of old heard the joyous strains:Refrain
Glory to God, glory to God,
Glory to God in the highest;
Peace on earth, good will to men;
Peace on earth, good will to men.Sweet are these strains of redeeming love,
Message of mercy from heaven above:Refrain
Lord, with the angels we too would rejoice;
Help us to sing with the heart and voice:Refrain
Hasten the time when, from every clime,
Men shall unite in the strains sublime:Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] First Christmas Song, The
Beautiful song of Christmas!
Sung in the long ago,
Bringing the joy of Heaven,
Down to the earth below.
Story of deepest meaning,
Burst forth in music sweet,
While from afar the wise men
Gathered at Jesus’ feet.Refrain
Blend your voice in the song so sweet,
Bring your gifts to the Savior’s feet.
Let each heart with His praises ring
Pay your homage to Jesus, our Prince and King!Beautiful song of Christmas,
Message of peace, good will,
Sung first by angel chorus,
Sweetly it echoes still.
Prophets of Christ had spoken,
Hope long deferred grew dim,
Till from the glowing heavens,
Angels now told of Him.Refrain
Beautiful song of Christmas—
Rings in each heart today,
Telling of Christ, the Savior,
Driving the gloom away.
Age, with her silver tresses,
Youth, with her smile and song,
Join in the theme of ages,
With the glad angel throng.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Glory Be To Him Who Loved Us
Glory be to Him Who loved us,
Washed us from each sinful stain;
Glory be to Him Who made us
Priests and kings with Him to reign;
Glory, worship, laud and blessing
To the Lamb Who once was slain.“Glory, worship, laud and blessing,”
Thus the choir triumphant sings;
“Honor, riches, pow’r, dominion,”
Thus its praise creation brings;
Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy,
Lord of Lords, and King of kings.Glory to the King of angels,
Glory to the Church’s King,
Glory to the King of nations,
Heav’n and earth His praises sing:
Glory ever and for ever
To the King of Glory bring.Glory be to Thee, O Father,
Glory be to Thee, O Son,
Glory be to Thee, O Spirit,
Glory be to God alone,
As it was, is now, and shall be
While the endless ages run.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Glory To God, Hallelujah
We are never, never weary of the grand old song;
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We can sing it loud as ever, with our faith more strong;
Glory to God, hallelujah!Refrain
O, the children of the Lord have a right to shout and sing,
For the way is growing bright, and our souls are on the wing;
We are going by and by to the palace of a King!
Glory to God, hallelujah!We are lost amid the rapture of redeeming love
Glory to God, hallelujah!
We are rising on its pinions to the hills above:
Glory to God, hallelujah!Refrain
We are going to a palace that is built of gold;
Glory to God, hallelujah!
Where the King in all His splendor we shall soon behold
Glory to God, hallelujah!Refrain
There we’ll shout redeeming mercy in a glad, new song;
Glory to God, hallelujah!
There we’ll sing the praise of Jesus with the blood washed throng;
Glory to God, hallelujah!Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Glory To God In The Highest
Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God! Glory to God!
Glory to God in the highest!
Shall be our song today;
Another year’s rich mercies prove
His ceaseless care and boundless love;
So let our loudest voices raise
Our glad and grateful song of praise.Refrain
Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!
Glory, glory, glory, glory,
Glory be to God on high!
Glory, glory, glory, glory,
Glory be to God on high!Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God! Glory to God!
Glory to God in the highest!
Shall be our song today;
O, may we, an unbroken band,
Around the throne of Jesus stand,
And there with angels and the throng
Of His redeemed ones, join the song.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Happy Christmas Comes Once More, The
The happy Christmas comes once more,
The heavenly Guest is at the door,
The blessèd words the shepherds thrill,
The joyous tidings, “Peace, good will.”This world, though wide and far outspread,
Could scarcely find for You a bed.
Your cradle was a manger stall,
No pearl nor silk nor kingly hall.O let us go with quiet mind,
The gentle Babe with shepherds find,
To gaze on Him Who gladdens them,
The loveliest flower of Jesse’s stem.The lowly Savior meekly lies,
Laid off the splendor of the skies;
No crown bedecks His forehead fair,
No pearl, nor gem, nor silk is there.O wake, our hearts, in gladness sing,
And keep our Christmas with our King,
Till living song, from loving souls,
Like sound of mighty water rolls.O holy Child, Thy manger gleams
Till earth and heaven glow with its beams,
Till midnight noon’s broad light hath won,
And Jacob’s star outshines the sun.Thou patriarchs’ joy, Thou prophets’ song,
Thou heavenly Dayspring, looked for long,
Thou Son of Man, incarnate Word,
Great David’s Son, great David’s Lord.Come, Jesus, glorious heavenly Guest,
Keep Thine own Christmas in our breast,
Then David’s harp strings, hushed so long,
Shall swell our jubilee of song.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Hark, The Sounds Melodious Stealing
Hark, the sounds melodious stealing
Thro’ the quiet midnight air;
Sweet, seraphic music pealing
Over all the landscape fair.
Angel hosts of brightest glory,
Hover o’er a lowly bed—
Bed of Him foretold in story,
Son of Man, creation’s Head.Refrain
Singing, Glory to God,
Glory to God,
Glory to God in the highest,
Singing, Glory to God,
Glory to God,
Glory to God in the highest,Wise men traveled till they found Him,
Found a King in Bethlehem!
King, with sheep and cattle ’round Him?
King, without a diadem?
Yes! the Prince of Peace eternal,
King of kings, of lords the Lord!
Hark! the swelling choirs supernal
As they join with one accord:Refrain
Let us lift our hearts and voices
Prince Immanuel’s praise to sing;
While the heav’nly host rejoices,
Let us, too, our tribute bring.
Heav’nward, now, His star is pointing,
Where He sits at God’s right hand,
Unto each His crown appointing,
Who before His throne shall stand.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] I Love To Hear Sweet Voices Sing
I love to hear sweet voices sing,
That Day of all the best,
When earliest in the morn they bring
The news of Christmas blest,
And far away old echoes ring,
As bidding me to rest!For then with waking thoughts intent
My soul looks up on high,
And mingles musing with relent
And fain ’twould see Christ nigh;
Hear for itself, ere time be spent,
Peace from the azure sky.But thou no longer in our race
By flesh the virgin-born
Is known to us, yet Jesus’ grace
Leaves not His forlorn;
Since now good Christians see His face
By faith, on Christmas morn!Then come, ye faithful, great and small,
Come hasten to the sight,
Where Jesus at our festival
Comes down, the shining Light,
To fill all hearts, who hear His call,
With glory beaming bright!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] In The Early Morning, Early
In the early morning, early,
Ere the dawn was even nigh,
Gloria in excelsis Deo,
Glory be to God on high.
When the crown-like stars were lustrous,
When the dew was on the sod,
Sang the angels to the shepherds,
Sang the choristers of God.To the humble Bethlehem shepherds,
On the first glad Christmas morn,
Sang the choir of God angelic,
“Christ, the Son of God, is born.”
When the dew was white and pearly
Flashed a light across the sky,
In the early morning, early,
“Glory be to God on high.”Glory in the heavens eternal,
Upon earth be glory, too,
For the day of grace hath broken,
And a King is born to you.
In the early morning, early,
“Glory be to God on high”
Rang the sound of angels harping
Through the still and list’ning sky.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Let Glory Be To God On High
Let glory be to God on high:
Peace be on earth as in the sky;
Good will to men! We bow the knee,
We praise, we bless, we worship Thee;
We give Thee thanks, Thy Name we sing,
Almighty Father! Heav’nly King!O Lord, the sole begotten Son,
Who bore the crimes which we had done;
Son of the Father, who wast slain
To take away the sins of men;
O Lamb of God, whose blood was spilt
For all the world, and all its guilt—Have mercy on us, through Thy blood;
Receive our prayer, O Lamb of God!
For Thou art holy; Thou alone,
At God’s right hand, upon His throne,
In all His glory, art adored,
With Thee, O Holy Ghost, One Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Let Heav’n And Earth Rejoice And Sing
Let Heav’n and earth rejoice and sing,
Salute this happy morn;
The Savior which is Christ our King,
He on this day was born;
The Savior which is Christ our King,
He on this day was born.Come let us join our hearts to God,
And thus exalt His fame;
To save us all this Babe was born,
And Jesus is His Name;
To save us all this Babe was born,
And Jesus is His Name.Wise men and kings rich gifts did bring
To Bethlehem straightway;
Conducted by a leading star,
Where Christ our Savior lay;
Conducted by a leading star,
Where Christ our Savior lay.O Lord, to Thee all glory be,
Whom Heav’n and earth adore,
For our Redeemer we will praise
This day and evermore;
For our Redeemer we will praise
This day and evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Little Children, Can You Tell
Little children, can you tell,
Do you know the story well,
Every girl and every boy,
Why the angels sing for joy,
On the Christmas morning.Yes, we know the story well;
Listen now, and hear us tell
Every girl and every boy,
Why the angels sing for joy,
On the Christmas morning.Shepherds sat upon the ground,
Fleecy flocks were scattered round,
When a brightness filled the sky,
And a song was heard on high
On the Christmas morning.“Joy and peace!” the angels sang;
Far the pleasant echoes rang;
“Peace on earth, to men good-will”;
Hark! the angels sing it still
On the Christmas morning.For a little Babe that day
Cradled in a manger lay,
Born on earth our Lord to be;
This the wondering angels see
On the Christmas morning.Joy our little hearts shall fill,
Peace and love, and all good-will;
This fair Babe of Bethlehem
Children loves, and blesses them
On the Christmas morning.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Now Lift The Carol
Now lift the carol, men and maids,
Now wake exultant singing;
This day the Well of Life first sprang,
Who shall declare His springing?
It is the birthday of our Peace;
This day for man the weary,
The everlasting Son of God
Was born of blessèd Mary.Refrain
Noel! Noel!
Proclaim the Savior’s birth;
He raises us to Heaven,
O hail His coming down to earth.He was not born in such sweet days,
As we of yore remember;
’Twas not the sunny summer time,
Oh! ’twas the cold December:
As shines the sun above the snows
When nature’s life is lying
Fast bound in winter’s icy chain,
So came He to the dying.Refrain
He did not bring a royal train,
A host no man might number,
Nor lay begirt by damask folds,
Nor lulled by harp to slumber.
Oh, He was wrapped in swathing bands
Whose might o’erspans the Heaven,
And that mean trough where oxen fed,
For His first rest was given.Refrain
There were poor shepherds in the field,
Their flocks at midnight tending;
Then Heav’n came down and brought for news,
A rapture never ending;
So they went swift to Bethlehem,
And saw—and told the story
Of Christ the Lord, a little Child,
And angels singing, “Glory.”Refrain
Not in the manger lies He now;
Far o’er the sapphire portal
At God’s right hand of power He sits
Who was this day made mortal:
All in the highest, holiest place,
Where there may dwell none other,
There our own Manhood sits enthroned,
There is our elder Brother.Refrain
The birthday of our God and King—
Lo! we are called to greet Him;
The everlasting Bridegroom comes,
Oh, go ye out to meet Him.
This is the end of all below,
The crown of love’s best story;
Christ stands and knocks—oh, happy souls,
Receive the King of glory.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] On A Christmas Morning
What is the song the angels sing?
Sweetly sing, gladly sing;
What is the song the angels sing,
On a Christmas morning?
O, “Peace on earth,” the angels sing,
Sweetly sing, gladly sing,
O, “Peace on earth,” the angels sing,
On a Christmas morning.Refrain
O blessèd morn! O wondrous King!
A Savior born, the Lord’s anointed,
Enters on the work appointed,
Leaves the heav’nly world awhile,
God and man to reconcile.
(repeat)What is the blessing angels bring?
Gladly bring, truly bring;
What is the blessing angels bring,
On a Christmas morning?
“Good will to men,” the angels bring,
Gladly bring, truly bring;
“Good will to men,” the angels bring,
On a Christmas morning.Refrain
O, tell me why should children sing?
Sweetly sing, gladly sing;
O, tell me why should children sing,
On a Christmas morning?
In Bethlehem was born a King,
Children’s King, angels’ King;
In Bethlehem was born a King,
On a Christmas morning.Refrain
Then let us all together sing,
Sweetly sing, gladly sing;
Then let us all together sing,
On this Christmas morning.
Glory to Him Whom love did bring,
Sweetly bring, gladly bring;
Glory to Him Whom love did bring,
On this Christmas morning.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] On The Birthday Of The Lord (washburn)
On the birthday of the Lord,
Angel choirs, with one accord,
Joyous chant before the throne:
Glory be to God alone!Refrain
Lo! A virgin bore the Son,
Christ she bore, the Holy One,
Virgin ever undefiled.Born is our Emmanuel,
Gabriel did the wonder tell;
Prophet eyes afar adored
Him, the sole-begotten Word.Refrain
Seraphs bring the gladsome tale,
Shepherds sing o’er hill and vale
Of the blessèd Savior’s birth,
Sweetest news for all the earth.Refrain
Hail the day, the happy morn;
Hail the Child of Mary born;
Born of God’s o’ershadowing might,
God of God, and Light of Light.Refrain
See! the wise their gifts unfold,
Incense, myrrh and royal gold;
Kneeling to th’eternal King,
Glory to our God they sing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Sing, Sing For Christmas!
Sing, sing for Christmas!
Welcome, happy day!
For Christ is born our Savior,
To take our sins away.
Sing, sing a joyful song,
Loud and clear today;
To praise our Lord and Savior,
Who in a manger lay.Refrain
Sing, sing for Christmas,
Welcome, happy day!
For Christ is born our Savior,
To take our sins away.Tell, tell the story
Of the wondrous night,
When shepherds who were watching
Their flocks till morning light,
Saw angel hosts from Heav’n,
Heard the angel voice,
And so were told the tidings
Which make the world rejoice.Refrain
Soft, softly shining,
Stars were in the sky,
And silver fell the moonlight
On hill and mountain high,
When suddenly the night
Shone as bright midday,
With angel hosts who herald
The reign of peace for aye.Refrain
Hark, hear them singing,
Singing in the sky,
Be worship, honor, glory,
And praise to God on high!
Peace, peace, goodwill to men
Born the Child from Heav’n!
The Christ, the Lord, the Savior
The Son to you is giv’n!Refrain
Sing, sing for Christmas!
Echo, earth, the cry,
Of worship, honor, glory,
And praise to God on high!
Sing, sing the joyful song,
Let it never cease,
Of glory in the highest,
On earth, good will and peace.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Stars All Bright Are Beaming
Stars all bright are beaming
From the skies above,
Nature’s face all gleaming,
Shines with Heaven’s own love.Refrain
Wake and sing, good Christians,
On this birthday morn,
Heav’n and earth are telling
God for man is born.Here for us abiding,
Cradled in a stall,
All His glory hiding,
See the Lord of all.Refrain
Born that He might lead us
From this desert home,
Guide our way, and feed us,
Till the end shall come!Refrain
Thousand thousand blessings
Sing we for His love,
Choral hymns addressing
To our Lord above.Refrain
Glory in the highest,
For this wondrous birth;
Choir of Heaven! thou criest
Peace to all on earth!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Waking Out Of Silence
Waking out of silence rang a heav’nly song,
Darkness giving place to light divine;
Thro’ the gates of Heaven came an angel throng,
Hasting down to join in chant sublime;
Wonderful the music over Bethle’em’s hill!
Wonderful the light that shone around!
“Glory in the highest,” and on earth goodwill!
Earth, attend the glad, angelic sound!Refrain
Silent no more
Is the scene of that song;
Still to faith it ringeth clear,
To love it still is dear,
No darkness may reign
O’er that hillside and plain;
That light divine,
To faith doth shine,
So bright, so strong!Waking out of silence came an angel voice,
“Fear not,” thus doth Heaven comfort send,
Fear may well give place to joy, O earth, rejoice!
Angel tongues announce your mighty Friend.
Shepherds heard the message, we are telling now;
Sages followed far the King to see.
Come, oh come, and in His royal presence bow!
Hail the day He came our King to be.Refrain
Waking out of silence comes a voice divine,
Clouds and darkness lift, and are no more;
Heav’nly light and blessing o’er our pathway shine,
Jesus speaks to help us o’er and o’er.
He, who came attended by the angel choir,
He, who lowly lay in yonder stall!
Reigneth now the King of kings, our hearts’ Desire,
Fairest of ten thousand! Lord of all!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] What Means This Glory Round Our Feet
“What means this glory round our feet,”
The Magi mused, “more bright than morn!”
And voices chanted clear and sweet,
“Today the Prince of Peace is born!”
“What means this star,” the shepherds said,
“That brightens through the rocky glen?”
And angels answering overhead,
Sang “Peace on earth, good will to men!”’Tis now two thousand years, and more,
[originally ’Tis eighteen hundred years, and more]
Since those sweet oracles were dumb;
We wait for Him, like them of yore;
Alas! He seems so slow to come!
But it was said, in words of gold,
No time nor sorrow e’er shall dim,
That little children might be bold,
In perfect trust to come to Him.All round about our feet shall shine
A light like that the wise men saw,
If we our loving wills incline
To that sweet Life which is the Law.
So shall we learn to understand
The simple faith of shepherds then,
And kindly clasping hand in hand,
Sing “Peace on earth, good will to men!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:14] Worcester Christmas Carol, The
How grand and how bright
That wonderful night,
When angels to Bethlehem came!
They burst forth like fires,
They struck their gold lyres,
And mingled their song with the flame.The shepherds were mazed,
The pretty lambs gazed
At darkness thus turned into light:
No voice was there heard
From man, beast or bird,
So sudden and solemn the sight.And then, when the sound reechoed around,
The hills and the dales all awoke:
The moon and the stars
Stopped their fiery cars,
And listened while Gabriel spoke:“I bring you,” said he,
“From the glorious Three,
Good tidings to gladden mankind;
The Savior is born,
But He lies forlorn
In a manger, as soon you will find.”At mention of this,
(The source of all bliss,)
The angels sang loudly and long;
The soared to the sky,
Beyond mortal eye,
But left us the words of their song:“All glory to God,”
Who laid by His rod,
To smile on the world through His Son:
“And peace be on earth,”
For this wonderful birth
Wonderful conquests has won;“And good will to man,”
Though his life’s a span,
And his thoughts so evil and wrong;
Then pray, Christians, pray;
But let Christmas day
Have your sweetest and holiest song.“I bring you,” said he,
“From the glorious Three,
Good tidings to gladden mankind;
The Savior is born,
But He lies all forlorn
In a manger, as soon you will find.”…
“All glory to God,”
Who laid by His rod,
To smile on the world through His Son:
“And peace be on earth,”
For this wonderful birth
Most wonderful conquests has won;“And good will to man,”
Though his life’s but a span,
And his thoughts so evil and wrong;
Then pray, Christians, pray;
But let Christmas day
Have your sweetest and holiest song.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 13:29
[Luk 13:29] Little Travelers Zionward
Little travelers Zionward
Each one entering into rest,
In the kingdom of your Lord,
In the mansions of the blest:
There, to welcome, Jesus waits,
Gives the crown His followers win;
Lift your heads, ye golden gates,
Let the little travelers in!Who are they whose little feet,
Pacing life’s dark journey through,
Now have reached the heavenly seat
They had ever kept in view?
“I from Greenland’s frozen land,”
“I from India’s sultry plain,”
“I from Africa’s barren sand,”
“I from islands of the main.”“All our earthly journey past,
Every tear and pain gone by,
Here together met at last,
At the portal of the sky.”
Each the welcome “Come!” awaits,
Conquerors over death and sin;
Lift your heads, ye golden gates,
Let the little travellers in.Play source: Cyberhymnal