John 6:37
[Joh 6:37] Beauteous Are The Flowers Of Earth
Beauteous are the flowers of earth,
Flowers we bring with holy mirth,
Bright and sweet and gay;
Will our Father deign to own
Gifts we lay before His throne,
On this happy day?Yes, He will; for all things bright
Are most precious in His sight,
And He loves to see
Children come with flowers for Him
Whom the flaming seraphim
Worship ceaselessly.Yes, He will; for children’s love
Makes this world like Heaven above,
Where no evil reigns,
And where all unite to bring
Purest offerings, and sing
Love’s unending strains.Yes, He will; for hearts that turn
To the sick and poor, and learn
How to make them glad,
Shine like beacons on the strand
Of the far-off, happy land,
To the lost and sad.So our lowly gifts to Thee,
Lord of earth and sky and sea,
Thou wilt kindly take;
Every little flower we bring,
Every simple hymn we sing,
And not one forsake.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:37] Come Home, My Child
Come home, come home, my child, O where art thou?
Break, break the chain that holds the captive now;
A mother’s heart is yearning still for thee,
And pleads in tears, “Come home, my child, to me.”Refrain
Come home, come home,
O wand’ring child, come home;
From those who love thee well,
Why longer roam?O blessèd time, when thou wast young and fair;
When days were bright, nor filled with anxious care:
Bright were my hopes of future years for thee,
But still I hope thou wilt come back to me.Refrain
Canst thou, my child, forget a mother’s prayer,
Her tender love, her long unwearied care?
Come back, my child, whate’er thy faults may be;
I love thee still, and ever pray for thee.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:37] Come Unto Me (hewitt)
Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor,
All that are weary, sad and oppressed;
Still He is calling, oh, friend and neighbor,
“Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.”Refrain
Down thro’ the ages, sweetly ’tis ringing,
This word of Jesus, come and be blest ;
Sweeter than carols, angels are singing,
“Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.”Bring Him the burden, heavily pressing,
Tell Him the sorrows hid in your breast;
Sin and transgression, freely confessing,
Come unto Him, and He will give you rest.Refrain
Lose not a moment, haste to your Savior,
Ere the bright day-beams fade in the west;
Asking His mercy, seeking His favor,
Come unto Him, and He will give you rest.Refrain
Come unto Jesus, Savior and Brother,
Surely you need Him, purest and best;
Truer than father, fonder than mother,
Come unto Him, and He will give you rest.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:37] Ever Would I Fain Be Reading
Ever would I fain be reading
In the ancient holy Book,
Of my Savior’s gentle pleading,
Truth in every word and look.How when children came He blessed them,
Suffered no man to reprove,
Took them in His arms, and pressed them
To His heart with words of love.How to all the sick and tearful
Help was ever gladly shown;
How He sought the poor and fearful,
Called them brothers and His own.How no contrite soul e’er sought Him,
And was bidden to depart,
How with gentle words He taught him,
Took the death from out his heart.Still I read the ancient story,
And my joy is ever new,
How for us He left His glory,
How He still is kind and true.How the flock He gently leadeth
Whom His Father gave Him here;
How His arms He widely spreadeth
To His heart to draw us near.Let me kneel, my Lord, before Thee,
Let my heart in tears o’erflow,
Melted by Thy love adore Thee,
Blest in Thee ’mid joy or woe!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:37] I Come To Thee, O Blessèd Lord
I come to Thee, O blessèd Lord,
Invited by Thy gracious Word
To this Thy feast, to sup with Thee;
Grant that a worthy guest I be.I come to Thee with sin and grief,
For Thou alone canst give relief.
Thy death for me, dear Lord, I plead:
O Jesus, help me in my need!Shouldst Thou a strict account demand,
Who could, O Lord, before Thee stand?
Purge all my secret sins away:
Be Thou, O Christ, the sinner’s Stay!O Jesus, Lamb of God, alone
Thou didst for all our sins atone;
Though I have sinned and gone astray,
Turn not, O Lord, Thy guest away.O Jesus, Lamb of God, alone
Thou didst for all our sins atone;
Be merciful, I Thee implore,
Be merciful forevermore.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:37] Jesus Will Let You In
Come to the Father’s house,
Come ere the day be gone;
Tempests are gath’ring fast,
Darkness is coming on.Refrain
Fly, for the tempest is coming,
Sweeping the fields of sin;
Knock at the portals of mercy,
Jesus will let you in.Look at the weary way,
Look where thy feet have trod,
Finding no rest nor peace,
Wand’ring away from God.Refrain
Haste from the fields of sin,
Fly for thy life today;
Come to our Father’s house;
Enter the narrow way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:37] Listen To The Blessed Invitation
Listen to the blessèd invitation,
Sweeter than the notes of angel song,
Chiming softly with a heav’nly cadence,
Calling to the passing throng.Refrain
Him that cometh unto Me.
Him that cometh unto Me,
Him that cometh unto Me,
I will not ever cast out.Weary toiler, sad and heavy laden,
Joyfully the great salvation see;
Close beside thee stands the Burden Bearer,
Strong to bear thy load and thee.Refrain
Come, ye thirsty, to the living waters,
Hungry, come and on His bounty feed;
Not thy fitness is the plea to bring Him,
But thy pressing utmost need.Refrain
“Him that cometh,” blind or maimed or sinful,
Coming for His healing touch divine,
For the cleansing of the blood so precious,
Prove anew this gracious line.Refrain
Coming humbly, daily to this Savior,
Breathing all the heart to Him in prayer;
Coming some day to the heav’nly mansions,
He will give thee welcome there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:37] O Precious Word
O precious word that Jesus said!
The soul that comes to Me,
I will in no wise cast him out,
Whoever he may be.
Whoever he may be,
Whoever he may be,
I will in no wise cast him out,
Whoever he may be.O precious word that Jesus said!
Behold, I am the Door;
And all who enter in by Me
Have life forevermore.
Have life forevermore,
Have life forevermore,
And all who enter in by Me
Have life forevermore.O precious word that Jesus said!
Come, weary souls oppressed,
Come take My yoke and learn of Me,
And I will give you rest.
And I will give you rest,
And I will give you rest,
Come take my yoke and learn of Me,
And I will give you rest.O precious word that Jesus said!
The world I overcame;
And they who follow where I lead
Shall conquer in My Name.
Shall conquer in My Name,
Shall conquer in My Name,
And they who follow where I lead
Shall conquer in My Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:37] Terrible Thought, Shall I Alone
Terrible thought! shall I alone—
Who may be saved—Shall I
Of all, alas! whom I have known,
Through sin for ever die?While all my old companions dear,
With whom I once did live,
Joyful at God’s right hand appear,
A blessing to receive.Shall I, amidst a ghastly band,
Dragged to the judgment seat,
Far on the left with horror stand,
My fearful doom to meet?Ah, no! I still may turn and live,
For still His wrath delays;
He now vouchsafes a kind reprieve,
And offers me His grace.I will accept His offers now,
From every sin depart,
Perform my oft-repeated vow
And render Him my heart.I will improve what I receive,
The grace through Jesus giv’n;
Sure, if with God on earth I live,
To live with Him in Heav’n.source: Cyberhymnal
John 6:40
[Joh 6:40] Jesus, Lord, We Look To Thee
Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee;
Let us in Thy Name agree;
Show Thyself the Prince of Peace,
Bid our strife forever cease.By Thy reconciling love
Every stumbling block remove;
Each to each unite, endear;
Come, and spread Thy banner here.Make us of one heart and mind,
Gentle, courteous, and kind,
Lowly, meek, in thought and word,
Altogether like our Lord.Let us for each other care,
Each the other’s burdens bear;
To Thy church the pattern give,
Show how true believers live.Free from anger and from pride;
Let us thus in God abide;
All the depths of love express,
All the heights of holiness.Let us then with joy remove
To the family above;
On the wings of angels fly,
Show how true believers die.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:40] Never Grow Old
I have heard of a land on the far away strand,
’Tis a beautiful home of the soul;
Built by Jesus on high, where we never shall die,
’Tis a land where we never grow old.Refrain
Never grow old, never grow old,
In a land where we’ll never grow old;
Never grow old, never grow old,
In a land where we’ll never grow old.In that beautiful home where we’ll never more roam,
We shall be in the sweet by and by;
Happy praise to the King through eternity sing,
’Tis a land where we never shall die.Refrain
When our work here is done and the life crown is won,
And our troubles and trials are o’er;
All our sorrow will end, and our voices will blend,
With the loved ones who’ve gone on before.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 6:68-69
[Joh 6:68] Every Bridge Is Burned Behind Me
Since I started out to find Thee,
Since I to the cross did flee,
Every bridge is burned behind me;
I will never turn from Thee.Refrain
Strengthen all the ties that bind me
Closer, closer, Lord to Thee,
Every bridge is burned behind me;
Thine I evermore will be.Thou didst hear my plea so kindly;
Thou didst grant me so much grace,
Every bridge is burned behind me;
I will ne’er my steps retrace.Refrain
Cares of life perplex and grind me,
Yet I keep the narrow way.
Every bridge is burned behind me;
I from Thee will never stray.Refrain
All in All I ever find Thee,
Savior, Lover, Brother, Friend,
Every bridge is burned behind me;
I will serve Thee to the end.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:68] I Need Thee, Precious Jesus
I need Thee, precious Jesus,
For I am full of sin;
My soul is dark and guilty,
My heart is dead within.
I need the cleansing fountain
Where I can always flee,
The blood of Christ most precious,
The sinner’s perfect plea.I need Thee, precious Jesus,
For I am very poor;
A stranger and a pilgrim,
I have no earthly store.
I need the love of Jesus
To cheer me on my way,
To guide my doubting footsteps,
To be my strength and stay.I need Thee, precious Jesus,
I need a friend like Thee,
A friend to soothe and pity,
A friend to care for me.
I need the heart of Jesus
To feel each anxious care,
To tell my every trouble,
And all my sorrows share.I need Thee, precious Jesus,
I need Thee, day by day,
To fill me with Thy fullness,
To lead me on my way;
I need Thy Holy Spirit,
To teach me what I am,
To show me more of Jesus,
To point me to the Lamb.I need Thee, precious Jesus,
And hope to see Thee soon,
Encircled with the rainbow
And seated on Thy throne.
There, with Thy blood bought children,
My joy shall ever be,
To sing Thy praises, Jesu,
To gaze, O Lord, on Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 6:68] When Wounded Sore The Stricken Heart
When wounded sore, the stricken heart
Lies bleeding and unbound,
One only hand, a piercèd hand,
Can salve the sinner’s wound.When sorrow swells the laden breast,
And tears of anguish flow,
One only heart, a broken heart,
Can feel the sinner’s woe.When penitential grief has wept
Over some foul dark spot,
One only stream, a stream of blood,
Can wash away the blot.’Tis Jesus’ blood that washes white,
His hand that brings relief,
His heart that’s touched with all our joys,
And feels for all our grief.Lift up Thy bleeding hand, O Lord,
Unseal that cleansing tide;
We have no shelter from our sin
But in Thy wounded side.Play source: Cyberhymnal