John 2:12
- The Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-12)
Marriage-feast at Cana, The
Marriage feast at Cana
Wedding at Cana, The
Wedding at Cana, The
John 4:6
- The Woman from Samaria (John 4:4-26)
Christ asks the woman of Samaria for a drink from her jug
Christ and the Samarian woman
Jesus talks with the Samaritan woman
Woman from Samaria, The
(89 pictures)
Related Topics:
Christ, the Disciples, and the Samaritans ;
The Water of Life
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
John 4:51
- The Official at Capernaum (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10; John 4:46-54)
Healing the centurion's servant
Centurion's faith, The
Centurion's faith, The
Faith of the centurion, The
John 6:38
- In Capernaum, the Bread of Life (John 6:25-65)
Bread of life promised, The
Christ giving the communion to the apostles
You are looking for me ... because you ate the loaves and had your fill
Peter confesses the Christ
John 6:41
- In Capernaum, the Bread of Life (John 6:25-65)
Bread of life promised, The
Christ giving the communion to the apostles
You are looking for me ... because you ate the loaves and had your fill
Peter confesses the Christ
John 6:50
- In Capernaum, the Bread of Life (John 6:25-65)
Bread of life promised, The
Christ giving the communion to the apostles
You are looking for me ... because you ate the loaves and had your fill
Peter confesses the Christ
John 8:2
- The Adulterous Woman (John 8:2-11)
Christ and the adulteress
Pharisees bring a woman accused of adultery before Christ
Christ and the adulteress - "Let the one without sin throw the first stone"
Neither do I condemn thee
(65 pictures)
Related Chapter:
John 10:17
- About the Shepherd and His Flock (John 10:1-21)
Good shepherd, the sheepgate, gatekeeper, sheep, The
Good shepherd, The
Good shepherd, The
Good shepherd, The
(6 pictures)
Related Topics:
The Good Shepherd
Related Chapter:
John 13:37-38
- The Concluding Speech (Luke 22:24-38; John 13:31-16:33)
In Luke's account Peter's assurances that he will not deny Jesus is integrated in the concluding speech. In Matthew and Mark this scene takes place when they are going to the Mount of Olives (Matthew 26:33; Mark 14:29). Artworks that are connected to other subjects under "Saying Farewell", do not sort under the current heading.
Christ teaching, Judas goes out to betray Christ
Christ taking leave of his apostles
Concluding speech to the disciples, The
Events after holy communion (at the last supper), The
(9 pictures)
Related Topics:
Grief That Will Turn to Joy ;
The Hate of the World ;
The Promise of the Holy Spirit ;
The True Vine ;
The Vine and the Branches ;
The Way to the Father
Related Chapter:
LUKE 22 ;
JOHN 13 ;
John 19:13
- Barabbas, Persuasion, and Sentence (Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:38-40; 19:4-8; 19:12-16)
When it is hard to decide whether an artwork depicts the Jews' accusations at Pilate's initial interrogation or the scene accompanying and following the Barabbas episode, where the Jews persuade the governor to convict Jesus, the artwork is connected to the subject of the interrogation and accusations
Christ before Pilate
Ecce homo
Pilate washing his hands
Christ crowned with thorns: "The King of the Jews" *
(179 pictures)
Related Topics:
Ecce Homo ;
Interrogation and Accusations ;
Pilate Washing His Hands
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
MARK 15 ;
LUKE 23 ;
JOHN 18 ;