John 15:18--16:33
[Joh 15:19] Chosen Seed And Zion’s Children
Chosen seed and Zion’s children,
Ransomed from eternal wrath,
Traveling to the heav’nly Canaan
On a rough and thorny path;
Church of God, in Christ elected,
Thou to God art reconciled,
But on earth thou art a stranger,
Persecuted and reviled.Still rejoice amid thy trials,
Nor regard thy lot amiss;
For the kind and loving Savior
Is the source of all thy bliss;
May He ever be thy portion,
He Who gave thee life and breath:
In His keeping fear no evil
Now or in the hour of death.Pleasantly thy lines have fallen
Underneath the tree of life:
For the Lord is thy salvation,
And thy shield in all thy strife:
Here the timid bird finds shelter,
Here the swallow finds a nest;
Trembling fugitive a refuge,
And the weary pilgrim rest.Faith and love are the conditions;
All on faith and love depends;
Love of law is the fulfillment,
Faith God’s mercy apprehends;
Who hath faith shall see salvation,
Who hath love shall life obtain.
May, O Lord, Thy love possess us,
And Thy Spirit in us reign.And upon this blest foundation,
Lord, our Lord and Savior King,
May Thy Spirit e’er unite us,
To it may we ever cling.
May we members of one body,
Grow into a perfect whole;
Grant, O Lord, that in Thy people,
There may be one heart and soul.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 15:26] Holy Spirit, God Of Love
Holy Spirit, God of love,
Who our night dost brighten,
Poured on us from Heav’n above,
Now our faith enlighten.
In Thy light we gather here;
Show us that Christ’s promise clear
Its Amen forever.
Jesus, our ascended Lord,
Oh, fulfill Thy gracious Word:
Bless us with Thy favor!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 15:26] Thou Great Mysterious God Unknown
Thou great mysterious God unknown,
Whose love hath gently led me on,
E’en from my infant days,
Mine inmost soul expose to view,
And tell me if I ever knew
Thy justifying grace,
Thy justifying grace.If I have only known Thy fear,
And followed, with a heart sincere,
Thy drawings from above,
Now, let the further grace bestow,
And let my sprinkled conscience know
Thy sweet forgiving love,
Thy sweet forgiving love.Father, in me reveal Thy Son,
And to my inmost soul make known
How merciful Thou art;
The secret of Thy love reveal,
And by Thy hallowing Spirit dwell
Forever in my heart,
Forever in my heart!If now the Witness were in me,
Would He not testify of Thee,
In Jesus reconciled?
And should I not with faith draw nigh,
And boldly, “Abba, Father,” cry,
And know myself Thy child,
And know myself Thy child?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 16:7] Our Blest Redeemer, Ere He Breathed
Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed
His tender last farewell,
A Guide, a Comforter, bequeathed
With us to dwell.He came in semblance of a dove,
With sheltering wings outspread,
The holy balm of peace and love
On earth to shed.He came in tongues of living flame
To teach, convince, subdue,
All powerful as the wind He came
As viewless too.He came sweet influence to impart,
A gracious, willing Guest,
While He can find one humble heart
Wherein to rest.And His that gentle voice we hear,
Soft as the breath of even,
That checks each fault, that calms each fear,
And speaks of Heav’n.And every virtue we possess,
And every conquest won,
And every thought of holiness,
Are His alone.Spirit of purity and grace,
Our weakness, pitying, see:
O make our hearts Thy dwelling place
And worthier Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 16:13] We Now Implore God The Holy Ghost
We now implore God the Holy Ghost
For the true faith, which we need the most,
That in our last moments He may befriend us
And, as homeward we journey, attend us.
Lord, have mercy!Shine in our hearts, O most precious Light,
That we Jesus Christ may know aright,
Clinging to our Savior, whose blood hath bought us,
Who again to our homeland hath brought us.
Lord, have mercy!Thou sacred Love, grace on us bestow,
Set our hearts with heav’nly fire aglow
That with hearts united we love each other,
Of one mind, in peace with every brother.
Lord, have mercy!Thou highest Comfort in every need,
Grant that neither shame nor death we heed,
That e’en then our courage may never fail us
When the foe shall accuse and assail us.
Lord, have mercy!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 16:17] Little While, A
Oh, for the peace that floweth as a river,
Making life’s desert places bloom and smile;
Oh, for the faith to grasp “Heav’n’s bright forever,”
Amid the shadows of earth’s “little while.”“A little while” for patient vigil keeping,
To face the storm and wrestle with the strong;
“A little while” to sow the seed with weeping,
Then bind the sheaves and sing the harvest song.“A little while” the earthen pitcher taking,
To wayside brooks, from far off fountains fed;
Then the parched lip its thirst forever slaking
Beside the fullness of the Fountainhead.“A little while” to keep the oil from failing,
“A little while” faith’s flick’ring lamp to trim;
And then the Bridegroom’s coming footsteps hailing,
We’ll haste to meet Him with the bridal hymn.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 16:18] To Thee, O Comforter Divine
To Thee, O Comforter divine,
For all Thy grace and power benign,
Sing we Alleluia!To Thee, whose faithful love had place
In God’s great covenant of grace,
Sing we Alleluia!To Thee, whose faithful voice doth win
The wandering from the ways of sin,
Sing we Alleluia!To Thee, whose faithful power doth heal,
Enlighten, sanctify, and seal,
Sing we Alleluia!To Thee, whose faithful truth is shown,
By every promise made our own,
Sing we Alleluia!To Thee, our Teacher and our Friend,
Our faithful Leader to the end,
Sing we Alleluia!To Thee, by Jesus Christ sent down,
Of all His gifts the sum and crown,
Sing we Alleluia!To Thee, who art with God the Son
And God the Father ever One,
Sing we Alleluia!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 16:30] Thou Knowest, Lord
Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow
Of the sad heart that comes to Thee for rest;
Cares of today, and burdens for tomorrow,
Blessings implored, and sins to be confessed;
I come before Thee at Thy gracious word,
And lay them at Thy feet: Thou knowest, Lord.Thou knowest all the present: each temptation,
Each toilsome duty, each foreboding fear;
All to myself assigned of tribulation,
Or to belovèd ones than self more dear;
All pensive memories, as I journey on,
Longings for vanished smiles and voices gone.Thou knowest all the future: gleams of gladness
By stormy clouds too quickly overcast;
Hours of sweet fellowship, and parting sadness,
And the dark river to be crossed at last;
O what could confidence and hope afford
To tread that path, but this, Thou knowest, Lord!Thou knowest, not alone as God, all knowing;
As man, our mortal weakness Thou has proved:
On earth, with purest sympathies o’erflowing,
O Savior, Thou hast wept, and Thou hast loved;
And love and sorrow still to Thee may come,
And find a hiding place, a rest, a home.Therefore I come, Thy gentle call obeying,
And lay my sins and sorrows at Thy feet;
On everlasting Strength my weakness staying,
Clothed in Thy robe of righteousness complete:
Then rising and refreshed I leave Thy throne,
And follow on to know as I am known.source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 16:33] Sail On!
Upon a wide and stormy sea,
Thou’rt sailing to eternity,
And thy great Admiral orders thee:
“Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!”Refrain
Sail on! Sail on!
The storms will soon be past,
The darkness will not always last;
Sail on! Sail on!
God lives and He commands:
“Sail on! Sail on!”Art far from shore, and weary worn,
The sky o’ercast, thy canvas torn?
Hark ye! a voice to thee is borne:
“Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!”Refrain
Do comrades tremble and refuse
To further dare the taunting hues?
No other course is thine to choose,
“Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!”Refrain
Do snarling waves thy craft assail?
Art pow’rless, drifting with the gale?
Take heart! God’s Word shall never fail.
“Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal