Judges 6:39
- Gideon Asks for a Sign (Judges 6:33-40)
Scene from the life of Gideon, A
Gideon's fleece
Gideon receives a sign from the angel: The dew is on the fleece only
Scenes from the life of Gideon, and Moses and the burning bush
Judges 13:7
- The Birth of Samson (Judges 13)
Menoah's sacrifice *
Menoah's sacrifice *
Sacrfifce of Manoah
Sacrifice of Manoah
Judges 13:16
- The Birth of Samson (Judges 13)
Menoah's sacrifice *
Menoah's sacrifice *
Sacrfifce of Manoah
Sacrifice of Manoah
Judges 14:15
- A Lion and a Marriage (Judges 14)
Samson kills a lion
Samson and the lion
Samson and the lion
Samson kills the lion
(53 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Judges 17:3
- Micah's Idols (Judges 17)
Idolatry of the Ephraimite Micah, The
Idolatry of the Ephraimite Micah, The: Micah and his mother adoring the idol
Micah and the Levite adoring before the idol at Micah's sanctuary
Micah and the Levite