Isaiah 5:6
- The Song of the Vineyard (Isaiah 5:1-7)
Vinea electa
Vineyard of desolation, The
... but every grape was sour
... cleared it of stones ...
(10 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Isaiah 38:14
- Hezekiah's Illness (2 Kings 20:1-11; 2 Chronicles 32:24; Isaiah 38)
Hezekiah's canticle
Isaiah prophesies that Hezekiah will be restored
Isaiah at the sickbed of Hezekiah
Sickbed of Hezekiah, The: The prophet Isaiah prescribes figs.
Isaiah 45:8
- Going Home (2 Chronicles 36:22f.; Ezra 1-2; Isaiah 40-48)
Cyrus proclaims the end of the Babylonian captivity and orders a temple to be built in Jerusalem
Cyrus releases the Jews
Cyrus restoring the vessels of the temple
Giving all things back
Isaiah 58:14
- True Fasting and Sabbath (Isaiah 58)
Light shall break forth
Man guided by God
Kind of fasting I want is this, The: ... and do not refuse to help your own relatives
(8 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Isaiah 61:11
- The Glory of Zion (Isaiah 60-62)
Salvation for Jerusalem
As the doves to their windows
(SMIT, J.)