Isaiah 14:21
- The Fall of the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:3-22)
Traditionally also interpreted as a text concerning the fall of Satan
Fall of the rebellious angels
Adam and Eve expelled from Eden *
Fall of the rebel angels, The *
King of Babylon in hell, The *
(22 pictures)
Related Topics:
Names Written in Heaven ;
The Angel Marriages, the Rebel Angels ;
The Vision of the Fall of Babylon ;
The Woman and the Dragon
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Isaiah 19:25
- The Judgment against Egypt (Isaiah 19)
Egypt receives the light
Their hooks and their nets will be useless
Isaiah 47:6
- Going Home (2 Chronicles 36:22f.; Ezra 1-2; Isaiah 40-48)
- Babylon Mocked (Isaiah 47)
Cyrus proclaims the end of the Babylonian captivity and orders a temple to be built in Jerusalem
Cyrus releases the Jews
Cyrus restoring the vessels of the temple
Giving all things back
Daughter of Babylon, The
Those people who study the stars