Genesis 1:21
- Fish and Animals (Genesis 1:20-25; 2:19; Psalms 104:25f.)
- The Universe of Concentric Circles (Genesis 1)
Creation, The: Beasts of the field and Adam
Creation, The: Birds and fishes
Creation, The: Creation of the animals
Creation of birds and fishes, The
(133 pictures)
Related Topics:
104: God's Wisdom in the Creation
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
There is an old tradition of depicting the creation with a universe in concentric circles, in accordance with medieval and renaissance cosmology. When I have information to connect these artworks to a specific stage of the creation, they will sort under other subjects of the creation in addition to the current one.
Creation and the expulsion from the Paradise, The
Creation of the world
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
(17 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Genesis 4:22
- Cain in Nod (Genesis 4:16-24)
Cain is accidentally shot dead by an arrow of the blind Lamech
Lamech and his two wiwes
Lamech and his two wiwes
Cain builds city of Enoch
Genesis 9:15-16
- Altar, Sacrifice, and Covenant (Genesis 8:20-9:17)
Noah's sacrifice
Noah and the rainbow, "The covenant" *
My covenant is eternal
Noah's thanksgiving sacrifice
Genesis 24:10
- Eliezer and Rebekah (Genesis 24:1-61)
Rebekah offers Eliezer a drink from her pitcher
Rebekah waters the camels
Abraham's servant meets Rebekah
Rebekah at the well